Fire Emblem

Spoilers in never ever

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shit son. HE DIES.

Source or kys

I'm going to kill every last one of them if the game doesn't leak right now.

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Leaks are imminent lads. I'll be ducking out until I've put a ring on my cute wife Beru's finger in all four routes. Godspeed

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For the glory of the empress!

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Sensei join the Blue Lions so we can start a revolution

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Go back to your bees, bitch.

Even if spoilers happen I'll be skeptical until the last moment since for fates the spoilers that kept getting spammed turned out to be horseshit.Which is a shame actually, since they would of made conquest story not shit.

Yea Forums, roast my dad

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Edelgard's tit growth over the 5 years you were gone makes me diamonds

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I don't need spoilers.
Where are the dumps?

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I just want the nsp already so I can marry my wife quicker.

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Sorry i don't play Mobage, but i like the dude.

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>Claude secretly running an entire minecraft server on the school wifi and destroying our bandwidth

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Spoiler in 5 minutes

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there's too many waifus and not enough routes

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I'm so glad he turned out straight. It's funny how things turned out.

Join her

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I already signed up

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How hard do you all figure it'd be to get review copies of games? My website has pretty high traffic and a gaming review section would easily fit into it too.

I'm never playing through the worst route. Not even once.

Not hard. There are youtubers I literally haven't even heard of that apparently have a review copy.

Yeah it shocks me too because some youtubers have like...not even 500 subs. I wonder if they just email Nintendo or something. There has to be some kinda vetting process.

>Raphael is 18
He looks way older.

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>Claude "other factions are tardy to the fag killing party" von Riegan
Imagine being a faglovin' Eagle or Lion. Steers all the way.

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Raphael is pretty cool but rude.

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The only one that's gay on the Lion's side isn't even from their own country, though, and she can easily be killed off in the upcoming war.

>Goes from being an Of Mice and Men looking motherfucker to Andre the Giant

In my game he's going to die protecting Ignatz (all for nothing since I'll let ignatz die just after too)

This is the wife of Lorenz. Say something nice about her!

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it's the anime cliche way
>14-16yo: the perfect age
>17yo: bad guys and super developed onee-sans with f cups
>+ 18yo: look like a fucking 35 yo, could be your mom/dad
Japan is one cliche after another.

Yeah they said Hubert is 20... Like, 20 + 10 maybe.

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>mid 20s-30s
>ojii-san, tell me about the Taisho

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What if I want her to take me by force?

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>Will be 30 after time skip
Fucking noice. Can’t wait to marry her as soon as possible.

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Too bad she isn't Byleth's sister he can fuck

Antagonist dies? Absolutely shocking.

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I like this image a lot

No one is loyal to Claude

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Fucking lol

>Sent from my android

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You are going to steal all of Claude's "friends" before ending the Deers, right?

This nigger is slimy AF lmao

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You need to do a side quest and choose a certain dialogue in order to get her.

You fucking bitch!

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Hey, I'll do anything. I would fuck a dad to recruit her.

Alois is best dad.

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He's the worst kind of coward. The kind who treats it like a badge of honor. Cunt.

Claude knows """""""""""honor"""""""""""" is a lie and lets the idiots die for it. Based merchant!

>[email protected]

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Fucking ((merchants)), no loyalty whatsoever.

Fuck. Now I have to choose between 3 girls now.

No wonder why his so-called most loyal man (woman) isn't loyal to him either. She learned from the best.

Claude is a """merchant""", not an aspie.
Should be mining bitcoin with the school's wifi.

I’m gonna marry Petra in six days!

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rip playable mikoto/garon, you were too good for this cruel cruel world

Hilda, you're officially worse than D*scar scum. No loyalty whatsoever.

>implying Claude wouldn't be proud of his fellow housemates

So if the game comes out in seven days, how many days until it's all leaked? Three? Two?

Wait ... Does this means that Hilda isn't house exclusive character like Hubert and Dedue, or does it mean that there are no exclusive characters in the first place and that you can recruit anyone?

It’s never getting leaked. It has the new Nintendo POWERSTAR(TM) DRM protection installed.

>"I seriously hope you guys dont do this"

Never. Possibly Monday.

Apparently there's a sidequest that you must do to recruit Hilda. Chances are it will be obscure and easy to miss.

Petra is perfect in every way user, why wouldn’t I marry and impregnate her?

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When was it that Pokemon Ultra got leaked?

This is why you should never trust a woman. Claude deserves this because he was stupid enough to trust one.

Sylvain's brother

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>Byleth's reply is an entire week later

I love his design.

Yes, but I'm interested if this only applies to Hilda, or to other 2 as well. It would be hilarious if Claude is the only lord whose retainer leaves him in such manner.

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Over a week before release.

