This game is fucking amazing. I avoided playing it for years because I thought the MC looked like a fuckboy...

This game is fucking amazing. I avoided playing it for years because I thought the MC looked like a fuckboy, but it's actually so good.

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Good job at being a total homo man OP

It's the graphic style why people hate it but it's better than most fantasies

>steiner goes on trance in the last battle to protect his waifu

I apprecciate the opinion op, but a lot of anons on Yea Forums seem to dislike the game.


the art direction in this game is trash but it's the best ff aside from that.

the art direction is fantastic, it feels like you're in a story book

should I play FFIV or replay FFV

ffiv is the most overrated trash ever
ffv is fine

play iv just since you havent played it. i liked v better but there's a lot of upside to iv itself

is ffvi or ffix better for mobile?

gonna be sitting on a lot of airplanes in the near future and want a jrpg to pass the time

took you long enough

The art is great. You just have poor taste.

>the 3rd worst final fantasy game
you have shit taste

Yeah the character designs are far and wide the weakest parts of FF9. Everything else is top notch. It was the last true FF game.

there's literally only 1 FF game better than 9 lol what are you babbling about

it's 4 by the way

>couldn't steal anything

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>the MC looked like a fuckboy
>The only FF protag who saves the world for the sake of pussy

You fuckers don't deserve based Zidane.

Go back to your crossdressing fakers and dead flower girls.

People who don't like 9 but like 10 have no idea what the fuck final fantasy is about. Prove me wrong.

>Beatrix doesn't become a party member
>Amarant does

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i like 9 and 10 both

people who dislike 9 tend to be zoomers or weebs who came in at 7

Is there a way to make moguri work for cracked copy?

IX > VII > VI > X > XII > XV > VIII > XIII

Those are the ones I've played. I will give VIII another chance with the remaster, maybe it's moving up a little.


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Why is it getting LESS discount over time instead of more?
What the fuck?

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it's a really great example of cliches molded into great character development.

I wish the HD remaster would have improved the battle speed a little bit. Even with all the speeds turned to max, it's so sluggish. There's so much waiting around. It's really the game's biggest flaw, and it's a shame it didn't get fixed.


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Who is this? I don't remember her.

because they want you to buy the console version that just came out

This and I fell for the ff9 in switch meme and it feels so slow and the font looks like shit, and its just a lazy port with that annoying bug that resets the overworld theme

Modded PC version is the best way to play. Background upscales make it look fresh as fuck, and you can revert to the classic font as well.

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we tried to tell you

why did freya get shafted so hard

her entire arc is on disc 1 and then she's just irrelevant for the rest of the game basically

yeah, you can tell they had to cut some stuff at the end including her arc and Amarant's. It's a shame.

who's the best character and why is it Quina

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I like how the FF9 freaks always have to make their own thread to talk about the game. They are never brave enough to defend it in a general FF thread. Also none of them have played FF6. The Kingdom Hearts series was specifically made for you bitches.

>can't get the full story with reading the ultimania, which is in japanese
great game ya got there furries

>The Kingdom Hearts series was specifically made for you bitches.

>Nomura's series was made for fans of the one classic FF that Nomura didn't work on

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Show me more. The difference between the updated character models and the blurry ass backgrounds on the PS4 kills me.

new as fuck

it's a meta thing, your are supposed to forget about her, like her boyfriend does

>wanted to play ff9
>accidentally got ff6

fucking bullshit. I hate sprite shit

Extreme trauma, it's amazing she didn't fucking kill herself at the end of disc 1.

Type-0 was the last true FF game but PSP limitations really fucked it hard. FF9 is still the best iteration of the series though.

I'd go for VI. I've never played IX on mobile but I imagine it looks like hot garbage. The Steam version is better since you can unfuck the backgrounds.

Kinda fucked up that they end up treating Beatrix like a good guy when she slaughtered Freya's race

Is X fun? All I've heard about it is shitting on blitzball

Zidane is totally a fuckboy

Since you've been in a coma or whatever you'll be delighted to hear that IX is actually the worst of the PSX Final Fantasy games by a hugely significant margin, so if you're enjoying it you're going to absolutely ADORE VII and VIII.

