Why do people always get triggered by Bandana Dee...

Why do people always get triggered by Bandana Dee? I mean every time he's brought up some people cry and whine about him for no reason. What causes some people to be so spiteful and negative towards such a cute, innocent character from a series so pure? Being popular and successful is a bad reason to hate him. Is it just Adeleinefags, bitter and jealous that he sniped her main character status?

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>Hat Goomba

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those who don't do research think he's just an ordinary waddle dee

I'm fine with him, i just believe there's more interesting kirby characters.

There aren't.

They are mad that BD is more popular than the Kirby character that they like. So they act like fucking spergs and constantly try mental gymnastics to prove that Bd isn't popular when he actually is.
>I like Marx, Magalor, and Ado more than BD so that must mean that no one actually likes BD and was just pretending to like him in the beginning.
Its actually sad. You don't see this shit in any other series beside smash.

Here's a better comparison. Before smash was released, everyone new that if there was going to be an animal crossing rep, that it would be Isabelle. Now imagine a bunch of autist coming out of nowhere and said
>" I like Ankha, K.K. Slider, and Tom Nook more than Isabelle, so that means that Isabelle isn't popular and doesn't deserve to be in smash over my most wanted animal crossing character!"

Its fucking sad

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you BWD faggots always play the "oh we're so nice, why do people hate our pick" card
fuck you guys
fuck you and your shitty pick who will never get into Smash

Says a lot about Kirby as a series if there's nobody more interesting than a mook with a new hat

Not when this "mook with a hat" is one of the most well-written and compelling underdog stories in fiction.

Smashfags are obsessed with an us vs them mentality. See the past year before E3, see pic. They want someone to be the enemy and Bandana Dee is an easy target.
>Stevefags vs Banjofags
>Marxfags/Adelinefags vs Bandanafags
>Leonfags vs Phoenixfags
>Doomfags vs Ryufags
>Reimufags vs Undertalefags
Same shit, different coat of paint.

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We are nice, but when everyone spazes out simply because someone wants him in smash, its hard to give a shit what people like you think, you seething adofag. Have fun being more BTFO than ashleyfags. At least Ashley is in the game. Ado didn't even get a spirit.

>Hatless Plant

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You retards were easy punching bags

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>Thing I don't like vs Thing I like
The only retard here is you.

The only reason Hat Goomba staid alive was because Deetards kept being offended by it
Its like saying an inoffensive thing to an autistic kid in elementary because he keeps giving the same sperged out reaction

I'm going to sleep

No one here cared about your reddit hat goomba shit. Take your normie memes and go back.

>another bandana dee thread that will die very fast because the "character" offers absolutley nothing else other than Smash and " y no one liek him :(" compared to the other kirby character threads
Holy shit, you guys are really fucking sad.

Dumb Deefags know Marx and Magolor dominate their Toad-tier character in popularity. Adeleine and even Taranzo do too, but not the the monolithic extent Marx and Magolor do. They just fixate on Adeleine because she intimidates him. If any character is likely to replace him as a main character, it would be her, and the scariest part is they know that would be an improvement.

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>us vs them mentality
Literal nigger attitude of the fanbase, even appropriately wearing a bandana. This is typical of a hat goomba fag.

People get "triggered" by everything here because they pretend to be mad. That's how outrage culture works. Much like how people pretend to be retarded (shitposting) people pretend to be angry in hopes it attracts actually angry people to destroy something.

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>see my retarded post
Wasn't compelled the first time.

>takes off bandana
>its a waddle dee
Nah, they just call it what they rightfully see.

It didn't compel you because you don't like mirrors you faggot.

>oh no, it's because they prefer the other characters
What a lazy way to explain all of the "dee-tractors" when bandana dee faggots come up with some bizarre and asinine theories and treat it as the truth. But I'm sure hat goomba fags won't get it since now they're fixated on hating other characters lol.

Don't worry, it's just a retarded poster that's trying to apply rosterfaggotry to it's shitty excuse of an explanation. Probably hates Kirby in general as the post wants a character war.

The only one hating a character is you. No one said you can't prefer another character, but when you lie to make the support of another character illegitimate, you're just acting like a tard. Not a Daisyfag , but you can prefer, Bowser Jr, or Pauline over Daisy, but doesn't mean that daisy isn't popular.

Bandana Dee is the only major Kirby character I can think of that didn't have any effort or creativity put into their creation. He's relevant purely for marketing reasons. "Waddle Dees are popular, so make one a main character!" Frankly, it's a disgrace.

wrong, dipshit. I already got three (3) of my picks in. I have no game in the Kirby rep race, I'd probably pick Marx if I did.
But your reply proves why I hate you. You act so nice and kind and sweet UNTIL you see a chance to shit on someone else. You just did it with Adeleine, and I saw your ilk do it to Banjo.
Fuck you, enjoy crying in your cereal.

Ok, "Dee-tractors" why do you hate BWD then. If its not " I prefer another character" and its not roster faggotry, then what is it?

He insists upon himself.

This is the same logic as
>Yea Forums is one person
Most of the time when I see post like that, it's usually a falseflag to make people not like the character.

>The only one hating a character is you
>Is it just Adeleinefags, bitter and jealous that he sniped her main character status?>this post
I see a lot of hate and spite about this character even when they didn't have too. Besides I separate bandana dee fags from the actual character and talked about the retarded theories they came up with in the past including the adofags one as clearly they were hated even before that shit happened.

