Who do you like to play in Dead by Daylight?

Who do you like to play in Dead by Daylight?

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Jason Voorhees

I like playing as the unfair matchmaking that pits level 1 players against maxed out characters

Pretty much any killer is fun to play now except leatherface, trapper, and pig who all still desperately need buffs. Spirit's spirit beads need nerfed, and Nurse is still broken and stupidly overpowered 2 years later.

Best survivor will forever be dwight

I have not played in ages but I only ever played survivor in order to do missions. My jam was being killer.

Spirit, Clown, and Wraith mostly but I enjoyed pretty much all of them. I played on PS4 where absolutely nobody plays Nurse(she's impossible to play with a controller, even at Rank 1 you will never see anybody playing Nurse that isn't dogshit).

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>5 minute wait to enter Killer queue
>10 minutes waiting in lobby for survivors to join
>5 minute loading screen as the game tries to figure out somebody disconnected
>implying I'm playing anything in DbD

The Plague. That projectile vomit is too fun

Console fag

Where the fuck do you get gloves like that? They look overdesigned as hell

I'm guessing the same place where you buy hooded jackets with long belts of leather hanging off the back.


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The fuck? I find games in less than 60 seconds usually

When are we finally going to get alternate killer costumes?

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end yourself

Piggy just got two new outfits.

I love it when people jump into lockers to avoid his chainsaw attacks. I just nudge into it at the last second to go into frenzy and they always jump into it.

I left this game when the nurse was the newest killer and Trapper was top tier, what happened to make him shit?

>Piggy just got two new outfits
Well shit, that's good to hear. She's even a licensed one and everything

Maybe some day my dream of playing as the MTV ghost face will be realized

is the next toon going to be stranger things related?

Is the game fixed yet? last time I played it took 10+ minutes to find a match, to then get hit by an infinite loading screen.

>Is the game fixed yet?
The answer is always no.

Fuck you killers and fuck the Vietnamese

How long till the vidya-origin killer?

people learned how to look down

Nurse breaks the game, and spirit is balanced but has an addon that ruins the game

A skilled nurse is capable of removing every element of counterplay from the survivor side and there's nothing they can do about it. She's the only killer that can do that.

Until they balance survivor more I'm fine with her breaking the game. At red ranks you're forced to eat loss after loss or purposely derank if you don't play Nurse, or are a god tier baiting Billy.

I'm liking spirit and unironically liking nu-legion.

Even after the nerfs getting 3 DCs the second they see the bleedout timer is fucking funny.

It's literally happening on PC too, retard.

"The game is supposed to be frustrating."

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Not him, but I'm fine on PC. I even close the lobby if I see instantly 4 people joining because I know its a premade.

DBD is the only original multiplayer game I've played in a long time.

>hurdudr bubba 2 weak plis buf
Bubba is literally a better Billy without the mobility/pressure. Bubba is a better Myers in most circumstances as well.
Just because faggots like you cannot decide between using M1/chainsaw and then get dabbed on for not using charge addons doesn't mean Bubba's shit. Billy's shit too when you don't have charge addons.

You know they recently changed how lobbies work and you only get in when it has survivors ready to connect to you? 4 people joining in rapid succession doesn't always mean SWF any more.

There are still a lot of 4 mans tho.

Trapper, Mike, Bubba, Pig, Spirit, Girlfriend. NewFreddy is also really fun, and while I'm shit with him, Clown is based. For Survivors I play Dwight, David, and Meg

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Pigs are already rare, much less one willing to spend $10+ for one new outfit.

I'm not taking chances homie

>people learned how to look down
Traps aren't supposed to catch people who didn't see them, they're supposed to close off certain places so it's harder to escape from being chased
you're a fucking idiot

>I'm fine so no one else has problems
Yeah no it's my internet, my PC, my particular build of DbD and the version of Steam I am using that causes others to crash in the loading screen as well as get them myself.
I haven't played since late June, but even then I still had infinite loading screens happen. The game's devs are incapable of coding. It wasn't until fucking late May when they even addressed some of the loading screen issues. If I recall a patch in May made them less frequent, but they'd still happen.
If they hadn't pushed out the broken Legion DLC back in December this wouldn't have happened.

Are you implying that everybody else has problems, because you apparently do? Where's the review brigading? Where's Steam pulling the game because it's not working? Are you literally so autistic that you never grew out of your egocentrical phase as a 6 year old? Holy fuck.

That's fair enough. I'm chilling in green / yellow ranks so it's a 50/50 that they'll all swarm me trying to copy their favourite youtuber and the game ends in 30 seconds with all 4 in the basement or i get teabagged and flashlight clicked until i just give up and go cry in a corner.

Google infinite loading screens sped. It's been an issue for ages, hence why they keep mentioning it in patch notes.

>Are you implying that everybody else has problems, because you apparently do?
Literally everyone was complaining about the infinite loading screens throughout the first half of 2019. The only platform that I know of that didn't have them as frequently was XBox. If you play more than 2 hours a day and you never see a locked up loading screen or cancelled match you're simply lying.

your rank doesn't really determine who you get, unfortunately. you can be rank 20 and get matched against a rank 1 swf team. happened to me after I got late into the season multiple times

This happens more when one is a very low rank. It seems to just use the average of all of them rather than basing it on the highest rank which would be a lot more fair.

>Survivors keep camping the pallets
It's really annoying dealing with it when you don't have a projectile attack

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Whether a killer's power helps them in a chase or not decides if they are good now. Trapper can block of some good loops, but he lacks any presence since he has to go around placing traps or an ability that helps in the chase if he can't kite the survivor into a trap, and most have decent enough game sense to notice traps or guess where traps will be.

Nurse is literally all mind games and getting into a survivor's head on how they will try to juke. She also basically bypasses every single feature of a normal chase and can have some of the shortest chases of any no-one hit down killers.

I remember her being super difficult to use though

I really like The Huntress because her hatchet makes dealing with Pallet campers easy.

You need to have invested into her for Nurse to be good. There's plenty of people that say she's OP, but if you don't have any of the blink upgrades she's garbage, even if you can catch them with your ability.


Somebody recommend me a tier 1 myers build. I wanna make survivors shit themselves and i've run out of the silent haunting spirit addon.

First, please stop using this term.
Second, yeah, let's add a toon killer!

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Never respect pallets, especially if they are just standing under the pallet. At best you smack them through the pallet, at worst you make them waste the loop. Waste enough loops and you make a dead zone where they can't die. It's especially good to force them to waste really good pallets like cow tree or shack pallet, or pallets nearby gens. Even when being looped it tends to be good to never respect pallets.

yeah I keep finding myself getting distracted by looping pallet dudes which leaves the generators open

legion, leatherface at lower ranks, ghostface, trapper, pig, old freddy, and mike are pretty fun
the others range from not fun for being not fun and not fun for being super underpowered

Monitor and Abuse
Play With Your Food

Scratched Mirror
Boyfriend's Letter
Lery's Offering

>play Spirit
>chase survivor to pallet
>both stop and stare longingly into each other's eyes

Post shards, plebs.

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Don't be afraid to break a chase if you notice some people on gens nearby, tunnel vision is bad in this game. I've seen many a killer be looped right in front of me while I work on a gen unmolested. Especially if its 2 or 3 working on a gen it's best to scatter them to waste time.

I can't play killer anymore because it's embarrassing.

I'm of about average skill, usually kill 3/4, but once or twice I'll get none of them and jeered relentlessly. It really kills my buzz.

Anyone else find playing as Survivor really boring?

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>decide to give DbD another go despite the fact it's shit and a broken piece of shit game
>put on Ruin and my first match is a bunch of legit rank 18s
>put off Ruin for the next match and get rank 15 SWF who dab at my in voice comms
It's not fair.