X is a good game, it's just incredibly linear for 20 hours and then opens up. It has probably the best gameplay out of all of the turn-based entries. The sphere grid also offers a lot of build customization if that's your bag

>ff6 and ff9
Huhuhuhuhuhu, he said 69!

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She's from that tree place in the 2nd disc.

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Not everyone is a manchildren like you

*commits war crimes*
*goes unpunished*
*gets rewarded with true love*

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FF4 bored me to death

Bye-bye, Garnet. Bye-bye, Eiko.

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How can WAR have a CRIME? The objective is to kill as many people who aren't on your side as possible and take their stuff until they are on your side. War in and of itself is a crime.

How to make the game lose all challenge with one easy trick.
Who would have thought that overly long battle animations would break regen in half?

cant do this for a pirated version last i tried, sucks.

we hate it because the combat is slow as fuck and becomes completely unbearable after the 400th time.

Why did they make Kuja so cute?

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the art style is the best thing about this game you fuckin retard.

I love how people either love the art style for IX or absolutely hate it and there is no middle ground.

War is war. The point is to kill your enemies. If you don't like warriors just say that.

Kuja having better hips and hair than any woman in that game, and dressing like a female stripper, definitely would've fucked up my childhood if disk 3 didn't break twice.

It's true. Final Fantasy is about long ass animations and watching progress bars slowly go up so you can take your turn. If you don't like that, get the fuck out.

I love the music in FF9.

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>tfw still no good discount because Jew Enix
How do I get it for cheap on PC, bros? (no pirating)

>the objective is to kill as many people who aren't on your side as possible
the objective is to prove your stance on a political or ethical issue using a last resort method

What a terrible history revision. A majority of wars are for RESOURCES not VIEWPOINTS. People killed each other to have more land and food and sea for their own kids when their area got full.

Fuck rats


ix mobile is great

Stiener is a total bro, and realizing that Alexandria is a matriarchy made me like him more

>and realizing that Alexandria is a matriarchy
He didn't pick that up from having exclusively female rulers and being in a small, token male-only unit given low-importance jobs in an otherwise exclusively female army?

nigga what do you think realizing means?

5 > 9 > 12 > 4 > 7 > 3 > 10 > 6 > 1 > 13 > 8 > 2 > 15

Prove me wrong

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How come the most childish of FF games ended up with the most sincere and touching story?

THIS exactly. The only changed I'd make is put 11 > 5.

It's incredible and blitzball is optional

The game is mostly linear but it still has towns and semi-open areas to traverse, it's not just a hallway. It doesn't actually feel that different to earlier FF games, especially the fairly on-rails FF9, it just doesn't give you a world map.

>FFIX thread
welp, guess I'm going to replay it again

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Beatrix genociding fur-fags before it was cool.

So you agree then? Cool.

other way round

>the lighthearted job romp is overrated trash
>the boring bad guy turns good/love story space epic is fine
and this is coming from a fan of IV

>game is mostly standard western fantasy
>then its revealed the villain is an alien on the moon so you ride a giant whale shaped airship and learn Cecil and Golbez are half alien
>you fly back down with an old moon man to stop a giant from killing everyone and then it turns out the majority of characters didn't die and are okay (except Tellah because fuck him)
>then you go back to the moon to kill the alien who nearly kills you but everyone prays to you and you kill the shit out of him and everyone lives happily ever after
the final stretch was fucking wild but I quite enjoyed it

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Sorry m8 i like all the discs of my game to be good, not just the first two. The gameplay dips but what really kills 8 for me is just how off the rails the story and setting goes and never comes back from. Rinoa rinoa rinoa becoming 75% of squall's dialogue out of nowhere really kills the fucking game. KINO as fuck first 2 discs tho. 7 and 9 are lateral for me.

Because they don't try super hard to be edgy and dark/deep with the story and storytelling.

Loyalty to the crown goes a long way

Glad you like it op. Still one of my favorite RPG's of all time.