>I can't read: the post
When did I say I hate Bandana Dee, retard? Especially after the fact that I said that the only thing I'm concerned is starting a character war amongst each other.

You know, he’s really not that important. In Star allies he just kinda appears with no fanfare and he’s only really playable in two other games

That's just roster shit. Its mainly the smash fanbase that has to shit one characters that they don't want for no reason. They are worse than the undertale, FNAF, and every other annoying cringey fanbase, because at least those die st some point. Smash autism and roster faggotry will never die, because everywhere is obsessed with it and dumb roster culture.

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Bandana dee fags doesn't have the mental capacity to think other than blaming on others. They are already playing the blame game on others, why would you expect them to learn from their mistakes.

You know, if you think about it, it makes sense for Adeleine and Bandana Dee to feel like their on opposing sides of a battlefield; one is a character developed to compliment the cast and setting, that tries to bring a different perspective into the series, and the other is a costume for a common enemy that was promoted to main character status as a marketing move, and as a way to save time and effort. Creativity vs corporatism. Classic underdog vs sure thing story.

SmashFaggots need someone to fucking hate on

Can't hate on Simon Belmontfags because he's in with a clone
Can't hate on Ridleyfags and spam TOO BIG because he's in
Can't hate on King K Roolfags because he's in
And now you can't hate on Banjo fags despite the autism SteveFags try to push because Banjo's in

Time to move on to the next thing to hate
This is the same fandom that keeps trying to correctly predict when why and how a character is getting into smash despite each of their reasons and theories routinely getting BTFO
Saying someone can't get in because they aren't relevant enough doesn't matter anymore when characters that haven't been in video games for decades managed to get in
Doesn't matter if a new game is coming out, there's a good chance they're not gonna put in a new character to promote it unless it's FE, sorry AshleyFags

Despite "Slots don't exist" meme being a thing they indeed do or else Sakurai wouldn't be picking which characters got in for which franchise over others or else we wouldn't need to wait several years for the next game for our choice to get ignored again
>inb4 Muh DLC
Again only select few and probably not your picks are getting in
So then you have people going at it with each other because they believe their pick is the right one that matters and the other guy is retarded for thinking something so irrelevant could ever get into smash

That's why this exists, because not every character can get in and some reps like DK and Metroid take years before they get anything and reps like Kirby don't get anything at all but reps such as pokemon, FE, and Mario get a new rep each game and then you have the unpredictability of Sakurai so you get people butting heads because of how selective it can get

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And you do know that the OP of this thread is also rosterfaggotry as well. Bandana Dee is becoming more synonymous to Smash roster discussion because of threads like these that always pop up. The discussions are garbage and the thread just dies a pitiful death as no one gives a shit about it.

>Bandana Dee is becoming more synonymous to Smash roster discussion
Gee, I wonder why. All Bandana Dee fags do is whine about how he's not in Smash and insist that he should be in all hours of the day. And I'm not talking about on Yea Forums. Every single fucking post, the Bandana Dee discord spams the Kirby twitter without something about Bandana Dee. Everywhere you look for Bandana Dee, you'll find images of the character literally crying over not being in Smash. If Bandana Dee is becoming synonymous Smash whining, it's because of his fanbase first and foremost.

I'd assume OP is a rosterfag because only reason for Adeleine vs Bandana Waddle Dee is because of smash. I'd much prefer if BD wasn't associated with smash so much, but its not like there is much to talk about kirby game wise. Despite Hal pushing for BD to be Kirby's Friend/Sidekick he doesn't have a story arch like the villains do. most of the characters with some development are characters that Kirby has fought, including ado. BD was just a joke boss fight. I think if Hal gave BD something, like a boss fight where bd challenges Kirby to a friendly spare to prove how much stronger he's grown, it'd be great for his character.

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But that's not the fault of people who like the character, It's literally discord trannies and falseflaggers.

Those are the people that like the character.

You know what I mean. People that just like the character that aren't associated with the prior mentioned groups. Plus, I'm sure most characters that aren't in smash have a cringey autistic support group.

There's not that much too offensive to Bandana Waddle Dee, but there isn't that much that differs the character from, say, Parasol Waddle Dee, given a wholesome backstory. Make Bandana Waddle Dee the designated Spear Helper instead of his now usual 4th player spot and absolutely nothing of value has been lost. Something about King Dedede & Meta Knight being glorified Hammer & Sword abilities could be said, but their designs & shapes have led to unique animations or attacks over time, not to speak of their myriad of boss battles & roles.
If you're gonna make a 4th player character, doing them the way Meta Knight & Dedede is would be more efficient than Bandana Waddle Dee. Bandana Waddle Dee is closer to if I took Plugg, gave him a Bowtie, add a backstory that he stood apart from other Pluggs to the point of getting rejected, and since then trained to become stronger and help Kirby throughout his adventures, and be done with it.

>want steve and banjo

>take off Link's outfit
>it's a hylian
See how stupid that sounds?
You can extend that logic to pretty much any character.

putting Doomfags vs anyone else is just a meme to create tension where there is none
same with Reimu vs Undertale, that just isn't true


you're right, he's more like a shyguy