Hilda isn't really his retainer, none of the Deer kids are so it makes sense


It would be weird if Hubert and Dedude jumped off the wagon, since both of them are bound by an oath they made themselves.
Hilda makes sense since there is nothing that indicates that she can't switch sides.
Besides, GD are (((merchants))). Loyalty is error 404 for them.

reporting in, time to kill some dykes

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>He’s picking Golden Deers

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Trapplin' queers with my fellow deers.

No. Lorenz wanted BERNADETTA FEET

>good in Cavalry and Magic

Why are the character designs such utter garbage this time?

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Something tells me that Lorenz is laughing his ass off about this.

>best lord
>giga chad Lorenz
>best girls
>backed by jews
>traditional family values

Lorenz is meant to look bad since he becomes a chad after the timeskip.

>Claude is totally straight guys!
>leads male Byleth onto the dance floor
there is no way this man is straight

If you don't think Lorenz is based af, you're just wrong.

he looks good after the time-skip


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Claude wingmans you to find someone to dance.

You take that back

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Cope homo

>Edelgard doesn't want to dance with her favorite teacher

Hilda, what the fuck? This truly is the house of kikes. Nobody is loyal to anybody.



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>he grabs you by the wrist and encourages you to dance if you're male
>he grasps your hand if you're female

>Implying it's not a unique cutscene for whoever you ask to the dance

I don't get why. A teacher dancing ballroom with a student is probably career suicide.

Claude is literally leading you to the tower of pussy to help you get laid

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Can someone post videos where Claude is into them?
I like that light-skin nigga a lot


Absolutely pathetic.
No loyalty at all among his men.
Total and complete cuckshit on whole another level.
Claude should just save himself the trouble and jump off the cliff at this point.

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Claude is literally a giant troll. Hell, you can do the same in Cold Steel, ditch the girls and dance with one of the guys for fun.

t. Claude, scared at how the Mage Knight of Gloucester might take his throne

I danced with my math teacher in high school, and we only kissed twice

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>dmitri and edelgard dance with literal whos over byleth

Byleth! Please come here. Claude is having total damage control now that Hilda ditched his ass.

What's the point of teaching reason to Edelgard if none of the Axe classes can use magic?

I don't see any appeal regarding Hilda at all. No idea why do you faggots care so much if she can be recruited or no as such.

>everyone fawned over timeskip Dimitri
>turns out that Claude is the one gunning for big sensei titties

You can use axes while in a magic class. Only certain classes can use magic, and mounted units cannot use the Gauntlets. Aside from that, you are able to use any weapon in any class.

Y'all want a cute waifu but you're blind to what you need!

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I can’t wait to do a private dance with Dorothea in the tower

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Rean and Crow were low key gay though

I don't join dykes


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There was a rumor the she wasn't recruitable, but now that she, in fact, is, that means no one is loyal to Claude, so that's why they care.

t. Claude

>What's the point of teaching reason to Edelgard if none of the Axe classes can use magic?

I'm putting money on Edelgard having a unique Lord class that's Axes, Reason, and Heavy Armor.

Makes sense you can't dance with your teacher in public

I danced with Jusis but yeah, Crow definitry wanted Rean to delay his turn.

>Private dancing
Oh do behave now.

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>Edelgard can't wait at the tower to fuck sensei because Politics requires her to dance and be social
You just know she'll gut a bitch if she finds out someone touched sensei while she was away

>imagine being Claude and Dimitri
>heirs to their respective kingdom
>both can have any thot they desire as such
>both of them are top tier materials (no homo)
>Claude in particular has house filled with top-cutes
>yet neither of them can fuck anybody that isn't frog-faced sensei that needs paperbag on her head to be fuckable
>out of all girls could dick they are stuck with that ONE
>Claude has it worse because male version of sensei is the only one who can fuck "his" harem because he can't do it
>just imagine being Claude and Dimitri

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>tfw you will never be an autistic teacher with a lolibaba sidekick who gets pumped full of creme fraiche by her students

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a really cute waifu

Claude is the TRUE CHAD in the game. Blue fags need not to apply

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So many things to unpack from this that makes it more and more funnier

I will be in 6 days my friend.

Good news for them: Male Byleth is the only canon.

All the girls in their houses are traitorous whores.

Imagine the smell.

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What's a game that will last me these 6 days?

Shame. It's like IS became retarded when they designed female Byleth. It's painful how beautiful fanarts make her, while she looks like a fucking frog in game.

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any leaks yet?

Should I get it digital or should I get it physical?

Supposedly the characters flirt with each other in their supports so those two thankfully aren't actually stuck with the ugly female MC. Even if they were stuck with her or nothing, I'd rather be alone forever than have to be with female Byleth.

Dragon Quest Builders 2

The Fire Emblem is a secret Crest in the post-timeskip that lets you change your penis size

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dumb question. Dex is just Skl renamed right?

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wat r u casul?

