just mod the tits back in lol
You know that was posted by YandereDev right?
tits aside her character model looks better on the left anyways, just make the hair a softer yellow like the right
what do girls tits feel like
Why'd they make her the crimson chin in ultimate?
Hard to describe but like a thick bag of pudding but not as squishy. Still squishy, just not as squishy as a bag of pudding.
But the Zero Suit is already a disservice?
Have you ever used those bags of custard bakers use to make donuts and shit?
It feels more like a different character artist/modeler with a different fetish got her this time, especially with this even more stripped down alt costume.
Look at zelda too, try to tell me that those exposed toes aren't the result of a character designer "sneaking" his fetish in.
I really, really hope someone finally convinces Nintendo to retcon Samus being human in a future Metroid game, and just leave the Zero Suit trash in Smash where it belongs so all the cumbrain trenders fuck off and leave Metroid to the REAL fans who actually care about the series.
jesus fucking christ hahahaha this literally looks like a ps2 game
Yeah the lighting in that shot doesn't do any favors to the model quality. This one is better.
very sexual energy in this image
Salty bags of sandy coins and milk
>those toned legs
>that fucking midriff
Bags of fat
Just squeeze your calf.
You're either a landwhale or a megavirgin duder
>some nobody
Excuse me?
>Implying he doesn't fall under the category
His "game" is never going to release.
Zero Suit Samus in general- is an insult to Samus's fans.
Couldn't agree more with this, keeping the Other M suit and fucking up ZSS's design kept me from buying Smash Ultimate, fuck Sakurai.
Zero Suit Samus is garbage. She's hotter in her armor.
zero suit samus shouldn't even exist, nevermind being shoved in anything gameplay related
Zero Suit Samus should have never been in Smash, I don't have a problem with her in Metroid games though.
Yeah I miss the big titties.
Can tits really be that firm? I've only touched like 2 pairs of tits life-time and they were both extremely soft.
My nigga
character models in Smash all look like dogshit. I don't understand why such a major Nintendo game has so little artistic talent working on it
dumb phoneposter
i know all of you incels won't care for this take but the censoring of big breasts in video games is just a further attack on women and the worst at that. they're saying women with big tits are indecent or wrong and that's fucking insane. why women are not up in arms about this blows my mind. is body positivity for ugly people only? what will all this censorship do to a teenager with big breasts? they're shaming her for something she has no control about, probably causing her psychological and intimacy issues for life. fuck this forever.
PS this is the only angle you should be pushing when discussing this issue online. get women on your side not against you.
I can do you one better. Slosh some saliva around in your mouth, put your finger under your tongue, and press down on your tongue. That's what a vagina feels like. Teeth included.
>a disgrace to the character of ZERO SUIT samus
yeah this fucker has never played a metroid game
into the bin
I do. The zero suit and ponytail kind of ruin the point of Samus stripping out her her armor after the mission. It's supposed to show you a brief look at a lighter side of Samus, her finally getting to relax and let her guard down, a side of her you don't see 99% of the time. With the zero suit and ponytail she just looks like a chick who's still preparing for action, but just infinitely less cool than the chozo armor. She's also hotter in a bikini with her hair down. Zero Suit Samus is bad for her character no matter which angle you look at it.
Ideally like a pair of basketballs.
I'll never understand how the zero suit caused so much seething. But continue wasting your energy.
>Unironically using cumbrain
Yeah, if you're into plastic cyborgs.
It's the same thing, shut the fuck up.
Which I absolutely am.
YandreDev/EvaXephon Vs. ACfag/Doug who would win in a jerk off?
Mindless philistines. Your inability to argue against my points, let alone even engage me in basic conversion, only solidifies my position that Zero Suit Samus was a creative misstep.
The hell would I argue with you about this, you sound retarded because it's the same fucking shit, you're just mad because she's more covered up and it makes more sense than a fucking bikini. You either put her in a jumpsuit or make the bitch naked.
>those big meaty thighs
I much prefer the classic Amazonian rendition of ZSS but if we're stuck with nuZSS I'm glad she can still have some nice muscle on her
Except for the non-slippery saliva, that's surprisingly close.
Ad hominem and logical fallacies. Yes, you're a genius and I'm an idiot. Sure.
>she's more covered up and it makes more sense than a fucking bikini
Explain to me how it makes more sense. Explain to me how this fictional, magic, perfect bird armor that can appear and disappear at will would require some sort of specific, tangible, latex undergarment for her to feel comfortable. She can a dip in lava or hike up a subzero mountain. She can run at full speed unencumbered, she can swing her arms in any direction she pleases, she can turn into a perfect sphere, but oh, you didn't wear latex underneath? You might chaff, girl! Make sure you wear your special Zero Suit Nail Protectors as well or you may just tarnish your polish! Lunacy. There are narrative reasons for Samus to stay hidden away within her suit and for it to function as everyday wear. There are narrative reasons for Samus to actually look casual and vulnerable in those rare moments when she does decide to let her armor go. There is no sense in tarnishing character representation, especially in a series where narrative is primarily dictated through atmosphere.
