Yea Forums says a game is shit

>Yea Forums says a game is shit
>You actually like it
What's her name?

I actually like FF15 and DmC

Attached: ThisTriggersRoasties.jpg (1429x1796, 1.17M)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't care how reasonable every argument I hear against this game is, I still love it.

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>peak body
>ruin it with tats
You had literally one job, thot


Same here, I love the hell out of this game

and no, i'm not some /pol/ conservative. tats are just gross on women built like this.

>all those ugly tattooss
Fucking why. They seem to be Bayonetta related so I'm guessing they're not the real deal, Is there a version without them then?

Skyrim and Dragon Age: Inquisition come to mind

>cosplay thot

Attached: rut.gif (280x158, 731K)

It's amazing how tattoos can ruin everything.


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> Reddit frog

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Tattoos are an improvement on female body though

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Imagine licking that place where her legs meet her pubic area, those little crevasses

this, the game has its flaws but who gives a fuck, the game is peak comfy and its many oddities only add to its charm

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I like tattoos :)

is that Riae? good taste user


imagine being that old and never having had sex.... WOW


All of these cringe retards lmao. Scared of a little ink basedboys? It's ok Jamal will take care of her pussy while you sit back and jerk off behind a screen hahaha.


Nu-God of War. It was fucking amazing. Combat was nothing special, but I haven't been so invested in a world and story since Frozen Throne. I played it on my dad's PS4 and I've become a snoynigger that's gonna buy a PS5 just for the sequel. I could see why someone would hate it, though, if you aren't into fantasy, dad stories, and stuff like that, it's probably rather dull. But it had a lot of soul.


post thicker

dmc5 was better.

is this a tranny? their instagram is full of man face

This bitch look like Amy Winehouse lmao.

How are they even comparable? DMC5 has god tier combat and a shit story and setting. Just apples and oranges.

all of them

>flash in the pan anime that panders to ironic weebs

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Into the furnace she goes

>Is there a version without them then?
Just photoshop them out, it'd take like 10 minutes tops.

I've played through the Sith Warrior storyline like 5 times already. Its so good. Wish there was a way to just replay it without needing to make yet another SW alt though.

>if I call all these anons cucks they'll never suspect I myself enjoy being cucked by niggers!
You sure showed them, Reddit.

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>peak body

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she has a much better body than the actual ugly ass in game bayonetta
the face is awful though
and she has tattoos so she probably has a bunch of STDs

post fat cosplay whores

she doesn't look that old

Without sounding like a complete faggot or meme'ing, type your 3 main issues with tattoos.

Riae is an angel, she doesn't count

A much better experience than Skyrim. With mods godlike.

Honestly I think the game got a lot of flack because most people played the republic classes. The imperial stories are vastly better as far as I'm concerned.

Sith Warriors get to corrupt a padawan into a homicidal maniac while on a quest for power.

Sith Inquisitors get the best academy mission then get to LARP the rest of the games as magic Indiana Jones. Along the way you also get a QT3.14 Jedi waifu

Imperial Agents have one of the best star wars stories period.

Bounty Hunter probably have the weakest story but if you want to feel like Boba Fett it will suffice.

women can do wathever the duck they want with their thots life

Oh my queen ill do anything for you. Ignore the cringe retards in this thread that cant see your true beauty

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I don't think she's a virgin

it's impressive people on here are more disgusted by tattoos than cigarettes

Kino story


kill yourself you fucking nigger

1. L O
2. N D
3. O N

DmC's not a terrible game, it's at least not as bad as DMC2
But that shouldn't be the best compliment I can give to a game that was supposed to be carrying the fucking Devil May Cry title

I'm with you on tats, but
>nose ring

you must have some weird shaped fridge in your house

They look like garbage 95% of the time. And the 5% of the time they look good, you know they won't maintain that look for long.

The content of tattoos is basically always pure cringe. From pop culture garbage to random faces, it's pretty hard to find something that won't become dated.

The people who get tattoos are people who think that they can replace having a personality with looking "unique".

yea its so weird how much anti tattoo shit there is on here it blows my mind

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Kingdom Hearts 3 and DDD

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its just hivemind people trying to be accepted

You can always so smoking

someone post feywilde

Just beat this today

I still prefer the OG God of War but this certainly a strong way to start a new trilogy.

In my mind
GoW 1 > GoW 2018 > GoW 2 > GoW 3

I actually like suck and fuck formerly chuck's

God I love fat bitches.

I should have added "without sounding autistic".

Her ass is only any good in very rare cases
That 2B vid was basically the last thing of hers I could actually get off to

No you must have fat in your forehead if you think fridge is actually peak female body.

>getting defensive
you have a tattoo don't you

Nah dude I hate tats, you just sound really autistic about other people liking them.