I am going to have to agree with on this one.


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>Supposedly the characters flirt with each other in their supports
So we are old school now?

Those with A supports apparently still have some "shipping" in them though S ranks are only exclusive to Byleths

N-No, I don’t want to be cucked

> "Hey, did you hear? Professor Byleth is a loser that will sleep with anyone! I saw him chasing after someone's dad yesterday! I'd rather sleep with a guy like Lorenz instead."

that's good but also kind of silly that only Byleth can S-rank

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Time to make Sylvain rail Ingrid. Then I'll probably try to pair Edelgard with Ferdinand just to piss her off.

Hopefully they get together in credits, because I truly pity any male character in this game that is stuck with female mc as their only option. Seems like fate worse than death.


>Petra in top tier
user, your taste is absolutely perfect

I was going to say you have shit taste for not liking Hilda but then I remembered she loses her twintails after the time skip, so fuck that bitch

>play FE6 while waiting for 3H
>two people, axe fag and peg knight already dead

Am I bad or is FE6 hard? Both of my loss was due to enemy reinforcement. They just came out of nowhere and start massacring my shit.

>designated waifu/husbando for Byleth
>no dads
Shit list.

>S rank bernadetta
>she cucks you in her A support with Dedue

Why do you hate the Deer so much?

>Almost the entirety of Golden Deers in the bottom tier
shit list desu

>Sothis not in top tier

Is it hard mode? Regardless FE6 is the hardest in the GBA games but not by much, the misses you are getting are likely because the weapons base hit are much lower than others FE games.

Then give your pities and prayers to Dimitri because he's the one that otomes want to rape with their abominations the most.

I hope Dimitri pulls Henry for any Stacy that thinks she can save him from himself.

The reviewer said its more of like hinting a possibility of romance. I guess S ranks have marriage considering Byleth's father gave him/her a ring that they'll supposedly give to their partner.

>3 "house exclusive" characters
>among 3, only 1 was a woman
>said woman is the only one to betray her lord
Damn, this game is realistic.

I thought about that but my friend said it's not on the Switch.

What reason do I have to like them? They're all shallow anime tropes who are so boring that they needed to give them crazy hair to make them stand out

Whichever girl Claude and Dmitri have as their highest support becomes their wife after the timeskip, so keep them away from any girl you want to waifu and you'll be fine.

Based if true

game is straight up broken imo, reinforcements that move as soon as they appear make it a chore

I want this.

This would be funny as shit if this was real and I recruited their wife to fight against them.

I'm hooking up my boys with top tier thots then.
They won't have to suffer monstrosity that is called female Byleth. Not on my watch sir! They are getting top tier pussy.

is there an equivalent to Machias aka guy who gets angry at nobles/something else at the drop of a hat?

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That would be hilarious. I can already see otome fags seething because their husbando ended up being with another girl by the time of time-skip.

Girl here, I wanna flirt with girls because I feel like men have failed me in real life, which ones can I fuck?

That Dorothea slut hates nobles. or rather "arrogant nobles"

Ingrid is a literal racist who hates blacks

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We Chrom all over again.

The girl called Ripe. KYS

No marriage but it's something like this apparently Kinda want to pair Claude with Hilda but so far I only saw Dorothea as his A support


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but it is on switch


Will 3H Lorenz go Allah Akbar?

yeah. I imagine the idea is to differentiate the stat, Skill, from the special abilities, Skills. Japanese version doesn't have this problem since they are called 技 "waza" (technique) and "Skills" in that language so you wouldn't mix them up. it's a bit overdue since skills have been in the English games since Sacred Stones, but, whatever.

>Dorothea has A rank with almost everyone we saw so far
Damn that hoe is desperate even more than Manuela.

Three Houses thread, a question for you. None of you folks have children, right? Because that would probably mean you're a parent, a father... and it sure would be weird if a dad was spending his time on here than with his family right haha. But that's just a funny thought I had haha how silly of me to ask I was just curious to know some demographics lol

Its the little things

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maybe we can just call him Lawrence

Why would otomefags seethe when they got exactly what they wanted? If anything Fujokeks are the ones eternally seething because they're stuck with 2 baras and 1 twink while yurifags and otomefags get the best choices.

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>at 1 in the morning

Chrom would be proud

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that's perfect

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She probably has A ranks with other females as well. At least with Edelgard

user, getting their long-awaited husbando hooked up with another girl on accident would piss anyone off.

nice thumbnail you fucking dumbass

This song is so good.

Nice thumbnail

Based phoneretard

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Based Machias

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Should be fine as long as you don't let your waifu/husbando get near with other females/males

What do we know about the weapon triangle so far? Is it just the basic sword/lance/axe, or are other types included too? What about anima magic?

There's no weapon triangle. You only get weapon advantage based off of skills.

