In a world of augmentations, would you be pro or against human enhancements?

In a world of augmentations, would you be pro or against human enhancements?
Would you choose to augment yourself at all or do you just leave that for others?

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Only my shit parts. I'm balding so augmented hair. Bad eyes so augmented eyes too.

i would put my brain in an android

A world of augmentation would also be one of enhancement
It should be equally viable to wear goggles that function similarly

Build a better you, but don't forget yourself.
Be afraid who you are.

I would want to have all niggers be given white skin and brain implants to stop them from being uncivilized chimps.

Or you could make them sterile and solve the problem for good

I'd put a digital version of my brain in an android, and then say to others that I had put my brain in the android, all while having my android go to work so that I could reap the sweet rewards.

I just want more arms.

Depends, would it be like Dude Sex where the augs can be incompatible?

>Dude Sex
Kinda gay desu

I want to be a robot, willhelm style.

I wouldn’t stop augmenting myself until I’m a straight up machine.

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Depends, if it’s as it’s presented in hr probably not. Then again the question might not even be “would I be augmented” and instead “could I be augmented”.

I would be that guy living in a shitty slum outside of the big city where everything just looks like a dumpy town from modern day instead of a futuristic yellow hexagon city. Except instead of being a cool salvager who takes old augments and installs them in people, I'd just probably be an alcoholic deadbeat with one half-busted augmented eye fapping to the same 20 JAV VR vids that I downloaded onto it.

I just want to be immortal. If I have to put my brain in a robotic body that isn't even human to achieve that, then I will do it.

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If I could afford it, without a doubt.

I have to go in for repairs on my current shit as is, might as well go all in on the crazy robot strength and get Arms/Legs/Eyes done

>I'm not a robot

It depends really. I think certain augmentations probably shouldn't be publicly available. Shit like excessive strength enhancements, typhoon type weapons systems, etc should require either licenses or approvals. Everything else, new eyes, new limbs for amputees/lost limbs/born without would all be fine by me. I'd probably augment my eyes. They're not horrible but I'd love to have 20/20 again.

>in a world of augmentations
we're almost there. i would like to augment my brain for memory and info downloading.

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>get adware-having, data-uploading augs while Bezos gets another cyber-heart to live well past 500

Can I transfer my brain into a loli cyborg body?

Can I get an augmented brain so I can upload information straight into my head like they do in The Matrix?

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if augmentation becomes possible then

1) the rich and powerful would make them extremely difficult to acquire
2) the rich and powerful would make planned-obsolete McProsthetics that require a subscription service to keep getting proprietary firmware updates at the risk of shutting down

If you think it'll be like movies and TV where you can just walk into an electronics shop and come out with 20/5 vision on the cheap then you're deluded. Billionaires would never let you have tech that makes you their equal if they can help it.

lasik will probably always be cheaper than eye augs.

I'd probably go for pure mechanical ones and little to no software shit. Neuro would be a problem and I doubt poorfag insurance would cover that

yeah that wouldn't go wrong.
>android going to work with you sleeping soundly
>"why do i work for this piece of shit?"
>kills you
>fully replaces you

depends how pozzed the tech is. I would be against the government having access to everyones eyes.

Id have a bigger dick that stayed hard constantly.

t. Steroid user

>trusting corporations on altering your body in whatever way they want
I don't trust my fucking ubereats driver to deliver my food, imagine trusting a massive corporation to remove shit from your body and change it the way they see fit


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Probably, but the other benefits it would probably have, NV, IR, whatever would make up the difference in cost. Also no risk of deterioration.

Why must you destroy everything with your fucking truths

Bro imagine replacing your legs with tracks. You could even park on disabled only slots

the idea that billionaires will sell you tech that won't allow them to sell your info for even more profits is antiquated. you're either going to have to abstain from technology if you don't want data collected or just deal with it. it's not even a matter of voting with your wallet because everyone is doing it and will do it more in the future. selling data might actually make augments affordable for the normal person. you sign an agreement to give them live stream access or just monthly uploads, and they let you have it at a deep discount. that's pretty much what's happening with smart TVs right now. they collect your viewing habits and in return you get a nice big TV for cheap.

