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Why haven't you finished EVERY touhou game yet ?
Lucas Bennett
Levi Adams
I've finished inside every touhou
Tyler Brown
Because most of them are pretty much the same.
Jacob Hill
I haven't even finished one. that shit's hard.
Logan Jackson
i wanna finish inside cirno
Colton Thompson
I'm prioritizing my backlog of fapping to all touhou porn, I'll get back to the games after that.
Ian Collins
I just don't like shmups. I think they're cool but I don't enjoy playing them.
Alexander Stewart
I prefer run n guns to shoot em ups.
Isaac Sullivan
Can't finish what I haven't started.
Parker Myers
because I fucking suck
who doesn't
Landon Johnson
play 2hu fan-games
Josiah Lee
im straight
Lincoln Bailey
Godspeed user
Juan Johnson
But I did
On Normal. But I did it
Isaiah Wilson
The only thing that suck dick harder than bullet hells is my boyfriend.
William White
>He hasn't even tried to play the games
You're an absolute disgrace.
Hunter Martinez
>played the touhouvania
>Have the shmup game and luna nights, but in backlog hell
>fapped to so many doujins by daiisuke and michiking
life is kinda shit so i don't feel like playing anything
Jordan Cooper
I don't like the games.
Blake Scott
>all the shitters in this thread
Austin Lee
how did you get good enough in bullet hells
Liam Gomez
git gud
Cameron Gutierrez
i try but it's pretty hard, too many bullet patterns i need to memorize
Jeremiah Miller
I'm erping as koishi so i can't right now.
Samuel Miller
Yea Forums sucks at video games, the only 'difficult' games they can beat are rote memorization ones like dark souls. Expecting them to beat a shmup, even touhou, is too much.
Adam Stewart
Lincoln Smith
Memorization is only a real factor on max difficulty, and a little bit on hard. You should be able to improvise on normal and easy.
Angel Lee
Why is it that koishifags are always this autistic?
Joshua Howard
I finished Subterranean Animism. I'm good.
Evan Harris
No special method, keep playing and practice parts you aren't good at.
Daniel Evans
distraction upon distraction keeps me from completing more games
my next target is UFO, I’ve heard this one is divisive, what should I know about it?
Grayson Taylor
Go for green UFOs and bomb a lot
It's a hard game, don't give up
John Taylor
Don't chase after UFOs in the middle of a boss and go for lives until you're full.
Jeremiah Wilson
the UFO gimmick suffers from HRtP's ying yang ball syndrome, ranges from kinda convenient to borderline sons of fucking bitchin' retarded, encourages WAY heavier routing compared to other touhou games
Ethan Anderson
The only ones I haven't played/beaten are the decimal games except Fairy Wars, although I really should get around to it.
Hudson Barnes
Koishi is like the 2nd worst touhou and has the shittiest fanbase, so its only natural
Robert Peterson
Imagine being a koishitter
Camden Turner
Not the erpfag, but fuck you faggot, Koishi a cute!
Justin Cook
Fucking kill yourself you troglodyte.
Koishi is the blandest and shittiest touhou next to flandre
Eli Jenkins
2hu is shit
James Thompson
I’ve tried beating Embodiment of Scarlet Devil multiple times, but I can’t even beat it on easy
Joseph Morris
>Why is it that koishifags are always this autistic?
You literally answered yourself, retarded reisenfag.
Benjamin Reyes
They are hard and don't find them enjoyable.
Jose Lewis
koish is easily one of my favorites but i can rarely say that in front of others out of fear of association with either
>the OwO she is le cute Twitter/Discord folks
>the ones who think she's a violent sociopath
>the /jp/ diaper-sniffing crowd
worse than Remilia with how she attracts the worst followers
Nicholas Hall
>Implying that liking a character is on the same level as erping as one
Okay faggot.
Jordan Sanchez
I'm not that user you retarded reisenfag
Mason Bailey
boring, same shit every game
Aaron Brooks
Come on now, Koishi might be shit, but she's not at all bland. There are far worse 2hus out there. At least Koishi's design is pleasant to the eye, unlike her sister's.
Charles Lewis
I never said you were that user
It would've been obvious anyways since you're posting Remilia.
Hudson Long
>koishi's design is pleasant to the eye
I've never read a more wrong post in my entire fucking life
Robert Peterson
What about this design is unpleasant?
Jack Martinez
But I'm not wrong, just compare her to Satori. Now THAT is a mess.
Ian Price
>erpfag comes
>now everyone is throwing shit each other
Elijah King
Because im not an autist. Mods please move this to /jp/ touhou is like mlp.
James Hughes
>Horrible colours
>grey hair like an old bitch
>heart into cabling makes no sense at all
>third eye isn't even attached, just kinda wrapped around.
Samuel Butler
too busy jackin off
Jayden Taylor
Because I have a decent social life.
Julian Powell
2 CC's count r-right?
Benjamin Robinson
shit taste
Sebastian Thomas
i'm enjoying the erp thanks for asking
Ryan Nguyen
>Horrible colors
It's called split complementary colors, fag
>Gray hair
Light green, ackshually
>Heart into cabling makes no sense
Your post makes no sense
>Third eye isn't even attached, just wrapped around
Literally wrong, check her sprites
LMAO complaining about frills in a 2hu thread
Diagnosis: shit taste
Michael Peterson
you posted an awful picture of her then, if your comeback is "but other art.."
you only have yourself to blame, faggot
Brody Fisher
Koishi was a mistake
Elijah Adams
I did tho.
I'm working on hard 1ccs now, which reminds me.
which 1cc should I go for next? I 1cc'd TD a few days ago and haven't really picked my next one
Caleb Hernandez
The user you replied to isn't the one who posted it.
