Have you finished EVERY Megaman series Yea Forums?! please tell me i'm not the only one
Have you finished EVERY Megaman series Yea Forums?! please tell me i'm not the only one
classic and x are the only real series desu
>luna thread on Yea Forums
>many posts
>this thread
>only 2 replies
>Luna thread on Yea Forums
Fare the fuck well
Working on the X series currently.
not a luna thread just yet
Heck yeah son.
Right now I'm in the middle of collecting every game in the Battle Network series in the original release. Just need the alt copies of 4, 5 & 6
I've played a good chunk of most of them. just started zx yesterday. it's pretty fun
Only games I haven't played are BN2-6, Star Force and Legends. Playing through BN2 right now
As much as I love Megaman, I certainly haven't.
Only finished like half of them.
Finished all mainline games and spin-offs except Xtreme 2
Finished 1 and 2, but not Tron Bonne
Finished all of them
Finished all mainline games except for 5, also finished a couple spin-offs such as NT and BCC.
Finished the first one, never even played Advent
Never played any of them
Depending on how you look at it, I've only finished one or two series.