Since there don’t appear to be any support limits, assuming there are paired endings, how will multiple A ranks be handled?
>marry your waifu/husbando
>they flirt with someone else in their very next A Support

That lying asshole

Sorry bros I'm retarded, please accept this cute dog as compensation.

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I-I won’t accept this. My wife will NOT be talking to strange men

Oh, alright.

Hopefully they'll apologize with makeup sex,

Sure thing, Boss.

>not becoming a cuckchad

the game might read the first a-rank probably

How old is Manuela?

So do skills now say effective against X?

Who's your wife, user?

Not enough

Old enough to be your mom

She's 28! Hag by Jap standards. Also, her full name is Manuela Casagranda.

Petra, and I will not tolerate other men trying to fuck her

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>32 post timeskip
>Shamir is 30 post timeskip
Do we know how old Catherine is?

>All the little dettails
fucking hell i love these threads

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It's from R*ddit.

Don’t be mad at her bro, she was just really lonely in the 5 years you were gone. Perfectly forgivable.

There are both passive skills and like, weapon arts. The game will tell you what they're effective against.

>Manuela Casagranda
Confirmed Portuguese and best girl!

She's simply using the time she still has on securing her future, since she isn't a noble and all

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Timeskip Dorothea really grows up. She starts wearing the hat like a normal person instead of a degenerate.

It's no wonder she has A ranks with nobles like Claude. She's a whore and a gold digger


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Any news on the timeskip teachers/church members?

What's wrong with her face in her portrait? It looks weird, not as weird as F!Blyat, but still weird.

Hoping she gets bigger tits and a bigger hat after the timeskip.

Well bud I think you're the only one so... go ahead.

>Edelgard using her school email
>Byleth doesnt even give a shit and uses his personal email at 1 in the morning

Fucking kek

Honestly really surprised they took this route. It's hard to believe that 24 attractive students in their 20's aren't down to fuck each other.

That would be awesome!
>watch whole family die
>you die

What are some other alternative SRPGs besides Fire Emblem/Kaga Saga?
I've been on a binge and played every final fantasy tactics, tactics ogre and (most) Nippon Ichi SRPG and want more. I've been eyeing Front Mission, Summon Night and Jeanne D'arc so far

The start of it sounds foreboding, like something is lurking and then the part where it picks up a bit makes me think of the first trailer with Edelgard going to work killing enemies.

Then it becomes almost oddly grand after that.

The hat being straight horizontally makes her face look crooked

holy shit timeskip fem byleth is gorgeous

Do you speak Nip? The only translated Summon Nights are 5 and 6, 5 has one of the worst modern localisations of all time and same with 6 but an equally terrible dub. Just listen to this shit:

Front Mission is great though, go for it. I heard Jeanne is really good too.

the wub dubs at the end are weird to have but at this point I'm not bothered by it, kinda contrasts with the demonic chanting at the beginning

well user? let us see a pic

>close counter: enables counter attacks when attacked at 1 range

Majin Tensei 1 and 2 recently got fan translated so try them out if you want something closer to fire emblem. You could also try out Devil Survivor if you haven't tried them out. Also Langrisser which will be having it's first two games released again on the switch and Growlanser if you can find them if you can read moonrunes then you can play 1 and 6.

Though this does raise the question: we have only seen timeskip MByleth in all promotional materials. Why is that?

treehouse had to remove her panty window

She's the same as MByleth, super saiyan hair and thats it.

What the fuck

>evil church chanting

Is it really still necessary to have the character portraits next to the dialog boxes when we now have models with proper facial expressions? This is the biggest thing bothering me about these screenshots

Can I get a picture?

Nice portraits are always better than those 3D models.

This bothers me in a lot of JRPGs/VNs too
Just screen clutter at this point

And with that, the Leicester Alliance confirms themselves as the Ferengi of the 3H universe:

The portraits look nice and the 3D models are relatively ugly to look at. I don't see the problem.

I think theres one with FByleth from behind and timeskip lysithea but i don't have it.

How does Byleth's plot sword work? What if I don't want to use swords?

>wanting to look at those jaggy models

>Inadvertently spoiled on every game played for the past decade
>Somehow get a pass on this game so close to release
The fact I can finally experience something first person again
makes me giddy like it's christmas morning.
Gotta abandon the internet. Later niggaz, I'm joining punished spear fag.
Also Dorothea's hat is stupid as fuck

you could try the Valkyria Chronicles series or Codename Steam that's also from IntSys

>How does Byleth's plot sword work?
It works like a normal sword
>What if I don't want to use swords?
Unequip it

Same way Yato worked in Fates I guess. Don't have to use it, but you'll probably get fucked on the final boss without it.

does it have shit stats?

FEH might have introduced a spoiler with Byleth. She has a special that is stronger against beasts and dragons. I know it's not the sword specifically, but the 3H version might be like the special.

It's a plot sword, of course it won't.