Jaxon Rodriguez
So theres multiple koishifags here?
unfortunate that this place is a cesspit
Henry Gray
Don't lump me in with the erpfag
Jeremiah Torres
We run this place now, bitch. Know your place
Gavin Fisher
Did you only do TD?
6-8 are stupidly easy compared to TD
Brayden Sanchez
You're all the same tier of garbage.
Jayden Smith
Wrong, she is among the best 2hus.
Xavier Morgan
I like Koishi ! and angry posters are usually newfags
Isaac Roberts
This thread belongs to Koishi now
Jeremiah Parker
>6-8 are stupidly easy compared to TD
TD has easier patterns by far
James Gomez
I 1cc'd touhou 6
am I kewl yet?
Isaiah Sullivan
Because Touhou is a stupid and shit series and Reimu, Cirno and every other garbage character from that shit franchise sucks ass.
Chase Edwards
>shit on a koishifag all koishifags comes to the rescue
Koishi is pure love.
Jeremiah Roberts
More like hivemind mentality
Cooper Stewart
And also the most resource starved game in the series, which made it harder than some others for me
Joshua Scott
1cc a real arcade game
Cameron Jones
Convince me not to preorder the Remilia fig reprint, 2hufags
Jayden Miller
Tell it to the marines
I'd also argue that Yea Forums is collectively better at FPS game, single player cinematic games and platformers.
In other words, what you would call normie games
Anthony Cook
Zachary Long
I've beat every mainline touhou game, also I love Yuugi! I made 2 fumos and a nendoroid of her!
Christopher Roberts
I've never seen you outside of /jp/ before, Yuugi-user.
You mind posting more pics of your fumo?
Ryan Fisher
That's because I don't post often. Regardless, here's a pic from a little over a month ago when I went to Japan and went to the UN Owen bar and met-up with zerokonbu2
Austin Moore
still going strong user? congrats on going where many 2hufags can only speculate of going
John Ward
Still going, I currently have an Alice fumo on the way to make a Parsee, I'll be making her alongside my third Yuugi. This time in her kimono
Ethan Diaz
You are absolutely based, Yuugifag.
I will cease my shitposting in this thread just for you.
Xavier Hill
Thanks user!
Caleb Robinson
keep seething, reimu
Lucas Nelson
Nathan Flores
A smiling Satori feels unnatural to see
Brody Flores
I'm trying to 1CC Phantasmagoria of Flower View right now (on normal). The randomness makes it pretty addicting to just play over and over, but it doesn't feel like I'm improving any more. I've gotten Eiki down to 0.5 lives several times, but it feels like she can dodge bullets forever even when I spam out everything I've got, and I myself can't dodge bullets forever when the entire screen becomes filled with multiplying projectiles.
Do any of you know any good strategies to clear the story, or is it just a matter of trying over and over until the RNG works in my favor?
Isaac Davis
Just keep trying, PoFV's AI is really fucking inconsistent.
Cooper Ward
Keep trying, and she's practically immortal on the first life.
Jace Powell
What are the best Touhou fangames? Already finished Luna Nights and don't like visual novel garbage.
Zachary Long
puppet dance performance
its literally pokemon, but touhou
Zachary Ross
Shining Shooting Stars
Fantastic Danmaku Festival part II
Levi Garcia
I like nazrin
Oliver Rogers
I haven't 1cc all of them but I've at least cleared all of them on normal and some on lunatic.
Who the fuck ever plays on hard?
Bentley Williams
Austin Rodriguez
Koumajou Densetsu II
Matthew Garcia
why you say so? all those memetic secondary doujin artists don't understand.
Satori is the Ultimate Being
Elijah Wilson
What an elegant creature.
Adam Morales
I like my Komeijis fluffy or depressed
William Barnes
Cookies is NG
Alexander Davis
>green flandre
Cameron Smith
Just give yourself max lives and hope she tires herself out enough from kicking your ass.
Try Reimu or Sakuya. Reimu is just good at almost everything and Sakuya's knife throw can surprise the AI. If you're a defensive player try Youmu though she isn't as good on attack like Sakuya.
I love Marisa's laser melting bosses, but the AI seems to easily dodge her attacks.
Reisen is just hard mode so don't bother with her as the AI will easily dodge your everything. Her special might as well be 1+ to difficulty level.
Just started playing it recently myself and it is very fun. Other mainline touhou's are boring to me, but this one is really good.
I assume you only have the default unlocks for story mode and also know the basics of sending bullets and ex attacks to the enemies side.
Thomas Lewis
>not being able to do/have both
Dylan Taylor
Fuck off zangief
Jonathan Perez
>Just give yourself max lives
Anthony King
Koishi is much cuter and sexier than Flandre, and she can be in direct contact with sunlight.
Aiden Williams
it's been maybe 10+ years since I've been exposed to this series yet I never bothered to even learn how to play them
Caleb Price
Touhou hentai sucks though, 9/10 times it is drawn like shit and the uploader mistags futa as yuri
Adrian Russell
>not rote memorization
James Morris
Spam level 2 attacks. Every death decreases her timer so after 2 deaths she usually drops dead around 2:30, 3 deaths is 2:00 etc etc. If you can't survive against her 3 minutes than yeah you're just bad.
Ethan Long
Because I have severe autism and I won't be satisfied moving on until I've 1 CC'd every game on the hardest difficulty. But I'm stuck on 1. How do I get over this?
Leo Lee
i'm still trying to 1cc IN on normal
Anthony White
Can't rote memorize the randomized parts. Soulsfags hit a brick wall everytime they meet those
Sebastian Gonzalez
Why would I play even one generic waifushit bullet hell with so many other bullet hells in existence that don't need pre-pubescence to market their game?
