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Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/rips off portal concept from Narbacular Drop and Prey >dumbed down the puzzles for retards >reddit humor >Glados is a lame Shodan rip off./
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/gordon based black man/

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Wow screencaps by anonymous posters, very convincing.
How about you post your own arguments faggot? If you're too lazy to do so, maybe you shouldn't make a thread to begin with.

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I wrote that post, and while I think I could have been a little more detailed, the point still stands: Half Life 2 (I can forgive 1) is just flat out inferior to Deus Ex

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Neither was your life, but that goes without saying.

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>this FPS isn’t an RPG so it’s worse
Your reasoning and comparison is retarded

game still inferior to doom, quake, duke, blood, system shock, goldeneye, sin, unreal, dark forces, thief.

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Deus Ex is an FPSRPG you Valve worshiping faggot.

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Where did I say it wasn't you illiterate. My point is Half-Life 1 and 2 AREN'T FPSRPGs

Better fps than shit life.

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Why were all his posts deleted?


Yeah, they're just shit games instead, and if you want to go down an autistic path of "IT HAS TO BE FPS COMPARISONS ONLY!!!1" the game mechanics of Half Life 1 and 2 are inferior compared to classic FPSes like Duke Nukem 3D, not to mention characters like pic related just didn't age well

>Hey Gordon, it's me - A BASED BLACK MAN who FUCKING LOVES SCIENCE like you do

Why were Valve games so reddit like in appearance?

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This really annoys me: Valve fagboys think every game should have a one size fits all design philosophy. Games with more complex levels than "walk forward" legit scares Valve fans, when games can be SO much more complex than that as Deus Ex proves.

>>System Shock 2 is confusing with outdated controls

Typical faglife fanboy that thinks anything more than WASD and mouse controls is too complex.

SS2 is just as playable if you give it a modern day control scheme

Yea Forums will never admit Half Life 1 and 2 are just as scripted and based around set pieces as the average Call of Duty game (oh but because it's Valve now linear games are BASED)

Also faglife fanboys need to understand that the games aren't linear because of some holy grail design philosophy

It's that source just can't handle games more complicated than a couple hallways, CSGO for example can barely do 16 players for its battle royale mode on their outdated engine

Attached: half life 2 playtesters.jpg (1246x1024, 332K)

welp, guess I retroactively didn't enjoy the game then, and will stop to enjoy from now on. Thanks for opening my eyes, stranger on the internet

Kill yourself shitposter. Die alone.

ebic can't refute the posts.

No one is going to read your fucking screencaps you autistic faggot.

>half-fag can't read just like he can't find good games to play
have a cup of QUAKE, halfnigger

so you admit hl is linear garbage that ruined gaming and also inferior to thief, deus ex, system shock and other classic fps?

are you that same retard that spammed about counter strike being inferior to quake? I'm glad my life will never be as meaningless and sad as yours.

cs is casual and shitty compared to quake. this is a fact.
But this thread is about hl not cs.

>No one is going to read

You're right, Half Life fans aren't known for being able to read

Why do you shitposing fucks even bother? You're just going to get BTFO by the mods like fucking listfag did, so why do you even bother, you dumb faggot? You're so transparent that you're practically invisible.
I'll never understand how you autistic, shitposting fucks can caterwaul about the same topic for fucking months, not even because you care about it, but because you're a narcissistic fuck who's fishing for attention and adversity on a fucking Mongolian pottery forum. Barry, listfag, ACfag, the list of you retards goes on and on, and each of you is stupider than the last.

You are worthless. You will never amount to anything, so you post these shitty threads and shit up the catalog with your nonsense for the brief validation you get from posts like mine, so lick it up, you dumb, retarded faggot. The rest of us will remain secure in the knowledge we'll never be as useless or as broken as you, no matter how awful our lives may be. I'd rather be a fucking nigger than be you.

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I will not stop until this board is redpilled about hl and it's influence on gaming.

Both cs and hl damaged gaming,

based schizo
half life, more like half a game
fuck valve and fuck their reddit fanboys


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no wonder Yea Forumseddit defends fear so much. they like linear scripted fps.



ah the schizo is back

half life is just as bad as halo and cod.

Yea Forums: video games shouldn't be political
also Yea Forums: Deus Ex is the best game ever, more games should be like Deus Ex

Still need to know what game the VAC was for, to trigger this temper-tantrum.

>Yea Forums: video games shouldn't be political
source needed. what Yea Forums actually says is 'fuck your cultural marxism'.

you are literally defending linear cinematic garbage right now, Yea Forums.

>Yea Forums forgetting to consider the time it was made, even when compared to Deus Ex
You can say that about anything in the last

X was better than Y despite Y being more famous

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Only pseudo boomers like half life

it came in the same year as thief , a more immersive and better game hlcuck.

