Is the Vidya industry imploding because boomers can't figure out what's good anymore?

Is the Vidya industry imploding because boomers can't figure out what's good anymore?
>Exclusives on PC
>A switch that doesn't switch
>Key reselling is bad

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No? It's doing better than ever. Obviously every generation has its shitty gimmicks, but they pass and get replaced by new ones.

Keep in mind that popularity != quality. However, there's usually a decent amount of good games coming out each year, if you're paying attention. Much like how film is not solely defined by capeshit or Disney live-action remakes, video games are not solely defined by the latest Asscreed, CoD, or Madden.

Yeah but that's just games
I'm looking at the bigger picture, hence my examples
They are investing in ideas that many people believe are wrong in the same way Apple push their bullshit with the "we know what you want better than you", while everybody keeps missing the headphone jack and hating the notch

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It's generating more revenue because of "microtransactions" and loot boxes. Hardware sales in the 8th gen are HALF of what they were in the 7th gen.

There's far less gamers, but everyone's spending more money than ever.

But VR is good.

VR is alright and all it needs is games, fuck you.

VR is shit, AND it has no fucking games.

We're about 3 or 4 technological leaps before VR is something passable. We need foveated rendering with OS level implementation, we need fancy true haptic gloves that let you physically grip 3D models as if they were real, we need massive weight reduction and miniaturisation, and we need displays with an order of magnitude higher PPI.

Some of these will come with time, fancy haptic gloves might never exist.

Boomers are honestly destroying the industry by their inability to adapt to the future
Thank God they soon all die out so us millenials can start fixing the world after they were wrecking pretty much everything

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whatever nerd

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It's imploding because game companies started to listen to people who don't play video games.

No. Millennials are boomers part two. Deflecting blame because everyone points to them. Gen Z will either fix the world or die trying.

Nah it just reached critical mass. People don't know what to do to grow the industry any more so they do completely inane shit to try and squeeze it for more.
And really who cannot blame them when Star Citizen exists.

None of that shit is going to happen if the tech doesn't get funded. It doesn't grow on trees. That's why VR's current popularity (if you can call it that) is a good thing.

>Buys fortnite skins
wow... so this is the power of zoomers... not bad.

Man that school looks comfy

a small niche
nobody likes this
>>Exclusives on PC
nobody likes this
>>A switch that doesn't switch
nothing wrong with it other than the name
>>Key reselling is bad
nobody is complaining about key reselling, people are complaining about chargebacks from keys bought with stolen cards
i'm so sick of doomposting
of course the biggest games ever are dogshit, that's exactly how it's always been

>buys mocha frappe lattes
>buys consumerist plastic bullshit like funkos
>popularizes cuckolding
>obviously superior to those older than them AND you get than them
>can do no wrong since a broken clock is right twice a day
>promotes self hating mantra (hurr I hate white people. r. White and/or Jew)
>Got Trump elected
>promotes racist employment programs
>first generation to popularize the iPhone
>first generation to accept the botnet with a wide smile
>promotes accelerationism unironically
but who cares le zoom zoom zoomer!

It's a world of boomers testing their powers
>the bone is selling next to nothing -> let's debut a pc gaming vault that plummets indie sales
>Gaben, steam is stagnating -> let's throw all the money into $3K VR
>yo, sony, you have sold a ton of ps4 -> M I A
>the switch is a niche cool hybrid device -> let's release an undockable switch (IT'S LITERALLY A FUCKING VIDEO PORT THAT COSTS CENTS) and kill the 3ds

The tech isn't being funded, though. Devs have given up, research has stalled, that's why Valve put out a dogshit 1.5 gen headset that's technically worse than the Vive Pro, and "decent" controllers that just fix an issue they themselves created by sabotaging Vive development.

This abject failure has probably set VR development back a few years, because people are a lot less willing to get into something with a proven track record of being an absolute moneysink trainwreck.

>nobody is complaining about key reselling, people are complaining about chargebacks from keys bought with stolen cards
my ass
they signed a petition to literally stop selling indie games from key resellers because muh reparations

How the hell did zoomers elect Trump? That's a boomer thing.

try actually reading any information about what you're talking about before you talk about something
the petition is to stop selling keys on g2a, not key resellers in general, because g2a is shady as shit

>try actually reading any information about what you're talking about before you talk about something
implying there is a difference
other key sites work the same way
I am talking about kinguin and co, retard

No, the vidya industry is imploding because of publishers and stakeholder becoming too big and greedy and devs trying to pander to the retard mutt audience and their stage 4 cancer identity politics.
The exact same shit is happening to the pop-music and jewlywood movie industry.
Fuck you America. I can't wait for the day your entire society collapses in on itself.

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I agree with you.
The last example is the most shilled game on this board : bloostained who is mediocre.
But zoomer have no standard.

>retarded millennial can't understand context and thinks I'm talking about gen z


Imagine being a zoomer and knowing you’re the reason games are terrible and having to make this thread to try to cope.

>Key reselling is bad
Spotted the G2A-shill.
Boomerchads will rather pirate than giving money to communists.

The entire comic book industry seems to have collapsed under the weight of identity politics and nepotism. 50% of all comic sales in america are now manga because no one wants to read a sermon on gay mexican super heroes. Sadly none of the parasites responsible will take responsibility and will just move onto the next industry they can defraud of any value. You'll probably see a correction in the games industry considering how many high profile diversity projects have failed.

Hollywood haven't shat out any decent movies in over a decade.

Every generation says _____ is dying because of **current social and financial climate**. Boring.

no, but this time is for real
boomers are destroying tech
another good case: applel

>no, but this time is for real
>boomers are destroying tech
every generation says this. replace "boomers" with the equivalent of the time

>he doesn't know
The Russians have been infiltrating mutt and swedish education systems to brainwash your kids soft heads with Marxist propaganda to collapse these nations from the inside out. Where do you think all these "social studies" and young people who call themselves "communist" suddenly appeared from?

then what was during the last generation? the TV?
that does not mean that it is not happening down the road
TV is still there, but it is far from what it was back then

Ya, but that's not due to boomers, it's due to greedy jews who figured out ways to make as much money out of TV as possible.

so you are complaining about generation blame, but you end up blaming the jews
wtf, man

forced meme cock suckers

No, that's not me, that user suggesting it being a generation thing is a retard.

None of what you mentioned affects the core of games.

Capitalism (mixed in with a bit of undercover marxism in the form of identity politics) is exactly the reason why games these days suck dick.

reselling/second hand goods has always been a demon

>no gaems
PSVR alone has more exclusives than the PS4 and XB1 combined and it's only half of the VR market. Don't expect a brand new piece of technology to be born with the same level of maturity as the regular game industry, which has taken decades to mature.

It took until Sonic 2 for video games to grasp the concept of a "worldwide released date" and it did not become a common thing well until the next generation after that. Likewise, VR gaming is in an important maturing stage but it's already plenty good. It has progressed beyond the point of where it could fall flat.

Just admit that it's too expensive for you and that's why you're salty.

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VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over

VR is the future of gaming.