What mods are you going to use?

What mods are you going to use?

Attached: 95B2DB83-9D2F-42DD-9F10-95E9188800EE.jpg (1200x630, 433K)

a mod that makes karen nude or thicker


whatever mod lets me make fun of pc users waiting years to play this masterpiece

>law overhaul
>postgame/sandbox pre-TB arthur with all the content
>weapons equipable and removable anywhere
>second gun belt/satchel removal
>sex mod to make use of the camp milkers
>cut content restoration

Attached: 23e8.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

fucking console fags lol

>cut content restoration

imagine being so poor you can’t have a console and a pc

never ever

dirtbikes, the map would be perfect for riding around on one