>zoomer can't think for himself and has to steal other people's opinions
Sounds like a Half Life detractor alright.

nah they always say they hate politics but it's just a shield because they're too afraid to say "i'm triggered by anything that isn't right wing"

Half-Life will remain as one of the greatest game of all times.
There's nothing you can do about it other than cry and deny reality.
Deal with it.

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btw OP is the epic shill who makes all epic threads
literal schizo

Half life popularized the linear method of fps creation. Doom and Doom 2, Quake, Powerslave, Blood and Goldeneye all came before and none were linear. Half Life is a big cause for watering down the genre.

even goldeneye was more innovative. it also a better game.
Also play thief too, zoomie.

>"schizo schizo waah waah!"
The absolute STATE of Half-fags. Quakechads win again.


yes, what am I looking at? your schizoposting?

None of those are good games, you realise that right?

half life popularized linear cancer. How many times do i have to repeat this?
zoom zoom zoom

>yes, what am I looking at? your schizoposting?
Someone who can't formulate opinions on his own.
Probably schizo too. Quite pathetic really.

Idk if that guy is a schizo or not but my post about all those shooters being better and non linear is true.

MGS is and always will be better than Thief

>an opinion IN ALL CAPS
Great thread bro.

>66 replies
>21 posters

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/rips off portal concept from Narbacular Drop and Prey >dumbed down the puzzles for retards >reddit humor >Glados is a lame Shodan rip off./
reminder that op is the same 21st century schizoid man who made these posts

Attached: 21ST CENTURY SCHIZOID MAAAAAAAAAAAN.jpg (307x300, 75K)


>half life is a zoomer game
Fuck off faggot

Seething Thief cuck

Not in terms of level design or adaptability of gameplay, not even close.

Cope and dial 8 irrelevant game

>random Half Life shitposting


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Half Life isn’t cinematic, it has no cutscenes. The enemy variety, ai, weapons variety, and level design are among the best in vidya.

and these boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/my-tribute-to-counter-strike-the-greatest-fps.38146/
and this boards.fireden.net/v/thread/458755643

oh yea forgot to say that he also probably does this for all valve games

Attached: shhhh schizoid man is sleeping.png (1228x1228, 1.95M)

prove him wrong hlniggers

What people don't realize is that what half life actually brought was some of the best gunplay and AI of the decade.

King crimson is Yea Forums tier garbage

oh nonon he keeps making mistakes HAHA

>hlniggers are mgsfags
it really makes you think.


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>prove I don't like Doom more than Half Life
That's the most fruitless request ever.

>Half Life isn’t cinematic, it has no cutscenes

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I just did you fucking mong, learn to read

games like doom are non linear unlike movie life.

>Tfw you've never played MGS or HL but you know it pisses this fuck off

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>TFW Half life 2 never recreated the feeling of the pure aesthetic that is Lambda core or the oppressive difficulty spike that is Surface Tension

>what half life actually brought was some of the best gunplay and AI of the decade

>He just keeps liking Half Life, what will we do?!?!

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mania phase threads

Not me, don’t lump me in there. I love mgs and think half life is overrated garbage.

of course, the club of Superior taste

This is a repost of an earlier thread.

>TWO epistle three projects with traction
God I hope long enough to play both

Seriously though, the pacing of Half Life and Half Life 2 is superb.

Attached: HL2_ravenholm.jpg (2560x1440, 2.48M)

>That creepy as tune that sets in when you walk in
Why is HL2 so kino ?

If you've never played any other game, sure.

>half life
>good pacing
>that fucking intro up to the explosion and on a rail
Fuck off

I hope both come to fruition and are different but worthy. Two different interpretations of the same story leading to different results will be interesting.

>the community will make the last game since Valve will not
Some kind of bittersweetness in this.

I don't really hate Half-Life 2 (it's too bland to hate) but you're insane if you think pacing is its strong suit

Okay, contrarians. Tell me about pacing and why HL and HL2 don't do it well.

This should be good.

>Hey Gordon lets you to do science oh no da bad things happening we gotta get outta here!!!1
>Hey Gordon you're here guess it's time to relax oh no da bad things happening we gotta get outta here!!!1

This happens a billion times in HL2 and the episodes.

not him but hl1 did it pretty well

hl2 in particular tho had a few sections that stretched out too long (coast) and some were too short (citadel)

the only levels that feels truly the perfect length was route kanal, the return to C17, and nova prospekt

Forgot my screenshot

Attached: HL2U_MMOD(3).jpg (2560x1440, 987K)

I just said why HL1 didn’t and also throw in Xen being trash, HL2 isn’t as bad about it but it’s not like either one is RE4 tier which has the best pacing of all time.

>Deus Ex
>good storytelling
I’m sorry, but no.

