Sup Yea Forums,

I love space games, more particularly those who are peak comfy. Never played any RTS games, I'm a complete neophyte to the strategy genre and I was wondering if Stellaris would be a good entry point.

If so, which version to buy? Is the base game good enough, should I get the starter pack, or maybe some individual dlcs?

Thank you in advance!

Attached: 58737-stellaris_wallpaper.jpg (1920x1080, 146K)

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Kill yourself

Attached: 1563051263148.gif (370x330, 3.49M)

Wait for a sale, then buy all major expansions, like synthetic dawn, leviathan, utopia, apocalypse, megacorp, etc. Then mod it using steam workshop

Sins of a Solar empire is better and cheaper.

Utopia is prob the better dlc, but get all of them on sale if you can.

This. Wait until Stellaris is done with its (((expansions))) then pirate it.

Sin of solar empire has shitty mod support

>Wait till it's done with its overpriced expansions

Considering it's Paradox we are talking about we might as well wait till the heat death of the universe

If you have powerful PC, then get stellaris and download 40k. Mod