Try to come up with one way to bring her back without cheapen her character nor feeling like an asspull
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Twilight Mirror is restored
Both realms must deal with the new issue but the Twili are fine and help you just like the Zora
the twilight realm in TP felt like Hyrule Castle in WW, it's just a small area compared to the overworld
now it gets to be a world of its own. The problem is how to keep it interesting instead of just being a bunch of gloomy places where everything is black with cyan lights
There's a second mirror just because, just bring her back
>please do not reproduce without prior permission
There is no way. Modern sóytendo would fuck it up guaranteed.
notMidna from the notTwilight Realm
Mirror is fixed but by a different enemy/adversary from the regular realm just so it can attack the Twilight Realm so it doesn’t feel like a cheap “but muh Midna back pls”. That way you can get some kind of narrative out of it.
>Lonk, there's bad shit happening in the twilight realm. Go help.
>Lonk: skwaaak (okay will do)
>turns out said bad shit turned Midna back into imp form
Golly that was tough
A villain attempts to split open the shadow realm and magically drill the very substance of it as a power source for his magical machinery, basically dissolving the entireity of the realm and its people into essentially oil.
Due to this there's a giant split ass crack in reality Skygina where he's installed his fortress to do so, and she escapes (Due to her race being nigh immortal or something) and reunites with Link's reincarnation to try and defeat this new villain and save her people.
She feels incredibly guilty as the villainous sorcerer only gained knowledge of the Twilight realm and the ability to reach into it because she became lonely for link after breaking the twilight mirror and began trying to find a way to tunnel back into the Normal realm, with this sorcerer detecting and studying her tunneling attempts and replicating it in order to drain the plane.
The game ends with a play decision of "Stop midna from closing the realm and find another way" as a golden ending and "Agree with midna and allow her to seal her and her people away again to protect the realm of light"
you don't even need a curse or anything, just make it so Midna can now change forms anytime she wants for the sake of convenience, like entering in small places where Link doesn't fit