>he doesn't use the Joestar secret technique

dmitri dies, edelgard lives but is exiled, claude ends up ruling and the kingdom is in an uneasy peace/truce/alliance. hints given at the end is that edelgard will return to challenge the throne and it seems like it will be DLC.

It might be upgradeable

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>only 20 uses on the main plot sword that you get at the start of the game

What is Rng? Range? How can range vary?

you repair it

Have you never played a Fire Emblem game?

that ain't byleth the hair is green

is sothis assuming control over her body?

You know you can repair weapons, right? And it might even just regenerate after every battle like tomes do

Weapons no longer disappear when broke, just need to be repaired. And prf Holy weapons can restore uses.

Sword of the Creator has 1-2 range cause it's also a whip.

Ingrid is op

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The range isn't varying. You can see they have Sword of the Creator equipped, which is apparently 1-2 range (makes sense with how it becomes a whip). The player is hovering over a Steel Sword, which is only 1 range.

weapons break but can still be used, with reduced stats, and then also be repaired

Resting repairs relic weapons, but resting sucks so don't use it

I actually haven't been keeping up with the game much for fear of spoilers, good to know.


Is there an infographic that shows who's with who, with pictures and everything?

Do we know the ideologies of each house yet?

Just awakening but I forgot pretty much everything

Does 1-2 just mean you can use it from 1 or 2 tiles? Are there weapons that can only be used from 2 tiles away but not 1?

Didn't they go super saiyan even before the timeskip? I just want them to get rid of her awful clothing

You know how magic works, right? The range works like that. Your character will attack at both 1 tile away and 2 tiles away.

The house intro videos on the official Nintendo youtube are a good overview and don't really spoil anything.


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>adding hp to total

>Does 1-2 just mean you can use it from 1 or 2 tiles?
>Are there weapons that can only be used from 2 tiles away but not 1?
Bows, though there are usually a few bows that can be used at 1 range in most games. We know Shamir has Close Counter in this game, so it at least seems like archers might be decent this time.

Holy shit, the absolute state of Mercedes.

What's the point of a tank unit when they just lag behind all your other units?

Inb4 push up bra

Edelgard has the highest base Str. How the fuck does that work? How does this small lady overpower the likes of Dedue and Raphael?

*tips fedora*

It's Fire Emblem, it's never been especially realistic. Lords always dominate.

Axe Lords are just good that way

>Edelgard is the strongest and most charming waifu

>Edelgard offers you power
>Dimitri offers you honor
>Claude flirts with you

Not compared to the Emperor he isn't

>not into fire emblem
>still has been a fun ride
Thanks for the time bros. I unironically liked turning around on this game.

At first, I thought the same thing. But their designs grew on me.

Thanks for being on the wild ride with us user, if you want you could always emulate some of the older games.


I'm into FE but I don't own a Switch so...

That's what he thinks he's offering you. Everything about him is just huge irony.

>Edelgard talks about her House's merits
>Dimitri talks about his friends
>Claude reveals nothing of value, and just tries to get you to join with flattery and pretty words

Can you post a link to this spreadsheet please?

>edelgard total 88
>dimitri and claude 84
embarrassing, they could atleast hide that she's the most important one.

Her House is weaker on average than the rest, so it makes sense that she's a powerhouse to make up for it

But that's exactly why it's the best part.

Nah, Marianne is all I need to keep me balls light.

She's an unga axe lord

>Lysithea is the best multi-purpose mage
>Absolute shit tier stats
I guess there's still a huge physical bias.

wrong, units with lower bases have better abilities and crests. best house is probably lions tho

She has a filthy mouth

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Lysithea is gimped on purpose. I'm willing to bet she has good growths and her personal skill is very unique.

Death Knight

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Oh it will be

Not that user, but where do people go for emulation nowadays? I haven't emulated anything in over five years and I'm interested in playing through the series.

Who cares if she has low hp and def. Just don't let her get hit. She's got good mag and speed so she'll probably be a glass canon.

>Wielding a scythe
>It's actually a lance

Aha. Now calculate everything overall and it's:
>Blue Lions (629) > Black Eagles (619) > Golden Deer (618)

I bet most of those fujo don't even owned a switch LMAO hahahahaha

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Exactly, and I love her that way

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>Annette is strong in axes

Nagging for extra points is never good. Ask once and that's that. Ega deserves this. Despite how cute she is.

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I haven't been able to find anything good, But does anyone have some good footage of the ground level 3rd person movement and combat?

She has good bases, good skil, good crest. and good prof for falcon knight. Definitely high tier unit and desirable recruit.

lords matter the most when you can just steal the other houses's stronger troops.

It's amazing, if not scary, how much the opinion on this game have changed from when it was first revealed.

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Well before it looked like all boring school shit and the artstyle really turned folks off.