>I don't trust my fucking ubereats driver to deliver my food

I used to work retail food. Its worse than you can imagine

Have you come across Postmates drivers? why are all of them fucking insane? it's like a requirement in order to join up with them

I would augment my brain to not be autistic so I could stop posting on here and go out and meet a girl

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they're people that can't get regular jobs, what the fuck do you expect?

>get hacked
>commit crimes for someone else
>memory wiped
>get arrested, never knowing why and what happened

They're hateful because all they do is sit around talking about fast cars and instagram thots, bit they're driving a 2005 Honda Civic and have a fat, grumpy wife.

Being hyper materialistic and poor leads to insanity

If we're playing by Human Revolution's rules, I wouldn't because I don't want to be dependent on neuropozyne for the rest of my life in order to keep my bio-bits from violently rejecting my clanky-bits. Not worth it, that shit costs money. Wouldn't necessarily be against it, though. Just wouldn't personally indulge.

this is almost the plot to RUINER

We already live in a world of augmentations, though they are not quite so advanced.

They're necessary because the gods didn't do everything right. Look how many people need dentures or corrective lenses. That's just the most common of bodily failures. Then there's other prosthetics and implants people need just to live.

It would be a very good thing to be able to enhance the body. Especially for those of us with severe shortcomings.

>need to eat food
>probably smokes or drinks
>"hurrr durrr I don't wanna take neuropozyne"

based autist

Cant spell neuropozyne without poz

Just one Solar flare or EMP and you will turn into a blind deaf quadriplegic

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I'd be agajnst it if you had to get addicted to drugs to use the augments.

I'd go full cyborg and replace all my vital organs for eternal life.

>Having an EULA on your organs
>Going into debt for an aug package
>Having to go to a Sarif™ authorized repair center for regular tune-ups
>Having your eyes black out if you go too many days without a recharge
>Taking anti-rejection drugs for the rest of your life
>Having to remove the augs anyway once your body adapts to the anti-rejection drugs
If its cheap, maintenance free, and secure I'd go ham.
Unfortunately that won't happen. The realistic case is that some cripples get a new lease on life.

Unless you're secretly a psychopath, it'd make much more logical sense to work together with yourself rather than the trope of clones always turning on and betraying each other and the original.

I'd just fix all the bullshit that's gonna break on its own eventually
new eyes and ears and maybe reinforced joints on my limbs
leave the crazy stuff to others
after its properly tested maybe get a USB port

pro augmentation
Beep Beep!
Performing McDonald_Dance_routine4.burg

you don't really need anti-rejection drugs for non-organics implants, doubly so if they're already medical grade body safe materials like certain silicons

Goggles would still involve your eye taking in data and feeding it to your brain, limiting you to photochemical information that can be translated by the proteins in your retina. A cyber eye that directly connects to your brain can process a wider variety of information.

I'd change my eyes definitely and it's one of those things that doesn't impact you as much physically but it's also scary if your eyes can be hacked and you turn blind or start seeing ghosts or things that aren't there.

How useful would that really be?
It's a known fact that our brains can't quite process even the amount of data that our eyes are currently able to take in, which produces the IRL motion blur effect

>probably smokes or drinks
Nice projection on your part, I do neither. Also, you still need to eat even if you're cybernetically enhanced, so I don't know what you're getting at. I personally don't feel the desire to be chained to a costly medication that will almost certainly kill me if I can't afford my regular dose for the rest of my life, so I'll chose to not modify myself unnecessarily. Sorry if you take personal offense to that.

My laptop BSOD the other day put of nowhere. I'd rather not have windows10 inserted into my body.

Either extend my life and help me lose weight, or put me in a simulation forever.

I would go use enhancements and dominate in FPS games

I wouldn't be able to afford any.

You aren't wrong, I personally think gene editing and eugenics is a better route to a superior human. Cybernetic enhancements require a better brain to reach their full potential.

Fuck yeah I would augment my whole body.

Sure meat man, while I live in spendor in my never ending Simulation paradise, you and the other meat slaves can clean the Dyson sphere.

No that's just a digital copy of you.

They would just be used to control people and dummies would get them installed on purpose so they can use AR. Kinda like Facebook and google are doing right now but much more directly.

>implying I won't "accidentally" unplug you

/pol/ is in the red section, friend.