Henry Perez
reminder that cookie is 2hu and /jp/niggers cant stop it
Henry Clark
Just because it's mostly girls doesn't mean it's waifu shit. It's one of the least sexualised franchises in Japan.
Fanlets who'd hump a rock if you drew a pussy on it aren't indicative of anything.
Xavier Bailey
>frilly, ankle-length dresses
Teach me your timetravel secrets, Victorian-kun
Jackson Baker
>He isn't in it for the music
I dare you to find a catchy song in a non ZUN one
Elijah Watson
god, I want to trap the 2hus in a hot room then bring them out to smell their armpits one-by-one
Charles Moore
Oh yeah totally fapping it to these drawings mmmmmm
Sebastian Campbell
I want to play them but all I have is a Mac and a PS4, honestly dunno how to get into them which is a shame because I used to love shmups
Xavier Roberts
It’s enough when bullets move slower than /jp/‘s catalog
Robert Collins
Finding a catchy song is easy, most have at least one or two. Finding a game with as many catchy songs as touhou per game, now that's a dare.
Mason Bailey
Hard, not normal. Normal TD is indeed a joke.
Levi Kelly
I'll be honest, I don't really know what Touhou is, except that it involves anime girls.
Cameron Gonzalez
But even lunatic TD is somehow easy.
Samuel Thomas
Is it true that Reimu sells her body to any woman that donates money to the shrine?
Benjamin Miller
Nicholas Martin
Even if they donate... THIS much?
Austin Robinson
Michael Wright
Where does Gensokyo's money supply come from if the human village is just a bunch of subsistence farmers and assorted peasants? What is Yukari's tax policy?
Jaxon Baker
if its THAT much, only her armpit is sold
too bad marisa and yukari already bought them
Kayden Rogers
They have literal nuclear energy
Liam Hall
I've seen the fumos, please post the nendo Yuugifriend.
Joshua Harris
I found out with that project that I'm VERY bad at painting.
James Price
I laughed out loud, I don't know what I was expecting. She's still super charming!
Jordan Sullivan
Thanks, I made her because I REALLY wanted a Yuugi figure/statue, and the only things thus far released are 7 garage kits, the last of which was released in 2012, simultaneously, the only auction for one of them was also in 2012.
Lucas Fisher
I'm surprised, she doesn't get fanart like she used to but she's always been pretty popular, especially compared to everyone who's not Koishi from SA.
Camden Lee
>she doesn't get fanart like she used to but she's always been pretty popular, especially compared to everyone who's not Koishi from SA.
That's not entirely the case, if we're going solely by the yearly popularity polls, which really are reflective of actual popularity. Satori, Okuu, Orin, and Parsee are all more popular than her, with Yuugi being at 77th place, right behind Kanako, and in front of Shou (She's also several positions behind fortune teller). Furthermore, Yuugi has consistently dropped in popularity EVERY year since her inception, wherein she debuted at 41, and has since then, never risen in place. This year marks the only year where she hasn't dropped in popularity, maintaining position number 77. A majority of her popularity comes from the west, as in the east, she's not particularly popular outside of being a friend of Suika, or being shipped with Parsee. It's a sad state of affairs, but I still love this adorable oni.
Isaiah Rogers
Eh, Fortune Teller's not a great yardstick, he only gets meme votes.
>in front of Shou
ok that's pretty dire
Luke Nguyen
I cleared HSiFS on __easy recently. Maybe one day I'll do it again on a higher difficulty.
Ian Moore
I've finished inside every hole of Cirno's.
Henry White
Yeah, it's a sad state of affairs when she's just barely above Rinnosuke.
Blake Cooper
Already leagues better than the 'fans' who won't even try the games, keep at it
Kayden Martinez
I don't play kusoge where the only appeal is waifus, sorry.
Benjamin Garcia
Cirno is a cracka..
Luis Brown
Carson Smith
Imizu is a fucking GOD. That is all.
Jayden Ortiz
I can't belive marisa kirisame would do this, im shaking this can't be a real picture
Colton Walker
No, she does it for free. Play SoEW
Isaac Bailey
>he doesn't masturbate to hinaface
Eli Walker
Why do people waifufag 2hus? They have no character whatsoever. Literally villain of the week tier personalities. I get that they are cute but shits pathetic.
Tyler Rivera
Being funny is a personality. A lot of them are very funny, on top of being cute.
Carter Bailey
Because they have their characters expanded upon in the official printworks, and with my case with Yuugi it's a conglomeration of everything about her, her design, character, music, stage, midboss and boss fight, game she's in, fan interpretations of her and the representations thereof, everything about her I love, I love Yuugi!
Brayden Thomas
She is just some drunkard you jack off to.
Oliver Richardson
wholesome post
Chase Wilson
Factually incorrect, I actively read and keep up with all her doujin series, like daidara storybook, but please, keep projecting.
Benjamin Watson
what personality, exactly, do waifufags have? non-sequitur, ad hominem and regurgitated meme replies are not a personality
and the worst part is most of them aren't exactly cute anyway, so they really haven't got a lot going for them
Benjamin Jones
Because before I ever saw a frame of gameplay I had to endure being near the franchise's shameful fanbase. If I have to miss out on a mediocre game series in a terrible genre to not be bunched with you grotesque creatures, that's a small price to pay.
David Nelson
Keep paying out the ass to read some fat japs fapbait rendition of your surface level cringe waifu.
Jayden Mitchell
I just wait for it to get translated and put onto any of the several boorus for it, also.
Justin Wood
Have sex with your custom doll hotshot.
Noah Edwards
Nice comeback.
