Uhhh, dudes...

>Uhhh, dudes, there's this writer called JRR Tolkien who was a scholar of Old and Middle English language/poetry who used his intellectual pursuits to create an allegorical world as a counterpoint to historical and cultural works
>Hey, why don't we just clone that idea without any of the nuance or understanding?

What game am I thinking of?

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there are a million games, books and movies fitting that exact description

He didn't create elves, he just popularized them

The elder scrolls and pretty much any west rpg

He describes elves as wise perfect beings instead the little fayries the are in folclore
Dwarf and maiar are better than the tree hugers

He created the modern idea of elves.

>allegorical world
Tolkien explicitly disliked allegory because he didn't like telling audiences how they should interpret his work. He preferred applicability.

Name 10 fantasy WRPGs that don't shamelessly rip off Tolkien.

Attached: frudu.jpg (400x399, 27K)

On a related note, what the FUCK were the writers thinking with Shelob in Shadow of War? Why did they turn a giant spider into a sexy temptress with the power to see the future?

because gib spoder puss puss plx

Attached: Glaurung.png (1279x979, 1.23M)

I know some will say that Dragon Age is a ripoff because it's basically NWN3, but all the Tolkien-like elements are only surface layer. The reality of DA is that it's all about the politics, there originally weren't even going to be darkspawn before others at BW told the writer there has to be a big bad.

Elves have a few folklore depictions depending on where we're talking about
Western european elves are basically just another kind of fairy/pixie, nordic elves are more like tolkein elves in appearance, but still mischievous/malicious spirits.

Every lotr game other than the crappy fellowship of the ring game.

Ehh, Elder Scrolls is actually an extremely strange setting as far as western fantasy goes. Unfortunately, Skyrim goes out of it’s way to hide that to the point where you’d think it’s just generic fantasy setting #372.

because shelob isn't necessarily a spider, she's a valar with the power to take a lot of different forms and appears as a spider in the books, they still stretched the lore a little but it's not as bad as it looks on the surface

>There will never, EVER be a good middle-earth RPG

Attached: 79480123.jpg (658x523, 58K)

The Third Age is unironically good, especially since you can emulate it easily, the only real issue with it is it's too easy

Not more fucking elves.

Every single video game that takes place in an undefined middle ages environment.

It also really needs to speed up some of its animations.

thread should have ended here. Allegory, satire, and deconstruction are all shit genres for shit eaters

oh yeah, that too, that's that authentic mid 2000s rpg feel, user

You know my biggest tolkien peeve?
The dude LOVED tobacco, he considered it a great health and mental wellbeing medicine.
The pipeweed in the books is tobacco, as literally canonised in the Tolkien Bestiary.

Yet every epic memelord and indeed fucking hollywood think pipeweed is marijuana. He'd be spinning in his grave.

now do Lovecraft
HARD MODE: no mention of niggers

Don't you want to watch more spinning, user?
It's a good trick.
>tfw used to joke about the spear dude flying up into the sky going THIS IS AIR ROHAN
also that sheer silliness in crafting Lembas Bread in combat
Evil Mode is fucking great

There's nothing wrong with allegory in of itself, there is clear allegory in LotR like the Dead Marshes being the horrors of Passchendale he witnessed. He just didn't like explicitly telling audiences what things meant because he preferred them interpretting it for themselves.

>The dude LOVED tobacco, he considered it a great health and mental wellbeing medicine.
In fairness the dude lived most of his life before we found out it was bad for us.

>you will never puff longbottom leaf with Merry while discussing how useless niggers are and how everyone else is a massive fucking cuck faggot for some reason

I'm fine with the animations in of themselves, but they're so damn slow. They need to be like 25% faster.

Fuck weedfags.

it's gonna be like that for the remainder of the series' life

normie faggots don't like anything different so it's generic fantast crap from here on out

>In fairness the dude lived most of his life before we found out it was bad for us.
The problem is more that people thought Pipeweed is a cannabis allegory rather than a tobacco allegory, meaning weedfags flock to it rather than looking at it through a relevant historical lens

Oh no, I agree. There's a good bit too much flourishing, and since it's all kinda slow it really adds up in a way you become very aware of.

Especially since you use them basically every turn.

It's called a joke, autist.


>the little fayries the are in folclore
They only became that in the early modern period. During the Middle Ages, they were like Tolkien's elves. He single-handedly brought that idea back.

He created the modern versions of, for all intents and purposes, literally every single aspect of "high fantasy". In particular everything that illiterate retards think is "medieval European fantasy" (despite it being from the 1950s and 1960s and having nothing to do with Europe).

I feel like there's a legitimately good idea under the surface, and that the problem was making her Shelob and not some other spirit/Maiar.
Completely autistic nitpick but Valar and Maiar are totally different tiers of power, and Shelob is no Valar.

Tolkien specifically HATED when people called Middle Earth an allegory. As a catholic he felt guilty that the church destroyed records of Englands old pagan mythology so he attempted to create a substitute with Middle Earth

Planescape: Torment, or any other "weird fantasy" game might count, but that's probably even pushing it.

For all intents and purposes, "western fantasy" literally MEANS "ripoffs of Lord of the Rings".

Despite sjws always claiming that "western media is Eurocentric", the fact of the matter is that 99% of people have never seen a single movie based on actual European mythology in their entire lives, and never will, since they flat out don't exist (at least in the mainstream). And I literally can't think of a single game based on European mythology. The only games I can think of that even take place in medieval Europe are turn-based strategy games and Kingdom Come: Deliverance.

Whereas on the other hand EVERYONE has seen movies based on asian mythologies or hispanic mythology or west-indian mythology. That shit is EVERYWHERE.

>despite it being from the 1950s and 1960s
1930s actually

Elder Scrolls was literally the D&D campaign that the Bethesda devs played in the early 90s. Pelinal, the Bull of Kyne, Alexia, all those were likely player characters of people that have long since left the company

>And I literally can't think of a single game based on European mythology.
Greek myth stuff?

There were writers before him that did Elves the same way. Check out Lord Dunsany. Warning: King of Elflands Daughter is fucking sad if you've ever had a bad breakup

Theres a fuckton of Japanese games that are based on celtic mythology, it's just that nobody is educated enough to recognize the names.

if you take it literally, it's quite literally DnD, just not as retarded
>dark elves are crazed back stabbing, 'evil', nibbas who live underground.
thats the description of delves in both settings, but TES makes it feel much more genuine than that. something something culture. i dont know, im missing something here

if only the nords and cyrodilics got the same treatment


You must not play many video games

Shelob isn't an Ainut, guys. She's one of Ungoliants daughters. And no one really knows what the deal with Ungoliant was.

Dark elves are basically volcano jews in TES, they don't live underground either

>to create an allegorical world
Tolkien hated the notion of an "allegorical work" and constantly denied that LotR was meant to be an allegory for anything you fucking know-nothing faggot.

>there is clear allegory in LotR like the Dead Marshes being the horrors of Passchendale he witnessed. He just didn't like explicitly telling audiences what things meant because he preferred them interpreting it for themselves.
He disliked allegory because making your work allegorical means tying it to a specific, particular non-fictional scenario often with no care for the internal validity of the fiction itself.