I like to wander around TES and WoW, even Skyrim and BfA just because it feels like another world I can get lost in and day dream about. They are almost always installed or reinstalled on my PC.
her tattoos look like flies in the smooth creamy ointment that is--was, her skin
their tattoos are just distractions for their flawed and bland faces
i'd be like fucking a teenager's notebook

Don't use terms you're too young to understand.

>I hate tats
You sound like a complete faggot.

1. They make people look dirty
2. They aren't timeless
3. They'll look like shit when you are old.

lose weight fatass

her body isnt even fridge shaped bro, she has a defined waist, hips and curves. Get your eyes checked

God I wanna cover those tattoos with my hot cum

post more.
less clothes

Enter the Gungeon. I don't understand why people have a problem with it. I only hear buzzwords being tossed at it without any explanation behind those words.

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Banjo-Kazooie Nuts and Bolts isn’t much like the previous games but it’s very fun

Way to ruin the perfect Pyra body.

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Think of them as warning colors for humans

Fallout 4. I fully understand why people hate it and frankly most of it is deserved. I just have a lot of fun building my settlements and playing survival mode.

Seems like most games these days since according to Yea Forums everything is shit.

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pretty much anything "Yea Forums" dislikes is just a handful of contrarian shitters with bad taste.

if only this would happen in real life, low IQ NPC's getting made a pixels LMAO

those are pretty rad

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probably because it was your first TES.
I'm not saying it's a bad game but Morrowind was way better.

God I hate tattoos.

>every Bayonetta cosplayer is a slightly chubby midget
Every time. Where's my thin-waist amazon with thick ass?

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Attached: Will-o-wisp.webm (640x640, 1.6M)

stupid waste of money and health

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she's fat

I can’t play it
I want to but the leveling system is ass

Morrowind was my first TES game you stupid fuck, I also think Morrowind is better, that doesn't change what I said at all

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>she's fat
you don't like the jiggles?

Why do you think Morrowind is better?

Attached: morrowind.jpg (480x360, 23K)

>it doesn't adversely affect your employment
>but you still know that it's bad for you and nobody around you likes it
>quit smoking
>lungs heal
>don't smell bad anymore
>it's like you never smoked

>get shitter tattoos and look like trash
>always look like a trashy shitter
>live a trashy shitter life because nobody wants to hire a trashy shitter
>cope by claiming anyone who doesn't like them is jealous, that you actually prefer the life of a trashy shitter, etc.

Attached: cringecomp1.png (914x585, 608K)

Here's her this year.
She's a bit thinner but her boobs also look smaller.

Attached: 3 years later.webm (640x800, 2.55M)

I understand if you live in a tribe and you go through some insane ritual and get your body marked with a tattoo, but there's no reason to get one in our modern society. People do it because they "look cool" well that's fucking stupid. Also when I see a woman with them it just turns me off because it makes me think she fucks a lot of guys.

crooked nose, also seriously needs to work on her legs.

most importantly: plot, lore (oblivion has retconned as fuck) and absence of levelled drop.
You love mediocrity

Would burn rest of the fat/10

>>lungs heal
lmao retard

fat boobies are disappointing

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Can someone tell me what this Me!Me!Me! thing was all about.

>what this Me!Me!Me! thing was all about.
Stop masturbating to your anime figurines and go outside

Fucking disgusting

Fixed, now I can fap on it

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>You love mediocrity
nah, I like good games, you are just a pedantic fag

No idea but it was pretty great desu

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remove the tattoos and it's 10/10

Oblivion was my first TES, I tried getting into Morrowind but the pseudo-turn based combat and super slow walk speed kinda killed it for me.

Fucking based.

you should probably do literally 3 seconds of research before making yourself look like a genuine retard, sport.

Be honest, you hate tattoos because it means a girl is more adventurous than you, and if she's more adventurous than you she's more likely to leave you for someone else because you are boring and can't keep up with her

An animated music video short made by Hideaki Anno the director of Evangelion. I think a bunch of Gainax guys might have worked on it too.
It was meant to be about showing how modern otaku-ism/anime-fandom is all about sexualization and people being way too degenerate and jerking off to shit that starts to border on disgusting, and showing how that's a bad thing.
That being said the animation itself was full of chicks that are objectively pretty fucking hot, and it was pretty much just pure fanservice without really showing how it's bad, so Anno's a hack like usual.
Women started dressing as the character in it due to the original message and how well known it was at the time. Really they were just using it as a convenient excuse to dress and act like a slut while being able to say that they're not being slutty.
It's like how loads of chicks do ahegaos(pic related) and try to pass it off as a joke while really they expect blokes to jerk off to it.

