Name a better vidya reviewer

Name a better vidya reviewer

Protip: you can't

Attached: Zero_Punctuation.jpg (1200x675, 35K)

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Name a bigger faggot than OP

Protip: You cant


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I am.
And don't call me a cunt.

I know you are but what am I?

He's not really so special anymore since everyone hates everything for attention now. At least he was funny though.

This is the only internet review that will ever matter

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> Why would anyone want to Invade America? It would be like owning an obese Gorilla that sits on your couch all day and viciously savages you every time you try to give it free heathcare

Americans are still butthurt over this, and every thread about shitting on him is made by an American.

post a blue elephant edit

good goy! dont let people disuade you from mindlessly consuming our products, consume consume consume like a good little goy!

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Easy, Conan.

The only obsessed one here seems to be you.

>get's his first girlfriend
>immediately starts ebin streams with her
lmao the mind of an autist.

based retard

He's had a girlfriend before.

>literally fedora_tipping_redditor.jpg
I don't care what this e-celeb has to say, people with these kind of avatars are without exception pure cancer

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Me. I've agreed with every single game review I've ever made. Literally 100% success rate.

how about you make your own opinion instead of relying on a fucking youtuber that likely has a Patreon.

Yes of course I go to zero punctuation for an in depth look at the game and the way it's mechanics operate as well as a thematic breakdown of it's core elements, one can most definitely make a good review in under 10 minutes, reviews are not a scam.

>didn't like Nier

Yes, truly a man with his finger on the pulse of core gamers.

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>he can't listen to other peoples opinions without agreeing with them completely
YIKES user


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Even the guy that likes to flash meme jpgs over CRPGs and the FPS gimmick fat guy are better jesus christ.
Do you guys also watch Dunkey's pointless talking out of his ass and being righteous about it? or even the better the newer "Upload clips from my stream out of context and pretend it's a review".

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