Fire Emblem Three Houses

Spoilers at any moment

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Other urls found in this thread:

People were thinking Jeritzia had something to do with Mercedes long before the Korean spoilers appeared, I wouldn't buy into them just yet.

>Sothis is past self of Rhea, who predicted her madness in the future and asks Byleth to stop her.
>Final boss is Rhea, who transforms into a dragon. If Rhea is Byleth's wife, you can save her, but otherwise you will kill her.
>Dimitri goes crazy because Faerghus was invaded by Adrestian and fallen down. Dimitri organizes a liberation army.
>Claude wanted to stop the war between the other two empires, but couldn't due to other noble families' dissent. He regrets this.
>Hubert was a spy from Faerghus and tried to kill Edelgard, but he gets influenced by her and supports her till the end.
>Seteth dies while protecting his sister Flayn.
>Jeritza is older brother of Mercedes.
>Caspar, Ashe, and Lysithea die.
>Jeralt dies early in the game, but he appears again later in the game.
>Tomas is younger brother of Solon as well as a traitor.

>Story is confirmed shit
>A big evil dragon was behind it all again

I don't understand how IS thinks this is alright.

have you decided on your house and classes for each student yet?

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Like adult Sothis, post-timeskip fag Dimitri and the first "leak" with two Sothis?

Blue Lions better get on their knees and pray.

From Edelgard's C-rank.
> "Only you matter since you have a crest, so there is no need for your brothers and sisters to be alive"
Edelgard was probably also kidnapped as a child.

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Edelgard supports the eagles as well as Lysithea, Hanneman, and Manuela. Everyone but Petra goes up to A rank.

>not expecting some dragon bullshit

That's true

The only things I've decided are that I'm going to pick male Byleth, go with the Blue Lions, and steal Linhardt and Lorenz.

Golden deer and I don't know about the rest but the resident unit is going to be training in fists

>not expecting a dragon in FE game
>not expection god-like entity in a jRPG

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>Not expecting a big bad dragon in FE
Korean leaks are fake but c'mon

Oh god, please do not let house specific Support Rank Cap be a thing, don't give Claudefags anymore hope...

>C rank
>that dark out of the wood

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>Caspar, Ashe, and Lysithea die.
on every route?

Fake, this was posted like tem threads ago.

You are going to give her enough kids to take the place of all of her dead family right?
You wouldn't leave her alone by going with F!Byleth of all things, would you?

I wonder if Japan would flip their shit if they didn't have a final boss dragon/god/deity for once

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So that's why she dislikes rats and chains

So, Edelgard and Dimitri both lost their families.
Both of them became cold after it.
Both of them will become crazy, kinda because of it.
Why don't they just fuck each other again?

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user... she cannot have childrens. The one that kidnapped her made sure she would never be able to.

Fantasy in Japan always has to make some inhuman monster be the real villain because they don't like to think that people can truly be evil. That's why shit like the Demon Lord and evil dragons exist.

Now to find out where her hate of swimming comes from, having to swim her way to safety?
Well that or she just doesn't like swimming because not everything needs backstory

Too tsundere and autistic for it.

I ain't playing her route.

Don't be dumb, if they did that she's be as disposable as her crestlet siblings

Yes, actually, most of her like and dislike should be from the kidnapping (other than swimming).
I've read a good theory on reddit about that. It was like every pieces of a puzzle falling into place.

They... gave her pills?

They raped her until her womb was useless.

Reminder that you can only post in this thread, if and only if you owned a switch

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>I've read a good theory on reddit about that.
t. absolute state of current Yea Forums

Edelgard need mommy figure

Disgusting damaged goods, never touching that filth

>influx of unironic faggots for Claude on Yea Forums all of a sudden
>surprised that redditors are here
Seriously, user?

Reminder that the Polygon founder said the story is Fates-tier.

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They poured molten wax into her vagina to permanently plug up her womb

How'd they feel about FE9's Ashnard? I guess Julius and Veld both count too?

I'm trying to avoid story spoilers so I'm sorry if this was already answered in this thread but I'm genuinely curious as to how many Master classes there are to choose from.
It seems odd to me that it would have less choices to choose from - and most them be for mounted units - compared to the tier below it.
Can anyone answer that for me, please?

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Heh, Reddit is horrible, but sometime it's also much better than here.
Both websites have their uses.

>Yea Forumseddit gets hyped because le eyepatch man
>literally fates 2.0

Nah man, reddit so cool and way better that you should go back forever and stay on reddit because it's just the best.

Can somebody give me a source of this spreadsheet?
>sensei has no weakness
Based on fuck, my bros.

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Can't wait to become Sothis-sama's personal use footstool.

Can multiple people have the same crest? You'd think her parents would try to have another crest-wielding kid in case something happened to her

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MU is always op as fuck

Wow who could have guessed a NuFE game would have a horrible story.

That reviewer said he's only played Golden Deer's route so that "review" is exclusively for Golden Deers only

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FEs 4 and 5 were actually intended to have dragons as final bosses initially, before Kaga got reined in.
And besides, we technically still have a dragon as the final boss of 4, 5 was a smaller-scale sidestory to 4, and 9 was blatantly made to have a sequel.

>neutral at magic
>all of the people I want to recruit want magic
Well at least he's secretly good at Faith

>Byleth hidden talent is Faith
so i guess this is the stat for Rhea romance option?

>Edelgard weak in faith, hidden reason
>Dimitri's weak reason, strong authority
>Claude's weak faith, strong authority
i know this is mostly for gameplay purpose, but it checks out

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The Reddit leaker who was right on the timeskip, edgy Dimitri, etc. before E3 also said Edelgard and Dimitri are like step-siblings.

Not like family blood stops romance in a FE game though.

As if old FE ever had good stories

Why are people not allowed to use multiple internet forums at the same time?

Start is same for everyone, sunshine.

>Deerfags have to settle with a Fates-tier story

That's too bad
Time to yeet until I finish the game

>Expert has 12 classes
>Master has 9
>only unmounted mage is female only
I don't get it either. I heard there were more classes to choose from post-timeskip but I'd like confirmation on that.

Hilarious. Considering their future selves.

And you are actually taking a Polygon autor seriously. Don't be do obviously retarded.