Nobody, stopped playing when they were banning killers for hook camping, continued to buff survivors, and added a fucking "report killer" option.

How long ago was that last part added?

Huntress is my favorite. Best girl always
Maybe I'll play this game more when they give back a few pallets so you don't run out in the first 2 minutes of the game, since I mainly only play survivor duos with my friend.

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They never banned anybody for that, it's just salty players making up shit.

Every match I play I just hook camp the first person. Then all the others try to distract me to free their buddy or they try to free them after opening the exit. Usually I just down 1-2 more people on their attempts, sometimes I just down all 4. I do this every time and aside from every 2 games people writing salt on my profile I was never banned.

Yes. Especially after playing Deathgarden.

It's lonely at the top

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I feel this.

Nothing worse than being bullied by survivors

I don't know if this has always been the case but you'll just struggle pip if you camp hooks now, it's counted as a negative towards the Chaser emblem.

I thought it was boring at first aswell, but after match 3 or 4 it somehow clicked for me.
I started to see the game as more of a stealth game, like the old Splintercell MP modes where you are trying to do everything to slow your enemies down while trying to complete objectives without alerting them or escaping from them once they notice you. Doesn't help that I get shit on when I'm playing as the killer since I fucking suck at it.

If you're within 16m and no other survivor is Chaser starts losing points.

Why would you ever want to rank up as killer when you'll only get more obnoxious games?

unironically freddy

I only play survivor. Makes me think of the old Splinter Cell multiplayer, playing as the spies.

I stopped seeing hook camping as a negative thing since if the rest of the players just say ''fuck it'' and run for the generators you sort of have to atleast slow them down as the killer. At that point it's easy for one of the others to notice unless they have the game sense of a blind paraplegic and free the guy on the hook if they havn't already killed themselves or managed to get down on their own.
Has anyone ever been banned for that shit? I've never seen anyone get banned in the game outside of obvious cheaters and players that spew enough salt to dry out the ocean.

You can't expect to get a decent emblem in any category if you're camping hooks.

Post killers you want them to add

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You just know they'd use the shitty new design if the added Chucky.

Not that they will, he'd require a new skeleton and animations and the frogs aren't fans of work.

They'd also need to model a step ladder or make tiny hooks and survivors would have to pretend they can't escape by themselves.

>Small and fast as fuck
>Entire design is based around Chucky running around the map at mach2 and being small enough to not be noticable until he fucks your face with his knife but counter balanced around having to hit players 3 times instead of 2.
I would play that

Why would you even care about your emblems at all? At the end of the day, what matters is if people want to play against you or not. And if they hate playing against you so much that they're willing to waste effort and time, then you're playing the game the correct way.


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>Break every pallet
>Now they can't pallet loop
It's especially good if you know you can kill them

Could just use the voodoo magic shit if they went for old chucky. Levitate them onto the hooks.

They buffed the minimum number of pallets by 10 a few patches ago, not that it matters since a decent survivor doesn't even need to drop pallets to loop for 60+ seconds anyway.

The Entity can kill survivors anywhere on the map. Skip the hook and have Chucky do voodoo summoning rituals instead.

Maniac cop

Frankly I'm surprised a similar concept hasn't already been put into play.

Obvious Picks:
>Chucky (Child's Play)
>Samara (The Ring)
>Kayako (The Grudge)

Less Obvious Picks:
>Tall Man (Phantasm)
>Wolfman (Classic Universal)
>One of the three from House of 1k Corpses
>Angela Baker (Sleepaway Camp)

Outside of that I'm not sure we even have many picks left. BEhaviour already said that they're not going to make any killers that weren't human at some point, so antagonists like The Thing, Xenomorph, Predator, Terminator, etc. are out.

Angela wouldn't really have a power though. Could make survivors vomit I guess but not much else.

>Angela wouldn't really have a power though.
She disrobes and blinds the survivors. Mori can be that she topples giant improbably large boiling pots onto Survivors.

Or throws beehives at them.

Curling iron up the snatch for the female survivors.

I don't own the game myself but when I play at a friends house I like the Babylonian princess, Wraith and the Hag.

How would the Tall Man work? His balls alone would be OP.

>Drop a sphere.
>Slowly patrols and area.
>If a survivor runs passed it it alerts the Tall Man.
>If they cause a loud noise it will chase them for a moment and attempt to hit them, before returning back to where it was.

Make him a 110 killer and he'd probably be pretty shit like every other 110 killer.

Let's flip this question around
As a survivor, who do you love to play against?

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>Launch Huntress
>Couldbalways dodge hatchets, even at pallets, simply by crouching.
>Huntress Now
>They always aim at the feet
Those were good times

Anyone that isn't Spirit, Nurse, or Billy, because most of the killers are awful.


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The asylum guy is always fun

I just started playing this game after putting 100+ hours in F13, and I'm having a great time. Love the progression and customization. It sucks getting a killer that is 1000+ hours experienced, but these horror games are still fun if you lose, imo.

That's why I love survivor. I see people constantly whine that the game is boring because all you do is generators, but that isn't the case, at least not for me. I'm spending most of the match playing a deadly game of hide and seek and that part is what's exhilarating for me along with all the suicide rescues. Then there's the times where you get caught and now it's fucking tag. The generator repair is just the fucking downtime between the other games going on.

As you get better you will quickly find that unless they are playing one of 3-4 killers then you absolutely have the advantage no matter how much they've played. It's at the point for me when I love to lose to someone whose not HIllbilly or Nurse because I love seeing that rare person whose just an animal with some random mid tier killer like Myers.


These guys are the only killers that still manage to give me a fucking jump scare when played well. I'm just working in a generator or turning the corner and there they fucking are starring at me, or in the Wraith's fucking case, silently and quickly uncloacking with those stupid add-ons.
My girlfriend won't play with me anymore because I keep screaming. Whenever I'm successfully spooked


>Dead by Daylight
>Not Friday The 13th


It's funny, watching him got me into the game. Now that I'm really good at it, I can't watch him anymore because I now see how often he's lying or making excuses because his ego can't handle losing.

I literally only play this game to farm hatemail from survivors. It's guaranteed replies if you play against purple or red rank survivors.

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>try this game
>briskly jog away from one player who's been awarded all the power
>occasionally have to do the world's most boring minigame
>if you're tagged you have to wait in place and tab out to Yea Forums until someone rescues you, this can take like 5 minutes
>conversely if you're the killer its not sporting at all, nobody can fight you, they can only run away
>apparently this game is growing and people enjoy it

What the fuck?

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literally me. i started watching him when I was thinking about getting the game—him and monto. now that I've put nearly 300 hours in as killer I can't watch either without wanting to kms

It's crazy man, I play so many games online. You get tons of shit in in game chat in most games but I never get messages on profile... unless I'm playing DBD. I don't know what it is about it that makes people so mad that they need to leave angry comments but I love it. I have a lovely little collection.

>I hate going against the doctor because everyone who plays him has 0 brain cells and some form of walnutty alzheimers, kinda like you.

I think that ones my favorite. Mostly the phrase "walnutty alzhermers" as an insult.

It's unironically the only game where hatemail is guaranteed. On PC I don't get as much hatemail as I do on console, since women and tumblrfags play on console.
I had one game where I was just minding my business as billy and getting people to fuck off from gens when I saw this one Claudette get cocky. I then tunnelled on him just for the fun of it. The other players came to help him since he was some red rank twitch streamer (on console lmfao) but I still killed him anyway. One survivor got away because I tunnelled him but I didn't give a shit, since I got my pips.