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Paragliding or base jumping is an adventure, plastering your body with ugly tattoos isn't

>while being able to say that they're not being slutty.
I don't think it works like that

Arm tattoos but she at least is hella cute


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t. Guy who thinks having someone scribble on your skin, is having an adventure


autistic sperg

have you ever wondered if there was some way to ask the internet questions and learn things for yourself instead of being a fucking retard begging to be spoonfed?

It doesn't.
But they do it anyway.
Cosplay isn't consent. Remember that just because you dress and act like a slut that doesn't mean you are one.

What's with the hate for tats? Some of them are quite nice. As long as they're not dumb shit like tri-forces and whatnot then I don't see nothing wrong with them.

>ew, i don't like tattoos

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I love how women think they can be whores ironically without being actual whores

>the grown up eqivalent to children drawing things on their arms in school

tattoos without thought are fucking garbage

I hate when lesbians invade a comment section like this. they are fucking gross.

Exactly. Women are fucking retarded. Dressing and acting slutty while trying to play it off as "cosplay" just means they're closet sluts.

anything with less clothing in this era? This is perfect thickness IMO. Not too much but squishy.

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All I see is your insecurity leaking out when you guys aggressively shriek at something like this
I'm sorry you're inferior to other men

>waah how dare you dislike tattoos, all women are queens

soibois love tattoos

Anno didn't make it. The whole thing was part of animation Japan, a venue for showing off young animators and directors.
Anno wasn't even involved beyond being one of twenty event producers.

Wrong, but scars are.

Cope "pure"fag

Stop inserting your cuck fetish into everything, you limpwristed faggot

>Eww I don't like burn marks
>Eww I don't like scars
>Eww I don't like people with missing limbs
How can they be so discriminatory, my fellow kid?

Fuck off, I just fapped one minute ago and now this??!

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>Cope "pure"fag

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>As long as they're not dumb shit like tri-forces and whatnot
because that's what they are 95% percent of the time. Thots ruining their skin by putting some dumb shit on their body.
pic related example of an actual based tattoo.

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Hi Roosh

Why is the average post so god damned insecure about everything and can't express an opinion without trying to use a meme to either validate themselves, like a Chad picture, or to try and invalidate others with a wojack or pepe

>insecure fag starts screeching about cuckoldry unprompted

>Hm? Tattoos? They are the mark of a trashy and damaged whore

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this. having tattoos is a core part of normie-nerd sóy culture. literally every sóyboy I've met has either a triforce, something star wars related, or a literal corporate drone brand loyalty tattoo of some kind.

Wojaks/gigachad memespeak is the only language Yea Forums understands


Why are incels so insecure about tattoos?
Does it remind them of the people that used to make fun of them? Is it just cope?

>tfw cosplay has been legit ruined by every single whore getting tattoos

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Didn't you hear?
Roosh unironically threw away his pickup artist lifestyle and became a born again christian or some shit.

You understand that soiboys love tattoos, right?


why do you insist on typing whole fucking paragraphs every time someone tells you your tattoos make you look like a trashy retard lmao


Can you remove the tattoos on the image that doesn't have the dick edit please.

>every time someone tells you your tattoos make you look like a trashy retard lmao
To be honest I don't think any tattooed person would mind being told anything by a virgin basement dweller.
If only, you're validating his choices by seething that hard.

Alright big boy, tell us your 'sublime taste' and I guarantee your choices will be mediocre as well by your own standards

I don't care how reasonable every argument I hear against this game is, I still love it.

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they're fucking ugly

>whole fucking paragraphs
The absolute state of insecure brainlets

Why removing the best part??

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>"look at me I'm so unique I have a tattoo that a million other people also have, I didn't want to get something actual unique because that would be against the social norm".
that's why.

>my choices have been validated by anonymous internet posters who I can pretend are anyone I don't like
keep up the tatfag cope lmao

Dark Souls 3.
what the fuck dudes

gamers hate thots and tattoos = thot
not that weird

I'm not anti-tattoo I just think they're objectively a massive turnoff.
You can smoke too, just don't expect me to want to fuck you afterwards.

Okay forget all this retard talk about
Tatoos, what girl is good for cosplay porn?

Princess Berpl is too gross and im not retarded enough to look at belle delphine

Also I’m not spending money obviously

You're literally projecting, tattoos look cool and unless you're a retard who inks their body whole you can pull off pretty sick tattoos and still be a decent human bean with a decent job.
Your argument is like saying you're a sheep for being clothed of using clothes you like because you saw someone else wearing it.
You're the one who's desperately trying to be unique by setting standards of uniqueness based on your insecurities.
Why the fuck do you even care, people do tattoos because they just like it, they don't put that much thought into it, humanity has been using tattoos and other forms of body painting literally since the Neanderthals.
You're just an incel who gets triggered by tattooed people because you feel extreme jealousy when picturing their lives.