Parker Jackson
not even chamaji can make star sapphire behave
Benjamin Perez
Nice cumsock of a doll.
Sebastian Young
Jaxson James
Stop pretending to be me.
Gavin Richardson
tell me about Futo
specifically, how her outdated way of speaking is meant to sound in Japanese?
Dominic Cooper
If you stop fapping then you will start to only like characters with personality.
Jordan Evans
Because I haven't even beaten Remilia yet.
Wyatt Peterson
>They have no character whatsoever
Leo Robinson
I literally don't know where to start
Thomas Campbell
HRtP, get the torrent of the whole series on nyaa
Chase Edwards
Don't overreact when people make fun of your waifu guys lmao. My waifu is a pink hedgehog and you don't see me go out of my way defending her honor
Jayden Gomez
Cool thanks
Jacob Murphy
>My waifu is a pink hedgehog
Christopher Hughes
>My waifu is a pink hedgehog
Sebastian Wilson
I like all of Nicetack’s interpretations of characters
I started in Mountain of Faith before onto other games, great music and decently challenging while not quite a kick in the teeth like other games
Colton Collins
Isn't she like twelve, and wished herself older?
Cooper Adams
In the comic
Michael Walker
And there's always Marisa B for the shameful cheese.
Nathan Stewart
Buy the games on Steam
Double Spoiler and Great Fairy War soon
Mason Richardson
Wily Beast soon!
David Rogers
I want to play them so I can connect more with the Dojins
Noah Ortiz
So do it. Also read a couple of the books.
Eli Gomez
Because I hate Sumireko and refuse to play her game.
Tyler Robinson
Because I'm too much of a fucking casual, bro. I've tried playing them on normal with the max number of lives and until it won't let me restart anymore and I've still never finished one. I'm just too bad at video games for 2hu. Also I my pride doesn't allow me to play on easy.
Kayden Anderson
UFO eventually.
Parker Phillips
Is there a touhou game compilation where I can download all the main series games at once? I heard there was, but google shows nothing
Brody Bell
Her game is about beating her up because she's a dumb dork. It might be cathartic.
Jaxson Williams
Silly user! there's no game about Sumireko besides ULiL!
David Kelly
Christian Hernandez
Matthew Bennett
I only 1cc'd PCB and EOSD. Haven't kept up with the game since SA.
Jaxon Adams
there's one on the Cartel nyaa, but it also has
Hunter Wright
Good job, user. Easy mode might not be considered a "real" clear but I'm glad you made it that far, and I'm sure you'll improve and get that Normal 1cc soon!
Aiden Hall
I cleared a few of them, but then I decided that the only games in the series I really enjoyed all that much were the photography ones.
Adrian Hill
18 people actually play touhou.
The rest make shitty remixes or covers of BGM and draw shitty Doujins.
Brayden Russell
Adrian Lopez
Does ZUN hates isekai? Sumireko’s entire character feels like him shitting on it
Zachary Garcia
CtC is canon
Dylan Hill
I dunno, I think it's a matter of perspective. Like, she's a dumb brat, but less so than some characters. And at the end of the day she's just another character.
A lot of Gensokyo is isekai: SDM, Prismrivers, Moriya, Buddhists and Taoists, etc
Luis Jackson
But how does Doremy fit in with that?
Hunter Foster
Gensokyo is an Eastern Wonderland, and in the end Wonderland was just a dream. Don't worry about it 'cause none of it's actually real.
Isaac Rodriguez
Aren't a lot of these gods supposed to be men?
Lucas Jenkins
If they're men then how did I impregnate them?
Gabriel Hill
Anyone with a choice would be a 2d girl. Gods are no exception
Evan Nelson
There's male gods and youkai and humans in Gensokyo, they're just not relevant because ZUN likes cute girls.
Hudson Russell
In the Taoist gang’s case they just reincarnate as cute girls
Parker Martin
Who's the most pitiful 2hu to date? Kogasa? Koishi? Junko? Someone else that I'm maybe forgetting?
Logan Price
I don't know, they seem like silly weirdos in their legends.
Hudson Green
Kogasa is a joke character that gets unjustly beaten up all the time, so her
Bentley Richardson
For the Taoists, were they dudes (except for Seiga) before? I'm kinda fuzzy on that.
Leo Robinson
For whatever reason I always think of Sara.
>completely fails at her job
>shat on by all four playable characters
>Stage 1 boss so no memorable patterns
>got retconned out of existence immediately after her debut game
Like Meiling is a similar role, except she's appeared relatively frequently and was playable in two spinoffs.
Wyatt Parker
Daiyousei and Koakuma keep showing up in background shots of the official manga and they're never ever getting actual names or backstory, they're more pitiful.
Camden Nguyen
never played them and don't think they'd be up my alley personally
Carter Taylor
I don't move on to the next game until I've 1cc'd the highest difficulty I think I'm capable of. That's been lunatic for half the series, hard for the other half. It's slow going and I'm not in a rush.
Adrian Jones
I'm gonna post it
Hudson Brown
Nathaniel Rodriguez
do it
Eli Cooper
Joshua Mitchell
Considering the fact that I never did anything related to touhou besides fap to doujins, and that I'm absolute trash at bullet hells in general:
What game should I start with?
Sebastian Ortiz
John Martin
i don't play chink games
Lincoln Hughes
Which 2hu has the puffiest cunny?
Isaac Roberts
Just finished TD. Does the series all go downhill after this like people say?
Isaiah Cooper
of course not
Andrew Hall
Unironically because I'm bad
William Lee
The games are fine. That's a meta complaint about the rise of boatshit and gachashit killing half the fandom.