I was just being ironic with my comment considering how much they are being pushed as foils of each other.

Golden"Chads" indeed.

Ravioli ravioli

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>actually taking Polygon seriously
wow, very cool


hopefully alternate route for black eagles lets you join liberation army.


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there's a big difference between passable / okay and god fucking awful

Can someone tell me why this game looks so bad?
Like legit graphically it looks worse than Warriors.
Aesthetically the artstyle is fucking ugly as shit and a massive downgrade to every previous FE game.

>good looking
>best stats
>no weakness
No wonder every student want to fuck sensei, huh.
What's a homeland and friendship compared to the perfect husband/waifu.

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Because FE13 was a hit, and therefore we need to make every game exactly like FE13.

Not New Mystery

I looks bad because your expectations can and will never be met, shitposter-chan

Say hi to Felix dad

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Intelligent Systems who never developed an HD game other than Color Splash and hiring an Otome artist.

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Mercedeskeks on suicide watch

>massive downgrade

FE always looked mediocre visually. The only good looking FE games are on the GBA.

Play holy war

Hey there

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Is that a dad I see?

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I can't tell if the lines around his mouth are facial hair or 30 year old anime man wrinkles.


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Go back to bed, son.
Or else.

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Facial hair

This picture was almost perfect

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>otomestacies[/spoilers] fans are people who like media aimed at girls with a focus on straight romances (mainly a girl protag going after her choice of boy love interests)
>fujos are people who like media that has lots of guys for them to pair with one another in homosexual relationships
While the two sometimes overlap, the terms aren't mutually interchangeable!!!

I'll also add that fujos tend to dislike any girls getting between their homo and are more likely to want any girls in the series to also be confirmed lesbians to protect their gay fantasies (especially western fujos). Otome fans are also at odd with fujos at times since they've been slowly trying to take over their market, as seen with Uta no Prince Sama (the otome game series 3H's artist is most known for) having added friendship endings which cucks the female protag out of a relationship with the boys for them to gay it up with one another instead. Thanks for reading.

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Switch Ashe with Felix and it's gold.

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Catherine IS a CUTE wife! Give ME cute knight wife! Give ME sweaty mommy wife!

Attached: Catherine.png (1200x1200, 999K)

>otomestacies fans are people who like media aimed at girls with a focus on straight romances (mainly a girl protag going after her choice of boy love interests)
>fujos are people who like media that has lots of guys for them to pair with one another in relationships
While the two sometimes overlap, the terms aren't mutually interchangeable!!!

I'll also add that fujos tend to dislike any girls getting between their homo and are more likely to want any girls in the series to also be confirmed lesbians to protect their fantasies (especially western fujos). Otome fans are also at odd with fujos at times since they've been slowly trying to take over their market, as seen with Uta no Prince Sama (the otome game series 3H's artist is most known for) having added friendship endings which cucks the female protag out of a relationship with the boys for them to it up with one another instead. Sorry for earlier screw up and thanks for reading.

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Post your hotwife

I'll post Bernie's B rank instead

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Is there a picture of her father? Asking for a friend.

poor show user, do better next time

Then he should’ve made you at least a little bit appealing instead of that ugly mess

Attached: Marianne_Portrait.png (1000x1000, 593K)

Her father is one of (((them))) lmao

>Bernadetta is only cleaned up after the timeskip because her parents are trying to sell her off

>>Sothis is past self of Rhea, who predicted her madness in the future and asks Byleth to stop her.
>>Final boss is Rhea, who transforms into a dragon. If Rhea is Byleth's wife, you can save her, but otherwise you will kill her.

Sounds fuckin retarded

Attached: PUNISHING SINNERS.jpg (880x652, 107K)

The hottest wife there is!

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VA Anchorpost, newly updated! Prior FE roles by the actor/actress are listed where applicable. Dual audio is already confirmed so please no bully if you prefer seiyuus!

>Tara Platt as Edelgard (Miriel)
>Cassandra Lee Morris as Sothis (Clarisse, Julia)
>Chris Hackney as Dimitri (Boey, Quan)
>Joe Zieja as Claude (Jamke, Canas)
>Robbie Daymond as Hubert (Tobin, Ares)
>Erica Mendez as Bernadetta (Deirdre, Lianna)
>Allegra Clark as Dorothea, Shamir (Ethlyn, Karla)
>Abby Trott as Annette (Nanna, Laegjarn)
>Faye Mata as Petra (Lene)
>Lucien Dodge as Felix (Leon, Naesala)
>Ben Lepley as Dedue (Saias)
>Shannon Mckain as Ashe (New to Fire Emblem)
>Dorothy Fahn as Mercedes (Rinea)
>Zachary Rice as Raphael (New to Fire Emblem)
>Christian La Monte as Ignatz (Seliph, Roderick)
>Ratana as Leonie (Ishtar)
>Joe Brogie as Sylvain (Linus)
>David Lodge as Jeralt (New to Fire Emblem)
>Patrick Seitz as Voice Director, Jeritza (Hector, Draug, Garon, Brady, Zeke, Voice Director for Fire Emblem Awakening, Voice Director for Fire Emblem Heroes)
>Ben Diskin as Caspar, Lorenz (Jakob, Matthew, Saizo, Hayato)
>Laura Post as Catherine (Silvia)
>Griffin Burns as Cyril (Julius)
>Cherami Leigh as Rhea (Caeda, Mae, Gwendolyn, Cecilia)
>Mark P. Whitten as Seteh (Lyon, Hrid)
>Deva Marie as Flayn (New to Fire Emblem)
>Rachel Robinson as Judith (Nailah) This character is currently unrevealed and Nintendo told her not to post her portrait in her tweet!
>Brad Venable as Kostas (New to Fire Emblem)

Pastebin with Twitter sources as the anchorpost has become too big (for you):

If I made any mistakes or omitted some actors please correct me! It's so cute how excited all the actors are for the game!

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And she still looks ugly as a sin

>Sounds fuckin retarded
it is an FE game user

AAAAAAAH Spinning Edge!!!!!!

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Yeah, what kind of weirdo would like a girl with fluffly, messy hair, haha

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Tonight really hasn't been my night.

