What does Mana taste like

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kool aid

blue raspberry

unsweetened tea. crushed herbs + water.

Spicy blueberry sports drink

c*nny juice

anime girls sweat

buuble gum

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i believe technically manna is quail meat so probably a lot like chicken

Curacao Syrup

i would drink it. Every day

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Like a genever dry martini.

Pineapple and semen

Milk and salty rupees

Wizard bathwater

Like NyQuil

Like water and mana.


Like ambrosia

Berries or carbonated soda of some sort


Blue powerade

Mana, obviously

blue. just like health tastes like red.

Like smurf cum

I subscribe to the notion that MP is mental focus. As such, items that restore MP are sweet. Mana potions probably taste like sugar water, with a hint of whatever ingredient was used to make it.

>user tasted semen

>he doesn't recycle his semen

Bags of sand

Health = really medicine-y, added sweeteners to help it go down easier
Mana = Cool and refreshing, has herbs that help calm the mind
Stamina = 5 hour energy

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Holy fucking based

Bags of sand

Fat old women armpits

It's blue so it tastes like water.

because mana restores can also be ethers, I'd imagine it be a bit like alcohol , bit of booze burn going down your throat, maybe with a slight sensation of static tingle with all that sudden energy going through you

ice if it was a flavor

Salty milk and coins

More viscous but less sweet Powerade

Every piece of fiction that uses mana potions in their world can decide for themselves how they taste. Fuck off with those zero IQ threads where everyone tries to be funny on an open topic.

>regaining mana from alcohol

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Serious mature board for serious mature discussion only

It's astonishing how the person who came up with this thought he was clever and another bunch of fucktards uses it to this day. Yes a mature board for mature discussion would be actually better. A million times better.

You just expose how underage you are when you put up your displeasure of the idea of an mature board.

Extra strong menthol.

>no fun allowed

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is there even such a thing as a blue raspberry??
Never understood why this is such a popular artificial and delicious flavor


It's to make it easy to distinguish from cherry and strawberry. There aren't a lot of flavors occupying the blue color range in candy while red's a hotly contended spot.