Julian White
Start with 6 and work upwards from there
7 and 8 are easier if 6 is too hard for you
Nathan Lee
Daniel Bennett
Honestly I considered TD a low point in my playthrough personally. Really, really love Youmu's shottype in that game, but don't really care for any of the characters and found the game to be on the easy side (though this was after I spent a whole month practicing UFO before I finally got my 1cc so it could be that my perception was skewed). 14 and 16 both have very enjoyable gimmicks that encourage aggression and not just rote memorization on when to use trance, and 17's gimmick, at least from the demo, is like UFO and TD combined their gimmicks with the best of both worlds. LoLK is an anomaly, and I mean even then SOME people like that game so maybe you will too.
Carson Williams
I myself consider TD the lowpoint of the series.
Although the games after each have their own flaws, they're much more fun than TD.
Xavier Edwards
I myself wouldn't pay much attention to the opinion of a person who posts such shitty pictures.
Eli Williams
Feel free to name a game in the series that released after TD and also is less enjoyable.
David Perry
b-b-but Desire Drive!
Jeremiah Lewis
Great theme.
Doesn't make the game less boring though.
Especially the early 3 stages. TD is so fucking slow
Andrew Miller
HSiFS is really good
Lucas Gomez
MoF (Touhou 10) has unlimited continues, so try that one
Elijah Martinez
why are touhoufags so shit
Cooper Parker
MoF is the worst game in the series, though. You can almost hear ZUN phoning it in.
Hudson Turner
what's the best game and why is it IN
how the fuck do you get last words
Isaac Walker
Last Words state their unlock requirment when selected
Landon Barnes
b-but new engine
Joshua Bennett
I didn't even read your post. I was just telling you your picture was bad.
Parker Kelly
Charles Lee
i can't 1cc any of them on any difficulty above easy because i'm bad
Carter Richardson
venereal disease?
Evan Edwards
no, cockroaches
Hudson Morgan
holy fuck that image
Levi Bennett
All main Touhou games run with wine, so just play them on your mac. Sorry for the late reply.
Jason Torres
>There's male gods and youkai and humans in Gensokyo, they're just not relevant because ZUN likes cute girls.
What would be the masculine equivalent to the frilly dresses that Zun puts on all his females?
Angel Morgan
bulging muscle men with shaped faces in frilly dresses
Hudson Hernandez
but that's factually wrong
Joshua Powell
Nolan Thompson
>Does ZUN hates isekai? Sumireko’s entire character feels like him shitting on it
Because ZUN is a man with actual taste.
Brayden Barnes
>There is a SECOND Touhou gacha in the works
I know I shouldn't give a fuck since they're not official but it makes fear about the direction the series is taking
Kayden Wood
How is the SDM isekai?
Lucas Myers
>touhou on DLSite
>touhou on Steam
Touhou was a Mistake
Liam Cruz
who cares about that
Camden Moore
>Toby Fox was a mistake
Leo Sullivan
People have been doomposting about Touhou getting on Steam that it would ruin everything
Well guess what, it got on steam almost two years ago already and absolutely nothing changed
David Morales
>absolutely nothing changed
>touhou fangames fucking everywhere
>fucking gachas being made
Owen Baker
You have a point with all the garbage chinese fangames but japs making gachas has nothing to do with steam
Kayden Nguyen
Addendum: Touhou on steam isn't a problem but allowing fangames to be sold there is
Connor Gray
I played some of scarlet devil back in the day but I don't really like this kind of game and the cute girls doesn't make up for it in this case sadly.
Jose Richardson
Joseph Cox
Why does he wear the choker?
Lincoln Ortiz
Connor Fisher
On a scale from 0 to 10, with 0 being your average human villager and 10 being Reimu/Clownpiece, what is Rinnosuke's powerlevel?
Dominic Scott
oh my look what day it is!
Ian Hill
too busy playing viewtiful joe red hot rumble for the nintendo gamecube t b h
Ryder Kelly
I'm guessing he is pretty weak because according to ZUN he doesn't have any fighting abilities like Reimu does.
Ethan Long
like a 2 or a 3
Benjamin Scott
Because the vast majority of them are bad.
Mason Williams
but he collects outside world shit, you don't need combat abilities when you can just shoot people
Owen Gray
According to japs, 20th of July is Nazrin day
Oliver Ortiz
Carson Stewart
Because SA is a fucking bitch
Justin Johnson
Where does Cirno fall on this scale?
Colton Phillips
shut the fuck up koishitter
Ryder Diaz
Jonathan Martinez
Christian Roberts
Epic for the win! Based wojak poster
Nathaniel Torres
Playing on a 15'' laptop screen is absolute suffering
Asher White
Wojaks might be shit, but it will never be as shitty as hipsterposting
Wyatt Perez
Its not hipster posting because popular characters aren't good
Cope and dilate, tranny koishitter
Cooper Wright
Hunter Stewart
I'm not pretending anything, faggot.
Koishi is the worst fucking touhou, and her fanbase (Including you) are some of the most annoying niggers, you can't even post the correct reaction image you dumb mouth breathing retard
Tyler Myers
>you don't need combat abilities when you can just stop time
>you don't need combat abilities when you can steal them from people's mind
>you don't need combat abilities when you can tell people to kill themselves
Grayson Harris
Idfk dude, Flandre and Koishi are actually good characters, but somehow you think your opinion on them will change that?
Ryder Martin
kill yourself you secondary retard
Cooper James
Do you really think outside world technology would do shit to a youkai?
Wyatt Bennett
>Liking characters secondaries always complain about because they "hurr durr steal the spotlight" is a secondary thing
Hahaha no
William Adams
-1 or -2 honestly
He couldn't even get rid of a mold fairy you fucking tertiary moron.
