I have so many free games from Epic Store

That I can't even show you every game on the list like Subnautica

Why am I supposed to hate them again?

Attached: free games epic.png (1243x1023, 54K)

Subsidizing those games inherently comes at a hidden cost to the consumer.
Steam sales, if nothing else, are always profitable for all parties due to their opt-in nature.

epic bad steam good

This but unironically

How many of those did you actually play, let alone enjoy?

>Subsidizing those games inherently comes at a hidden cost to the consumer.
That's just plain wrong and retarded to think.

>Steam sales, if nothing else, are always profitable for all parties due to their opt-in nature.
because everyone has perfect knowledge

Explain why.

For the time being that cost is almost entirely paid by Fortnite, but it won't be when there aren't enough active players to justify the development efforts.
So, at some point they will either have to stop giving away games or they will need to acquire bribe money from other sources.

Uh oh, it's Epic shilling hour again. Report and hide as always. The dozen threads that will no doubt follow, too.

Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989
Free Tibet
Human Rights
Organ Harvesting

>Subsidizing those games inherently comes at a hidden cost to the consumer.

Such as?

Now THAT is retarded thinking. It's also not what he was referring to.

The chinks only have duwang tier english
You have to speak in their home tongue

>That I can't even show you every game on the list like Subnautica
You too stupid for that? Makes sense considering free games is enough to make you think a company is good.

"Free" games, guys! You just need to sell your personal information and your soul to the Chinese.

I put in fake info in my Epic store account

So they're "only" getting whatever they can scrape off of your computer?

Because I haven't paid anything for the games and nothing I've bought has became more expensive as a result of it.

>I haven't paid anything for the games
Use GDPR to request every bit of data Epic has on you, then weep at how much you've paid for your "free" games.

Also, you can thank Epic for every single attempted and eventually successful breaching attempt.

Imagine some dudes dressed as ghosts give you free food. They can't be bad, they are giving away free food.

Everyone else is making a big deal on how they are evil and literally the KKK... But they are giving you food and welcoming you as a brother. Why... You might put on a silly ghost costume as well and help them.

That is basically Epic. Their practises and buisness stratagies are toxic to the gaming community. But you don't care because you are only their for the free handouts like the poor faggot you are.

>Implying you wouldn't join the KKK after they fed you

This is what being ungrateful sounds like (though Steam drones are all brats so it makes sense)

>I have so many free games
>all I had to do was install a botnet for the chinese


I have gotten more free games on Steam, than there are games on the Epic Game Store in total.

The Epic Games store is very good. They have good games, not a bunch of garabe like steam, they offer games for free. No love or love EPIC games, they want to save PC games. Tencent does not run EPIC or steal your data. You are just angry, Fortnite is very popular and racist.

So have I

Reads like a chink wrote it. Might use this to falseflag in the next few threads.


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