I mean, I don't know about you, but I wouldn't stand for being a slave who does all the work while somebody else gets all the benefits.

In vitro selection already exists and is a service you can pay for.

Of course not, but it'd be better to work out something like "okay, real me goes to work for half our scheduled hours and fake me goes for the other half, so now we get full pay for half the work"

Oh wait you mean "Genetic" Eugenics, not the /pol/ "HANG 'EM FROM THE STREET LAMPS MY KEKISTANIS REEEE" Eugenics?

I would go full machine. Who else?

>tfw your clone becomes a chad and stops hanging out with you

Lmao augmented hair. Laughing so hard at you hairlet

Prolly me, or just go for a perfect brain scan so I can be god to whatever simulation I desire. My own worlds, my own rules and history to build. And I would be among those people as a quiet street begger, none of them the wiser to what I actually am.

>leaf brainlet devs think people chopping limbs to achieve augmentation will happen instead of exoskeleton-tier technology that will not require you to chop your body up

retarded and cringepilled. do you really think humanity would sit and ogle at the muh 1%? i bet in the year after the first augmentations the chinese have them for sale on aliexpress free shipping included.

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Cybernetics are impractical, most genetic enhancements must be done before birth and during childhood.

>brain scan
That wouldn't be you

Then both of you would be doing half the work for half the pay you fucking idiot.

If I can't make myself look like a Techpriest then I don't want it

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In a world of augmentations, none of us would get the chance to be pro or anti-anything, because we couldn't afford SHIT

It would all go either to the uber-rich, or the automatons owned by the uber-rich to do the basic grunt work. You'll be lucky to get an out of date arm prosthetic when you lose yours in the salt mines

>do you really think humanity would sit and ogle at the muh 1%?

We literally already do.

I thought that was an onahole.

My hearing is going to shit, so that'd be the first thing I augment. I wouldn't want to replace entire body parts though.

Pro. I'm already wearing glasses, I'm not really fond of the rest, either.

I got PRK laser surgery on my eyes because I didn't want to wear glasses anymore. I've already augmented my eyes. If I could afford it I'd definitely augment myself.

only pussies care about Muh Humanity

at least we wouldn't be lonely anymore
or virgins

I don't mind tbqh. We'd spend it on the same shit and I'd gladly accept half of my salary for half of the work.

In a world of augmentations, I would have no choice but to get augmented.

>say word
>body stolen

Oh shut up, I'd wait for science to get it right, then do it.

Don't hit me with that Nihilistic crap because you played SOMA once.

Remember the fact that once you get eye implants, the industry responsible for creating them has full video feed over every single thing you do and see, your entire private life, everything you see, they can see.

Good thing is that they can't at least hear anything through your eyes... probably.

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>augmented hair
holy shit

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Yeah if I can afford it and there aren't any major complications I don't really have any moral issue with it. I'd get everything I can that is an improvement

No, I mean it isn't even a ship of theseus paradox
It is literally building a new ship on the same blueprint and calling it the same thing even though it isn't

Sounds like you just need 14 clones to work a half day each. Increased OT potential with each clone as well.


Honestly if they can sit through watching an obese man masturbate 3-4 times a day, they deserve to see what I'm seeing.

Endgame is genetic progression until every human is smart enough to make every part of their own artificial bodies. You're just going to get fucked by corporations otherwise.


I'd get augmented teeth that can't get cavities and don't need to be looked at by a dentist for my entire life.
Fuck dentists

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It's like SCP-106 But as a kindly old man.

Same for your mom but she doesn't need a solar flare to be a dumb blind bitch

They already have that. They're called dentures and/or implants, and they're EXPENSIVE AS ALL FUCK

Ironically you'd probably have to get them installed by a dentist.
Technically you already can do something similar to this, but getting dentures when you have perfectly good teeth is frowned upon.

Oh yeah all of those people throwing EMPs around daily

user, you'd have to see a dental mechanic and still need to clean them.

>do you really think humanity would sit and ogle at the muh 1%?