It makes sense to wear a skinsuit under armor, faggot, you either go skinsuit or go nude.
Good. now remove Zero Suit Samus entirely from both Smash and Metroid
I accept your concession.
>Doomfags from reddit always have to shove Doom into Metroid
Like your own tits but less hairy, you fat fuck.
You say that, but plenty of the pairing stuff does come from Yea Forums and I'd rather not touch Leddit in the slightest. Also it was /vr/ that made a Metroid mod for Doom.
Who would win in a fight between Eva and Billy D?
As per usual the trannies can't dilate so they go find the autistic low hanging fruit.
That place is shit.
If this is an example of the post quality in which you aim for, simply typing "durr poo poo" would get the same idea and wit across.
The design on the left was made during a failed attempt by Nintendo to transform samus into a sex symbol, it should in no way be considered an accurate representation of the character.
They got mad because didn't want to play some Metroid fan game, they're autistic.
Sakurai is based, he is just cucked and restrained
OAG is a bit unhinged but he is ultimantly good at what he does and is one of only 2 major games journos to ever engage in any actual investigation instead of just reporting what they have been told
Yanderdev is an incompetent shit.
god i wish that were me
He's based for the defense of underware but the anti gun is cringe, kind of understandable given he grew up in Japan though.
Sags of band
The mental gymnastics, nincels go through to defend Nintendo is hilarious. Her tits and ass were nerfed just like Snake's. Aka censored.
But find me an actual citation for that
In other words, "Waaaaa! They bad, they bad!"
He gave Joker his fucking guns. He is just saying that fucking clothes that people wear is more important to a higher age rating than a weapon used to kill
makes sense, that guy's a faggot
Incorrect. Women's skin is so much softer than mens so this doesn't actually follow
>Those arms on the left
Lol Sakurai indeed saved her
I'm glad this change happened, the zero suit was a bad idea that gradually turned samus from a cool character that happened to be female into a barbie doll.
I like both.
punished jew
like bags of sand
stop samefagging
>doomfags from reddit
this has genuinely gotten to the point of paranoid schizophrenia. how the fuck is doom more r*ddit than a nintendo ip, exactly?
fuck off
based readtard
are you well
>a disservice to the character
LMAO the Zero Suit is a fucking disservice to the character.
>Japan doesn't censor its games they said
I literally don't remember. It's been so long.
He meant
>Character shows underwear? 15+ keep this away from children, goodness gracious. They might start behaving degeneratly if we allow them.
>Character is shooting at things with a pistol-like weapon? W-well as long as it isn't explicitly gunpowder, and it isn't shooting explicitly real people it should be fine. Kids wouldn't run around shooting schools or anything like that.
It's the double standard that violence is treated as less of a taboo than sex, whrn violent behaviour has greater repercussion IRL than sexual behaviour.
You mean how she's actually stronger without her suit than on it?
based spic ESL retard
It`s weird, Smash Bros Ultimate already has several mods but nothing for Zero Suit Samus yet
For some reason doom attracts a lot of seething autists and I'm not quite sure why. Having a doom thread is literally impossible because these fags filling threads with their NEW BAD OLD GOOD shit.
The hair really is a downgrade. I guess Ultimate is just allergic to lighting effects.
sags of band
Really though just the same as hairless thigh fat, the appeal of breasts is that they're erogenous zones just like collarbone/neck nape
The only thing I don't get is: why would they bother re-modelling her at all? Why not just lift the model wholesale? The visual quality of the two games (other than the TERRIBLE, bright, washed-out lighting in Ultimate) is near identical. It seems like a waste of development time when they're dealing with so many characters.
>anime poster
>Incel means virgin
Have sex
Its not his
Ultimate has way better lighting than Sm4sh.
>see this image on the Halo and Metroid board from Doom
>it's not from reddit when it was on reddit in the first place
Go back
ps2 has no normal mapping in a single game.
damn, an actual less than nobody.
>Downgraded shitheap for fisher price tablet
Ya dont say?
>but he is ultimantly good at what he does
Dude overreacts constantly and a lot of the time he doesn't even look into what he is reporting on. Just take the Amagami fiasco from a couple of months ago just to see how absolutely wrong he can get things, as a result from simply not doing any proper work whatsoever and jumping straight to overreacting to shit on the opposing political side. Facts and reality be damned.
And just like he thoroughly messed up royally that time, he frequently messes up to lesser degrees with his other articles. Really, his work is a total mess.
Evaxephon is fucking pathetic though so I am not defending him.