Stop worshipping corporations

Stop worshipping corporations

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Other urls found in this thread:

>that 100 year old boomer with the zelda shirt

>people who care about him, support him, enjoy the same things as him
>he can be himself around them
>is happy
Seethe harder, this soiboi has achieved more than (You) ever will.


imagine the smell

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what the fuck else am i suppose to do to replace allah?

Whats wrong with this? Sounds fun.

bro this is cringe

Start worshipping big tits

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Don't go to parties and have fun with people who share your hobbies. Be miserable and alone on Yea Forums like me

>Ryan Gosling-LARPers cope thread wherein they try to distort things like having friends or loved ones as a bad thing purely because they are jealous

Stop worshipping

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Will my hand end up like his if i consume soi all day?

>Ryan Gosling

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I think hes referencing the movie Drive where every boy below the age of 25 was posting here daily "dats me dats literally me".

what scares me is that memes are so shit at this point that, that image could probably be made in 2013 or now and i wouldn't be surprised

Is this what memes from the future are like?

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no lie, i thought they were like singing happy birthday and there was a dead one year old or something in that effect.

This infuriated me more than it should have.

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maybe these people will actually play fucking video games unlike everyone I meet

>think this is just taking the piss
>remember that "they" did complain that they hurt their hands while opening the bottles
Humanity was a bloody mistake.

> a group of boomers circlejerking over their toys
> a party

wow user, tell me more about this wild life of yours!

jesus fucking christ

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or just let people have their fun maybe?

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>All parties should be people getting black out puke everywhere drunk and full of regret
As someone who spent years doing ^^^ this, you're wrong.

>implying they're bad
We can only imagine how good they might fell, which causes all the pain in the first place.

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My idea of fun is punching you in the balls repeatedly, please let me.

>her doesn't pretend to be cool at least once in his life

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what the fuck am I looking at

>going from one extreme to the other

you know you can just go dancing and have a fun night, right?

Yeah, not everyone likes dancing. Some people like video games. So they might play vidya together like in a LAN party style setting. They might play separately in the same area, they might play couch co-op or competitive games. It might be a party game. (It is Ninty after all)

THe point is, there is literally nothing wrong with hanging out with your faggot nerd friends who like the shit you like and liking the shit together.

why are Nintendo fans so caught up in the idea of being "hApPY" 24/7 as a healthy state of mind?
are they so depressed about growing up they have to indulge in their media to the point of screaming it everywhere they go?
that kind of mentality just strikes me as desperate and melancholic, not a state of euphoria.

Noticed that as people get more secular, they end up worshipping something else. This time it's corporations. otehrs become extreme vegans, feminists, etc.

>tfw voice is too high pitched to be cool

You didn't "notice" that. You either did a study backed by data or you're a fucking idiot wearing rose tinted glasses.

Is this fanart from summertime saga or a random ranch girl?

>too high pitched to be cool
Just go full power-metal singer with it.

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I'm pretty sure it's a random girl.

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Literally what is wrong with this? They're having fun and being social, that's more than you unhappy fucks ever do. Stop complaining and realize that maybe, just maybe, YOU'RE the problem


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Can somebody tell me what the fuck is wrong with Nintendo fans?

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I have a fiancee, two dogs, and im currently playing vidya whilst wifey and the dogs sleep on the sofa. Im actually happy, i just stroked her face, she looks peaceful.

I just dont throw parties for corporate products, i try to find something meaningful

t. commie
stay mad & poor & hungry & dumb

They were bullied too much in school and never figured out why.

ITT people alone on a friday night laugh at people having fun with friends

this is the future.

hey man can you like fucking delete this please?
just because im home with no friends in sight and havent had a single real social interaction in weeks doesn't mean in a total fucking loser.

Legit Autism Cult
Dare I say...

I'll worship whatever I like so long as it has cute anime girls.

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Jesus christ, his hand is as wide as his wrist. He literally has hand atrophy. wtf. is the future of human evolution?

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Go away communist

Corporate console drones are not human

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me and my friends once threw a party where everyone was wearing a Zorro outfit, shit was cash

That guy probably makes $100k+ a year as a software engineer or something else that bugmen like.

You don't need to be strong to reproduce anymore. You just need money. And limp wristed nerds are making a shit load these days while "strong" men are making $9/hour working shitty construction jobs.

>implying I ever stopped

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>naked overalls
I never realized how much I wanted this

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Where does it say 24/7 though?
And to answer your question, the world is a shitshow as it is. Nothing wrong with grabbing for happiness where you can, so long as your happiness doesn't infringe on other people's chances to have happiness of their own.