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Are these yours user or are you getting them from somewhere?

Can you even S rank anyone before time skip?

>Male Byleth's small smirk
>nodding politely along with the conversation while thinking about how hard he's going to fuck Bernadetta's dad

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Reminder that literally every single video game journalist/reviewer is a drooling retard

She's like a hundreds years old user

That’s right bitch, you fucking don’t

so many girls in this game that really just need a hug

that’s why i like FE7 because the big evil dragon at the end is the effect. not the cause.

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Even better.


Yes, and?

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>In order to end the tyranny of crests and the cycle of the strong trampling the weak, Byleth shall travel far into the ancient past
>And fuck Nemesis, the original daddy of evil

Julius is practically Loptyr so i hardly think he counts as a subversion of FE’s Big Bad Dragon boss

>those elbows
>MMA fighter arms
>red nose

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I'm just posting them from the /feg/ guy

Boobs bad.

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Yeah the joke was cute but the art completely ruins it

Stop getting names wrong.

>Edelgard has retarded strength, Hubert hits hard too with his dark magic, Ferdie is solid, Bernie contributes too if you get her skill going
Linhardt is based as fuck but he's so slow it hurts

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At least post the one that didn't go full tumblr

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might as well

You can only marry the characters after timeskip

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Ega will never cover sensei's boobs

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Apparently the max you can get before the timeskip is B

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>Height: 158cm


Ega is thirstiest hoe around. She can literally A rank everyone, but Petra.

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What's her likes/dislikes?

>158 cm
what did they mean by this

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>intentionally letting your students take a peek on your tits

No, Loptous is technically the name of the tome. The dragon is called Loputousu.
And it’s spelled Yurius, not Julius.

why Claude is gripping the table so hard?

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I like how Edel is always the horny one among the 3.

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Trying to control himself fapping at her tits

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Thanks, I just grabbed the first one I saw but it's a bit amusing seeing the difference between the Byleths portrayals.

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>Dislikes swimming
Barbarossa death for Edelgard confirmed

>3 star
>level up gradually
this is gonna be painful unlocking those budding talent eh

user. you’re a better man than i. keep fighting.

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Pairing Maleth/Femleth with Edelgard and Femleth with Claude/Dimitri are brainlets. The based and patrician choice is pairing yourself with yourself

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Spoiler starting it seems, time to bail. See y'all in 2 weeks.

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Cute and Gorilla!

>Only 4 uses


You get more as you level up, magic uses per spell are tied with your level, you also unlock more spells as you level.

Can you post Ingrid's height?

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he looks really strong actually

>Petra is only 15

I'm starting to see why she loves the protagonist so much then. Still, holy shit that got dark fast.

That fucking strength, who even needs the rest of your party?

Someone needs to give her a hug goddamn it.No wonder she goes full on Daenery.


> Paralogue is exclusive to Golden Deer route

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Worst Anna design so who cares


Yurius is a bad translation of Julius though. You’d have to be a retard to not notice that.

>death Knight's passive affects his growths
So he's recruitable?

I will protect my empress

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I'm a bit new to FE, so I'm gotta ask, why the fuck do I keep seeing Anna in different artstyles in these threads.
Aren't most of the games not even on the same timeline? Does she really show up this much or is it just fanart?

How do I explain to the kids' parents if they die in the battlefield? Do they not actually die?

she's in every game

Anna is the Cid of Fire Emblem

Has Ingrid's timeskip design been posted yet?

Kek, I just remembered when all the Smash fans were complaining about "Erebun". I was confused who the hell "Erebun" was until I realized they were talking about Eleven. They went on the Dragon Quest wiki and google translated his Japanese name because they thought he had a canon name.

Anna is like the pikachu/Cid of FE
she will always be there, regardless of time/space/setting

She's like Cid from Final Fantasy, shows up every game but she only became playable after Awakening.

Except Valentia, Valm tolerates her but the chad Valentians won't allow her in.

Attached: Valentian Reich.jpg (1270x698, 166K)

She's the recurring menu/tutorial girl, but with Awakening they made her a playable character and explained/retconned it into a Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny deal where she's one of a ton of dimension-hopping lookalike sisters all named Anna.

This back story
>Dislikes: Rats, Chains, Swimming, Losing control

is literally a super villain's backstory no fucking wonder she goes crazy, there was no hope at all for her to be anything else.

>Everyone's a Von
they really go balls deep into the bloodline narrative

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The original fan translation of FE4 was full of those retarded things.
>Vylon instead of Byron
>Barharra instead of Valhalla

This is why you need to heal her with the power of your cock.

Is there ever any story justification for it?
Is it reincarnation, or it just happens and you aren't supposed to question it.

Vylon i can understand, but why the fuck they go for Barharra instead? its just so obvious

It's kinda like a joke, she's just always there.

Females of her family's bloodline all look alike.

>Think you can heel here with your MC powers
>She ends up becoming crazier because she fears losing you because of crest bullshit like she lost her family

It's impossible user

Awakening and Fates had her be part of a very large interdimensional family of Annas
basically don't think about

You meant youngster Joey. Pikachu is irrelevant in the games.

Don't think too hard about. Although in Awakenings the explanation for it was that she has lots of sisters and that they all look like her aka don't think too hard about it. It's just a joke.

She's just an Easter egg and then Awakening had to make a retarded explanation with her being part of a family with hundreds of identical sisters.

I’m gonna pick Team Deer and hope we can all just have fun and not murder everyone

>Leakanon, do you have anything on Hubert? He's my favourite.
>He's more supporting of fellow classmates than you'd think and his first-kill-quote wasn't some le epic edgy oneliner like people were expecting anyway I've wasted a lot of time doing a whole bunch of nothing so I'm going back to the game for a while

And here I thought he was hitting up Edlegards enemies with that medieval Chloroform cloth he’s running around with

>church tries to act like they aren't the bad guy when this is the music they listen to

I knew all along he'd be a good boy behind the sketchiness

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From the looks of it, it's implied that her parents didn't even know she had a crest(implying they were at least living as commoners and probably fairly distant relatives of the royal family, think of what happened to Marie Antoinette's daughter and that family line).
So it's probably that the imperial family had a string of crestlet heirs for a while and came across her family due to rumors.

