Nintendo doesn't cater to SJ-

>Nintendo doesn't cater to SJ-

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Nintendo didn't make that

Nintendo didn't make that

Nintendo made that

Nintendo didn't make that

Big if true.

Nintendo might have made that

construction complete
new construction options

>Phone poster is retarded

>implying SJWs want a fair trial

pretty sure she is joking desu

not even once

I don't know if Nintendo made that

This leaves me with one single question: Did Nintendo make that?

This one was invented by a writer.

She's fighting a black man, this is clearly sarcasm.

She's not but that just makes it even funnier.

I know Ms. Marvel herself was made to cater to SJWs but this seems more like a stab at them.

That didn't made Nintendo

> A teenager in a liberal city uses oppression the moment she's distressed by something major

I think the humor checks out

I want to fuck her

>Nintendo made that?
I made that.

I made Nintendo

>western game
Why do they always have this shit?

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I want to do lewd things with her mouth

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I thought they were supposed to be the sensitive ones? You guys sure give them a run for their money!

Nintendo is not the developer of this interactive media

>Western game
D-do we tell him?

I mean the writing was probably done by Marvel and the gameplay by Team Ninja

>Team Ninja is bas-

looks like a harmless joke to me, actual SJW pandering was the MK11 jax's ending


I believe it. What the fuck Nintendo?

Kamala Khan has always been a fucking retarded character
God, I'm so happy I stopped reading comics years ago.

>expecting anything good to ever come out of Ms. Inshallah's mouth

Dare I say, BASED!

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I want to fuck Kamala
she's so cute
imagine the things she'll say when I make tenderly love to her

I imagine she'd call you a shitlord and throw you into prison for future crimes you haven't committed.

no she wouldn't
Kamala is a very sweet girl


On one hand you explained the joke.
On the other hand, it was funny.