It's fire emblem, people are going to eat it up regardless and be hyped unless it's an absolute unredeemeable garbage akin to the new pokemon.

wow golden faggots have lowest totals and worst abilities/crests. Only positive is lysethia.
Thats all i've found

I assume thats a relic, so DK has to have a crest. That or its just a fancy scyth and DK's crew are all crest-less and mad at the world being ran by crests

Let me take a wild guess: Edelgard burns her kingdom down and becomes a mad empress.

She abandons being a ruler to suck off sensei

I've had faith in the game since day 1, but the art style definitely took a while to get used to, and all of the news actually gave me a reason to be hyped.

Super saiyan is post time skip as most of the screenshots we have of super saiyan byleth is post time skip.

Just got off work bros be straight did it leak?



/feg/ had a leaker, but blue lion fags chased him away

True, but the point is that they didn't completely suck it up to Edelgard because hurr the main girl durr. If we look at how houses are overall, then it makes sense why she would be more gimped than other lords because her house isn't that strong on its own. If anything, the only one cucked here is Claude when we look at points overall. Not only is he weaker than Edelgard, but his house is weakest overall compared to Black Eagles and Blue Lions who have Dimitri with the same base as Claude (weaker than Edel), but strongest house overall.
Claude/Golden Deer meanwhile gets nothing.

So if we are to screech about favoritsim and how it's unfair, then Golden Deer are the ones that have every right to bitch about it in here.

>Felix has 10 str and 9 Spd
>Personal lets him deal +5 damage w/o battalion and he can just equip one anyway so that when they die, he's still buffed
>Strong proficiency in gauntlets which have the brave effect on player phase
>Gauntletfaire raises strength by +5
>+10 damage with both skills in effect, +20 if he's initiating combat, +40 if he follow-up attacks
>Not even counting for his base stats, gauntlet equipped or other skills, he gets 10-40 free damage
Imagine getting punched by this man, would probably evaporate in one punch

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Apparently Gold Deer have the hardest route, so I'm okay with this.

If her growths are as balanced as her stats, Ingrid might end up being a "jack of all trades, master of none" character.

Do we know if magic weapons are in this game? Would be a shame if the more offensively-balanced characters would be wasting their magic by going a physical class.

>>Wielding a scythe
>>It's actually a lance

You'd think they would treat it like an axe

>Bernadetta with that 70 BST
>Even the literal who has 6 more than her

>brave effect on player phase
source? also everyone gets gauntletfaire and battalions give stat bonuses.

13 strength with personal skill tho


I love him, goddammit

Mentally ill fujoKEK


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>house of archers is weakest while house of knights is strongest
No shit.

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What does this even do?
Do they have zodiac sign affinities like in Final Fantasy Tactics?

Oh god no
Please tell me you can give her a shrubbery to avoid this scene


wtf is hidden?

>Claude had that line about OUR BONDS and all that cringeworthy shit
>he's a bit of a shifty cunt
Well now I'm a bit curious

hey man, don't talk about my pipes like that, i don't want it to be public

>Name: Death Knight
>Class: Death Knight
I don't know why but I love this shit

Can't be used by said character's class.

If you train them in their hidden one you get a new skill

>ever actually using twitter
either post screencaps or fuck off nigger

bonus skill


>Professor! You have so many tomes!
>I can only use them so many times Ms Edelgard. That’s why I use my LEVIN SWORD!

My class will be either Holy Knights or Dark Knights. There is no inbetween

Catherine IS a CUTE wife! Give ME Catherine! Give ME mommy sword wife!

Attached: Catherine.png (1200x1200, 999K)
>Gauntlets allow the user to deal consecutive attacks, similar to Brave weapons. If the character’s Attack Speed is 4 or higher than the opponent’s, a follow-up attack will be performed. If a Gauntlet is equipped, you can deal 4 hits in one battle. However, Gauntlets cannot be equipped when riding on a horse or pegasus.

I wonder how much will dark knight be broken in this game.

Imaging leaking the game and not picking Blue Lions, how fucking gay

This one is accurate This one isn't

His crest makes him deal more damage too
Oh right, she has fiery blood 2.0 and I think her crest goves her adept or was it just more damage?

>sweaty muscular old woman that doesn't shave and isn't pretty at all


>>sweaty muscular old woman that doesn't shave
Pretty nice imo

wow pretty good. now i'm making beylith a war master

He reminds me of that fag Takuma from Shokugeki no Soma, I can't take his grimdark exterior seriously at all.

They were broken as fuck in Awakening.

Sorry friend, I’m too busy playing the game since it leaked. Should I go with Purple Hippos or Grey Griffins?

Not making them useable on mounts was a smart move by Intsys
It would've been nice if armored units could block their brave effect to give them a better niche though

Mercedes is too good for blue lion

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>Minor Crest of Indech - Occasionally allows weapon attacks to strike twice.
Sylvain has something similar

Golden Deer is the non-gay option, though.