This is mostly speculation of course but reasonable, people overthink direct blood relations in these kinds of settings with literal magic marks too much.

Im going to murder and mutilate Edelgard to get my axe back. Fucking bitch thinks she can take my crest.

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>My clock right now but I've wasted over two hours idle to be honest
>HOW ARE THE MAPS? I need to know
>Nothing impressive yet, pretty much just Kill Boss but I'm only on chapter 5.

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Marianne hates crests too though
They can both hate crests together

I haven't kept up to date on spoilers, can someone give me a quick rundown or redirect me to the spoilers?

>how's the difficulty?
>Not terribly difficult, but it's tough predicting when an enemy will use your gambit and those can screw you over. Enemies have competitive attack speed stats though. And I'm not sure if Skullface in the mausoleum was supposed to be defeatable in some way, there was no chance I could do it with my team. Haven't encountered enemies using combat artes yet, I imagine that will be a real pain.

There haven't been any big spoilers, just an user who apparently got an early copy posting screenshots. They've been posted in the thread, just scroll up.

>demonic, otherworldly chanting coupled with holy language with a heart slowly beating in background as if to revive something

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ill keep my expectations at -1 just to be safe

>In addition to being able to romance all characters of the opposite sex, there are three same-sex relationships available to each gender for Byleth, and S-Rank Supports for both Archbishop Rhea and the girl known as Sothis.
So Rhea and Sothis' S-supports aren't romantic in nature?

>Childhood friends
>Dimitri and Sylvain only get B rank

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Some interesting cross supports. Hubert won't talk to anyone outside the Beagles which is amusing. Wonder if it means anything Edelgard doesn't talk to Lions and Dimitri/Dedue don't talk to Eagles. What was up with all the "Seteth has no supports" stuff though?

Are the korean leaks real or fake?

>Edelgard has A with Lysithea and no support from other houses
What did they mean by this?

Come back tomorrow because the guy with the early copy went to sleep

Fake, with some educated guesses that could be true.

Eh, I hold my hopes for Edgelord to not be a dyke until the very last millisecond, guess it was for nothing.
Oh well, at least I still have the hot teachers.

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>1 is a pope
>1 is a lolibaba
i dunno. the Korean leak does said Rhea need to be wifed to be rescued tho

The original leaks implied way back that Rhea and Sothis weren't playable but still supportable.
Considering every S rank has been implied to be romantic in both past games in the series and literally every reviewer goes along with the idea, they are probably romantic, regardless of any other weird circumstances. Pretty much it's literally just this site that's been pushing the idea that some S ranks aren't romantic, so don't buy it.

Uhh bros wtf?

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>Korean """leak"""

Are you guys ok with not everyone being able to support each other?

>mfw bought a switch just for this game

Attached: nervous.gif (350x350, 1.09M)

But did you get the collectors edition?

It kinda makes sense but it sucks if you wanna recruit people from other houses

No. I don't like avatars being the only penis in school. But in hindsight I also dont like the dating sim support system of Awakening and Fates.

I just want my homies to get laid

Attached: I-need-dick-naow.jpg (457x491, 71K)

Reminder the polygon founder thought fates was good so his opinion didn't mean shit

Actually, isn't it rather implying that Rhea and Sothis are neither male nor female? The header for that section says "available marriage partners", but they're explicitly separate from the opposite sex characters and the same sex characters.

>Edelgard only talks to Mercedes (her countryman) and Lysa outside of Beagles
>Dimitri hates everyone from Beagles
>Hubert hates everyone not Beagles

Attached: thesefags.png (459x551, 250K)

Shut up my wife is not a tranny!

Does "shape-shifting dragon" count as a gender?

This, imagine wanting to be friends with an Adr*stian.

Maybe she's an eldritch being?

Doodoo also hates everyone from Beagles.

Yes, as long as there's no limit to how many we can recruit from Lions and Deers.

Why can't everyone be friends?

Because Beagles and Lions want to kill each other.

Reminder that he probably liked Fates and the entire depth of his critical thought is "I liked them both so they're on similar levels."

It doesn't even look like Edelgard has a support with Mercedes.

I don't mind it though I do hope there are paired endings somehow. Either way it's not gonna stop shippers if you're just in it for cute art.

Attached: 1536505682040.png (870x770, 224K)

Buy the DLC route and they can

Oops. You're right. I mixed Byleth's support there a little.

F for Sylvain's lovelife if Mercedes, Dorothea or Ingrid are taken

Shippers should kill themselves. Everone is just for your self insert.

It's a waste since you can't harem end

This guy thinks Fates has a good story though
So it could mean anything because this fucking reviewer has no standards

I'm surprised no one has made art of the eagle on their flag being replaced with a beagle yet

>anons and other fags have the game
>no one leaks it

I can't say what I find funnier...
Edelgard and Dimitri hating each other's houses like everyone MEME'D THEY WOULD, or Hubert hating everyone not-Eagles.

Attached: perfect.jpg (1280x720, 89K)

Shut up you entitled cunt

im fine with it, it does make sense for a lot of em to not wanting any interaction with the other houses
i do want a "dessert" group-support tho, ie the Lions just ask why did Caspar leave his house, and he's all "cus they made fun of my height"

You can thank the cunnyposters for drying those up

No. Leak it right now.

>The following tables list all known Characters that can achieve an S-Rank Support with the main Character Byleth, which will result in a marriage support rank.

Attached: 1563609207495.jpg (212x799, 22K)

Dimitri and Edelgard are just being tsuns. Hubert on another hand genuinely hates everyone.

I also find most of the Beagles, except their one foreigner hating Claude, and most of Sylvain's supports only going as far as b hilarious

Attached: 1562982528469.jpg (1093x1012, 201K)

Rhea and Sothis aren't actual romantic supports. You can S-rank them and it won't lock you out of a true romantic S-rank option.

Attached: 1590912490122.jpg (1356x1326, 172K)

>no Dimitri

So, you are saying that... Female Byleth can't marry Claude, or Dimitri? Otome fags are gonna commit suicide regarding latter one.

Piratechads rise up. Today's the day.