I agree that the hoverboat segment overstays its welcome. However, the game would be lesser without it. The way the game changes what you're doing so consistently while blending the core mechanics into different speeds of gameplay from cruising the coast of Highway 17, to the blazing hoverboat run through the canal, to fighting in claustrophobic streets against Combine with your Source Engine NPC buddies to Ravenholm horror show. It's a great variety and mostly well timed.
I feel like you just want to hate on things and have no idea how to be objective or make relevant observations

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You are right about Xen. It (like the ending of Episode 1 lol) is a slog.

No series of games are perfect. They're just really good games overall and I don't think the rampant greentext shitposting for dopamine boost is a good habit.

Attached: HL2U_MMOD.jpg (2560x1440, 3.01M)

And I feel like you have to cocksuck Valve and all Valve related products as the toadie you are because you bought HL2 or Orange Box at an impressionable age

>Literally posting a screenshot of a mod that attempts to fix how ugly and shitty HL2 is to prove us wrong


Not an argument.

They’re not bad games by any means, but I think they’re overrated and have simplified fps design far too much

Oh yes, me enjoying something you don't is cocksucking. That's a perfectly rational, friendly way to interact with others, isn't it?

Attached: wellwithinacceptablelimits.webm (640x360, 1.72M)

>HL source

Come on user, seriously?

Yes, I'm posting screenshots to prove Half Life has good pacing.

Do you think that ^^^ makes sense? Really?

Sure. I have played all versions at different times.

>simplified fps design
see hlfags your games ruined fps forever.

I hope you at least have them modded differently for variety.

doom, quake, blood, duke are better non linear fps.



Okay what is this meme about pacing exactly?

For example Super Metroid, unlike Shit Life, has great pacing in it; either in its slow reveal of monsters or new weapons and items that make you feel badass, like when you first get that power up that lets you fly across the map. It also effectively uses a silent protagonist and doesn't try to tell a personal story with a meme character like Alyx

Attached: super metroid.jpg (640x446, 82K)

I wouldnt call HL1 overrated. It did introduce scripted scenes and far more linear levels than something like Quake, but it was fairly novel and is still a well made game, or at least it is when you arent fighting human enemies.
Personally HL2 is more overrated since it feels like theres less enemy variety and theres far more reliance on just having Gordon standing around listening to people talk compared to HL1, along with dull vehicle sections.

Have you had any experience with bugs? I personally didnt like Source due to how much buggier it was compared to the original at times, it also wasnt a huge visual improvement either. Felt underwhelming.

Pacing means no stuff that just stops the game or has long slogs. And yes SM has excellent pacing.

Yes, what is this meme? You keep saying it is bad but not why.

>half life is bad when you compare its weaknesses to all these really good game's strengths
who woulda thought

>HL2.exe has stopped working
Most Source releases are like butter now. It doesn't stop HL Source from looking like ass though. Original versions is better.

i love how only zoomers defend hl while retro fps gamers know its mediocre and linear.

>Pacing means no stuff that just stops the game

Any cutscene in HL2 stops the game cold and dead

>or has long slogs

The opening section where you have to get your suit, boat section, the entire coast section

Attached: hl2.jpg (1280x720, 217K)

What strengths does it have really? The gunplay isn’t very special outside of the gravity gun in 2, and the first person platforming isn’t so novel when you realize jumping flash did it 2 years before 1. The story really isn’t impressive, nor is the world building, and the soundtrack is not memorable.

hlniggers didn't refute anything.

>The Soundtrack is not memorable
you lost me

what a teenage opinion. half-life felt absolutely astounding on release, best in class and game changing

how do you think you can say anything about what half life "ever" was when you're like 17-19 lol

this is why i dont even come to this shit board anymore

>Half life was so good that it wasn't allowed to end

Name one positive thing hl contributed to gaming.

>Been putting off HL1, BS, OF for nearly a decade
>Get around to them this year
>Realise how disjointed they feel from the HL2 narrative, how awful the AI is and how floaty the guns feel
>Animations break horrifically at high FPS and that includes their pathfinding
All I can say is it got the "survival horror" atmosphere down, you feel hunted and fleeing constantly, I will never replay HL1, BS or OF though
But I also played Doom and Quake a couple years ago and they were shit too, worse than HL even
Next up is System Shock because Deus Ex won't fucking launch

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Compare to it a masterpiece like CV SotN, SH2, FF6, or even Doom. HL1 and 2 cannot compare favourably.

>what a teenage opinion.

What is "Half Life (and when I say Half Life, I really mean 2) is my favorite FPS because I don't want to seem immature for liking Call of Duty or Halo", Alex?

DX and HL are like apples and oranges.

HL games are longform, exploratory games that emphasize atmosphere and pacing. It's more about ambience and environmental worldbuilding, with smooth and enjoyable gunplay added on.
DX is a political intrigue with an extremely high level of interactivity that's focused on the mystery and conspiracy, with very clunky and shitty gunplay that can't be fixed even with mods.
They're both good for different reasons, and only a retard would believe otherwise.