At first I thought he just made mistakes in the moment about whether or not someone was using dead hard but overtime he did it so much it became clear it was a coping mechanism. Also calling everything a crutch. The day I stopped watching him for good he was droning on about how easy flashlight blinds were to get and how they were a crutch. Later that day he goes to play survivor, a bunch of people tell him to use flashlight. "Oh no maybe if I find one in game" Finds one the first chest he searches and reluctantly agrees to use it. He then proceeds to attempt and miss 5 blinds while making excuses every time. Even his dick sucking chat was calling him out on calling it a crutch and then being unable to do it himself.

It's such a satisfying feeling to get the one fag that's been pissing you off all match. Even if the other three get away (especially if you still pip) it can feel more rewarding than a 4 kill.

Springtrap would be better.

>relevant game
>not completely dead game

Sounds like you sucked at it. A good survivor can literally run the killer around for an entire match if it's a low tier killer, regardless of how skilled the killer is. Arguably a good killer would switch targets but if the whole team is that good then you won't touch them playing someone like Trapper or Wraith unless you run really strong meta perk combos like endurance + spirit furry.

They have pretty much never taken inspiration or a killer from another video game and I always wondered if that was intentional. They almost seem to want to stick to non video game horror characters. As much as I don't ever want this, I've seen people suggest Pyramid Head pretty much since Myers came out and they've never acknowledged it.

i like asymmetrical games. i prefer boardgames, but dbd is one of the more popular videogames of that genre

Yeah you might be right actually.

Can't really think of a good moveset for him though

>They almost seem to want to stick to non video game horror characters.
They've said several times that the goal is to stick to slasher icons. When The Pig released, it even caused a bit of a stir because she's not the typical slasher movie villain.

but her actress is hot so i was fine with it
id pork the pig

Well not only that, she's certainly the least well known out of all of them. Even if the saw movies are big, there are many people who have seen 3 or 4 of them and don't know who the pig is because she's not a central character or a part of the murders in all the movies. She feels like a desperate way to include Saw since everyone knew the puppet would never work as playable even if he's the real iconic "villain".

Ghostface is so fucking fun, even when I start to get dabbed on, it's still enjoyable to just be Ghostface.
Once you learn his audio range (which is admittedly silly), it's easy as sin to reveal Survivors and get at least half a bar before they notice you poking out from a nearby ruin or rock.

Dude, I never thought a multiplayer game could spook me, but whenever I'm just chilling and I catch Myers standing there staring at me, or Ghostface peeking from a corner, it legit freaks me out.

Lots of people also wanted John Kramer instead of Amanda.

Maybe licensing movie characters is easier to deal with? It certainly opens up more gameplay creativity since none of them have an established videogame franchise that they have to pull abilities from.
It would be hella cool if we got a Resident Evil crossover of some sort.

I actually got a Gen pull the other day cause the Survivors didn't hear my ribbons whooshing over the sound of their 70-something% Generator (and I was crouched). It was delightful watching the other 2 scatter like mice when the cat shows up.


Mother of god

Kramer wouldn't go around with a knife slashing people. Amanda already breaks the rules and murdered in cold blood, if it were anyone other than Amanda it would have to be Hoffman because he's the only other one that straight up stabs people. And Dr. Gordon is a gimp.

I was thinking of a big game hunter killer who would shoot at survivors.
To make him not OP he cannot melee, has to take 2 seconds to shoulder the gun, you can see where he is aiming due to a red laser sight and breaking line of sight would stop him from hitting you.
Mori would either be shooting them in the mouth with the gun or cutting off their head with a bowie knife.

>TFW you were the only who played SAW the Video Game

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>hear about dod, sounds like fun
>impossible to get a game as killer
>survivor might be fun too haha
>90% looking at generators, 10% running away
such fun

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>Break every pallet
>You waste so much time while other 3 survivors are working gens
>2 or 3 gens already finished after you down 1 survivor
>Also Hex Ruin doesn't do jackshit because it always spawn at near gens

Genrush in nutshell

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So kinda like the Hunter from Jumanji?

Will it run properly on a modern PC?

They didn't do anything to him, that's all

People just learned how to work around Trapper now and that makes him nearly unplayable.
Where Hag can just draw her traps and they're even hard to see sometimes and Pig already has her traps with her, Trapper needs to go out of his way to gather his traps and then place them everywhere and while doing this the survivors would have already gotten 2 gens done
And to make this already clearly basic and outdated killer worse is that you can have one person going around setting off traps everywhere while you get looped. You're basically getting thrown around like a damn child while everyone does circles around you.

It's not fun to play as Trapper and thats why you never see them beyond a certain rank

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Fun Killer
Best Map

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They need to have him start with all his traps and maybe make their set time faster.
Although I still fucking hate playing as trapper because he's the only killer where I completely change my playstyle.

They should add the T-1000. His power is that he can pose as a wounded survivor.

Also Hillbilly and the jap with the sword is fucking broken and only cunts play them

I feel like i'm the only one who plays best girl

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Anti fun bitch


I might as well run No Mither.

it's more frustrating then fun when your time playing each round is based on how much a of a faggot the killer wants to be to facecamp you and how retarded and selfish your teammates are to let you die or use you as bait so they can also die 2 minutes later

>Die on hook because a survivor thought I was useless
>he's the last one alive and could very well get the hatch but he wants to loop this Trapper
>During a loop the trapper sets an obvious trap in the open, the survivor should know where it is
>Ends up getting trapped and dies on the hook
>Tries to brag and blame anything other then himself

This game really does punish you for being a dumbass

Post game chat is the worst and best thing to happen to this game

You ever seen how brutal a pissed-off alpha male Chimpanzee can be? That shit would be rad. Doesn't even need any super-natural powers, just a regular angry as shit chimp leaping from tree to tree, howling and screaming as it pounces on someone and starts ripping them limb from limb.

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Not a chimpanzee, but I got the movie franchise for the occasion.

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They show when host disconnects but never when the survivors do. I wonder why.

>Wasting all that time and money on a CGI trailer when they literally could've done it in real life.

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I don't think you understand how much even a single day of shooting costs. CGI costs pennies in comparison.


The noise in the background

>stranger things

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>Weebs from germany
Why the fuck are there so many of them on this game


I wish her vomit wasn't green, it looks too comical.

>So what's the problem?

I want to see this duo of killers

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I would laugh if Jason ever managed to get in.

It was a mixture of people learning to work around traps and hook saves being patched to work from any angle rather than the singular one you can trap which made trapper busted.

Bubba has nothing. His ability to saw down multiple survivors barely ever comes into play and he’s just a worse Hillbilly in a chase. He literally wastes his own time when downing people with the chainsaw because he has to keep swinging.



soon for the male killers

It’s why those shitters in /vg/ encourages basement camping so much
It’s all he’s good at

Hey, fuck you.
We don't encourage that shit, fucking Youtube personalities do.
Fucking dramacunt.

David king - Trash players
Claudette - Try hard niggers
Dwight - Cowards

About right?

Always a fucking cunt to other Survivors.

where does meg and nea fit in?

And mommy jane?

Uber Chad

What's your opinion on us Tapp players?

Meg, usually the fucking pleb unsafe hooker cunt. fuck megs.

Ultra based my nigga

I’ve seen arguments over there where killers will defend basement camping to hell and back
The only reason you spend your shards on Bubba is so you can get BBQ and use it on a better killer
The only dramacunts are those /vg/ shitters for trying to one up the other with even less valid shitposting

post your fashion

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>shards on Bubba
Confirmed for not having played the game.

>implying people waste their time with Bubba after getting BBQ


why is laurie strode the best character in the game

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Any decent youtubers for this game? Don't want to watch shitters or screeching memesters.

truetalent is ok, Bit of a faggot though

At this point I just watch based Monto dunk on fuck boi survivors

>TFW no T-800 Killer
Imagine being Arnold...