>No Dimitri
>No Claude
Wait what the fuck?

they can according to though i would have laughed my ass off if claude wasn't available for femleth either

Wait wait wait... Does f!Byleth gets friendzoned by Claude/Dimitri on their S support like male Kana did in Fates? THIS IS HILARIOUS!!!

oh nono bros?


>Ferdinand and Lorenz are both willing to slam Manuela's dred out womb
Well then
Also Hanneman, and surprisingly Alois

Ferdinand just screams fresh-squeezed bench juice to me

But Dimitri and Claude both have S supports with Fyleth.
If I can't even marry them but Edelgard is ok it's a huge blunder.

>no Claude and Dimitri
I see Edelgard is the canon choice for both gender.


It could possibly be a friendzone like in Fates' S ranks.
Point is: Bitches can't get married to either. Only Edelgard wants to marry you out of 3.

>Out of the 3 main you can only marry Edelgard

Bwahahahaha! Friendzoned. Dimitri and Claude give you a friendzone card. This is beautiful.

Attached: absolutekek.jpg (1080x1080, 69K)

>all known
so uncompleted then?

impending pedophile shitstorm

Attached: 1501297835365.png (400x400, 207K)

He seems decent enough, it's just that he has to compete with a 19 STR Gorilla

>Lorenz and Dorothea

I guess I have to recruit her now just to see this.

>bitches thought they'd be queens
Lmao! Neither Dimitri nor Claude are stupid enough to marry frog faced sensei as their queen. Based.


Attached: 1562561826875.png (541x800, 850K)

Considering how she savaged Ferdinand, I doubt it will be pretty

Attached: ZomboDroid 19072019133241.jpg (787x942, 165K)

>you can't marry Dimitri/Claude even though they have S rank
So, friendzone S support like in Fates? Poor otomes (Dimitri) and fujos (Claude). They got BTFO.

It's nothing about his stats, he just gives off that vibe

Edelchads win again

>At least female Byleth can marry Hanneman

I am so happy gaybros.
At least there is one way to marry him.
Its just like before. I would play a female and pretend it was a male all along just so I can marry my favourite.

Attached: 1563200307545.png (1200x1200, 710K)

Based Dimitri and Claude. BTFO bitches who thought they'd latch onto their title as their queens.

Based and canonpilled.

Attached: 1563178179122.jpg (4200x2600, 421K)

fucking brutal

OHNONONONONO Resteria is gonna freak!

>Edelgard is the only Lord that loves you
You are going to reciprocate, right?
You wouldn't ditch her for the Deers and Lions when they aren't even willing to make you their Queen, when she accepts you no matter what you are?

Did IGN fuck it up? It's weird that both lords have S support with female mc, but they aren't listed among those you can marry. Unless their S support is Fates tier friendzone.

>Lorenz can A rank a girl from each house while also going after two old women

He became too powerful after the timeskip

Edelgard seems pretty boring, she was never anywhere near the top of my waifu chart.
Probably gonna go after Catherine in me BE run, the beagles just have no good girls

Somebody should draw Claude and Dimitri saying "No way fag." to fem Byleth.

I was always going for my empress first!

Attached: 1554155185690.jpg (4000x5100, 1.36M)

Someone please data mine growths ASAP so i can turn Blue Lions into the greatest PMC

maybe wait till it's actually confirmed instead of going by an in-progress IGN wiki entry first

>no Dimitri
>no Claude

Cyril looks like akid before time skil and you can ss him


Is twitter having a meltdown yet?

Three routes so you can marry all three best girls.

Attached: old.jpg (3560x1200, 652K)

Did Dimitri and Claude just give NWF card here? kek


Here you go:

>In the table below, cells are color-coded by house (or staff/faculty of the Monastery), and pink cells indicate a same-sex S-Rank support and marriage is possible.

Dimitri and Claude not being romancable S supports would go against the screenshots on their own site as well as the chart in the article.I think they done goof'd

Plot-twist: The reason why you can marry either Dimitri or Claude is because they will be married to some random in time-skip and you can just be some side-bitch at best.

Attached: t. absolute state.jpg (640x460, 64K)

Thx, bros. Kinda weird that Noodleman and Gay-looking man can't be married tho.
Good thing I'm playing as male Byleth anyway.

Attached: FETH_SupportChart.png.png (1565x660, 57K)

>all because femc is so uggo
>edel would still hit that downy cunt tho

Attached: 1536760169608.gif (500x282, 494K)

>You can't marry Sothis or Reah as Femleth
Non-romatic support confirmed

I'm pretty sure Occam's razor applies and IGN just fucked up

Perhaps it's like the guy above you suggested. They might be already married to someone else by the time-skip. It's odd, but at the same time funny.

Wouldn't this confirm Eldegard's 4th route? Maybe it means that Dimitri and Claude die at the end of the game, while Eldegard has the possibility to survive in "her" 4th route. She is the creators' pet after all.

>Femleth can't marry Gilbert or Alois

Wtf I love Claude and Dimitri now. Based boys. Thots completely and utterly btfo.




Ahahahaha. So this confirms that friendzone from Fates is back. Which means that fem mc is indeed get FRIENDZONED BY DIMITRI/CLAUDE. lmfao

Explain this then.

>Shitty nu-FE dating sim supports slowly getting killed


Attached: 1556235570051.png (758x644, 270K)

>Nobody getting hyped for Lorenz x Sylvain supports

It's like they want to lose money...............

We've already seen screenshots showing Dimitri can be s supported retards ign just screwed up

That's a close friend S support you cuck

do you think the devs thrive more on tears than money now

See . It's Fates tier of S support. It's a friendzone, bub.

One of the two fucked up because this is a wiki in progress, but either way it'll be hilarious to see the result.
>You either get Reah/Sothis or Claude/Dimitri

>Sothis S-Rank is platonic for both Byleths
lolifags BTFO LMAO

Reminder that IGN said that you couldn't recruit Hilda.

Sorry, Stacey. No Dimitri for you in a romantic way. kek

Do we have a screenshot of Manuela's character sheet yet? I need to know how old she really is

Pedokeks getting dabbed on

>Femleth gets cucked by Dmitri/Claude
>Manleth gets cucked by Rhea/Sothis
oh no... nonono...