This meme reeks of a concerted effort by one, or a few, butthurt people trying to crack consensus. You guys should really be better at detecting astroturfing by now, it's been happening here for years. Critical thinking skills here are worse than I thought.

is right, this board is garbo but I thought I'd drop my godlike truths on you peasants

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Sorry HL's soundtrack is weird and funky and that's why it works

The controls suck but the game is great.

>Half Life emphasizes atmosphere and is about ambience and environmental worldbuilding.
>Simultaneously has the most boring aesthetic of any sci fi game ever.

OP is a fucking faggot

System Shock 1 and 2 do funky techno better, better games in general too.

>DX and HL are like apples and oranges.

"hhehehe half life isn't even in the same league as deus ex, that means it's okay that it's shit!"

Video games, and particularly two games in the same genre of FPSes, aren't fruit.

It's not techno
it's industrial

>touhou fag
No wonder your opinion is shit.

hlniggers never played real fps like doom, quake, unreal, sin, goldeneye, dark forces 2, marathon, powerslave, duke, shadow warrior, tribes.
also deus ex, system shock and thief are way better too.

>It's BAD!!!

This isn't a very interesting kind of discussion tbqh.

Some of us just want to discuss video games. We shouldn't be punished for being "contrarian" against the hivemind.

Is that like jackhammers or some shit?

as expect of thiefcucks desu
can't handle the big Snake cock

wah wah Yea Forums is shit because it exposed hl as the mediocre garbage that it is.

We literally explained why these games aren't very good. I cut HL1 slack because Deus Ex wasn't out yet, but HL2 has no excuses

Duke Nukem 3D and Shadow Warrior were out by this point. Deus Ex was out by this point. How HL2 plays worse than those games, HL2fags can't explain or argue.

My nigger, it did story better than half life too.


my favorite fps is quake

Here’s the real truth. HL1 and 2 aren’t bad games but outside of 2’s physics, they’re really not that innovative and also are not as mechanically engaging as other contemporary and previous FPS games. They’re decent but overrated. This is the true answer to the whole argument.

>"hl was never good"niggers literally do not know what industrial music is

holy fuck

Attached: 1470682330493-1-v.jpg (375x375, 20K)

you know how shit hl is when games 4 year older games like ss1 and marathon are more enjoyable.

HL and HL2 take an absolute dump on stuff like Shadow Warrior and saying " I LIEK GAEM BETTER " still isn't an actual criticism. You can't tell me why HL is bad, only that it is bad and you don't like it. It's stinky contrarianism, not objective criticism.

Games with huge amounts of cutscenes will never have good pacing, because they don't understand how to tell a story naturally alongside the gameplay. Instead they have to drag the game to a halt and force the player to look at pointless dialogue and exposition. JRPGs are genuinely the worst genre in existence as a result, because they basically took this terrible mechanic and built themselves around it.

Not a single game in existence would be worse off if the very concept of a cutscene disappeared. And I'm including Half Life's "walk and talk" cutscenes too.

Attached: bbf.gif (400x286, 1.57M)

Not music I listen to, I listen to metal, not that and it’s never played where I’m at either.

>Here’s the real truth. HL1 and 2 aren’t bad games but outside of 2’s physics, they’re really not that innovative and also are not as mechanically engaging as other contemporary and previous FPS games. They’re decent but overrated. This is the true answer to the whole argument.

Yeah but HL2fags literally argue that having less features (weapons, enemies, etc) and being linear makes it... a good game somehow? Or even better than games in the same genre (Duke Nukem) or subgenre (Deus Ex), which is just factually wrong

Half Life was decent in that unlike every other fucking game at the time it told its story in game rather then through cutscenes, and that was kind of its selling point, its a novelty these days but Half Life did anything it could to not take control away from the player, there were a few intermissionary cutscenes or in HL2 there was a lot more sit and watch bullshit, but in HL1 it was all in game, the only thing hindering your movement was event triggers and 1998 NPC AI.

I am debating waiting for the remake assuming they don't pull a prey 2017, I hear nothing but bad things about SS1
>B-But it's a classic
Not an argument when doom is an archaic pile of shit, inventing FPS does not make it a good FPS and SS1 is talked about in hushed tones

They’re not bad, and they do what the set out to do, but yeah there are many better fps games than either one.

hltrannies cant prove why their games are good or specialAdmit it you didn't play other retro fps.

HL1 brought in the idea of narrative not just boom boom shoot shoot, yes they're might have been other games of it's day that also did it, but HL1 was what broke the idea into the mainstream, that's why it's looked back on so fondly

HL popularized nasty shit in games but it's actually a fun game unlike linear cinematic shit.

The fuck is wrong with you, you fucking retard? I literally said they’re not as mechanically engaging as previous and contemporary fps games and I even said HL1 and 2 are overrated games too. They’re just not awful games is all, awfuk is superman 64 or ET.