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Dwights - Newbies
Jakes - Lone Jackasses
Megs - Cunts
Claudette- Nigger Cunts
Bills - Bros
Lauries - Backstabbing Cunts (and I'm not referring to DS)
Kings - Hook Swarming Motherfuckers
Tapps - Based
Mins - Waifu Worshippers
Perkless Pizza Dwight - God Tier Players

im new so maybe im doing something wrong but as i've played 5 games of killer so far i have 2 questions
>why am i being matched with 4 survivors with purple perks, yellow medkit/toolboxes with addons as a retard with one green perk and a brown addon
>why are survivors unhappy with you no matter what happens?
honestly, i've lost games where the survivors are mad. If i hunt someone down im 'tunneling' if i defend a hook from an obvious instant unhook attempt i'm 'camping' , if i run from gen to gen knocking people down i just get gen rushed

They have the new robot in their other game. wish they add to DBD already

i like Otz. He doesn't really scream all that much and he's pretty informative. Whenever i've looked at his stream and asked him to explain a perk/build to me or a general concept he pretty much has every time

>why am i being matched with
Because matchmaking is decided solely on rank and general connection quality. You'll be thrown in against 4 Survivors whose average rank is +/- 2 to yours (skewed slightly at ranks 20 and 1).
I.E. if you're Rank 10, you'll almost always face a party of Survivors with an average Rank of 10, but that may have a Rank 5 and a Rank 15 alongside an 11 and a 9.
Ranks reset every month (not all the way down to 20, but most of the way down), so newbies will always be facing pros one way or another. As you improve, it becomes way less of a problem and you just get used to it cause now you have the good shit too.
Survivors are entitled shits who don't see the Killer as a Killer, he's a Blood Point dispenser. This is ESPECIALLY bad at rank 20 and ranks 2-5, where the biggest cancers are. Just ignore them and play any way you want. The only courtesy I give Survivors is when I crush them or the match is clearly being really shitty for them (Survivors unhooking a poor fuck right in front of me repeatedly [this is called farming a Survivor], total retard trying and grossly failing to loop me, multiple leavers, etc.), I'll tend to be nice to that Survivor, but this is just personal preference. You're a fucking murderer, what do you care that the people you killed say?
That said, I have some tips for you as well.
>Play some Survivor too
Play both sides and learn how other people play both sides.
If you haven't, go do them.
>Stay a While and Watch
When you die as a Survivor, you get to spectate the remaining Survivors, use this time to watch and learn as well. In time, you'll improve.
>Check loadouts
See what people are running and figure out why they might do that and how you could use it. For Killer loadouts, you have to wait until everyone is dead or escape to see them as a Survivor.

Why do DBDfags just call Leatherface Bubba?

Alright, who has the add on who fucks you off the most. Infinite evil within is defintely number 1 for me

Nobody plays Jake
Immersed piece of shit that will do fuck all of importance, opting to crouch around the whole map five times.
Tries to be good at running the killer around, isn't, if you get them down there's a 90% chance of them disconnecting
They watched a Noob3 video and thought "hey i want to be a total faggot too!"
>Feng Min
Weeaboo waifu shitters
Their favorite thing to do is DC.
Absolute chads
Kind of retarded, but a cute kind of retarded.
Cool guys.
Actually the most toxic players in the game
Will DC if they get found first and can't use their Deliverance
Selfless teammate.
UGH THICC knuckledraggers
Worst players in the game, almost as bad as Davids but it's Ash Williams so I'll give a point there.

>unironically using the word toxic
Reddit is that way, friend.

>Absolute chads
Thank you!

Former killer main turned survivor main
Don't listen to whiny survivors. They get what they deserve. Do whatever you find fun or necessary to satisfy you. I cant tell you the amount of times I joined a game as a solo player and the survivors bitch and moan in the post game lobby about the killer or belittle and insult him just for doing his objective.im always on the killer side in these disputes because survivor babies are fucking entitled.

Because that was Leatherface' first name in the movies.

i just had my first game vs a nurse ever.
i have no perks
she had ruin, Nurses calling, NOED, thanataphobia and spencers last breath

what the fuck do you unironically do against that? i spent the entire game looking for hex and i couldnt find it

I stopped playing because of this.

>Bubba is literally a better Billy

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>Nurse with Ruin and NOED
You do nothing but laugh at the fact that said Nurse sucks so much cock at the game they need two safety nets on the most broken killer in the game.

>Cool Guy
Thank you user.

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pretty much felt like it.
i know im shit at the game and thats why i lose chases, but vs spirit and nurse i literally feel like theres nothing i could have done better, i just was going to get fucking killed

also i've spent every bloodpoint i've earned on levelling cannibal to 35 for BBQ - do i spam level up hag for ruin yet or should i actually get some survivor perks

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Christ, he should have blasted that old faggot as soon as he stepped off the lift.


>conversely if you're the killer its not sporting at all
This statement is correct. That you think its bias towards the killer then you're actually an idiot or haven't played the game beyond rank 20.

I second tru3. He's pretty chill.

>best survivor
>not ash
Kiss my grits

Spirit is bullshit because she gets free no brain mind games and if she hits you there's fuck all you can do to avoid her in a chase. Unless you have Iron Will. Nurse is annoying because she ignores the mechanics of the game, there's nothing you can do against a good Nurse.

>also i've spent every bloodpoint i've earned on levelling cannibal to 35 for BBQ - do i spam level up hag for ruin yet or should i actually get some survivor perks
Do you like playing survivor? Because if you do, get some survivor perks. If not, Killer is a much better investment of your bloodpoints because Killers earn more BP per match when compared to survivors. So I'd say go for Ruin in that case.

I unironically love this game. Just replayed it.

Yes, but you can't buy it digitally anymore. Might have to pirate unless you get a disc.

i kinda like playing both so wanna leave my options open
idk who to level first though. bond seems really nice, but so do megs perks
also funny story
>last game me and one other chick finish last gen
>i run the killer around and get killed so she can escape
>she sits teabagging the door until he shows up, he's letting her go
>she runs right up to his face because shes full hp - he hits her, has noed and sacrifices her

dumb bitch

>join match
>400+ ping
>too late to leave because you readied up before the ping counter appeared

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I know Ft13 is a thing, but is there a reason why Jason isn't in DbD yet beyond licensing? Or is it entirely that?

wanted to buy this during the sale, but it looks like you have to play and grind a lot to stand any chance at having fun. also freddy apparently is the worst character in the game so that was a downer too.

they almost certainly have exclusive rights

considering licensing lawsuits killed that game, yes
>guy makes first movie
>sues everyone else for using jason even when jason isn't even in it beyond the stinger
guy's a cunt.

Besides the disconnecting part, your absolutely right, I fucking suck at looping. Unless its the shack, then I can loop for days.

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I have this in my library from PS Plus
Is a newfag at a complete diasdvantage and shouldn't bother?
And is this another case of the console versions of a MP game are cucked 7+ month behind dogshit compared to PC?

Self care and balanced landing are two must have survivor meta perks you get ASAP. Other shit that's good to have are sprint brust, urban immersion, and adrenaline.

>tfw Evil Dead didn't get a proper update with the cabin as a map and Henrietta as a killer

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Perks just slightly help you. They're not going to suddenly make you stand a chance or be better than others.

my wife KATE

>endgame, last survivor
>stomp the hatch and see him run over
>have time to rev up chainsaw and hit him with it
>game ends and he supposedly jumped through the hatch

i'd believe it was lag if there wasnt genuinely like a 7 second gap


isnt that an item?
it didnt show up on his items or add ons
also what the fuck kind of item is that

Nice Fiddler exploit, prepare for the ban next patch.

i disagree with your points about ash and jane
i have no strong feelings on ash players but jane players are by far the worst. just fucking idiots that have absolutely no sense of what to do. i have never seen a single good jane romero player. are they all just retarded fat girls or something? they are unanimously completely terrible.