Looks like this will be the game that finally kills the series

My run:

M-Byleth x Ingrid
Dimitri x Mercedes
Ashe x Annette
Sylvain x Dorothea
Felix x Lysithea
Dedeu x Shamir/Flayn

Attached: FE Support.png (1565x660, 81K)

Imagine thinking claude wouldn't trick you into a platonic S support for the lolz

Attached: broken-dreams.jpg (1000x1000, 138K)

It's shown that there are marriage supports here

>Matchmakerfags btfo
>Homofags btfo
>Husbandofags btfo
>Pedofags btfo
>Waifufags btfo
Three Houses truly is the chemo curing the Fire Emblem fanbases cancer.

The only one of these I'd even consider is Cathrine

Swordfaire, Black Tomefaire

Attached: 1563612228177.jpg (1280x720, 277K)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I hope this all turns out to be true

Hi ginger ryoma

Black magic uses x2, dark uses x2, white uses x2

Attached: 1563612290130.jpg (1280x720, 270K)

Gilbert can only A rank Dmitri, head of the Blue Lions, and Annette, every other support is B rank.

Interesting, and probably character relevant since he seems like a closed off person, he probably only opens up to Dmitri that much as a consequence of something to do with his former house.

Goddamn, that is some nice armor


What do you think the bullshit meme class is going to be this time around?

Post Dimitri x Byleth or Claude x Byleth content to laugh at it.
I'll start.

Attached: F.jpg (600x834, 131K)

Fistfaire, Axefaire, Crit+20

Attached: 1563612351752.jpg (1280x720, 278K)

She looks really cute here

Canto, Bowfaire, Bowrange+2

Attached: 1563612413385.jpg (1280x720, 289K)

I'm laughing so hard at this shit.

Attached: rip.jpg (1172x1100, 593K)

Fuck that, post more of the mini Edelgard in that image.

Everything with a horse.
Maps are large, kanto is back and you can even dismount to ignore horseslayers

Give Otome fags a break. They've suffered-- are still suffering, enough as it is. Have pity on them.

Wyvern Lord and Dark Knight Byleth please

Canto, White Tomefaire, Terrain Resistance

Attached: 1563612477314.jpg (1280x720, 289K)

Ferdinadicus, the greatest gladiator in the empire

Canto, Black Tomefaire, Dark Tomefaire

Attached: 1563612539282.jpg (1280x720, 279K)

When we recruit the teachers can we force them to take classes to learn new skills or are they just stuck with what they have?

Gremory Dorothea

Attached: 1563612601183.jpg (1280x720, 267K)

based teacherbros

Attached: D1K926fUwAAycGf.jpg large 3 copy 4.jpg (1265x2048, 543K)

why can't we have the superior brother? i'm willing to trade

Attached: 1563585576035.jpg (1200x1800, 154K)

Attached: 1563612710546.jpg (1280x720, 268K)

They can learn too, it was shown

Oh no...? Oh no no no...?

I love his chibi sprite

The hat seals her power, without it, all is lost

Attached: 1563612905003.png (545x600, 506K)

To what am I returning to? What is this about being friendzone by Dimitri, Claude and loli?

Attached: 23a.jpg (500x375, 27K)

>Flayn can only A support dudes, Manuela, and FByleth

Awakening and Birthright are the best FE games.

Otomes, fujos and lolifags got "platonic"zoned, bay-bay.

>What is this about being friendzone by Dimitri, Claude and loli?
IGN, so give it 50/50 chance of them being wrong

Do characters keep their colour scheme in every class?

Hubert has supports with both Hannerman and Shamir. He probabably doesn't have supports in the BL or GD because he can't be recruited. Dedue is the same way.

Shipperfags on full cope

IGN possibly fucking up support chart and Yea Forums instantly shitposting about it.

Attached: 1563613195000.jpg (1280x720, 271K)

Apparently female Byleth can't marry Dimitri and Claude.
I don't know what's this about Sothis tho. I thought that she can be marry to both F and M Byleth?

>IGN didn't even know that Hilda is recruitable
>fags still believe their credibility

Attached: Fire_Emblem_Three_Houses_Preview_553_screenshot.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

Anons won't be able to heal Dimitri with the power of pussy like they wanted. And fujoshit won't be able to cope-fuck Claude as a female neither.


Attached: ersye6u76t.png (1565x660, 80K)

do you have any of these for the older characters by chance?

She and Reah aren't listed as marriagable in IGN's chart, but then again

Only Byleth can marry, but do the kids have non-romantic supports with each other?

Hey leakfag can you post Linhardt as a Gremory or dancer

But she's in here tho?
Or am I too drunk to understand this chart?

>implying chads like Claude and Dimitri even want to touch female Byleth with a stick

we just don't know, probably won't till the timeskip

Some A-ranks are supposedly romantic

Are the teachers naturally the highest rank for the classes they teach or are we going to learn how to teach a class from Manuela and then force her to come get taught by us?

I'm implying that Seteth couldn't prevent sister which goes to Manuela for help in finding only male """""friends""""".

The leakfag is from /feg/, I'm just posting the things he posts here so the thread knows what's he's posting.
See Still

They also specifically listed her A and B supports with other houses, something Dedue and Hubert don't have.
Hilda probably does have retardedly specific requirements none of their reviewers have done yet.

>The following tables list all known Characters that can achieve an S-Rank Support with the main Character Byleth, which will result in a marriage support rank.
I think they might be mentioning both tables. Sothis and Rhea are in the 2nd one too


So Bow Knights can't use swords this time around? Fugg, I wanted to make Byleth one

Weapons aren't class locked. Bow Knights can use swords, axes and lances.

Silvain's brother name is Miklan

Attached: 1563613628973.jpg (1280x720, 245K)

Attached: 576575.png (1280x1978, 3.97M)

>While most other students can still gain support levels outside of your house (and can also be recruited to join your team), certain characters like Hubert, Dedue, and Hilda cannot be recruited or otherwise supported

Attached: 1563583736215.jpg (1200x677, 135K)

>Dimitri and Claude don't want to marry you despite having S rank with you

Attached: gg.png (600x425, 443K)

How is the story so far in terms of quality?

Sounds neat.

