Mega Man Legends

Yea Forums recommended me Mega Man Legends as a PS1 classic and honestly it was amazing.

>stellar world wrapped in gloomy mystery and cheerful bliss with neither ever feeling forced or out of place
>gorgeous-looking for a PS1 title, tons of 3D models and very clever use of textures to simulate shadows and advanced facial expressions
>that fucking music holy shit, is never not going to be playing in my head
>good voice acting done by really likable characters across the board (Teisel Bonne really took it to a new level though)
>fun dungeons that were never too long and too short, with enemies that managed to be intimidating throughout
>surprisingly big and complex town-design where all the NPCs change dialogue a hundred times, and there are districts and sections and stuff, overall very cool
>big colorful robots that oozed of charm and creativity, especially the pirate-robots
>a bunch of fun sidequests that help you get invested in the world your protecting
>a small jolt of joy every time you found a new trash can

>criminally short (and I took my time, with talking to people and sidequests and stuff), although this is probably the cost of beautiful visuals
>the RPG mechanics were pretty basic, a lot of stats felt useless (who the fuck stacked range?) and most the items you got were a flat upgrade to what you previously had
>could have used more lore (but I'm guessing the second game continues the story so there might be more there?)
>controls were somehow not particularly good, yet incredibly easy to exploit, once you could circle around the enemy every boss became a breeze
>sub-weapons were meaningless, once you get the vacuum and upgrade the energy, you'll pretty much never use anything else ever again

>Mega Man Juno did nothing wrong

Is the second game longer? If not I'm going to have to find a way to ration this shit out a little...

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No one's up for a good MML thread?

Stop typing so much holy shit no one care about your boomershit.

Fuck off boomer faggot

>late 90s
Eat a tide pod.

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You seem to have misunderstood the skin-color requirement.

>Mega Man Juno did nothing wrong
Based and pinkpilled.

There are 3, THREE, good console-war threads up at the moment OP. A thread wanting to discuss video games never had a chance.

The Legends games are super good and honestly, I prefer them to the mainline Megaman games.

MML2 dives way deeper into the Lore, but ends on a cliffhanger.

The Misadventures of Tron Bonne is honestly one of my favorite non-sense games ever. Like, theres no real "story", and the gameplay is a bunch of different variety games with minor action, puzzles, and exploration. But I'm 100% fine with it. I love the inconsequentiality of the game. That you're just playing for the love of it. There's an end you're working towards, yeah, but there's no min-maxing your efforts like a fgt to try to "git gud" it's a fucking casual-ass game thats just fine and a light challenge.