> be soulsborne
> have best OST out of any video game series
I find it hard to concentrate on the soundtrack since I'm focusing on the bosses so much
don't have time to listen to music when fighting Ludwig or Kos for example
kek imagine living in a reality where halo doesn't exist
wrote a post about this a few years ago
the only games with great music are DeS and DaS because of their uniqueness and skill at setting a mood for the experience.
the rest of the games just have generic epic music that is uninspiring and generic.
I don't know, they all just sound like they're fucking their instruments. Demon's Souls had some memorable harmonics, Bloodborne had a couple of decent tunes, for the rest it's just a decent hub song, ending song and otherwise angrily sticking your dick in a cello.
Only one with good music is actually DaS1 because it was fully made by Motoi Sakuraba.
2 had some nice tracks (Majula theme is one of the most beautiful songs in videogames) but generally doesn't have much music at all.
Bloodborne and DaS3 were boring, orchestral and ironically soulless stuff.
You know how to realize when a OST is good? Remember more than 10 songs by memory, by the time the game ends. I bet you can't hum more than 1 Bloodborne songs.
I do agree the best genre for videogames music would be JRPG (Nobuo Uematsu and Yasunori Mitsuda are #1 composers) but this new trend of atmospheric/orchestral forgettable music sucks.
>t. person who listens to videogames music almost exclusively
lol Souls series has some of the least memorable and uninspired music out there
Imagine having such pleb taste that you think something is automatically good because it uses a symphony
can someone help me setup the filter for tripcodes? For some reason it's not applying
>6 notes on a piano
truly, the best ost ever made.