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I usually just play survivor, but when I do play killer I like Michael a lot.

quit playing until they fix the bloodweb grind
>9000000000000 bloodpoints to get a single character to 50 and unlock all perks
yeah, nah

Hitting 50 is only like 1.5-2 million Blood.

It wouldn't show up because he used it.
The key has always been in place since day one. It opens the hatch for the survivor as long as conditions are met.

then you level up the bloodweb another 150 times to get all perks. better hope the perks you want show up early

Let's say 2 million Blood to hit level 50, which gets you (3 base Perks) and another 46 out of (For Killers, also 49 if it's Prestiged) 180 total Perk points. You also get 2 per Tree so you get to choose the better option.
Capping is only another 5 million Blood or so.

i've been playing for 10 hours and have the cannibal almost fully done.
thats not that unreasonable, especially since im shit and will be able to get them more efficiently once good

Hip to be square is his terror radius music.

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thats because you have nothing to unlock. if you own the entire roster, have fun trying to catch up. level to 50, then realise you have none of the perks you want and theres a pool of 200ish total to grind your way through

ok drone, calm down. the grind is shit and the only reason there isn't a bigger noise about it is because most new players give up by 100 hours or play hella casually. game is supported by 5,000 hour autists playing from beta

>spent so much BP on leveling my jeff
>way past 50 but i don't know exactly how much
>getting down to where its only the really shit perks like slippery meat and no mither left
>self care 1 has still not appeared

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>business card as an offering to go to his map

>the grind is shit
I never said the grind was good, only that you were hyperinflating how bad it was.
And it used to be worse.

It took 50 years, but I finally got a prestige 3 maxed out Tapp. Every single perk in the game maxed out.

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If you like playing Freddy, may I interest you in the Friday the 13th pinball machine?

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>And it used to be worse.
you are a literal drone. stop posting.

Is that annoying bug still in the game? The one that prioritizes higher tiebrown's. appearing on the Bloodweb over browns. Getting shit like Sabotage was impossible early on.

You don't know what a shift key is.
Cease posting.

>cheated in BP when it was still possible and got everything on most of my mains
sucks for newer killers though, still haven't got enduring or brutal strength on ghost face and its been 100+ webs

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damn thatd be kino

Have about 60-70 hours, and still dont have any teachable perks, besides Meg's perks, and one of Nea's. I know I suck at the game and all, but nothing makes me wanna quit more than joining a game, getting fucking obliterated, getting no BP, then finding out the killer is running,
>Nurse's Calling
>Hex: Ruin
It really get just makes me wanna give up when I get paired up with people who have 500+ hours in the game, who are winning because of busted perks.
No perk lobbies when?

get used to it because thats the game :^)
start grinding and maybe this time next year you will have the perks you want

This game is terrible why do you guys like it? Is it because it has licensed characters?

My advice to newcomers is to don't bother getting prestige. The new cosmetic system made this entirely pointless.

Except on Killers that won't ever get Cosmetics, like Bubba.
Freddy has a chance since they okayed a Rework.

nah they confirmed he's getting nothing
bubba at least has the survivor masks, freddy has his Prestige and nothing else

they don't have the Scream license, just that specific mask so we are probably never getting the mask from the tv show

didn't play in a long time got back and i am playing spirit since she had a cute school outfit
shit is pretty fun
any recommendations?
survivors tend to be really mad is that normal?

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Ghostface is also really fun in my opinion.
Survivors will ALWAYS be mad.

>survivors bitch and get every killer after spirit nerfed
>bitch that everyone is playing the same meta killers
I mean what do they expect?

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This game's so fucking annoying as a killer. Survivors have such a massive advantage it isn't even funny and unless you're playing the Nurse who has no counterplay there's legit NOTHING you can do against a skilled survivor that can loop you for ages while the rest does generators. The best decision in situations like this is to drop the chase and hope to find someone else who's a worse player. This is garbage design. The worst feeling is when you finally catch up to a guy you've been chasing for 2 minutes they use adrenaline/deadhard to waste even more of your precious time. Playing a non-top tier killer feels like being a shitty AI for the survivors.

its also really cool that when killers have an exploit they're warned and banned if they use it but survivor exploits are just quietly patched with no bans
fuck anyone who is using the Sprint Burst bug or used the wake up exploit

That doesn't make any sense since the only memorable license characters for the survivor side are Ash and Bill, one of them isn't even in the console releases. All the cool ones are on the Killer side who make a significantly smaller amount of the player poolbase.

as far as im concerned
removing NOED and Adrenaline would only benefit the game
there is absolutely nothing fun about outplaying the killer all game, then he finds you one time doing the exit gate and hits you once and you lose
on the flipside, there is nothing fun about trying to mop people up as a killer and then a gen pops and they're all running around full hp again

I think slowing down the game or giving survivors more objectives would be helpful too, playing without hex ruin makes the game go by too fast

i like noed since survivors tend to stay on the exit and not leave after opening the gates

Jane, Feng, Meg
Trapper, Spirit, Plague

This directly nerfs killers though, as NOED is a direct counter against Adrenaline. Survivors can just work bones and be fine, most of the time they're fucking stupid and don't do it.
With my luck, my NOED is ALWAYS next to a fucking exit too.

how do you even play as her?
i can't kill anyone since i suck and her vomit only do damage after drinking it back

>Puke on survivors with a full charge of vomit to knock them down one damage level
>Hit them
Nigger how is that hard to understand.

vile effectiveness add-ons and puke until broken
or corrupt add-ons and be huntress with a fucking howitzer instead of throwing axes

its a clumsy solution to the problem imo

Why is Spirit so much fun killerbros?
>Chase survivor to pallet
>Literally just stand still
>They hop back over pallet
>Grab them by their throat
>They DC

>Patrolling map
>See survivor out of corner of your eye trying to be sneaky breeki
>Phase over and slash them, can tell they panic because they run right into a wall ling enough for you to slash them again
>They DC

>Run amulet/beads
>Snatching survivors off gens left and right

>Run beads/amulet/NOED
>Survivors open the gate and fuck around at the exit gates by teabagging
>One shot at least one cunt and hook him
>His buddies leave him
>He DCs

NOED should be a built in system on the killer side that's still tied to totems. The more dull totems, the stronger it is. This gives incentive to getting rid of totems and survivors not just straight rushing the gen while also giving killer more time during the early game and the possibility of staging a comeback at the end.

>remove NOED
So killers can't just remove all the fun from the match instantly.
>remove Adrenaline
So survivors cant revert all the killer's work, and making repairing the last Gen when injured more dangerous
>remove Ruin
So new players don't get annihilated because 90% of the time they're to scared to do gens when Ruin is up
>remove Decisive Strike
So killers don't get jewed out of a hook, probably, after chasing the survivor for the past 2 minutes
>Increase Gen repair by 40-50 seconds
To help mitigate Ruin being gone

I feel like this is all pluses

All of this only benefits survivors, at Rank 1 most of this is moot for survivors and detrimental to killers

>removing Adrenaline and Decisive Strike and increasing the amount of time needed to repair each Generator by over 30 seconds

I like playing the sloppy hit detection that invalidates the entire point of the game.

Friday the 13th is dozens of times more kino than Dead By Daylight could ever hope to be

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that would be retarded, there's no way to stop your teammates from doing gens or check to see how many totems have been grabbed.

The game would be so much better if Killer perks were locked to specific killers.Unfortunately, it is how the devs keep killer players buying DLCs so as to teach broken ass OP perks to other killers which make the already OP perks even more broken with a different killer's kit.

