Bros just end it already

Me 21yo,8yo cousin comes to my house today and knows I played vidya with some friends that came over yesterday.
He asks:
-What did you play with your friends ?
-Some Mario Kart 8, Smash and a little bit of Tekken 7
(He then looks at me with a dissapponting face and says)
-Mmmmmm why didnt you play Gta V instead? AH I know cause you are bad and dont know how to play GTA well.

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What is this gay ass thread, is this even written in english?

end what?

cheer up emo kid

>getting emotionally affected by what kids have to say

Hahahahaha holy shit what a bitch.

the mass appeal of Grand Theft Auto duh

>getting bullied by an 8 year old

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Bros just end it already
>on Yea Forums
>someone posts this faggot wojak thread

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Yeah you're a massive faggot.

I can smell you from here, Joao Antonio.

>Adult trys to recapture lost youth by playing Nintendo games.

>Kid wants to grow up and thinks Nintendo games are childish and beneath him.

Is this the issue?

Is it true?
Are you bad at GTA and don't know how to play it well?
Damn you should end it.

>If you dont give me chocolate I'll tell mom about feet time

>Are you bad at GTA and don't know how to play it well?
Ofc not, hes actually the one who sucks at the game

OP wish there was feet time.

But what's so bad about playing a bunch of multiplayer games with your friends?
Everyone in my neighborhood including girls and chads play Mario Kart, Smash Fighting games etc.
Are you really getting manhandled in conversations with your kiddy cousin? Just tell him he GTAV multiplayer sucks, he sucks at Smash and beat him up in the game.

>21 years old
>Mario Kart, Smash

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>be user
>feel ashamed by his little cousin

Bet he made you make him a sandwich after he bullied you huh pussy

>on Yea Forums
>some posts anime

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>8year old allowed to play GTA

Talk about shitty parents

Could have just said Tekken is way harder

>Me 21yo

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>21 yo
>uses wojak
I hope you get a ban nigger.

Why does my niece just sit still and not say anything if I rub her nipples?

>Taking an 8 year olds opinion seriously
>About videogames
>Cant even greentext

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1. Nice blog
2. Terrible format
3. This post is of extremely low quality.

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>Me 21yo,8yo cousin comes to my house today and knows I played vidya with some friends that came over yesterday.
>He asks:
>-What did you play with your friends ?
>-Some Mario Kart 8, Smash and a little bit of Tekken 7
>(He then looks at me with a dissapponting face and says)
>-Mmmmmm why didnt you play Gta V instead? AH I know cause you are bad and dont know how to play GTA well.
stopped reading there

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So you read everything?

don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread


she likes it user, keep doing it

>don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread
stopped reading there

So you read everything?

only manchildren play nintendo and weebtrash games, kids prefer GTA and other games with killing and gore

don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread

OP, you already ended it by telling us that your cousin knows what a giant faggot you are.
>even taking opinions and belittling from others seriously
also, you being this young and posting wojak shit, especially with the boomer, doomer, etc shit, checks out.
just end yourself and don't expect others to do it for you, machild.

cringe Nintendo baby

me and my cousin dab on zoomers in fortnite

>don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread
stopped reading there

So you read everything?

>his relatives still let their kids be alone with him

You're not that far gone yet user

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she's waiting for you to jam your tongue down her throat while you do it

take the initiative

Are you going to answer?

How do i know you're not trolling?

That seems kind of violent.


don't ever fucking reply to me again unless you have something to contribute to the thread

>Shitty ass /r9k/ thread
>Dumb ass /r9k/ picture
>Uses fucking - instead of >
Kill yourself. Maybe that's why you're fucking shit at GTAV. Because you're a fucking tired gamer tier nigger

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>Some Mario Kart 8
I'd be disappointed too if my older relative played some fucking shit for toddlers instead of real games like Quake or Starcraft.

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Ok my answer will be that if she's not stopping you she's enjoying it.

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Fuck your cousin.
I lost my virginity with her.

I play Fortnite and tell my nephew GTA is boring