Why was he the bad guy?
Why was he the bad guy?
Because Kojima wrote the story
So Kojima is anti-America?
He’s against demagoguery
Solidus wanted to free the public
Because he killed Raiden's parents
Otherwise he was A-OK
He was a hypocrite, he admitted he wasn’t a philanthropist at all and executed Olga despite Olga essentially having nothing to do with the plot anymore. He also murdered Raiden’s parents and drugged child soldiers to fight for him. In many ways he’s worse than Liquid.
Sometimes you gotta break a few eggs, man.
Forcing child soldiers to fight for him in the 80s isn’t stopping the patriots. He’s all of Big Boss’ worst qualities condensed into a clone. His eye patch is also on the left as symbolism since left was historically thought of as evil.
I forget; was Solidus always against the Patriots, or just after they took him out of power?
He was a puppet as president, and as he learned more he grew to despise them, ironically still a puppet
You think Solid Snake never did anything fucked up?
Only after he was thrown in the dumpster by the Patriots did he get butthurt about them.
Because CHEW ENJOY ALL THE FILLING, that's why.
Why did Liquid work so well as a villain despite barely being in the game?
British accent
The antagonists of MGS 1-4 were all cases of correct ideology but overboard approach.
Because Radn was the main character
An ends justifies the means mentality is great as long as you and your friends don't become another end.
he used child soldiers, thought war was good, and his sole motivation was wanting to be king of the world for a few years before he died
*become another mean
He was a madman obsessed with getting his revenge on the patriots although really what he wanted was notoriety among that covert community as being someone worthy of the genes that he was comprised of, to be called Big Boss (only Solid Snake seems to not give a shit about this legacy really).
And so his solutions are abhorrent, creating child soldiers for...some reason.
Oh and to stick it to the patriots he's going to steal a metal gear factory to have access to metal gears and nukes so he can detonate nukes over the skylines of major cities. Knock out all the electronics and electricity in the place. Would this really hurt the patriots? Doubtful, it would cause chaos and probably draw them more and more into an open conflict as they seek to regain control. But what of the radioactive fallout from the nuke? The destroyed lives of millions of people from basically having civilization get turned back to the stone age in a major city?
He is willing to sacrifice millions of people to reach his goals and THAT is why he's the bad guy.
You have a similar thing with Big Boss himself. Liquid is probably the only "bad guy" that wasn't really a "bad guy" because his targets were direct and only towards those that were the problem. Never really innocent people from what I can remember.
It's no wonder that Solid Snake and his own crew become the only ones to actually take the patriots down and unravel the entire conflict.
He wasn't, that's the entire point of the story
this gonna be hard to swallow but ok
He was a hypocrite, he admitted he wasn’t a philanthropist at all and executed Olga despite Olga essentially having nothing to do with the plot anymore. He also murdered Raiden’s parents and drugged child soldiers to fight for him. In many ways he’s worse than Liquid. At that point, Ezio entered a portal and came with the Apple of Eden, which Solidus wanted, but Crash Bandicoot formed an unlikely alliance with Banjo Kazooie, came in with Chester Cheetah, and smited Solidus. Solidus got cloned again while this happened towards the end. Raiden fighting Solidus at the end is actually Ezio pretending to be Solidus with the mangekyo sharingan.
I love Liquid, for all the ideology and politics, it just feels like it's sibling rivalry that drives most of his actions regarding Solid.
Yeah, he sunk that oil tanker, he was part of a terrorist organization.
because while having good intentions (freeing everyone from the Evil AI) his execution made him a bad guy.
He wasn't supposed to be, part of the twist was that you were meant to realise Snake was being used and that you were essentially the antagonists in the big picture.
It didn't work because Kojima is a hack
Please pretend that this guy wasn't Snake.
>He wasn't, that's the entire point of the story
Him and his Dead Cell goons were bad guys. So were the Patriots.
It's that the Patriots played you against Dead Cell and Solidus.
he was willing to kill millions to save billions
Save them from what?
the Patriot AI
>Solidus will never get his own game as a playable character
hold me bros...
what was it doing that was going to put them into harm's way? Disrupt their way of life and make it worse?
>what was it doing that was going to put them into harm's way? Disrupt their way of life and make it worse?
It was removing their free will. They were just puppets of the AI
Did you miss the whole war economy thing from MGS4?
nice whataboutism
He's probably one of those purists who don't want MGS4 to be canon, despite it being necessary to the story of the series
No way man, Snake died back on that tanker two years ago.
Nothing after mgs3 matters anyway. and mgs3 is patriot propaganda
>Nothing after mgs3 matters anyway.
stopping The Patriots doesn't matter?
Because he was a pompous ass with a British accent, most likely based on Dio.
>despite barely being in the game?
He literally talks to you over the codec the entire game.
Charm and Chrisma.
Doesn't matter how much screetime the character has, it's how it's handled.
It wasn't removing their free will at all. Sure the soldiers and such were puppets of the AI but the individual random person? Likely not even on the radar of the A.I.
Solidus would be literally slaughtering people to "free" them from a system that seems intent on keeping them comfortable all things considered.
At the very worst it seems to be more akin to giving people misleading information but people do that to themselves anyway (flat earth, anti-vax, etc).
War economy thing comes in much later and yes that is bad but let's be honest here...how does that disrupt the lives of a random citizen flipping burgers or cubicle warming?
If you're a U.S. citizen does a war in some shithole desert really affect you if you're not a soldier or not involved with a company or supply chain involved in said conflict/war?
I've never heard of that. MGS4 can't be ignored like Portable Ops or Acid!
Let us be also extra clear here, the whole war economy thing and the state of the world by MGS4 is the fault of Big Boss and everyone that decided to follow him.
The war economy thing was the world he was actively trying to create so he could have endless conflict to continue fighting in. This idea that Solidus and anybody else was trying to save the world is fucking nonsense.
Oh and let's also be double clear, with the game of MGSR:R we see a world operating in much the same way that MGS4 did with ya boy LET R RIP Raiden fully participating in it.
So it would seem that destroying the patriots didn't do anything. In fact the "war economy" may have been controlled with the patriots AI but now it's completely unleashed, uncontrolled, and unpredictable. Now the people that the patriots should supposedly be protecting, (U.S. Citizens) are at even more risk internally and externally.
Because Para-Medic molested him as a child
Solidus was born in 1972. Despite his accelerated aging, he was also a child soldier in the 1980s.
>It wasn't removing their free will at all.
because it already did it before the events of the game
Liberian war was in the 90s, which is when he was raising Raiden to be an efficient killer in his army made of child soldiers, so that user only got it wrong for few years.
Because the lalilulelo wants you to think that.
That is one of the points of the game.