*cucks your ultimate*

*cucks your ultimate*

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The fuck happend to lucio


play fortnite

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>eats your E

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They definitely stepped up their waifu game.

They were always at the top. Everyone else is too pussy and puts ugly fucks and pink haired fatties.

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Nah, not interested in giving Epic any dosh to make more shit exclusive to their shit-ass store.


>gets nerfed beyond all recognition

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>EHP of 750 from non-AoE and melee on top of a HoT
It wouldn't be that bad if the AoE classes weren't so fucking awful.

>unironically playing overbotch

I was singling out how that shield is going from 500 HP to 200 in the next patch.


>eats your molten load

Prison changes a man...

fuck yeah fork knife

I'd eat her pee

I love sucking black dick

>ulting while their Dva is in mech
You deserve it

no interest in that game but the skins designs are actually great

>its another "team comp of widowmaker, hanzo, mccree and ashe" episode

Why do you retards insist on playing the game that is the joke of this generation? They literally added participation trophy systems, "toxicity" bans, forced role picks and made the game so people who cant aim or dont want to kill anything can play.

It's still fun to boot it up every now and then to play my boy Reinhardt

>not picking triple tank to squish the long range fags

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i honestly keep forgetting that baptiste exists, how did blizzard manage to make such an utterly forgettable character?

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Is that low tier nigger?!

>design and balance are so bad the devs had to force people into playing a certain meta

His lore is pretty damn dull and generic for Blizz standards
>lived through hard times when young, now he a tough man :)))
doesn't help his design is unnappealing as well, even his personality is nothing new, just a variation on Ana's, Phara's, Soldier's and the like

>increased overwatch team size
>no updates
>no balance changes
>1 new terrible generic hero
>archive mission is shit
>summer games are shit
I bet they are legit working on pve overwatch.

No one is playing her in PTR because she's shit now. They're definitely going to buff her before this patch goes to the live game.

>aims in the average direction of a player
>multiple metropolis spawn across the world in an instant
call me when they removed building from the game entirely

>picking triple tank
they are enforcing 2-2-2 soon. fucking laughable

Not adhering to 2-2-2 should be punishable by death.

I tried playing him yesterday. I was mid-match though so didn't have much chance to check so may as well ask, can he not heal himself or am I retarded?

Also it was fun, I might start playing regularly again.

I'm literally too boomer to keep up with all the building shit.

I miss when shooters were just aim and shoot and drive vehicles around.

the 2-2-2 shit is garbage, it restricts your possible team comps by a big margin
thr one thing that still keeps Overwatch a bit competitive is team comps and how you can change them any time in-game, restricting those even more with the 2-2-2 shit is gonna kill OW, much like how the hero limit made the game less fun in 2016

So he fucks my ultimate and I masturbate?

>butchering your entire game just for compfags who hate the game anyways
What the fuck is with Blizzard? Overwatch could've been a fun party hero shooter. Instead they remove everything fun about it in favor of muh gook scene.

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>nerf her into uselessness just because retards still don't shoot at her shield before a fight which renders her useless most of the time
bravo Blizzard

Shut the fuck up Xbox kiddie

?? literally every aspect of the game is anti-fun, why are you noticing this only now

The problem is 95% of the player base can't be trusted to actually treat the game like that. Their philosophy behind it was great and I loved it, I love the idea of fluidity and freedom of hero change resulting in variable team comps with crazy shit possible. Restricting that sounds like a bad idea on paper.

But then you realise the vast majority of the people who play the game don't fucking care. They just want to be epic ninja man or shoot shoot cowboy and no other thought process happens. This results in a small section of your audience being the ones that flex, and "flexing" meaning less "switch roles" and more "accommodating others selfish picks" which drains all the fun and variety out of the original concept.

>is gonna kill OW
The game is already dead. This change that's going to "kill it" is a scramble to resuscitate it.