HL1 was pretty innovative when it came to story telling in a single player game, FPS games before HL1 were just run and gun get to the end shooters, the only exception to this was Marathon, but its story was told via text blurbs at monitoring consoles where the AI talked to you, not in game.

HL2 could have fucked off with a lot of its Sit and Watch in game cinematics though, the entire intro sequence where I have to talk to barney or the teleporter sequence keeps me from replaying the game from the start.

No it didn’t, Marathon did, and so did System Shock.

System Shock had a plot as well


>HL and HL2 take an absolute dump on stuff like Shadow Warrior

I played HL1 and HL2 before I played Shadow Warrior, and you'd think I'd have more nostalgia for them or want to play them?

Wrong, I JUST played through Shadow Warrior and its expacks and wand to do it again, because it has mechanics, it has cool levels, weapons, enemies and an actual main character I like

Attached: shadow warrior reduxa.png (628x187, 52K)

but Half life did it better and brought it into the Mainstream

HL1 is a great game and 2 took 1 step forward and a handful of steps back, Deus Ex, Doom, Duke 3D, and whatever else you're comparing HL to are also great games. Also who the hell are you? I swear I see you seething in every HL thread.

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I'm not wrong. You say your opinion, I say mine. Equal validity. No wrong. Stop trying to be "right" about your digital entertainment choices. You don't have to pit games against each other or tear down popular things to validate your Lo Wang humorous joke games.

hlcucks still can't say why their games deserve to be remembered along other classic fps.

That’s highly debatable, long cutscenes aren’t a good thing for fps games
>brought it to the mainstream
That’s true, but is that really good?

the dude just really hates Valve games, he does the same in Portal threads about some other puzzle game or some shit
I think he's just a Schizo

He also starts Halo threads like this. At least, I'm pretty sure it's the same person. Reminds me of Barry and FFXV but less literate.

Your use of zoomer language proves that you're not old enough to have played the games you accuse others of having never played.
What's the last custom WAD you played, faggot? Should be a simple question to answer if you're such a le hardcore retro gamer.
You're just regurgitating approved edgy opinions from your peers. Get off my board, underage.

Attached: 1468114782076-1-v.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Yes, because Story driven games still exist for those that want it and boom boom shoot shoots are still there for people that want it

im not the only one in this thread. there are plenty of people naming better retro fps.
You hl faggots love to defend pop garbage.

Your opinion is that you like cinematic garbage like the Half Life games and that means your taste is OBJECTIVELY shit because that's not what FPSes are about or for

Got em. You know, some anons mentioned some good points like Xen sucking or the hoverboat segment of 2 being too long etc. but -you- are just a mentally ill shitposter. Full stop.

that's like saying First person shooting shouldn't be in an RPG because that's not what an RPG is about
is your brain that tiny that it cannot comprehend what a sub-genre is?

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/gordon based black man/
Keep posting the same threads over and over schizo.

>I say what FPS games are about for some arbitrary reason and my opinions mean more than yours
No. Stop making up bullshit rules in your mind and then pretending that is reality. It isn't.

keep pretending hl1 is a great fps better than marathon or system shock or duke 3d.
i will keep making these threads

oh he also does it in MGS threads too, for some reason
I expect him to try to burn down a studio at some point for his own delusions

deus ex is seriously an unplayable piece of utter trash

The guy who did it was a 2ch autist so it’s actually possible

>I will keep spending my time looking foolish and spreading hatred for games that stopped releasing over a decade ago on a taiwanese laundry emporium

Do you like anything? Maybe you should talk about stuff you like, right?

are you imbeciles denying that hl dumbed down fps?
Are you stupid for non linear or mazey level design?

there is nothing wrong Liner design
Open world cuck

I like Quake, Unreal, Half Life, Halo, Doom, Blood, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein, Strife, Hexen and Heretic.

What now, faget?

too stupid for deus ex or doom level design, i see.

> that's not what FPSes are about or for
You purity-spiral fags are the absolute fucking worst. Just how insecure do you even have to be to think this way?

FPSes aren't "for" or "about" anything, genres are here for us to experiment with them. If you don't like it, that's one thing, and it may very well be different from things you do enjoy, but saying there's nothing good about it is categorically untrue. Just because a game mixes up the classic formula doesn't mean it's bad, and if you're too much of a baby to concede that fact, that's your problem.

underage schizos get off my board ree

Attached: retard.png (211x244, 72K)

>Quake, Unreal, Doom, Blood, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein, Strife, Hexen and Heretic.
All better than movie life.

In your opinion. I like all of them. Saying "other games!!!" isn't a criticism.

Well, now that Xen is almost out and Project borealis is making headway, the future is bright for half life

Alright asswipe, explain then why critics and a good chunk of Yea Forums says they’re the best fps ever made when we’ve given evidence as to why they’re not.