Reasons why better than human cybernetic implants are a bad idea
>you have to kill your immune system so it won't reject it
>greatly increased weight, you'll be falling through floors and breaking elevators
>that additional weight requires additional support, you can't just get one cybernetic part.
>can be subject to malfunction, this can be a deadly mallfunction
>can be hacked
>power supplies and batteries needing constant resupply or needing to be massive.
>heatinh and cooling problems
>vunerable to emps and other electronic interference
>wear and tear would mean often needing replacement parts
Its just not worth it

They'd still need to be cleaned, you know

Imagine all the dust and crust building up in your keyboard, but in your mouth instead

I'm aware of those, but you have to get them checked out by a dentist every once in a while cause the titanium can get loose and fuck the entire bone and the ceramic tooth can break

truly Kafka-esque

Ofc I would be for it but as a treatment for people who lost limbs, got injured, etc. If you want to cut off your own hand to replace it with artificial one because reasons... its your own decision. But as it was bounced around in the game. If it's business it's gonna be greedy. Having this amazing new limb and without any strings attached? Corps are way too gready not to try something fishy to exploit customers. Just look at any industry that has huge buxx behind it. EA not trying to push the envelope. Car manufacturers lobbying and shutting down/buying out patents. etc. As it was thought about in Deus Ex, you'll need pills to continue to use your new fancy shiny new hand. I really hope I'll live to see it coming to life. So I can replace my goddamn faulty eyes with super pumped up cyber ones. Stuff like brain wires to enchance learning, knowledge and brain capability.
oh and this fucking greedy corps.

Bad idea, senpai

depends on how expensive they are

Implants exist but are fucking expensive.
My shitty dentist I went to last month said it was like 30k to do 'em for my whole mouth, and 12k to just fix my mouth period.

Dentures were laughed at, and on my way out his fucking wife kept hocking some credit plan to me and my mother. I had to, not fucking joking, stop her mid-spiel to ask for my fucking prescription to stop the pain in my mouth I came in for.

I need a deep cleaning still, but it'll be cheaper at University of Illinois.

Hey guys, I was infected with the gay virus, how do I get rid of it?

Mechanical/computerized augmentations are probably not in humanity's future, at least not for a good while. Cyberpunk is by definition retro-futuristic. Body modification is the 'present' though, and it's only going to get more and more extensive.

Most of us will live to see the commercialization of gene editing. We don't even know what that's going to look like, but it's already in the pipes. 3D-printed body parts made of living, lab-grown flesh will be available, at some point you'll probably be able to order them 2-day air on Amazon Prime and have them installed as an outpatient procedure. Cosmetic skeletal adjustments are also in the works, (height-changing, shoulder/hip width edits, etc.) By the time most of us are retired we'll be longing for the 'good-old days when people were just who they were born as' or something equally asinine.

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Why not augmented baldness

based but cringe

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Yeah, I'd suggest a hefty dose of ecto-cooler before it gets out of hand.

how much would you pay for a huge dick


pro so long as its FOSS otherwise no

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Save us Uncle Ted. We were wrong.

>augmented hair

Pro, it's all i've ever really want for anymore
Get rid of it, i don't want it anymore
When or if it gets to a suitable level it should be compulsory

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If it leaves me vulnerable to corporate exploitation and hooked up on some nupoz-like drug, no thanks. Otherwise, hell yeah.

im for it but im not going to accept the mark. I want the prophecy to be fulfilled

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Nigga I'd yeet myself into a robot body with a brain in a jar cause I'm not a dumbass who uploads their brain and tell people "hey guys my copy is me have fun while I'm dead" fuck that shit nigga I'm gonna go for brain augmentations too too bad robot body technology won't come till at least a century later but at least there's prosthetic legs that are better than normal legs
That's mostly cause genetic engineering is kind of impossible to do at any point in the nearby future and at best we'll have gene-edited babies cause it's almost impossible to edit all the cells in a normal body

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While the use for people who have been injured would be great, anything that a robot part could do would also be available in non body part form. If you can already see having binocular, or x ray eyes would not really improve your life in meaningful way, nor would being able to do amazing arm curls.