Give ME Catherine! Give ME sweaty mommy wife!

>queer baiting

I still want to strangle this guy.

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so brawler sylvain can attack 8 times?

>Gaiden/Echoes bows are back
>Super Canto is back
>Enemies can use combat arts
Hunter's Volley isn't back...right?


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backstabbing bitch or maybe she just wants some sensei dick

Very nice

>byleth - hero
>hubert - dark knight
>petra- falcon knight
>dorothea - gremory
>bernadetta - bow knight
>caspar- war master
>linhardt - bishop
>ferdinand - heavy knight
>edelgard - not sure yet, waiting to see if she gets her own axe lord class or not

Who should I poach to round out the black eagles?

yeah and the side quest is giving her the dick

If adept works the way it does in Tellius (adept can work with brave weapon strikes) and not jugdral (adept turns your weapon into a brave weapon strike and cancels out if you're already using a brave weapon) then they might be able to get up to 8 strikes if you're lucky


GOD, I wish I was a fish at the monastery fishing spot. I want Byleth to throw his rod back, toss the line into the water, and try to catch me. I’ll tease him a bit, maybe take a bite of the bait and then back off, I won’t be captured so easily. Eventually, I’ll acquiesce and let him reel me in. He’ll look at me with questioning glance, wondering what the best way to cook me would be, and I’d have the same thoughts. See, that was my goal all along. I *wanted* to be caught. I want to be cooked and eaten, providing valuable nutrition for his students and encouraging their growth.

That’s my secret. And now it’s yours too, friend.

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>2 attacks when doubling
>4 attacks with gauntlets
>8 attacks from skill
>16 attacks with brave

>Army of Hunter's Volley Bow Knights
>They all canto out of range
>They all have lunge

Shit's going to be insane especially if it works with vantage
I hope enemies exploit this on hard mode too

I hope the food looks appetising in this game

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can't work with vantage. it's the hero class skill. don't think you can equip them to characters this time.

thoughts on flayn?

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I don't remember who she is

I found this 2 week old loaf of bread in the trash. Would you like to join me for dinner?

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Small lady full of pure rage

I hope they do something fun with the fact Koei Tecmo is codeveloping this. Some three kingdoms references here and there would be neat

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Damn, that's a shame.
So the way skills work this time is personal, class and learned generic skills? along with combat arts?
Someone said that all the green haired people (or most of them) seem to be hiding their ears? To hide dragon ancestry? I doubt it because you'd think people in-universe would eventually see their ears but Id believe it

Why would they make a character who is the ugly halfway between Rhea and Sothis

Her brother is cool though, I want a crazy Dragon riding priest wielding an axe in my army

green elise

Are there any parallels between houses, characters, locations or events shown so far?

Honestly doubt we're going to see enemies getting too cute with skills/combat arts, even on Hard. Maybe enemy students will have some interesting sets once you reach the war phase, but the generic goons will probably be pretty standard. Best we can hope for is a Lunatic mode DLC.

Surely, there aren't Brave Gauntlets

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I'm going to kiss her

She's hella cute
Why are all the non-student waifus so much better? You're making it hard for me to engage in illicit student-teacher romance, IntSys.

I'm going to wife the best wife.

Who would MUH BENEVOLENCE AND MUH LOYALTY BE, Edelgard and Hubert?

>Master weapons (Stronger brave weapons) from Thracia return
>Master Gauntlets have 1-2 range like the Axe and Lance do
>Now don't even have to worry about counters from the rare occasion where two (four with adept) strikes don't kill enemy before retaliation
Gauntlets will be great bosskilling weapons unless their hit rate is garbage

personal for each character
class for each class
learned from weapon ranks (and class levels? this is based on something gamexplain said)

Robinsexuals and Corrinsexuals had the same issue


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Based Shamirchad

>Saber gets to fuck her tight little sheep cunny every night

>be a gruff 80 year old wizard man
>get mad when nobody wants to sit next to you at the lunch table

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No big ones yet. We just need to wait and see if Edelgard builds a huge fleet that Claude and Dimitri work together to burn down

Edelgard's kingdom is Wei. Dimitri would be Liu Bei, he even has the same "muh justice except when I'm angry then fuck justice I want revenge" shtick

God she's so fucking cute I can't take it anymore

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Thoughts on Pidge Gunderson? literally heard no fan reaction

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Nobody likes this dumbass. Worst student by far.

He deserves it for carrying Celica's act on the back

He's literally Gordin and no one likes Gordin.


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>Liu Bei
>children DLC gets out
>the first thing Dimitri does upon getting a child is throw him to the ground which will cause his son to be retarded
Can't wait.

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Who do I A rank her with? Felix or Sylvain?