Except it is

Half Lifefags (and Valvefags) are the equivalent of people that FUCKING LOVE MARVEL MOVIES and maybe the oldest movie they've seen was from the fucking 90's

I would assume people say they're good because they like them. I'd also take the opinions of people who actually make games and call them good and influential over some random dicksucker on Yea Forums who can't even say anything about the games except that they aren't Quake.


because they brought new things to the table that at the time wasn't very popular
fuck and I mean fuck, the Orange box was truly god's gift to earth

Marathon and System shock were more immersive and have better stories.
Hl took credit for the things that those 2 games did.
Also from goldeneye, cybermage, duke 3d, quake 2 too.
Derivative shitty game.

>fuck and I mean fuck, the Orange box was truly god's gift to earth

Portal was free for awhile and TF2 is now free 2 play

That just leaves three cinematic games that only retards like - WHAT A STEAL!!1

You are way too invested in this.
Step away from your computer and walk outside for a few minutes.
Nobody says the Half-Life games are the best ever made. Just that they're really good and enjoyable.
Just because something is different does not mean it is automatically bad.

Breathe. it's just an imageboard, christ

Attached: 1467122157429-v.jpg (1000x1000, 381K)

>things in 2019 change what happened in 2007
They don't.

>mediocre team based fps
>3 cinematic trash games
>a tech demo
Fuck off

tired of zoomers thinking hl is on the same level as system shock, thief, deus ex, doom. unreal, quake, duke.

for 20 dollars?
that a steal

>making games
Go back to plebbit you fucking tranny. Dilate

But my problem with Half Lifefags are that they're critical of other games - their bar for good game design is a bunch of shitty cinematic games

Call of Duty is the direct descendant of Shit Life games, but you wouldn't know it by the caustic reaction Valve fanboys give the COD games.

Attached: call_of_duty_4-1936.jpg (430x320, 23K)

I ddin't mention journalists, dicksucker.

literally no refutation yet from hlcucks. Pathetic.

I think Metal gear has the best story ever made pretty good Stealth gameplay too

Nobody in the industry credits half life, they all credit doom

What a crock of horse shit.

there is nothing wrong with Cod 1 to black ops 1
thisit's always doom

inb4 retards say hl influenced ss2 and deus ex.


How old were you when you played HL1 for the first time?


>ctrl+f rpgcodex
>zero results
At least this isn't portal nigger.

it is


This game is straight garbage to play, and like 99% of the N64 library, hasnt aged well at all.

It also did in game cutscenes before Half Life 1

Sorry if facts trigger you

too bad the controls are god awful

Use the mouselook mod, with it Goldeneye is arguably the best shooter ever made

So you are old enough to know that at the time, Half-life was a great game. It also added a lot of online modes that we enjoyed, it was moddable and straight up fun.

I still have the original jewel case it came in.

hl ripped off goldeneye.

It was good yeah, but it wasn’t as good as Doom and I enjoyed Goldeneye more, but it was good.

hlfags didnt the address the criticism itt again.

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Because they literally logically cannot besides the old “IT’S AN OPINION” argument. You cannot say you like something for it to be good, you have to justify and analyze why it is good. Fun is a buzzword.

>He's been doing this for two years
holy shit that's Autism

What's there to address? Everybody is going to have their own opinion. Some people thought it was great, good or just bad. This is just another summerfag attention whore thread

>You cannot say you like something for it to be good, you have to justify and analyze why it is good. Fun is a buzzword.
People already have and when you do it goes straight into shitposting responses.

>HL did thing good

Kill yourself

Who ever claimed that Deus Ex is not immersive?

Attached: Dude.gif (488x519, 415K)

see hltrannies. the truth hurts.

By Half Lifefag standards, Deus Ex is "less immersive"

But Deus Ex is more immersive to me because I actually have input on the story and what's going on

Admit hl is inferior to doom for once, fucking drones.

Show me one example.

Attached: deus ex.jpg (207x253, 8K)

Doom was a darling, so was Quake. Goldeneye IIRC was primarily an N64 game. I was transitioning to the Playstation at the time and went away from NIN.

What made Goldeneye great was the ability to peek around corners.

>half-life felt absolutely astounding on release
just the worst possible argument any "boomer" can make. if your game doesnt hold up, it's just shite. but the only thing that's aged poorly about half life other than the obvious is the platforming

No you haven’t, you said because the mainstream liked it was good. You never refuted our complaints and even said “EVERY GAME HAS FLAWS” and that is not true

*Show me one example of half life fags claiming Deus ex is "less immersive"

Well for example, Half Life and Deus Ex have characters that talk to you, but in Deus Ex, you can skip the dialogue - HL1 and HL2 you can't skip the dialogue cutscenes

SeeYou can't claim "Half Life fags call Deus ex less immersive" without giving an example of a half life fag claiming Deus Ex is less immersive

Goldeneye was also the first game with zoomable weapons and might’ve been the first splitscreen shooter too.

there are zoomers that still defend the orange box.