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DS would be fine if it was 30 seconds after unhook and not 60
also they already increased the gen work times twice, they should really get a secondary objective outside of totems to increase the amount of time in a game
F13 got fucked out of future updates by the lawsuit unfortunately

Any survivor worth the time doesn't give a fuck about Ruin, and since the nerf, decisive strike is only barely a perk worth running. Decreasing the amount of time to repair a gen by that much is brainlet tier and would destroy killers at higher ranks. A better solution would be to run killers with similarly leveled survivors instead of strictly ranks so that they'll be on an even playing field in terms of how far in the blood web they are.

Can I how some examples of how this helps survivors more?

His saw and optimism, gone.
This will forever be a fact.

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I just can't stealth at all in this game, seems like I could be hiding in a dark corner in a random section of the map and a killer will spot me from miles away

>obsession keeps teabagging the entire match
>gates open
>ignore everyone else and hit's the obsession
>he complains at the end
even her kinda meh perks are great

>Decreasing the amount of time
Your reading comprehension is absolutely fucking incredible.

Its call Cheat Engine.

Literally takes about 1 hour of giving yourself BP to prestige 3 a character and unlock all perks that you can get.

>thought that now I got cannibal to 35 and bought the orange perk I could use it on any killer
>have to fucking find it in their bloodweb aswell

Fuuuuuuuck me
Do they show up from early levels or 35+?

>Survivors don't care about Ruin
>In the same breath also say that decreasing the time needed to fix a Gen (implied because no Ruin + time increase is still faster than Ruin normally) isn't a problem even though they just said that they don't care about Ruin (implying always hit Greats, which would mean it'd still take longer if time increased)
Just ignore Bait dood.

She's Nurse but balanced

I actually like this idea alot.
>Matchmaking dependig on how far along in the Bloodweb you are
Never thought about that. Why aren't you working at Behavior?

They can show up on any Blood Web once you've gotten the Teachable.

they can show at any level after unlocking the problem is that is rng
i still have only lv 2 on my lv 40 spirit and i unlocked the perk when she was at 5

they can show up anytime
so you can either get it level 1 or be 500 webs in without it

Literally just throw a guy in a ghostface mask and have him creep around someone's house

>Tries to be good at running the killer around, isn't, if you get them down there's a 90% chance of them disconnecting
It's hilarious how true this is. I don't think I've seen a single Meg not d/c after faking her out at a pallet with a downed survivor.

Its literally all random.
Have fun spending 3 mil BP to find BBQ once.

The player base isn't big enough to support such matchmaking. Especially since Behavior is turning their focus to their new game.

>Remove NOED
If you get hit with NOED that's a punishment for not cleansing totems. That perk can be nullified before it even comes into play.
>Remove Adrenaline
This is a huge survivor nerd, I can admit that. I don't main survivor, but I don't advocate for making them weaker, killers just need gameplay buffs, not perk crutches.
>Remove Ruin
Ruin is absolutely necessary at higher ranks because survivors can blow through gens with high tier toolboxes with certain perks. I dont like it but that's how it is
>Remove Decisive Strike
Personally I thinks should be reverted but add the Exposed debuff so they cant do the aggravating DS/Instaheal bullshit
>Increase gen repair by 40-50 seconds
I think I read this wrong at first, if by increase they mean takes longer, then I'd go for 30 seconds at most

I'm honestly just watching her tits bounce. You can't let good jiggle physics go to waste in these trying and oppressive times.

Stealth game in F13 is absolutely shit so that's straight up a fucking lie

Ok now I’m much more upset about it
I thought eh it’s just grinding to 35, that’s not so bad
Jesus that’s aids

Personally I think ranks should be more of a personal thing, just to show how good you are. If you really wanted to fix matchmaking, you could have survivors/killers matched within 10 levels of whatever character they're running, I.E.
1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50+ so that rank 20 survivors arent fucking paired against a level 50 nurse because it sucks all the fun out of the game for both sides. As killer main, it's boring as fuck playing against potato tier survivors with baby perks.

well i didn't have much problems finding it but i also don't mind leveling other killers to 40 since i want their perks
but since it's rng it can be a bitch

>muh stealth
AJ can completely stealth Jason especially with stealth perks you tard baby.

Um mettle of man and self care say hello.
>d strike is nerfed because it turned any usual 2 hit chase into a 3 hit chase
>then add a perk that does that same shit just more cuck feeling
To the frogs credit they did nerf it fast but it still kinda sucks.

That's why I focused on the good shit first, and kept auxillary boogeymen in the lvl15 corner


Jane is for my dick.

I thought he only has the rights to the Voorhees name, the title of the movie, and bag Jason or some shit?

why? your buddies can talk on any voice program that you might already use.

Hey Anons, does you else get a bit of anxiety when playing killer?

I agree, add voice chat talk to activate within the game and proximity based so the killer can hear survivors talking.

>One character has a better dice roll than the rest of the cast so stealth is good!
Not to mention the fact that all Jason has to do to counter her superior dice roll is to just to untrigger sense and activate it again.

Pyramid Head would be dope, no joke, but good luck getting those Konami jews to give him up.

I'm more stressed playing killer than Survivor. I know as Survivor I'm and I mean me personally not all players in general am probably going to get fucked so whatever. Killer is based on if I'm a shitter or not.

>be me
>taffer as fuck with Nea's speed crouch
>dabbing on the killer with their poor FOV as you JUST barely slide out of vision like a ninja
>they completely miss you from close and you see them disappear in the distance
is there a better feel?

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Problem with plague is that she's just an M1 killer for 80% of the game. Nobody ever fucking cleanses so you still get looped like crazy.

Kaz put your trip back on.

fuck that actually sounds nice
but i think they do more movies slashers and even if he was in that movie i don't think people think about slashers when you say pyramid head

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Bruh I'd kill to have Pyramid Head.

Neither of those perks are going to save you if you're already shit. You can't self-care if you cant get away to begin with and mettle/ds isn't going to save you either if you're already terrible. New players should focus on learning map layouts, and killer abilities. Perks should be the last thing on their mind.

No, guy is well within his rights to get money. The cunt in this is Cunningham who doesn't want to pay him and is the reason this whole mess screwed updates and the future of the franchise period.

My nigga

I've felt the same way. It bugs me though because I genuinely enjoy killer usually but I hate having that anxious feeling all the time while I play.

Is Freddy usable yet? Is Ash still nerfed into the dirt?

>selfless teammate

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Matt Cordell bros wwa?

Freddy's rework is alright if you run the right addon. His dream snare is useless but the dream pallets are OP as fuck and make Freddy viable now. Plus no more wasting time putting survivors to sleep.

Am I the only one who prefers old freddy? Putting people to sleep actually meant something. And classroom photo + Blue dress was hot.

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He's a literal slasher movie style stalking killer, in ANY incarnation.

That's kind of the point. You don't want to have someone spend 20 minutes hiding in a closet or under the bed. The real problem with the game seems to be the same with DbD, Jason needs some serious buffs because a majority of the counselors know the game inside out and make things seriously unfun.

Thanks for the constructive criticism. And yeah, alot of your points are great actually. I can only really disagree with the NOED point,
mostly because the only really efficient way to cleanse all the totems on the map is by having a Rainbow Map, and Small Game I guess. Its barely worth the perk slot at all.
Not saying you can't get all the totems without those to things, but holy shit, the amount of times I've thought that I've gotten all the totems, just to get NOED'd, because I missed the one totem hidden in the corner of the map, in a cubby, covered in tall grass. And this is with Small Game on to. But this is all sub rank 11-12, so no one gives a shit.
My point being that, the one survivor perk that can help find totems is shit, and the only EFFICIENT way to cleanse all totems is to have a ultra rare Map.