>VHS player
How to immediately spot someone who wasn't alive when VHS was the standard format.

holy shit based made my day just imagining that

B-but user, he's just throwing a party for the zorro corporation!


>all these white people

pure coincidence....

you can be happy without throwing birthday parties for consumer products. that's just cringe beyond belief no matter how you try to spin it.

Why do 4channies have a heart attack anytime someone shows joy in something they like?

white people have money, what did you expect

Are you okay?


Are you? What do you get out of being a bitter faggot all the time?

Calm down sweetie
No one cares

I dont think you have the right to call someone a faggot. You subconsciously wrote Frick instead of Fuck probably cause you didint want to trigger anyone

he was probably born with that hand and thats probably just a generic bottle opener for people with similar disabilities

You and I both know it's too late for that.
Death is the only answer.

Only virgins disagree.

>You subconsciously wrote Frick instead of Fuck probably cause you didint want to trigger anyone
How much of a retarded niggerfaggot do you have to be to think this?

no thats a onions brand opener

Are you alright

you fricking frick

u mad?

The fuck kinda cult gathering bullshit is this?

What is it with modern white people? How did you go from being the most badass race of conquering mofos on the planet to this?

whats the problem? im a bit jealous actually. people having a good time - happy

White Guilt

You did since you bothered to reply.
>Y-yeah b-b-but
Still wasted your time doing it queerbait.

good times produce people who are having a good time


They're the product of everything their ancestors fought for, and that's a good thing.

>How did you go from being the most badass race of conquering mofos
We're still doing this though? And we're even trying to push into the stars now.
>Implying these random 10 people represent an entire race of people
Seriously whats up with 4channies making stupid and terrible posts today?

>Joycons clearly drift after a month or two
>Lawsuit happens
>Tons of posters denying stick drift
Nintendo fans are on a league of their own. Way worse than Sony, way worse than Steam, even worse than Epic.
I will never understand the love for this corporation.


Who the fuck even knows Zorro these days?

>whyte peepoo

ye its a shame, this was 15 years ago or so

One Piece is still pretty popular believe it or not, especially in Japan.

Joycon drift isn't that big of an issue. If you think not overreacting to a few isolated issues of product malfunctions makes Nintendofags worst then people who spam vore fetishism then your a fucking faggot retard.

Still mad I couldn't find this around where I live.

There's an expression in the wasteland.... "old world blues" It refers to those obsessed with the past they can't see the future much less the present for what it is.

I have this strange feeling that the guy in the Mario hat talks like Tom Sagura. A lot of those types of "people" do.

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based and truthpilled
you can tell when someone is being honest on this shithole when they get a ton of angry replies

rent free

when you are baking a switch cake, i call bullshit. Sorry, but there is a limit corporate worship.

Because they look ridiculous and generally have bad taste. Yea Forums has always made fun of lolcows and people with bad taste.

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Oh fuck, only now i noticed it isn't a person's birthday

>who is prince

no excuse

lol I remember when there was a thread with a webm of a guy who had just finished building a model of the Millennium Falcon and it was full of anons talking about how badly they wanted to smash it right in front of him and what a piece of shit he was for wanting to build it.

I get why Yea Forums hates most of the things it hates but hating any display of anything resembling fun from other people is lost on me. Is it a misery loves company thing?

>Not that big of an issue

If it's getting a class action lawsuit clearly it is.

Very true. The people who lambast your post are zoomers. Anyone working 40/week with little/no friends/family knows you speak the truth.

>White people

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It's just being edgy. They're the same people who think vids like these are "cringy"

>We're still doing this though?
Uhh no, that'd be China.
White people are kind of a joke nowadays.

that guy has a passion for a (very reasonable, but expensive) hobby, I have a feeling he got some nice handouts after that video which is nice, hope it compares to his previous collection

>tfw no gf

I prefer dfc

>Only buy Nintendo stuff when its hackable
>Only buy it used

Get fucked Nintendo. This is what you get.

The switch has a lot of fucking good ports man. I kinda feel bad.

this thread turned real positive guys, proud of yall as a team - happy moments brothers

Bring back the Roman Emperors.

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holy fuck i am going to a party tonight and when i show them this they're going to howl with laughter

who the fuck goes to parties to celebrate a console's birthday

parties are for everyone to bunch up into groups of 3 and just talk to the air while drinking as much as possible

I truly hope whoever posted that is at least as old as my mom who has arthritis.

Why do Americans wear hats and shoes at home?

Why are people so obsessed with wearing hats in door? You do realize like 95% of hats are worn for style right? You wouldnt just take off your fucking pants in the middle of a party either would you?