>259 posts
>53 IPs

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>muh ips
nice deflecting

>you said because the mainstream liked it was good
Never did, must of been another user. What complaints do I have to refute? They're subjective, much like your opinion. You can do this with any game goofball.

saying that hl was mediocre even at the time is not subjective, its a fact.

The awful pacing is not subjective, nor is the linearity

Yes, and it had the four player split screen. I used to play it at some kids house. It was fun.

But I did love the downloadable maps and skins on HL online mode.

Do you remember the website that used to have the guy make all those special maps. I remember him taking it down because he got hired by Valve. I could not remember the website for the life of me.

goldeneye did have in game cutscenes.
imagine how shitty and unoriginal hl was.

When will schizos be euthanized? They contribute nothing to society. Just look st OP.

I agree, and it's totally overridden by the multiplayer and the mod scene that came from it. Not that you've mentioned that once.

Not every game needs to be groundbreaking or 100% original. If that was the case then certain games that use the Quake or Build engine would be forgotten rather than remembered.

>mfw I see a schizoid autist

Attached: dab_ter_freeman_by_arvin_arvin_dajqe34-pre.jpg (1192x670, 71K)

hl took concepts from goldeneye, cybermage, unreal, quake 2 and duke and dumbed down for the retarded masses. the halo of its time.

holy fucking autism

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you realize that there is more than one person shitting on this garbage game, right?

Why don't you ever actually reply to anyone? That's /tf2g/ levels of faggotry.

Is this another one of gaben's rape victims?

HL isn't an RPG.

imagine thinking hl's linearity and pacing are good .

HL1 was okay, lots of sections of the game just drag but the overall experience is a 6/10. HL2 is awful, a 3-4/10 at best.

I keep meaning to play the whole series.
But jesus, the guns feel like trash.

>Forget about Freeman!

I really like HL1 when it was new.

>I really like HL1 when it was a zoomer


Nigger, just click the post number and reply to it like a big boy, it's not that fucking hard


Admit it hl got btfo ITT.


>I have no life and I must scream

your game literally got btfo. you cant revover after this thread hlfags.
hl dumbed down gaming and real fps gamers will forever hate this game.

Cool hl was btfo, can you stop making threads about it now and shitting up the board with your autism?

Fuck off esl kun

ITT it was proved that hl was not innovative and that it casualized fps games.
Just like halo and cod.

Halo is actually a good game, unlike half-life

Not even /vr/ likes this game.

Next you will say only zoomers and summerfags hate hl and make these threads. HLbabies are predictable.

jesus christ what an incredibly shitty thread
take your meds, schizo

Attached: 1563352659436.png (500x514, 106K)

You faggots didn't address the complaints and keep ignoring facts. YOU ARE PATHETIC.
You deep down know hl is overrated and mediocre and that it brought games like cod.

Ok, say if Half Life niggers do admit their game and all valve games are shit, are you still going to keep posting these threads? Because I am sick of your posting style of never fucking replying to anyone directly and dodging replies like which ask you to do something simple of providing one (1) (uno) example of Half Life fags calling Deus Ex less immersive.

And for fuck's sake stop pretending im the only one that hates hl on this board.
You will see these threads more often,everytime the game is praised.

We know you aren't the only one, you are just the only one that NEVER FUCKING REPLIES DIRECTLY

>Schizo still talking to him self
>Don't pretend it's just me!

hlfags will never recover.

thanks doc



thanks doc

you can't deny hl is not special or good compared to retro fps or the lgs games unless you are zoomer.
I mean even marathon has a better story and its more immersive.

Why is it schizos always trying to pit two fanbases against each other as if they could ignite some kind of flame war that was brewing since these games came out?
I still remember when Eric tried to pit Xenoblade fans against Kirby to derail all future Xenoblade threads.

Attached: 1561609977125.jpg (458x522, 35K)

>Xenoblade vs Kirby
Literally wat.

I keep hearing about Eric but how can I identify it's him? Is there an screencap I can use as a reference or something

More of you faggots need to learn the time tested tactic of just claim threads like this as threads of the game.

Why you just dont tell me what makes hl special or good compared to other fps games?
Why you retards didnt play thief, system shock or deus ex?

>implying people can't play multiple games
Everyone post your favourite constanza edits.

Attached: ishygddt.jpg (600x600, 35K)

You really think hl linear level design is good?
You really can't handle non linear games like doom, duke and deus ex?

>Implying people who like Half Life don't also like Doom or Dook Kickem

Attached: constanza dante.png (768x576, 377K)

Eric was a dedicated shitposter for Nintendo games. I think he was trying to instigate a Flame War because Kirby Star Allies was fairly active.

Eric's reign of shitposting is long past its apex when he was making infographs. A lot of the anti-switch shitpost images back in 2017-2018 were made by him. He got to cocky when he was shitposting about Mighty Number 9 and doxxed himself. Eric has OCD and always has clean edited images for his shitposting material, loves Xenoblade X for some reason, and will always call you Eric if you call him out.