Even the inbred villagers can scare them off and he couldn't even do that lmao.
Sebastian Murphy
u know how anime has satire characters that schizophrenically rant about pathetic and mundane shit like japanese idols, 2d characters, voice actors etc while being really fat and portrayed in the most disgusting, vile way possible?
thats the only thing i can think of when i read ur posts lmao
Jaxson Carter
Flandre steal what spotlight? Off-handed dialogue and Aya articles?
Xavier Williams
>flandre stealing spotlight
Her appearing in one maybe two Aya articles always with her sister of course? Maybe her getting mentioned sometimes when talking about the SDM, or is it that one time Pachinko made it rain to stop her from going out?
Oh you actually mean your fanlet doujins lmao
Liam Cook
Because only 5-6 of the games are actually worth that commitment.
Jeremiah Jackson
Today is moon-flag day, though. The entire earth is celebrating this year.
Matthew Peterson
I only played Scarlet Weather Rhapsody with anons when the weekly threads for multiplayer went on. It was fun but I never play bullet hells or fighters so I was ultra mega shit.
Komachi best girl though
Caleb Barnes
There's no Touhou switch collection
Hunter Torres
Fans love her despite being completely irrelevant in canon
Liam Hughes
future arsonist
Benjamin Moore
>I cleared HSiFS on __easy
I don't think you cleared anything since the game doesn't let you through the last stage on easy. Or did that change? I've never played any game on easy, so I wouldn't know.
Robert Mitchell
Literally only EoSD doesnt allow you to get to stage 6 on Easy.
Every other game in the series does, but an easy 1cc doesn't unlock Extra
John Carter
>Flandre and Koishi are actually good characters
Hoo boy, no they're not. Flandre hasn't been characterized enough in canon and Koishi is more of a concept rather than an actual character. I understand, different opinions and all, but how the fuck can anyone call Koishi and Flandre good characters when actual good characters like Reisen and Mokou exist. It's almost hilarious how much better written they are in comparison.
Jonathan Cruz
Liam Anderson
>gameplay so repetitive you only getcthe energy for 1-3 playtroughs a day
>story so vague you won't get anything even from the wiki
>characters so ugly fans have to fix them
I mean, i played 1-12, finished 6 and extra'd 9 if that's what you wanna hear. It's an okay series but nothing that would make me play all of them. now post more of that pink haired animal lover
Carson Clark
Because they're all shit apart from luna knights
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Touhou fangames are not Touhou games
Jordan Martin
Not even for the music? It's what keeps me coming back every now and then.
Each touhou is like a concentrated can of MGRR during its best moments
Wyatt Long
Youtube is a thing you know
Ethan Rodriguez
Also LLS and MS
Jayden Butler
The music is fine on its own but I feel the easy bullet hell gameplay really accentuates it, much like MGRR.
Samuel Evans
>characters so ugly fans have to fix them
I actually really like zun's art and I think it's cute.
Jonathan White
Because they're poor games made for waifubait.
And you trannies eat it up
James Collins
They're the only good ones. Zun can't draw or animate for shit. in fact the only thing he really can do is music.
Brody James
Tanned fox
Blake Price
Just because they don't have much screen time doesn't means they aren't good characters lmao
Adrian Roberts
hello plebbit my old friend
Liam Jackson
lolk is too hard for a normal 1cc.
or rather I don't want to grind it.
Gavin Martin
not an argument.
Nicholas Hughes
Mobile gacha shit
Jaxon Stewart
no-skill memo games for grind monkeys
I stopped after getting a lunatic 1cc and because the last 2-3 games have shit music and shit characters
Lucas Stewart
It's pretty easy with Reisen, just do pointdevice before you attempt that
Ryder Turner
in what game did reisen use the megaphone gun?
Charles Rogers
14.5 PS4 only and 15.5
Ethan Gomez
Sorry, I don't play poverty STGs for autistic babies. Play something with some actual difficulty and some actual production value.
Jace Turner
The only 2hus I love are the ones who gave me a hard time while playing.
Matthew Powell
It btfo the lunarians
Justin Hughes
I think that's 21st and either way
>The entire earth is celebrating
Probably like 99,99% of gensokyo has no idea it ever even happened
Angel Edwards
Since when did shinigami have massive tits?
John Rogers
But it didn't though
Christopher Long
>slight shadows and line curves in the clothing around the chest area
>massive tits
Gavin Rodriguez
Massive for 2hu standards. They are all pretty flat in most official art but Komachi stands out as having noticeable tits
Cooper Barnes
Maybe they'll die in an earthquake.
Chase Gutierrez
>when actual good characters like Reisen and Mokou exist. It's almost hilarious how much better written they are in comparison.
And of course it's an INfag. If there's something overrated, that's your game.
Owen Price
It is the 20th in the US and Europe, 21th in Asia and beyond.
Aaron Edwards
IIRC few years ago when ZUN was asked about it, he said Yuugi has the biggest tits of the cast.
But her official art doesn't seem to have tits at all.
Isaac Ramirez
Where's I love Reisen-user
Alexander Smith
Mokou and Reisen only become better in ULiL-AoCF though
Landon Powell
Hyper based
Ayden Johnson
1CC OR BUST user
Connor Kelly
The astronauts landed on the moon on the 20th, but they didn't actually get out of the spacecraft and walk on the lunar surface until the 21st
Jonathan Evans
Afrer 8th part the games get boring. They aren't that good. I have hard 1ccd touhou 6, 8. And 7 lunatic 1ccd. All extra cleared.
Joshua Morris
Why do you pretend to be retarded?