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>you have to kill your immune system so it won't reject it
Why? You don't take immunosuppressants after a hip replacement.
>greatly increased weight, you'll be falling through floors and breaking elevators
>that additional weight requires additional support, you can't just get one cybernetic part.
Or they could be made out of a lighter polymer instead of lead and iron.
>can be subject to malfunction, this can be a deadly mallfunction
So does the human body.
>can be hacked
Not everything needs to have a computer. Why would you need a computer for a leg implant?
>power supplies and batteries needing constant resupply or needing to be massive.
That's kinda true. We don't even have good batteries for phones.
>heating and cooling problems
I think that would depend on what you are doing with them.
>vunerable to emps and other electronic interference
Fair enough.
>wear and tear would mean often needing replacement parts
Human parts wear too, but we can't replace them.

Hell yeah, I would go full cyborg if given the chance. It's time to shed this inferior human body and trade it for one that is perfect in almost every way.

I'd augment my eyes because fuck glasses.

gene-modded ubermensch >>>>> cybercucks

It depends, do the Chineses still exist in that future?
If no then sure, just imagine the possibilities from breaking human limitations.
If yes, then no.

Obviously pro.

Not chopping my hands off, but it'd be nice to know that if I ever lose a body part, I can swap in a good replacement.

pro-prosthetic anti-augmentation, fix the cripples but don't make people start chopping off their limbs to get stronger

Theoretically I'd be in favor, but realistically there's no way I'm implanting any machinery running on curry code.

I'm playing Invisible War with 30 patches/fan fixes and its finally playable, I was never able to get it to work on my computers

Not baiting when I say It isn't as bad as you people claimed, looks really good (with retextures and a reshade) for an early 2000s game and the story is still pretty redpilled
Shame levels are so claustrophobic, also the software relaunches every time I leave my area, what the fuck were they thinking

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I don't think I'd ever purposefully have sound flesh and blood cut out for an upgrade, but in the event of an accident or disease would take whatever was needed without hesitation.

We have plenty of 90s old school conspiracies to teach us why it's a bad idea to let the government/big companies implant high tech shit in your body

If nothing else, I'm glad I played it because it let me know Kidneythieves existed.

I'm glad you found a videogame that you find politically agreeable, user.

>Get augmented
>Have to take drugs else drop dead

yeah but what if I fucking hate myself

Augmentations presented in DX universe is goofy, unrealistic and unbelievable even for the setting, it's like mechs but without mechs.
I'm in support of human modification, especially if that fixes and improves the body but if DX like modification was required to experience full dive VR, I'd definitely would augmented.

>all the virgins saying they're pro-aug but wont take steroids

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Can I just put my consciousness into a robot body I designed (visually)?

Hair implants are already a thing that you can get.

Invisible War's saving grace is the writing. Also the spider grenades and other cool gadgets.
The factions in IW are
>The illuminati
>Utopia ruled by an all mighty AI
>Cybernetic darwinism
No cuck options, go big or go home.

stop being such a neurotic faggot then

Every Deus Ex is pretty redpilled to be honest.
They all feature huge corporations covering up their ethical misdeeds and crimes for profit, you always meet corrupt elites plotting in the shadows, there's always some crazy conspiracy nut that's absolutely right about everything

Death/aging kills 100,000 people per day. More people than you or I will ever know. If augmentations can extend lifespan and prevent age-related decay, I would welcome them with open arms.

>Genetically altered superhuman fucks you to death with a gigantic cock that ejaculates fire

But muhcrochips tho

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I'm pro steroids and anti-augs

>no alt-centrists

Fuck sake Ion Storm.

>Implying any of this will EVER happen
Keep dreaming faggots. Even if it does happen, it definitely wont be in your lifetime lmao. Transhumanists get the rope. I piss on your circuitry and smash your metal with rock

>Having a robot arm is the same as having tiny dick and an increased pre-disposition to chimping out

forgot attached image

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How can you possibly agree with any of the politics in this game, every faction is batshit insane and overall terrible, they're all dicks

Human Revolution has an "all sides are retarded" ending, because of course.
Aug lives matter.

Negative hivemind?

can i become like super human because if so 100% augment me up baby i wanna save people and kill pedos

I would probably get some discrete neural augmentations to stave off the chance of getting fucked by Alzheimers at an old age.

I like how Mankind Divided portrayed half of the augs as ruthless and murderous terrorists/criminals
At that point most of the people crippled themselves to get rid of augmentations, every augmented person still out there CHOSE to be so and has to deal with the consequences

There's a reason we stopped doing that shit user. But you can go ahead and do it right now, so the fact that you haven't means you're just a fucking Pleistoboo.