Why do Asians love DBD?

I always had trouble with Freddy one-word. I don't know how everyone managed to dodge him. Once he found me I could never escape.

You don't keep track of all the totems you've done? If I haven't visually confirmed all 5 are done, I always consider NOED in play.

Here's a bigger mystery. Why do so many girls play DBD?

Don't be a Meg, user.

Every killer but plague, leatherface, nurse and hillbilly

Slasher bfs

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Carrie when?

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I wish the ingame model was as cute as JLC was during her youth

Not playing the superior glitched killer with the torso of the nurse, the head of Myers and a chainsaw for feet.
video related

Also Zeb89 uber alles

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It was for me until I learned how to loop the fuck out of killers

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Oh, fuck! Michael has a crush on you and only the survivor you main can help you. How fucked are you?

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Shirtless Myers when?


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Don't talk shit about mah boi david

Go to bed Foxy

Is the game still survivor sided? Sucks that survivors get all these second chance perks while killers just have to deal with it.

thats why the player count is always shit low al the time while DBD is always a top game on twitch and has high player count

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>Use anal beads and another addon to help me cover more ground while using my power
>immediately zoom off at the start of a match
>see a chest pop open as I walk by
>turn off power and yoink a Kate off the chest

There's a 98% chance he shit himself, and I'll never forget it. Bless Spirit.

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Prayer Beads are legitimately the most broken add-on in the game cause they have no real downside.
Iridescent Head is a very close second since you need to also burn a Purple along with it just to be able to use it comfortably.

Can i ask you folks something?
what are the "Dick moves" in this game?
and how do i git gud with the piggy, everytime i place a trap on a survivor they just take it off by the first box and i get to do jackshit with them

Oh no, /assg/ is leaking.

Does Myers have the best killer trailer?

Video related

could make a case for Ghost face too, and even bubba, but not freddy, sadly he got shafted from a cool trailer

Traps are for wasting their time not killing them. It means they aren't doing gens.
Playing killer is weird because it feels like you are racing against a clock to hook as many survivors before gens are done and is ironically far more stressful then playing survivor. Overall Pig is not great but I love playing her anyways. RBTs are satisfying in the rare, rare event they pop off. Ambushes are fun but only really useful on certain maps, I usually win every match on The Game home-field advantage.

I run
Ruin - for increasing the "clock"
Sloppy Butcher - Same as Ruin with both these and the RBT I have enough time to hook all survivors three times. Not only winning the game but doing so in a way that gives full marks.
Surveillance - It's not top-tier but its useful for setting up ambushes and I like using the specific perks killers bring.
Haunted Grounds - Fucks up people when they are looking for the Ruin totem and exposed also helps with time by cutting chases in half. I swap it with Make Your Choice because as I said I like using killers specific perks and it also gives exposed.

I like to quasi-RP and give the last survivor the hatch if he escaped from an active RBT.

Attached: surveillance.png (932x525, 62K)

People being addicted to a competitive game is not the same as how fun and diverse F13 is.

The other chick is better


>Every objective is a reskinned generator but you need to find all the McGuffins before you even get the right to go through the QTEs
>McGuffins are hidden in cabins where you spend a majority of the time pressing E on a drawer or door only to find nothing 90% of the time
>Every Jason encounter ends with you dodging teleport and shift, there's no skill involved in the chase game
>Setting up traps or distractions are useless mechanics because Jason can just shift right through the door past the trap and grabbing you right as you start your jump out the window shtick
>Activating or failing any of the objectives immediately alerts Jason of your presence and he can drop what he's doing and be on top of you in a millisecond
>As Jason, pray that you don't find the AJ with a million pocket knives or a group that knows what they're doing and take turns beating the shit out of you while the Deborah and Vanessa either complete the objectives or grab the sweater to kill your ass
>Chad and his 10/10 fucking Stun Rate

Attached: Heh.png (239x200, 17K)

I dropped it after they nerfed ghost face. I dont want to be relegated to spirit and nurse when i want to play a serious game anymore.

Except Ghostface is still good.
He ain't Nurse, but he also never was.


He is no where near as good just on the fact that he cant extend exposed anymore. He could have been a clear 3rd after nurse and spirit if they left him alone from the beta.

>clear 3rd
>When Billy is better than Spirit
>When Huntress exists
Ghostface is also still just fine. Have you played him post "Nerf"?

Billy is no where near spirit, your insane.

Yes i have played him post nerf, and i dont know why you put that in quotes because it is a nerf.

Because you're acting like they dropped him to 90% Movement Speed or something. He's just fucking fine.

Maybe at green ranks he is "fine"

I think pig is underrated. Those trap do end up helping a lot if you dont get ass blasted by rng.

Literally the only DBD doujin that you can find.

I actually just had a round before where two people ended up dying by RBT. I wasn't even using jigsaw's sketch or tampered timer. Just completely normal traps at the green ranks.

Attached: [confused HUUUH].gif (805x540, 100K)

Thats really wierd, i cant even begin to understand how that happened.

Luckily one of the people who died was also streaming. After watching it he basically fucked around for the first half of the timer trying to unkhook and heal people. After that for whatever reason he skipped over the cage with the key in it to search the three other cages across the map. By the time he searched those three and realized the key was on the other side of the map he only had about 15 seconds left on the clock so he died. The second person died about a minute later, how that happened I got no fucking clue unless he just gave up.

There is another

Attached: 26.jpg (1280x1812, 505K)

Oh my god even Yea Forums is full of baby retard killers

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Yeah. Especially with that rendition of that theme. Is that a new version or is it taken from a soundtrack or some shit? It's more intense than the one in the film.

>Oh neat, somebody commented on my hat in time screenshot
>It's just somebody raging at me from a round in dbd

what the fuck, this is the only game where I get and will continue to get random hate comments on my profile

yeah nah you only need 2 blinks anymore and you get a free game

I dunno why, but I almost never find people mad at me when I'm Killer.
Once in a while, but they never leave Profile rage.

Even after spending like 1000+ hours on games like dota I'm still kinda amazed how weirdly antagonistic the playerbase is on dbd. Shit I don't get ranked anxiety on dota like how I do with dbd and I get it fucking bad on this game. But then again I'm a killer main so it comes with the territory.

Attached: 1563597819298.gif (180x180, 2.66M)

It's tough being a killer

Wtf can he really fly around the map like that?

That WEBM's about a year old, but yes.

stop playing freddy and itll be easier

Biy, you must the Drift Billy days

I started playing the game not so long ago and I got called a camper because I would be around a short distance the guy hooked am I doing this right or am I really suppose to be away from them also playing as the hillbilly is weird I cant control his chainsaw run that well

You are going to be called a camper no matter what, because survivors want free unhooks. If you even think another survivor is going to come for a save, patrolling in a radius around the hook is just good sense. Survivors are perpetually salty about being punished for misplays.

>Survivors are perpetually salty about being punished for misplays.
Just like in real life.

Who cares what those twerps think

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He’s chilled out a lot

What does Yea Forums think about the Dead By Daylight Parody series?

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the streamer

Attached: dbd.png (660x431, 90K)

Is that faggot still around? Also, I lived when they were trying to encourage DBD as an eSport and quickly abandoned that idea.

>Always wanted a Trapper or Billy Figure
>Get a Nendroid
Beggars cant be yadda yadda

Attached: FIGURE-050094.jpg (600x600, 80K)

selfcare isn't worth using, either find someone, bring a medkit or hammer out gens.

I don't know why people keep insisting it's a must have perk. It's a complete waste of time now.

