Is this the most underpowered piece of garbage that has ever existed on a videogame?
Is this the most underpowered piece of garbage that has ever existed on a videogame?
Not really, but its the shittiest in her game.
remember when she was actually unique then they nerfed her even though she already had the lowest pick rate.
No you just suck. I've seen Sym carry plenty of times.
they definitely wont after the new tp changes
just cause she can carry you in bronze doesn't mean she's good
People still play overwatch, and still care about their (((competitive meta game)))? lmfao
Maybe three years ago. Right now she's better than Genji and Roadhog at least.
After that first rework she was perfect. I had so much fun playing her. Then they ruined her.
Some people are "hyped" for 2-2-2, and say it'll save their game. However from what I've seen on ptr , I dont think it'll do much.
Hog is much better now, atleast on bunker, which is meta now. He'll stay great on 2-2-2. Genji seems to be less ass, but he still gets outclassed by snipers and mccree.
sorry user, that was me, I ruined her
with muh dick
You clearly know more than I do so I'll defer to your wisdom.
You are retarded.
t. 70% w/r masters with sym
she's insane when climbing ladder
No, that's this guy.
You mean when she was "left click and hop around like a retard until you die"? Wow, what a fun design.
The new TP changes are a major buff am I missing something?
Yeah, all her utility seems stronger. Not understanding why he thinks it's weak unless the cooldown on it has jumped up a bunch.
Why yes, I have stopped playing Overwatch. How could you tell?
>he didn't equip his entire squad with jogurt rings.
Ragnarok online - blacksmith class - forger build - 99 dexterity & 99 luck, hits everything and crits 33% of the time, does no damage, can't Dodge, can't tank, no party skills, literally only leeches exp.
The fact that some designer thought that was okay blows my mind
hamond's honestly a great contender with winston imo. with incredible speed an hp you can seriously fuck with whole teams
Well, yeah, Hammond's fine. I was talking about Jogurt.
I want her thighs around my head
what are your thoughts about the increased ult charge percentage across the board for every character?