Daniel Richardson
>Aya's miniskirt in a sea of dresses
Brody Gonzalez
Funnily enough IN is the only windows Touhou game I hadn't even started. It just so happens that IN cast is well written, unlike EoSD and SA casts. Simple as that. And pretty much this
Samuel Bennett
What about it, user?
Aiden Rivera
>Play something with some actual difficulty
>he plays luna nights and other shitty fangames
toppest of keks
Colton Richardson
Which sage is your sage?
Brayden Williams
Because I don't give a shit about Touhou and the extent of my exposure to this franchise are era porn games.
Easton Fisher
>pick a sage
>get two girls for free
Anthony Thompson
Aya is such a healthy tengu
Austin Roberts
Except Kasen
Colton James
I need to make a 2hu for F-list ERP but the groups all seem so cliquey.
Jordan Ross
>hermit Kasen
>oni Kasen
>ibara Kasen
Nicholas Young
i can't believe zun sold out
Hudson Russell
i finished inside every touhou if you catch my drift
Hudson Myers
If you go with Okina, you get 180 kids for free.
Jason Richardson
I will take the sage of lewd pink, thank you very m,uch
Adam Powell
nah, ms does. but yeah neither lls nor eosd have a final stage on easy.
you might be thinking mof, which gives a bad ending on easy (also like lls and ms), but it still has a final stage.
Gavin Bennett
d-doujin spirit!!1
Hunter Robinson
*also like lls and eosd
Chase Martin
>we might actually start seeing 2hus in suggestive poses and clothing
Please god, no. Don't turn my pure touhou into a soulless gachashit
Elijah Price
Can ZUN even draw suggestive poses?
Nathaniel Cooper
Actually an Easy 1CC does unlock extra. At least in HSiFS it does
Austin Brooks
ZUN probably not, but the artist working on those gachas definitely yes
The fact that Reimu has her tummy exposed for no reason is a massive red flag
Leo Foster
Ayden Nguyen
Let's just hope that it doesn't get attention then
Angel Mitchell
Benben’s bare legs are supposed to be his idea of suggestive design
Brayden Clark
That could be a pretty big collection. I imagine something like that would have at least the last few main touhous and a few side games.
Gavin Flores
why are crow tengu like this?
Brayden Cooper
Do we still hate Kasen?
Gavin Jones
to attract potential mates.
Wyatt Wood
I have though
Austin Jackson
I started playing the windows 2hus games some years ago intent on beating them all and got through esod and pcb, then I took a break and when I got back to them again there were like 5 new games that got released so I gave up and lost interest.
Parker Mitchell
im not very good at them
the only ones ive 1cced are 6 and 7 on normal
Bentley Harris
There hasn't been a single male crow tengu in the series, though. What mates?
Dominic King
You took a 7 year break or something?
Sebastian Turner
>he said that while posting WaHH
Ethan Reed
>Become assistant in kappa workshop (this consists mostly of running errands and trying to decipher what they perceive as instructions)
>Become associate editor of the Kakashi Spirit News
>Work at Kourindou in exchange for putting up with Rinnosuke's endless questions about the outside world
>Become associate editor of the Bunbunmaru Weekly
>Become a servant at the Scarlet Devil Mansion
>Study medicine at Eientei. You rank lower than Reisen.
>Open up a shop in the human village using what marketable skills (you) possess
>Fairysitting so they stop bothering the farmers
Owen Sanchez
Tanned Cirno cunny
Isaiah Gomez
Study medicine at Eintei.
Gavin Collins
I'd probably get killed and eaten by some random youkai before I could make any of those choices.
Robert Long
Because I'm not a virgin
Camden King
>Accept shikigami contract with Yukari upon entering the barrier
Luke Baker
in puffy bloomers!
Jason Parker
Working at Kourindou seems comfy
Disregard bitches, acquire bros
Austin Barnes
I'm around but this isn't a waifu thread!
Robert Jackson
Do you have the IQ for that, user?
Bentley Nelson
Because I'm not a pedophile.
Jason Brown
>tfw the doujinshis I like about touho include tall grills + impregnation leading to happy ending with belly and visible pubes
I thought this'd be more common but apparently this website is filled with faggots according to all the trap/tranny shitposting
Dominic Cruz
Why do the fairies keep picking Reimu as their target for pranking? Isn't that like the dumbest target you could pick?
Parker Parker
>not including gore
Cooper Rodriguez
Faeries are forces of nature and basically immortal.
They do not care and do it for the lulz even if they sometimes die for it
Benjamin Richardson
in nopan!
William Powell
fairies dont give a fuck especially when youre dumb as a brick and can just come back
Ryder Anderson
that's DDC though.
Gabriel Watson
What do you think the Stage 6 boss and Extra Stage boss for WBaWC will be?
Ayden Morris
>Impregnation and happy endings
Absolutely based.
Carter Smith
>not rouge or the cat
Damned furry with no taste
Joseph Russell
i unironically expect kasen, maybe as phantasm
Brody Hughes
Fact: Mokou's grudge is completely unwarranted and Kaguya did nothing wrong.
Leo Baker
t. kags
Dylan Murphy
I never really had the time to play all the touhou games plus the fact that shumps never really grabbed my attention
Kevin Butler
name even a single thing she did wrong
>guy shows up
>says he completed the challenges
>"no you didn't, you cheated"
Cameron Barnes
Reisen pls go
Aiden Baker
>presenting a task as completable with full knowledge that it is not can't be wrong in any way
mooninite logic everyone
Blake Martinez
Well then maybe the suitors should fuck off already since she didn't want to get married in the first place
Owen Ross
Why is Reimu's business sense so awful?
Grayson Morgan
She specialized to much in murder and brutality
Camden Wright
Daniel Flores
Because HRtP and the Phantasmagoria games are bad.