>when you play hag and your mine field of traps gets tripped perfectly and you nothin personnel the remaining 3 people flawlessly

even though he's shit compared to most other killers, I also really enjoy leatherface. His fucking squealing/laughing never gets old

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Freddy has always been useable, you just had to not tunnel/chase the first person you slept.

Worth a chuckle, but nothing amazing.
I liked the Survivor Rules for Killers book part from the latest one.

idk, I see it on alot of survivors I go against/get paired with. Nothing makes me more mad then seeing some dumbass survivor self care in the corner doing nothing for 30+seconds.

>that kate doujin by the guy that draws all the gay porn will never be scanned

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at a higher level, survivors will adequately punish your camping by getting gens done. so even if you manage to camp that one survivor to death, they'll still get like 2-3 gens off of it. at garbage ranks this probably isn't as much of a problem, but it would be better to break the habit as early as you can. there's even less of a reason to camp on billy, considering he has the best mobility of any killer in the game, and can cross the map extremely fast.

Why did F13 fail? No meme answers. The game died before the lawsuit was ever a thing too so don't bring that up.

For most people, it just wasn't fun. It's fast-paced, but everything feels so fucking slow. Jason is a snail when not using movement abilities, you do shit incredibly slowly, and it all just feels like shit.

My honest theory is even though it was a lot funner than Dead by Daylight, it just didn't have a grind to keep people playing or any kind of rank system to achieve anything. It and Dead by Daylight are basically party games.


Nendroids are among the best figures you weirdo

Numerous reasons that can all be summed up to the game simply being janky as fuck. DBD has some jank too, especially during its early days, but it was nowhere near the level that F13 was. Performance issues, unresponsive controls due to every action being tied to a lengthy animation, glitches, bugs, serious network issues, a complete lack of game balance understanding or implementing mechanics that don't contribute to the overall game design. Take the whole door break thing. Players figured out a way around it so that they no longer get stunned by fire crackers, step into a trap, get set up for a stun, and just speed up the process in general. These were mechanics to give counselors just a bit more time, but now they have all been negated.The risk of barging in is no longer there and now all that's left is rewards Jason can just shift into the cabin and bypass everything. The common counter to this is "IT'S JASON! HE'S UNSTOPPABLE!", but anyone whose seen the last 30 minutes of any of the films would know that Jason gets fucked up against someone who knows he's there. Most of his kills were from stealth kills or cornering a victim in a situation they can't escape from. These oversights just lead to a poorly designed sluggish game that ultimately just wasn't fun after you sink in some hours. The concept is great and it can work, but it needs the technical and designed talent of a far better team. These same clowns are going to work on The Predator game and I don't trust them in the slightest to get that right. From what I heard, F13 was built entirely using Blueprints because there are no actual programmers on the team.

Shift, Sense, and Warp really ruined any sense of dread in the game. It's impossible for a scenario to ever go like this in the game unless the Jason player is an idiot or actually likes to toy with the counselors.
I wish Stalk was stronger, you could move bodies, and that Jason in general moved faster. Hell that Stamina system needs to be done with completely as it runs the pace of the game entirely. It's like they saw that Dark Souls was the trendy thing to do and copy the surface level mechanics without actually thinking how it would affect the gameplay.

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If there wasn't stamina jason would never ever catch any decent vanessa or tommy.

It's not that much easier unless you're 100+ hours into Nurse or play Billy/Spirit. Killers are weak in dbd, and they'll always be weak due to the way the game is designed.

The real problem was that you couldn't make an actual Friday the 13th game that was true to the source material that's also multiplayer versus without it also being completely un-fun for one of the parties (which is what they did.)
A true to the material piece either needs to be single-player as Jason killing AI (which they later did) or multi-player as the counselors dealing with an AI Jason.

I stand by my point. Remove stamina and rework the mechanics to make on foot chasing an actual thing instead of shift into telegrab. You should not be caught in the woods against Jason, that is a dangerous zone and his turf. Sneak between camps and take shelter in cabins.

Too many councilors for a single Jason, the maps were inherently more open but less interesting, and having a single killer that seems wimpy versus a ton of killers that can't really be fought has more replay value.

The player count for F13 is low because it's basically a zombie game trapped in legal hell that hasn't gotten any new content for a year, just occasional bug fixes. They literally can't add something as simple as new recolors even, it fucking sucks and this superior game is just going to die a slow death.

Grabs aren't even a problem in the game, just hit him out of shift or the better solution, travel with someone for easy grab saves.

Also you're idea would never work because A. stealth in these kind of games are boring and B. People stop being immersed and scared of the "big bad killer" after playing for a bit. It's more fun to interact with the other player then to run and hide from them.

Like how it's more fun to whoop jasons ass/kill him then it is to run and hide, or in the post prema rage update just run out the timer.

If F13 doesn't feel anything like an F13 film (and it doesn't no matter how much you fuckers claim it does) it's because it was never an F13 game. It was an original property with an original killer until they got the license for F13. They slapped a Jason skin over their killer who had their own set of abilities before Jason was ever on board and it shows. I will give credit where it's due, they did a nice job of recreating areas from the film, but that's about it. The game is sorely lacking in setting up suspenseful kills.

The game was dead and bleeding in player count before the lawsuit was a thing. The devs pushed out content and engine updates (that actually made the game run worse) that did nothing to revitalize the game long before the lawsuit hit. I have no idea why you fuckers keep pretending like the lawsuit is what killed the game and not the devs being completely incompetent.

>A. stealth in these kind of games are boring
Straight up fucking lie

Because they never really played the game.

Or just played it for that first month the game came out then never again.

I just wish the devs would fix combat again, I miss being able to cancel my swings into block. Also dumb that you can just sorta trade hits with jason as counselor. Like he can m1 you, but it doesn't matter because you got a wrench that will knock him on his ass and you can just heal and book it.

Ok, how is shitting in a bush fun? Stop "stealthing" around the killer and do the fucking objective.

It would have been leagues better with fewer players (1v3 perhaps) and an emphasis on building up over time. And obviously no Jason, having its own thing instead.
>You're being chased by a man possessed by a powerful being, you cannot hide from him, only flee
>If he finds you, use everything at your disposal to get away from him and escape
>Survivors start the game with full Health and limited resources
>They'll more than likely get injured by the Murderer early-on before they have lack the tools to keep him at bay while also finding the keys to the doors or other means of map traversal
>Late in the game, they'll be wounded most of the time (healing tools don't fully heal you, only a bit to keep you going, numb the pain, keep you from crying out)
>But they'll also have weapons that can deal with their foe and possibly even kill him and now it's a race to escape or get the drop on the bastard, not so much a "tables have turned" as a "we have a chance"

F13 just needs to not have those ridiculous long ass animations for every fucking action. It just makes the game feel sluggish as hell.

>overlook hotel as a new map

Attached: jack-torrance-jacket.jpg (1000x1000, 865K)

I'd play the fuck out of this if they include the maze

>remix of this track to fit with the dbd theme song youtube.com/watch?v=g_nsZ8yt1KA

The Skin Taker from the original Candle Cove creepypasta.

I wish everyone would get an original chase track

Based, none of these fags gonna know who this is
>beautiful life

What would his power be?

Not for the outside license killers

I couldn't get into Deathgarden. Does it get better? I played a few matches and it just felt kind of jank and uninteresting. I was surprised it had such good reviews.

Is there any footage of this game I can watch that isn't accompanied by awful faggot streamer garbage?

>break Ruin totem
>Killer disconnects
It's bad enough that survivors earn gimped BP compared to killers, but I can't even play a full game as one.


Nipnong funkos are decent. I wouldn't be too upset.

>after two survivors are hooked, a skill check has to be checked or else they get exposed and revealed

It's the stylization that bothers me for this character. I wanted something more on model. I have a couple of Nendroids so I know they're quality.