Glad you asked. Prepare to be enlightened, you faggot. You'll wish you never asked.
RPG of choice: Morrowind (obviously)
Second pick: Tie between Vampire Masquerade Bloodlines and Fallout New Vegas
Action Game: God of War 2016
Adventure: Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
Also some of my favorites include STALKER series, almost all Nintendo games but my favorite game of all time is CS:GO with WoW right behind it. Battlefield V is also a strong contender.

Still feeling high and mighty?

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Quick correction: Meant to right God of War 2018. Whoops

I'm not tattooed, I'm just not retarded and insecure.
First of all, virgin basement dweller is not a buzzword, it's literally the average user of Yea Forums, at least it was until Reddit and resetera took over.
Second, if the mere sight of a women slightly inked causes this kind of response, I don't know a more accurate word than seething, or you know, I can say u mad if you wanna get a bit old school.

>Princess Berpl is too gross
She should sue whoever did her implants
Anyway look up Purple Bitch


Belle doesn't even have any fappable material, but she probably will soon since getting her insta deleted

>just don't expect me to want to fuck you afterwards
I think I get it now, you're so insecure and sure you'd be rejected by these women you desperately look for arguments to reject them back in your mind.
I now get it.

>all those comments
>none saying they are all bayo themed and probably not real
I agree though, tats on a woman is the most disgusting thing they could do

Hidori Rose in some of her videos(too fat in like half of them), Miss Banana(has a few videos of her fucked as while playing overwatch), and Kawaii Girl as tattoos but you can't see them in her videos).
Purple Bitch is super hot but her tattoos make her look like trash a lot of the time.

but you already admitted that Morrowind is better

top kek

Attached: 1563608926061.jpg (360x345, 32K)

Fucking THIS
Scars on a girl are so damn hot
fuck tats

Bout to make a weeb orc in Morrowind who wants only the finest of katanas. What am I in for? I have only watched speedruns of morrowind and playthroughs here and there so most of the game is still unknown to me.

Bro I'm married..

>goy of onions
>legend of onions
Fuck off, kiddo

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there are many things way more disgusting than that
even without going too far I'd say piercing are worse

Should I get a Morag Tong tattoo?

fuck sex, source me on this cutie

Sure dog.

>goy of onions
>legend of onions
Fuck jannies and fuck autoreplacement

>caring about women that are so starved for attention
Not that user, I'd still fuck them if they are hot enough but sure I won't really consider them for anything serious.

>perfect thickness

Attached: image.jpg (1077x1347, 88K)

Those tattoos don't ruin anything, the problem is her face.

[Yurikawa] Summer Love Geek Girl

But piercings can be reversed easily so I don't agree. It's like taking a pretty deer and covering it in shit. Just stop, let me enjoy the damn thing. I agree with some other anons itt, scars are hotter

>what is sarcasm
you don't deserve this thot

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>Scars on a girl are so damn hot

Fucking nigger cunts fuck jannies
coeвыe выблядки cyкa

I did say in my own opinion, but maybe if you posted more you could convince me?

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>fat tattoeed whale
Lmao stop posting pics of your mom

>he noticed her face
so this must be what faggots feel

>disgusting fatties
I feel like seeing so many obese women in the street must have scrambled your brain ameribro

holy shit kill yourself already roflmao

The rest is not safe for work.

t. little dick niggas

Chisato is a BITCH

Never fight unless you are at full stamina
Alchemy is overpowered
Honestly just play the fucking game and explore it it's a fucking marvelous game and finding shit with no guide or bigass arrow pointing to objectives feels great

>Adventure: Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild
>Battlefield V is also a strong contender.

Attached: bird_bait.jpg (1920x1080, 879K)

>it was pretty much just pure fanservice without really showing how it's bad, so Anno's a hack like usual.
So you're just going to ignore the story of the animation which is about how the dudes obsession with otaku-culture and it's pandering nature led him to break-up with his girlfriend and spiral into depressive existent of both longing for the love the of the woman he rejected and being addicted to anime tiddies.
>It's like how loads of chicks do ahegaos(pic related) and try to pass it off as a joke while really they expect blokes to jerk off to it.
Some of them are just legitimately airheaded/stupid enough to believe that though. There is a cosplayer who runs my FC's discord and static who posts aheagos constantly. One day I asked her why she does it and she said she thought the face was "cute", I then asked what she thought the face was from or for and while she understood it to be kinda lewd she though it was like a joke face thing Japanese people do. Even after I told her of it's sexual nature she still posts them day in and day out.

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Yeah honestly I typed that out but forgot this is a blue board for a minute. Yea Forums is always teasing anons so much I forget.


Tandia is her name btw

>who runs my FC's discord and static who posts aheagos constantly.
What server and can I get an invite to your FC

why didnt they release a fucking directors cut, god dammit

She also goes by the name of Little Clover Whispers on YouTube