Well I'm already on anticoagulants for artificial heart "augments" so maybe, depends what sort of augment and how many downsides there are. I'm leaning towards no for pretty much anything like artificial eyes or anything that could simply be accomplished with a removable equivalent (so contact lenses rather than a full cybereye for instance).
It mainly depends how accepted this stuff will be, how many other people would have it and therefor render you less capable for not having it, I don't like the idea of being wildly more capable than others for sticking some chips somewhere, so I don't see myself doing this within 50 years, perhaps when my hearing or vision starts failing, and for other health-related stuff, but I'd much rather stay as biologically human as possible.

I would love to be able to do some wild Parkour stuff that I'd normally not be able to, but replacing limbs for that nah, good thing I'd never be able to afford it anyway.

>the industry responsible for creating them has full video feed over every single thing you do and see
just cover your head with tinfoil, man

>In a world of augmentations, would you be pro or against human enhancements?
I would not mind

>Would you choose to augment yourself at all or do you just leave that for others?
only if I got involved in a bad accident that caused me to lose a limb

Where’s my Adrian Barbeau Bot?

Sloppy job Mossad

problem is if people with augmentations start to out-perform people without, so then the people without have to get augmentations against their will just to compete.

I'd only voluntarily take augmentations if it involved no remarkable loss of sensation and if it didn't create any major dependencies.

If I had to take an expensive ass drug like neuropozyne every day just so my robot arms don't fucking fall off then it is absolutely not worth it. I'd also want augs to have some degree of user-serviceability, like if my arm is being twitchy I want to be able to open it up and see what's wrong and maybe fix it if it's not a serious issue, not have to book a mechanic or buy a new one. Basically when I think of what kind of augs I'd consider I always consider the desert island scenario: How fucked would I be if I just lost contact with society? Because going off Deus Ex augmentations I'd be incredibly fucked.

I'd basically be unwilling to trade away my body's natural capacity for self healing, and any augmentation that isn't just an objective upgrade isn't worth considering when you have perfectly functioning parts in that regard. I'd have less worries if it were MGR Raiden-style cybernetics that are advanced to the point of allowing for healing and self repairs.

That said though If I lost something like my eye, both hands, or were paralyzed below the waist in an accident then fuck yeah I'd take an aug, the loss of function is just too serious to even worry about the consequences of augmentation. You'd be fucked either way. If I were only partially handicapped though I'd probably choose the eyepatch, pirate hook or peg leg before an aug though.

Augment myself with FOSS augmentations only.

imagine believing this

Servitor vs spess muhrine

not everyone has to be an athlete. Same thing if some doofus wants to hook his hands up to a PC to hypertype. Mental enhancements are about the only thing that really matters in this situation, and thats something near inconceivable for current technology.

Shush, goy. Don't bust my cover.

If the augments are actually at that point we would just have robots doing the basic bitch work. Office workers don't need augs.

I could think of dozens of jobs off the top of my head where people with augs would seriously outperform those without.
There always have to be someone doing the bitchwork, otherwise we'd have a serious employment crisis since not everyone is cut out for intellectual shit

Yeah I was just thinking this yesterday. I realized with a friend that a Neural Interface Device/NID like what Elon Musk is making will be seen in the future as a total HACK JOB. In the far future instead of that there will be simple "update" to an NID where instead of implanting a device, the correct DNA sequence would be expressed, so the DNA would be just programmed with it's own language, just to turn on and off certain features that the body is already quite capable of doing. For example with an NID you would see things, but your body can already do that, given it's associated with schizophrenics or special experiences where you see something that's "not really there" if the body can do this it can just be programmed to do so. All it would take is a syringe of some sort of liquid and the body would just change itself according to the new programming, it would be "natural" and the body would regulate and adapt naturally to the changes, instead of having to deal with a foreign substance.
If you find that sort of thing interesting then you'll like this vpaorwave about similar topics, including NIDs. I am really looking forward to the step up above NIDs.
pt 1
pt 2

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Stop being such a pussy and brush your fucking teeth mongoloid.