Attached: 1563613639982.png (1280x1024, 1.4M)

>C rank in axes, E rank in lances
>steals a magic lance
Kek, I don't know why but I find it funny.

>otomes and lolifags still coping

Didn't a leak or reviewer mention how because they're all nobles there is some pre-existing betrothals or something?

Or IGN needs to update the list.

>Claude flirts with Teach to get them into his house
>Get all the way up to S rank
>Sorry got a wife at home

Attached: 1563613780523.png (1280x1024, 1.19M)

The only weapons class locked are tomes (magic and hybrid classes only) and gauntlets (no cavalry or mounted)

Their wording are confusing as hell, mate.
What I understand is that from this specific chart, you can marry Sothis and Rhea right?

Attached: Screenshot_315.png (587x741, 40K)

>trannies still coping

Armor Knights are still trash, right? But at least this means I can make Byleth one without him losing his special sword.

>implying i give a crap about shipping shit
You're all retards for sperging about an article that shoot itself in the foot

Keep typing buzzwords. Dimitri, Claude and Sothis will never put a ring on it.

Her base str is 13, at level 9 she got 6 str level ups

Armor knights suffer from the usual problem of no movement range in a game with large maps. Great Knights will probably be godly but that's a post-timeskip Armor class, since Great knight fixes Armor's lack of movement range.

Makes sense in all honesty. Although I do wonder why is Edelgard only one without fiance to wait for her.

So are these all the classes confirmed?
No new classes post timeskip?

Edelgard's damn near entire character is against the crests specifically, she'd probably kill anyone they tried to push on her to marry.

It said S ranks eventually end in marriage too. Probably just wait for a complete update on the table or leaks for now. Though the pink coded bars are pretty much all the confirmed same-sex support a few weeks ago

Master Classes ARE the timeskip classes.

Or it is a romantic support but without marriage for whatever reason.

We need LeakAnon to go after one of them and let us know

But thats impossible. People are posting pre-timeskip models as master classes.

Geneology (a dude), Thracia (a dude), Sacred Stones (demon), Path of Radiance (a dude) and Radiant Dawn (goddess) all disagree. And Conquest (bow faggot) as well I guess.

No idea then, when they were announced they were called timeskip locked.

Can you explain? Because just as says, the pictures being posted are characters in their pre-timeskip design as said classes.

IGN fucking up their wiki. Ignore it.

>In addition to being able to romance all characters of the opposite sex, there are three same-sex relationships available to each gender for Byleth, and S-Rank Supports for both Archbishop Rhea and the girl known as Sothis.
This is the line in question, it states the Rhea and Sothis S-Ranks separately "in addition" to the romances, suggesting that they are platonic.

You can go back to before the timeskip.

Edelgard is a control freak, that wouldn't marry unless she wanted to marry and frankly the only one she wants is sensei, regardless of their sex

The leaker in question is still in the very early game and hasn't even unlocked the advanced tier yet. The master classes are greyed out because the classes can't be accessed yet.
I'm also fairly certain that some previous coverage has mentioned the existence of hidden classes.

Making platonic S ranks is going to give uneeded anxiety to a lot of people that don't want to spoil themselves

>This is the line in question, it states the Rhea and Sothis S-Ranks separately "in addition" to the romances, suggesting that they are platonic.
Wrong. It suggests that Rhea and Sothis are not playable units as Thanibomb talked about in the leak thread.

The idea of having platonic S-supports in a game where support levels can have multiple conversations is dumb.

>hidden classes
Well I can only hope. 9 classes for the final tier seems so undwhelming when the previous tier has over 10

Sometimes, I wonder if the person who wrote stuff for IGN/IGN wiki get paid at all.

Attached: __byleth_byleth_claude_von_regan_dimitri_alexandre_bladud_and_edelgard_von_hresvelgr_fire_emblem_thr (730x599, 68K)

Its funny how the retards here love shipping people in fe4 and the gba games and hate it in everything else

Who else otomechad here?

>NWF'd on both Dimitri and Claude

IGN fucked up

IGN fucked up user, they have S supports on the chart.

>they somehow managed to forget two important lords to list
Keep telling yourself that.

It's what happened we have literal screenshots from reviewers showing the S support

Platonic S rank. Ever played past FE games? Not all S ranks = marriage and romance. See Fates. Lot of it had friendzone S ranks.

Didn't nintendo already told us that we can enjoy romance with Dimitri in Japanese trailer?

Anyone posting “””spoilers””” saying Sothis will be evil is absolutely retarded. There’s always been a literal a 0% chance of that happening.
Adult Sothis is also extremely unlikely and 99% of people who mention it are shitposting instead of giving a genuine opinion.

Were those in the original or just the 4Kids version?

They all resulted in kids

Then they're condraditcting themselves in that list if they're showing Rhea and Sothis while excluding Dimitri and Claude if they stated themselves that Reah/Sothis' S-Supports were platonic.

There are no kids here. Therefore friendzone is all you get.

The only friendzone S ranks in Fates are with the young looking kids, and they weren't platonic before Treehouse got their hands on them

I don't see a problem with Dimitri/Claude not marrying your mc. Mainly because it makes no sense for them to be in their 20+ without being already married to someone. They are lords of their countries ffs. They aren't going to sit around and pray for you to roll a female just so they can have a wife that they need for heir.

>Were those in the original or just the 4Kids version?
They were not in the original, just in Treehouse's edits.

That isn't happening in 3H.

Retard. Just because we don’t get child units through dumb plot magic (Fates was especially bad) doesn’t mean S ranks aren’t romantic. What, do you think no characters outside of Awakening or Fates had a romantic relationship?

Psst. Let them seeth. This is hilarious.

>all the ACTUAL gay S supports are from Black Eagles
>meaning there probably actually is differences in views on love and sexuality between countries

Big brain world building here

cope pedofags

Dimitri and Claude truly dogged the bullet there.

>Mercedes originally came from beagle country
>can dyke it up

They're not stupid, just trolling. (And replying to themselves)

First it was the "adult Sothis" nonsense to the point of posting a fake Famitsu article image with inserted text when the ACTUAL article was online

Now its the "platonic S-rank" nonsense

Same shit.

I guess those boys weren't stupid, nor desperate enough to marry female Byleth.