Attached: Eric posting.png (587x921, 144K)

I accept your concession hlfags.

Good, now fuck off

Attached: Glass.png (555x326, 303K)

Anybody have a number on how many times this guy has no-replied some variation of itt: hlfags btfo?
Don't forget to sage if you're going to reply btw. Also post good Half Life images.

Attached: 1540433466644.jpg (720x475, 50K)

Look at these posts and tell me if you didnt get btfo.

Goldeneye and Marathon are still better.

I never got the tranny slur being used as a general term instead of a specific one.

Someone got the painted Kleiner saying "STAPH"?

And still no good defence of hl.

Half life isnt a bad series. Source engine is awesome. Deus ex is also awesome. You fags should go complain about actuall shitty games.

Linear level design with no agency is no awesome retard.

HL has fun movement so it's the winner


Are you sure you aren't a refugee from /tf2g/?

A shame the level design is garbage.

It is, you're just a Zoomie pleb.

Seriously where are the other posters that btfo hl?
Valve drones are striking back now.

Half Life 2 sucks but Half Life 1 is good.


half-life has always been a garbage reddit-tier "cinematic experience," but Yea Forums will never admit it because it's not a sony exclusive.

Attached: 1560170586200.jpg (924x594, 258K)


Reddit the fps.

I still don't see any actual argument here, just a jerkoff of deus ex fans that don't even know what makes half life great, and praise thief for having conversations, like if half life didn't have unique systems for their npcs too, and it's not like linear fps that don't feature stealth require them anyway.

I like how whenever this autist posts in the /vr/ retro FPS thread he just gets ignored 99% of the time.

t.never played deus ex, thief, system and retro fps.

Agreed. Played it the first time a few weeks ago and it was a chore to get through. Pretty much every major FPS before Half-Life aged better.

Finally someone sane.

boy I can't wait for Yea Forums's next trolling effort explaining how Quake was a shit now that it's old/no story/squareblocks/ect

Except quake is actually good unlike shit life.

All while saying that System Shock is the better FPS simply because you can read Emails.

>being this pleb for ss1.
Hlfags exposing their shit taste.

The mental gymnastics of valve drones are impressive.

have sex: the thread


Yeah its like /vr/ is full of thin skinned retards of something.

Reminder to report this autist on sight. He'll get tired eventually.

So go take SS1 and make Counter-Strike. Or any mod.
It wasn't a game, it was an engine, and it got stretched to it's extremes and became the blockbuster that SS1 wasn't.
Warcraft 3 is another example, a map mod became the MOBA scene
Face it, more people played Bioshock. Or Prey. SS1 was for people who got it out of the bargain bin

Hahaha this is just the beginning.
Hl threads will never be the same after this day.
Hl reputation is destroyed forever.

Why would anyone bother reasoning with the insane?
You're a sad, deranged man that is in desperate need of help.

Attached: 1484774452579.png (637x510, 586K)

Maybe people replying to this thread are stupid and only feeding some autistic loser's need for attention

So you admit hl is not good?
Just because they are more popular doesn't mean they are good.
Ss1 is for the patrician gamers.

Maybe some Yea Forums posters recognize that the game is shit.

Where the fuck is the deus ex poster?
Why you leave the thread?
Valve drones need to be told again.

>more popular
>not good

System Shock 1 -> " Paul Neurath later said that the game "was not a flop", but that it ultimately "lost money" for the company," 170,000 copies sold

Half-Life -> "According to Gabe Newell, Half-Life was budgeted with the expectation of lifetime sales around 180,000 units." Whoops, sold millions, made it in the Guinness World Records as best selling game


Yeah, appeal to the guy who's game sold 1.1 million compared to yours which barely made enough money to be printed, good job!

Next you will say that wolf 3d is better than ultima underworld.
Or that mgs is better than thief.



Quick, call other people pcbros again, maybe people will download your dos game and repent

You already lost. You didn't tell me what good thing hl did to gaming and why is a good game. It's over valve drones.

faggot believes gone home was a product of hl2 having lifting mechanics, you're all fucking retarded

Quick, show me where the game is in the middle of all this crap. Wolf3d had a smaller hud, jesus

Attached: worsthud.jpg (1463x823, 656K)

I’d kill for gf like number 1

It sold copies which sold video cards and computers and upgrades which SS1 didn't do


Fact: Kids who had System Shock 1 on their computer still had a Nintendo when everyone else had a PS1

>able to access every inventory item, data log, messages received and reload/change ammo type in real time without obscuring the viewport or pausing the game

So you hate Deus Ex?

Attached: Bad_UI_Label.png (1280x1024, 2.85M)

In the time it takes your slow ass to turn around in system shock, everyone lost interest in the shit controls and bought Half-Life or Deus Ex