If cybernetics actually became advanced and cheap enough to the point of being widespread and creating a class divide, it wouldn't even really matter since literally EVERYTHING would just get automated by robots and everyone would be out of a job regardless of how big their robo dick is.

Full worker automation will always be the bigger threat to job security.

Eat less sugar
Cut out processed sugars completely

If you just reduce your sugar intake you barely even need to brush regularly.

already got one, desu. it was free.

Why not both. Musks seems to think if we do create AI then we need some kind of ability to interact with it and keep up so to say. Hence his link project thing.

>letting corporations or the government install electronics in you
What could go wrong? Surely they'll be benevolent and well meaning THIS time.

This situation definitely needs strong and sensible regulations to prevent a serious catastrophe, Unfortunately it usually takes a tragedy for people to realize technology and progress unchecked is seriously dangerous

Have fun on the robot reservation, suckers! Hesh will see you in Hell!

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>Wake up one morning with your nuts in your prosthetic hand.
>You don't remember giving yourself The Stranger the night before...
>You're unable to let go of your huevos.
>All of a sudden an Eastern European voice emits from your arm.
>"Congratulation, dumbass! Metal arm is been haxxed by Cryptofukkker Ransomware!"
>"Your model of metal arm is havink 1000 PSI grip strength!"
>"If you not want to findink out what 1000 PSI grip strength do to human testicle, be sendink 10 BTC to following address..."

I hope your IoT-enabled appendages don't have any exploitable bugs or vendor-supplied backdoors.

pro-aug of course

these meatbags we call bodies are shit, i'm going full samuel hayden

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The only point of augmentation is honestly to become a cyborg girl and give some fat NEET complete ownership over you.
Imagine if he had an AI watch 100,000 hours of his favorite anime in order integrate the experiences and behavior of his waifu into your brain, or just simply have act like a dumb maid girl that he gets to fuck multiple times a day, imagine having DMT pumped into you for just sweeping the floor and referring to some fat autistic NEET as "Master"

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Anyone who would deny becoming an objectively superior version of themselves for much humanity are fucking retards

I'd probably end up emotionally attached to my natural body parts and wouldnt want to leave them.

>these meatbags we call bodies are shit
>knows nothing about how amazing a machine the human body is

I'd offer my body to get experimental augs. Hell, I'd take a GITS style brain in a jar controlling an artificial body. O hate myself and anything made by humanity would be better than the sack of shit I was born with.

I doubt I would ever be able to afford it but I would be pro. I can see how it will inevitably cause controversy in sports or cause worry since shitty people could do bad things with good enough augs. It's one of those things I feel like is inevitable, even if it's probably a hundred years or more away.

Not if it's something like epigenetics, where the right strand of DNA is not mutated, but the proper sequence is expressed, so the body receives new programming through genetic language, and then it gives the command, then you see things, no NID needed, using the abilities the body already had

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>better than the sack of shit I was born with.
I bet money you treated your body like absolute shit and want to bail yourself out by strapping cybernetics to your dumb-ass carcass.

the human body can't go into space for shit though

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by the time full body cybernetics become even feasible humanity would've sorted that out through other means

Have none of you played deus ex? Even the modern ones? Havent you the game taught anything about implants?

Software errors
Needings drugs to keep your immune system from attacking it
The body diamorphia many people got from it

Imagine your implant running software made by microsoft

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You dont need brain implant for that user

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Let the anons have their cyborg LARP.

Every pro aug person in this thread (and on the planet) quite literally needs to die. Your shortsighted obsession with comfort and ease is a danger to the human race.

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God is dead, so now mankind wants to become God. It's quite simple.

>implying it's short-sighted
I'm thinking a lot further ahead than you are troglodyte.

>Choosing proprietary instead of free software

Primitivism is for niggers.

Definitely pro Augmentation

As for doing it myself, the pros would need to significantly outweigh the cons. I would love to have an augmented arm that can lift a fuck ton, but I don't wan't to lose any feeling or have my sense of feeling with that change significantly, plus there is the concern for maintenance and repair whenever necessary. What are the failure rates? It would suck if my dominant arm suddenly went limp or stiff cause of a buggy firmware upgrade or hardware malfunction, but that suck would be multiplied if it was something more vital like a heart or lung.

