Thoughts on this game? It's kinda shit

thoughts on this game? It's kinda shit

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I thought I liked it more than I actually did because when I tried to load it back up for a replay I instantly became bored and turned it off and haven't touched it since

played it like 10 minutes and got bored, looked pretty i guess

Incredibly fucking overrated.

incredibly boring with a cool looking aesthetic which was the only thing drawing people in besides a sense of mystery that quickly went out the window when you realized that there's no story besides a few slides of Powerpoint

What do we think of their new game?

good game, good combat.
people on here sperged out because muh ess jay double yous

ayo didn't the guy that make this have problems with his heart n shit

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good game, nice sound design and soundtrack, nice visuals

contrarians will claim anything popular is shit because they have a defect in their brain

I agree with this post the most. It wasn’t a bad game but it was kind of bland outside of the aesthetic.

It's basically proto-Hollow Knight.

Incredibly shallow and bland indie game lauded because of MUH ATMOSPHERE and MUH ART.

I played this game for the aesthetic and it wasn't worth it. Only saving grace was some of the level design, but it's overall pretty boring. All this did was make me want a spiritual successor to Megaman Zero with the same aesthetic.

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Didn't Zoe Quinn do a bit of work on this game? Anyways, I don't really care that she worked on it because the game looks cool. It's in my backlog because I was never able to get into it.

>""""inspired by zelda and diablo""""
>ridiculously dull selection of weapons and skills
>puzzles are limited to "look for symbol on floor, find secret"
It's shit

If you want a game with similar but better combat, dungeons with puzzles and an actual story I'd reccomend Crosscode instead of this. I really haven't been able to play this after going through Cc
This trailer was hype as fuck. The whole advertisement of it was. It was supposed to be some kind of great, stylistic, Zelda clone, and it wasn't.

The entire story was lackluster.

Doesn't its author have terminal illness or something?
Wasn't he channeling that into the work?

it might be a little overrated in some circles, but I enjoyed my playthough immensely. The aesthetics and satisfying combat overcome the shallowness of the game overall

Good art
that's it

I don't get this meme about the combat being good. It was pretty banal.

>boring wide slash attack instead of requiring actual precision with your moves
>guns are meh, better to just run up and slash spam
>invincibility button/fell for the dash meme
>enemies/bosses are of low quality

boring, like that one recent indieshit game named after some autistic girl

Good for one playthrough. But the level design was very questionable at times.

it's shit.

I enjoyed it. Its fun.

not even gonna bother pirating it, looks shit

Great game, too much for scrubs.

I enjoyed playing through it but I also felt it was super shit in every aspect besides combat, and even still the combat is middling at best.
Weird feeling.
Story was the worst thing since people praised it for being unique but it is the most bland nothing ever.

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They have a new game? I thought the dev died?

It's great.

It was very meh, fuck the people who compared it to Hollow Knight and made me buy it.

I appreciate the combat, but running into walls being forced to find secrets to progress the story doesn't make any sense. That should be secondary content. Same complaint with Legend of Grimrock 2.

This basically. It was improved from the launch version a lot when there were no i-frames and a bunch of other problems, but in the end it just evolved from being bad to average and forgettable.