Not into the fighters for now.
Caleb Ortiz
Why is her name udon
James Reed
I just got into touhou with PCB, because when I was choosing I liked the 1th stage music, what is the community opinion on PCB?
James Parker
Dude's got a foot fetish, right? There's so goddamn many shoeless 2hus.
Tyler Harris
ur bad
Jose Collins
I can't even finish EoSD, which is the first one I'm playing.
Blake Gray
PCB is really good. I like that one a lot.
Andrew Thompson
I can't finish EoSD and I've been playing touhou on and off for years. I'd say it's one of the harder ones.
Juan Howard
Its great, the only part I dislike is that dork
Charles Bailey
It isn't?
Logan Nelson
How would you rank the shmup touhou games from easiest to hardest? (So excluding TH1, 3, 9 and any side games in other words.)
Chase Murphy
>cirno, benben, yatsuhashi, minoriko
Who else
Thomas Allen
MoF, maybe TD
Adrian Phillips
12.8 is a shmup too and one of the hardest in the series
Logan Adams
Ringo, Hecatia, Ebisu, Etarnity, Nemuno, Shinmyoumaru, Wakasagihime, Soga and Mima lol
Gavin Taylor
>Dissing LoLK
I like it a lot. Giving graze more depth was a lot of fun. Playing on Legacy Mode, it encouraged me to take risks and think more deeply about how to move through patterns. I'd like to see graze used more in the future
Thomas Baker
i'd become an editor for Bunbunmaru, with no questions asked about the accuracy of its contents. Always something going on, is somewhat popular, and so the likelihood of losing the job is low not counting any potential deaths that may occur while on the job
Brandon Watson
Remind me why there was such a big gap between UFO and TD, and then ZUN's been churning them out again now?
Matthew Davis
He had children and started making his game every other year after that
Henry Richardson
Leo Johnson
Better than nothing I guess?
Carter Cook
Source of image? All search engines come up empty.
Art style reminds me of Tro but apparently it is not him.
Andrew Cook
He mentions his son broke his back right in TD's credits
Cameron Adams
>all search engines
Use better search engines.
Charles Anderson
Why are hags so cute?
Wyatt Watson
in swimsuit!
Jeremiah Wright
Thanks. I did try SauceNao but it didn't work for some reason, and now it does.
Tyler Ramirez
suwako playable when
James Kelly
Adam King
Jace Jenkins
windows 10
Nathaniel Lee
David Smith
Jonathan Davis
Lucas Thompson
Jackson Foster
Hudson Price
Adam Roberts
Reisen game when ?
Christopher Cooper
I am doing them in order with every character
Xavier Wilson
National Aeronautics and Space Administration the great Space Race between the USA and USSR the Apollo space program Apollo 11 the moon landing of July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong Buzz Aldrin Michael Collins the United States of America
Chase Davis
Who wants to play Age of Ethanols lads
Jordan Robinson
Benjamin Bailey
touhou rhythm game when?
Adam Rodriguez
Does Rhythm Carnival not count?
Isaac Scott
There's that one fangame. Too bad it's only EoSD and they never made another one.
Nolan Rivera
Brandon Morales
I guess it does. I mean something with a focus on all the instrument touhous, mystia and Mai/Satono,
Juan Miller
>one panel where two girls are in the same room
>tags: yuri
Juan Peterson
what's the best fangame and why is it takkoman
Blake Reed
Why is there a tranny flag behind her?
Luis Cook
because if im going to put the effort towards beating a shmup id rather play a good one
Justin Myers
is 2hu reclining?
Landon Miller
Hunter Baker
I don't remember, somebody on /jp/ said something that made me edit it.
It's not reclining, it's preparing.
Jordan Peterson
Yuri goggles are a hell of a drug.
Dylan Johnson
Should I wait warmly?
Jaxson Harris
Jayden Adams
Andrew Long
Tfw arrowhead retired only to take photos of shitty cosplayers.
Jason Bailey
Seething secondary faggot. TD was complete shit and every (main) game after was excellent.
Dominic Smith
I've recently discovered Shibayan Records and got hooked on it. Recommend me some good fucking 2hu music.
Daniel Turner
You are the chosen one spoken of in prophecy. You have the power within you to git gud and someday surpass even arrowhead in making lewd mmds or whatever that is. I have faith in you.
Aiden Watson
Mainline game where all four are playable when?
Colton Rivera
Robert Hill
Diao ye zong is pretty great
Caleb Barnes
Honestly I'll take Sakuya over all these other stage 5 sluts any day
Elijah Moore
It's interesting that it hasn't happened yet.
>Cirno, Aya
>Sanae, Reisen
>Sanae, Youmu
I wonder if we'll ever get Futo as a playable character
Christopher Jenkins
t.filtered by Shou
Justin Bailey
>Satsuki Rin playable never
Alexander Lopez
why is she so flat when she needs to have huge tits?
Justin Hughes
Peso pls.
William Jones
Futo's been playable in ULiL and AoCF, hasn't she?
Brody Murphy
Hudson Bailey
Well since the cirno swuimsuits are public anyone could do it, but i just hate the MMD community so much to invest time and effort on it.
Anthony Walker
I mean in shump game but yes, that's true.
Liam Rogers
Yes, only the cats, fairy and dancers left
Jacob Sanders
I wonder what kind of shot type she would have been in EoSD as well as her ending.
Cooper James
Poor Orin.
Daniel Harris
Jaxon Harris
And the new stage 5 boss we're getting in a couple weeks, assuming we're getting a new stage 5 boss and not everyone's favorite hell-judge.
Evan Miller
Nolan Martin
Tewi for last post!