I have put serious thought into this stuff as the time is near and it may be in my life time that such things are possible.

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Are you one of the badly informed people or the one who ignores certain facts?

No faith.
You consider yourself virtuous because you reject the future out of dignified principle, but really you just fear it. You're the one looking for comfort in a solved problem while pioneers question the impossible.

gene-editing is the future, fuck off clankers

I can't find the meme that says "Incel Inside" Ill have to reorganize my library.

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Based Hesh

Dunno what all these meaty chimps are going on about when they say it will probably be too expensive and we'll have some kind of elysium future on our hands.
By the time we're at the point in which we can have true cybernetic augmentation, robots will be doing nearly everything and the social constructs we have now, like monetary value, will be almost irrelevant.
Robots will be harvesting the resources, robots will be building the parts, and robots will be surgically attaching it to you. If money is even still a thing at this point then everything will be cheap as shit since no more jobs would mean a universal living wage.
I don't honestly see a future in which humans skipped robots and went straight to cybernetics. I'm not talking intelligent AI robo-people or anything, just the widespread use of specialised robots that full replace the need for humans to do the vast majority of work related tasks. If anything, you develop the robots as part one of developing cybernetics.

Just shave it off and lift.

>Deus Ex
>Cyberpunk 2020/77
>System Shock
all this shit preaching about how technological advancement won't save humanity from itself, and people still don't comprehend that basic ass message.

For me, the implants would have to be failsafe and not invade my privacy, but neither of those things would be possible.

>all this shit preaching about how technological advancement won't save humanity from itself
Why all know why though.

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Yes, but does Lasik get rid of floaters?

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It was a subplot in Ghost in the Shell.

>implying Chinks and Poos aren't just as much a threat

Well given the crazyness that's going now and since the last hundred years, I don't think the future technocracy would want to take any chances with freedom in the future, that's if they're good or bad. It's just the way it's going to be because too many normies are loosing it now

nice retarded sense of optimism there dipshit, how about you get a good dose of reality though.

Chinks and Poos aren't even white. remember who was responsible for the Boeing 737 software? Poos

anti to an extreme degree
Butlerian Jihad soon

based and Gold(en Path)pilled

>not getting gene edited to grow in new teeth like a shark

Remove this fleshy prison entirely.
First I'd get a sex robot customized exactly to how I like, then get my brain transplanted in to it and all of my senses hooked up appropriately to the sex robot's sensors.
New body that'll never age or grow tired.

>not wanting augmented hair
>not wanting ten million new, controllable appendages
>not wanting these millions of tentacles to do real good shit from the top of your head
>not wanting the ability to change your hair color at a whim
>not wanting the ability to play video on your hair
Y'all unimaginative and will be left behind as the Real Augmented reach for the stars.
Until you can augment the human mind (say, a reliable mind-tech interface) then any amount of augmentation is little more than parlor tricks. Real useful, pragmatically speaking, but not in any way capable of affecting the very definition of what makes a human, human.

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I'd just want an augmentation that lets me understand Japanaese

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It's called getting off your ass and getting a library card or using your computer for something other than jerking off to anime, user.

>lots of horror/action games about a future of cybernetics/augmentation portay a fantasy dystopia in which the very worst outcome is realised
>thinking this is because it's an inevitable future if humans go down the path of cybernetics/augmentations
>not realising it's because a horror/action game set in a fantasy future utopia would be shit because nothing would be scary and thered be no action
Literally the only thing those games preach is that if you have objectively choatic evil futuristic capitalist companies, they will do objectively chaotic evil things with their futuristic capitalist money.

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soon brother

>transhumanists just want augs to make up for the fact that they're lazy fuckers
why am I not surprised

>New body that'll never age or grow tired.

You'd still need to replace parts and the software which comprises your being could be buggy too. You wouldn't be freeing yourself from suffering, just trading your human frailties for mechanical ones.

Don't you have to take constant steroids or you deflate immediately? I don't see how its the same

>objectively choatic evil futuristic capitalist companies
he doesn't know

There's too many boomers that bemone the future of technology. Theyd rather enslave illegal immigrants/non whites to pick cotton rather than automatize everything, they want their slaves and their retirement memes.