Attached: 5F5190CB-891C-473E-8D5A-629A72EF894D.jpg (4032x3024, 2.26M)

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those are not very interesting

oh shit is that scott pilgrim at the end??

Very interesting.
This would actually be cool as fuck.

Looks like some Yea Forumsirgin's wet dream. Also looks like a Photoshop.

Why is SEGA doing a better job putting retro games on this thing than Nintendo themselves?

Attached: 1473281338821.jpg (640x499, 62K)

>Scott Pilgrim
lel, good one

Attached: 1515212914288.jpg (1040x780, 175K)

Redpill me on Klonoa, I have those games on emulator, are they playable? (especially Klonoa 2 since the PS2 emulator is pure shit)

Attached: btfo.jpg (1498x715, 279K)

What am I supposed to be seeing here?

>scott pilgrim
yeah I doubt that

They're 2.5D platformers made by the creator of the Ninja Gaiden NES games. They are pure heaven to play.
They're emulatable. Use these settings in PCSX2.

Attached: settings.png (1428x1178, 861K)


user a leak makes something more interesting but only if the base thing already has a minimum interest attached to it, play your shill cards right.

Probably the Switch being artifacted, but the game images being much clearer than they should be.


Attached: Klonoa_crying.jpg (500x308, 30K)

Worth pointing out that someone made a thread about nights journey of dreams being leaked for Switch the other day, and it also being an eshop exclusive

very nice, hopefully comes to Steam

>Scott Pilgrim
I fucking wish

I've literally never played a Nights game. Are they fun? What do you do?

that was meant to tag OP but whatever

All I want is Tonde Time again.

where's big maring?

shit, how do i get a physical pornhub cartridge?

Attached: 1470806569839.jpg (250x227, 5K)

>miiverse 2

It's a brain-dead easy game for babies. The Wii version was decent at least because each level had a challenge that was actually genuinely difficult.

Yeah, isn't that the Scott Pilgrim beat them up that got delisted?



guys... oh my g*d....,.,.,.,.,.,.,

Attached: mein switch.jpg (1280x720, 310K)

>scott pilgrim
dont do that. dont give me hope


>Scott Pilgrim
I know this whole thing's bullshit, but the fact that this game's got no chance to get re-released at this point hurts me to my very core.

Attached: Scott and Ramona.jpg (560x469, 87K)

Is it just a licensing clusterfuck or something?

I know that Brian Lee O'Malley's gone on record on saying he wants the game re-released, and the band who composed the OST do as well. I'm 99% sure it's just Ubisoft not being willing to play ball.

>scott pilgrim
Why would you do that to me?

Attached: 1491949040629.jpg (600x400, 15K)

Universal is also at play because of the movie

>Scott pilgrim game that can't be sold due to rights issues
Not happening lol.

Why you gotta fuck with me OP? What did I ever do to you?

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Attached: 1542161284788.jpg (262x256, 105K)

>Klonoa 2
>Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
If only...

Now that’s a battery increase. Based new switch

Why would they be involved? Surely they wouldn't be holding onto any licenses outside of the movie
>Music: completely unrelated
>Characters: all from the comics
>Art: all from the comic's artists
>Game itself: Ubisoft (the obvious cause of the de-listing)