If we are to believe the platonic thing then, 4/6 of the homo supports are from the Beagles

Nah. I'm just amused at how many think that S rank is for marriage. It tells me one thing and that's that such fags came from Awakening.

What joy do you get out of shitposting this same line every day on an anonymous board? I’m genuinely curious. I don’t mind well thought out bait but just repeating the same shit 50 times an hour seems pointless.

there's a big difference between source and no source
the IGN wording is very deliberate, why would they say Rhea/Sothis S-Ranks "In addition" to the romances?

Claude feels like the kind of guy who'd take on a concubine, Dimitri though despite the whole KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM thing, doesn't seem the type


I hope timeskip Linhardt is a hunk.

>Flayn's supports aside from her brother and mc are Manuela and a lot of boys
>almost all of them are A

This. It honestly makes more sense for them to have their own canon waives, even if they are just faceless literal who.


Attached: 1510382724380-0.png (600x657, 234K)

>aside from 1 all of them are A
It's even worse.

They listed Sothis and Rhea in the marriage list while wording it that weird way while they failed to list Dimitri and Claude, I feel IGN fucked up hard.

Can you even talk like a person? Or am I literally replying to a bot? It feels like the latter.

If anything them forgetting to put Claude and Dimitri on the support list for FemByleth shows how undeliberate they were being.

I don't need to explain IGN's mistakes, because there is no such thing as a non-romantic S-support in this game.

Dimitri does seem like the type that would marry/fuck just out of his duty. Which is why him marrying someone else to do his duty makes sense. It's stupid to expect of lords to stay single after taking the crown. I mean, Chrom literally had to marry once he took the crown as well. Their nation isn't going to wait for some shitty self-insert to become their queen.


Except that would be the case for Edelgard as well and it isn't.

Also, it's specifically stated that Dimitri is still a prince after the timeskip.

They already fucked up with Hilda not being a recruit. But retards here are still falling for the bait/shitpost

Dimitri is still a prince after the timeskip, you fucking moron.

Edelgard hates the tradition though.
I'm not vouching for potential IGN's screw up. I'm just stating why it would make sense for him and Claude to already be taken by now if it wasn't IGN's screw up.

Oh guess I should've been clearer, I meant that Claude seems like the type of guy who'd take on Byleth as a concubine for his S rank while having a wife back home so that whoever's interested can still have their romance or whatever, unlike Dimitri who seems like he'd be too straightlaced with his vows to do something like that

>fujos get 2 hot daddies
>the only older yuri S rankable woman was confirmed platonic

Fucking fujo bias

Attached: 1563139054855.png (1950x3132, 510K)

Did we get a leak yet? Seems like a ton of new info is out.

Nothing solid, it’s all shitposting.

IGN confirmed Sothis S-Rank is platonic and the pedofags are chimping out

This bread is fucking hilarious.

Attached: mfw.png (326x287, 160K)

Some dude has the game and is slowly going through, but no dumps yet

Shipperfags are getting btfo. Hopefully by the next game whole marriage crap will be removed in the first place.

an user from /feg/ is playing

>In addition to being able to romance all characters of the opposite sex
Why are faggots still sperging out over Rhea, Sothis, Dimitri, and Claude when they even state this from the beginning?

Flayn is S retard


Attached: zdgdfgdrg.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

In this game your MC was given a wedding ring to give to the one they want to marry.

Only your MC can get married. It's actually both retarded and delusional to think that S rank isn't marriage when the game specifically introduces something for that purpose.

The romance isn't a question. It's the question can you marry them, or are you to be [x] character's cumdump while his true waifu is waiting for them at home.

>a rank supports between the non-mcs are romantic
>even if you s ranked one of them
>they flirt with other characters while wearing your mom's ring
Absolute cuck kino.

your a fucking idiot

All I see is the anti-shipperfags being delusional.

This is probably a stupid question lads please be merciful but you pick which house you're siding with before the time skip, right? I'm writing fic I want it to be semi correct at least

Attached: sadboyhour.jpg (749x694, 96K)

>But IGN states that all opposite sex characters can be romance
>W-well the romance isn't in question but they might have a wife waiting for them at home!!

yes, i'm pretty sure you pick your house as soon as the monastery hires byleth

(somebody is having a mental breakdown)
You ok there?

Thank you! I thought it was around there too but I just couldn't remember for sure.

Yep, you finish the first mission, get to the monastery, and have to choose a house. (Before that you can go talk to everyone)
Then once it's done, you have a inter house competition, where you bring 4 of your units alongside you to fight the other 2 house.
The one with the most kill win.

The only one having a mental breakdown is you because you're proven wrong. Now you're trying to cope by hoping Dimitri, Claude, Sothis and Rhea possibly having a different partner as the characters S-rank them. Not even worth a (You) at this point.

From the looks of the spoilers:
-you pick house to teach
-shit happens with normal school life and stuff
-time skip
-get back to school
-meet up with your chosen house that you join in war phase
-if you recruited students from other houses in school phase, during war phase they will surrender to you peacefully


That's a retarded question user, you do realize that not every noble in history has had a fiance growing up right? Especially in a fantasy setting where crests are decide how far a person can go, why would they pigeonhole their heir into a marriage when there's a very big chance that they could meet and marry a person with a Crest? Having a fiance would just get in way.

Good to know! Thanks for the information- it helps! Even though the game isn't out yet and most writing will be rendered non canon in a week, I'd gladly take any recommendations if any of you have some. I'll write anything

Dimitri dies in every single route, you morons.

>be merciful
No. How the fuck are you wanting to write fanfic like a faggot without knowing something that's been public knowledge for so long? Can you not read? Are you retarded?

Spoiler that shit senpai.

esp when Sensei is holding literally the biggest, strongest crest ever
if that thing leak out i wont be surprise that people will kill for their dick

i aint gonna believe it til i see it

Claude the fraud is going to backstab someone, right?

Attached: Claude.jpg (828x610, 99K)

god i hope so. If after all that build up Claude is just another friendship fag, then i'd be might pissed

Attached: 1561987583447.png (107x84, 10K)

Exactly, if anything the others would want to romance and marry Blyth to keep them loyal and most importantly obligated to them.