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God I fucking wish.

hardly know anything about this guy, dat personal skill though

>When you realize that Three Houses is everything Cold Steel should have been

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Why do you think they removed children from this game in the first place?

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Ega are you okay?

Alright students everyone find a partner it's time for gym class.

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because the way child units were shoehorned into fates was fucking retarded

She's looking at her tiddies

None of them. Traitors.

Is the game even good? I can't take the name coldsteel seriously


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What's the lore behind this girl's nudity?

It's good if you like JRPGs with a fuckton of worldbuilding, great NPCs, 10/10 music, and a really solid battle system

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haha thats our falcom

Cold Steel is an actual term, it's just unfortunately associated with heh........ nothin personell, kid..... because of the meme itself.

>Three Houses is everything Cold Steel should have been
CS was a trainwreck after all the hype that went into Erebonia starting from Sky, at least the worldbuilding of Erebonia is not too bad

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Leak is here

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No. Play Trails in the Sky instead.

Fuck I thought you were joking.

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Yo what?

>don't make go out and code the game for you because I can't

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>non-unique icons from fates returns

>it's real
it's started, jump ship lest you be spoiled

Spoilers are officially here, I’m out boys. See ya after I’ve finished the game

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Oh shit, see you in a month when I finish the game, fags. Remember to marry and redpill best girl.

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I have $60 to waste but I think this game looks bad compared to a awakening. Convince me to buy it.

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>Spoilers have arrived
Gentleman, it's been an honor, but now I must leave this place.

There's a 70% chance the plot isn't poorly though out like Awakening and I don't know exactly what you liked about Awakening to sell you on it.

oof leaks are here. remember to marry and hug flayn. Cya in september

Attached: Flayn_Portrait.png (1200x1200, 802K)

Right on time for a new thread

>Paralyzed brother

well then...

link it then.

I think she means paralyzed with fear

awakening is shit waifufag. dis game might have a good story, we'll see

Literally who the fuck is she? I don’t remember this girl from anywhere

Threadly reminder that you can't marry off anybody with other units because only the MU gets a S rank. Fuck off and die shipperfags.

Wait, so it was Edelgard's family and not Dimitri's that got murdered or did they both have a trágica past?

Spooky witch powers

>Dark seal
unlockable classes?

Her older brother, older sister and younger brother were ded

Thank god.

she's not a student, she's one of the church ppl.

We know Dimitri's family probably dead because the Duscurs comited Regicide.

I only ever cared about MU’s pairing anyway, others were just for eugenics and backpacks.

Good. Shipping is cancer

>Edelgard's family is dead
>Dimitri's family is dead
What did Leicester mean by this?

is there any way to change the outfit on ur character, it looks so fucking stupid when you're running around

This is the kind of shit I was looking for when Fates mentioned concubine wars

Ever heard about foil to each other trope?

So both Edelgard and Dimitri lost their families, this makes Claude the only sabe one.

That they are similar to each other. He's the antagonist of her story, and she is of his because their ideals are ones that directly clash with each other. They're a foil to each other.

Claude really is an odd number here, isn't he?

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Alright fuckers, I better come back in 4 months to a bunch of shitty memes making fun of dimitri's death scenes in the eagle and deer routes. It was a good ride.

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So these chink spoilers were correct?

Claude is the one that ordered the death of Edel and Dimitri's family.

It's ok, I liked it more than the old Sky games at least

It was Korean spoilers.
- Sothis is past self of Rhea, who predicted her madness in the future and asks Byleth to stop her.
- Final boss is Rhea, who transforms into a dragon. If Rhea is Byleth's wife, you can save her, but otherwise you will kill her.
- Dimitri goes crazy because Faerghus was invaded by Adrestian and fallen down. Dimitri organizes a liberation army.
- Claude wanted to stop the war between the other two empires, but couldn't due to other noble families' dissent. He regrets this.
- Hubert was a spy from Faerghus and tried to kill Edelgard, but he gets influenced by her and supports her till the end.
- Seteth dies while protecting his sister Flayn.
- Jeritza is older brother of Mercedes.
- Caspar, Ashe, and Lysithea die.
- Jeralt dies early in the game, but he appears again later in the game.
- Tomas is younger brother of Solon as well as a traitor.

>Petra is the only one in the BE house that doesn't get to A rank support with Edel

I will save Lysithea. I don't care if it's impossible, I will save her.
I couldn't care less for Ashe and Caspar.

>Capa and Lys die

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God damn that sounds bad, glad I didn't get too hyped.

>If Rhea is Byleth's wife, you can save her, but otherwise you will kill her.
Now that would be a dick move from IS

>Claude is friendship fag


To be fair, some of those things were easy to guess without any leak. So they could still be bullshit.

This confirmed?

Weren't those fake?


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>invaded by Adrestian
well now I don't want to play bitchgard
also nothing of value is lost between caspar and ashe