Copy Hearthstone, a nearly-dead game

>Copy Hearthstone, a nearly-dead game
>Don't include good casual sets; skip right over them and ban them from the game
>Cut booster packs in half, while retaining all cards in a set, making it take forever to do anything
>Force multiplayer
What in the fuck? I've played this pile of shit for literally 2 days and I'm already about to uninstall. I've literally been playing MTG for decades and this is THE WORST MTG game I've seen to date. And Stainless made some pretty shit ones. This pile of shit will have me either going back to paper magic or just abandoning the game entirely.

Attached: Arena_Logo.png (600x265, 91K)

>just abandoning the game entirely

Just shut the fuck up, nothing has changed in paper. You're over reacting

Show me your Modern Horizons collection on Arena.

Also, you're wrong. Every set outside of the casuals for the past year has been pure dogshit even in paper magic. And literally every MTG player has noticed the drop in art quality.

magic arena is set up to play standard and modern horizons isn't in standard so it wouldn't really make any sense to be their, the decks would be comprised almost entirely of horizons cards because of the massive spike in power level from those to things like m20, I understand that your post is either trolling or just ignorant but complaints like "force multiplayer" don't even make sense for a competitive card game; if your understand of "good casual sets" is things like modern horizons than you fundamentally don't understand the game of magic

>magic arena is set up to play standard
Literally why?

Alright. Uninstalling. Apparently this was a bootleg version of MTG made entirely for spikes (the HS crowd). Fuck this bullshit.

its the most beginner friendly format allowing them to try and appeal to a wider market, its far easier to program just the standard sets than it is to program more than 25 years worth of cards, having a smaller focus on available formats to just standard and limited means that had the game not had a strong start they wouldn't have to risk fracturing the player base across a ton of formats like vintage, pauper, modern and legacy; there is a significant number of reasons from a business perspective for the choice, there is a possibility in the future that older sets will be added, to start a new platform with every card already programmed would have been a herculean task that would have ended up with the game either looking like moto again or never finished
everything about this post is pathetic

>its the most beginner friendly format
Thanks Mark, nobody believes you. Beginners don't require low power shit sets. No beginner to MTG I have ever met has started this way.

>everything about this post is pathetic
Yeah, I think MTG can die now. You've just given up as a company. I can't even imagine how many customers you've lost for life with all the horrible decisions in the past 10 years.

Lmao the amount of arena butthurt here makes me want to update and drop $100 on a tier 1 deck to make even MORE loser nerds uninstall the game if it's that fucking easy. GTFO my magic scrubs.

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It's a bad game. People tend to not like bad games. The fact they cut boosters literally in half already makes the game fucking unplayable. But even if they hadn't, the past year has been nothing but one terrible half-hearted expansion after another. They literally need to move to casual sets or dig into the deeper past to even have any decent fucking cards.

>Beginners don't require low power shit sets.

the power level of the format isn't the problem for new players its the complexity having to learn a format with 10-20 years worth of cards and 300+ keywords without reminder text is not a reasonable exception for someone who is new to a game; the vast majority of new players start with kitchen table magic which is not an actually reasonable gamemode to make.
>You've just given up as a company.
If I worked for wotc I wouldn't be spending my time reading the kind of garbage that you're posting. You strike me as an almost exclusively edh player who doesn't actually understand how formats work, much less the kind of game design that would go into making a platform for a game

>move to casual sets
the standard sets are the casual sets you fucking inbred

Nope nope nope. All wrong. I feel the need to remind you that Stainless made better MTG games than this and all of their games were at least partly terrible. Especially the first one. The FIRST Duels is better than Arena by a long measure.

No. Those are the "give me money" sets.

What the fuck are casual sets?

And further, let me tell you WHY the stainless games are better. Because they designed decks from throughout MTG's history that actually function. So there were fun interactions. This game literally has no means by which to produce an army of fucking saprolings. Nu-Selesnya is hyperfocused on soldiers and knights. The tribes all suck. The card pool is Hearthstone-esque and half of it is rotating this Autumn, hilariously.

Also, did I mention you don't get full boosters? Or the forced multiplayer? If I want, I can play solitaire Magic right now. And I've got the card pool to do it. I don't want to play with other people in standard format. There's a reason people avoid the tour circuit and almost every Magic player plays kitchen table magic. This is something Wizards, like every company in the past 20 years seems to have forgotten in their lust for more cash.

Maybe yu-gi-oh is more your speed, you seem like what you want to play a more laid back casual experience where the new sets always have power creep. You could try learning how the game works but that doesn't seem like the kind of thing you would do based on your blatant ineptitude and complete and total lack of basic knowledge on how video or card games work. In summery, quit pretending to know what you're talking about you ignoramus

Commander, Archenemy, reprint sets, etc. Intentionally not meant for standard play. Standard has always been cancer. And I promise it will kill the game just like it did HS. Right now MTG is lingering on reputation.

Yugioh's dumb.

They gave me one enough wildcards to build any 1 or 2 color deck I wanted and I just played enough to unlock the default dual color decks. I think it's fine, and I have played both HS and MTG

>Copy Hearthstone, a nearly-dead game

>In summery, quit pretending to know what you're talking about you ignoramus
Also, I've probably been playing Magic longer than you've been alive. Stop being such a zoomer faggot.

Yeah and then what? The game is pretty much over after you finish the tutorial. From then on it's the HS grind. I fucking quit HS because this format of cash extraction is bullshit and not at all fun.

It would be nice to have more format like commander / 4 player but they already said they aren't looking to implement that.
Also casual / kitchen table doesn't work online. People are just going to netdeck the best 5 decks in whatever format you can think of and play that.

the fact that you are buying boosters instead of spending the gold on drafts only highlights your complete lack of ability to actually play magic beyond that magic is designed to be played against other people you fucking retard, most people don't play kitchen table casual magic actually it turns out most people actually play the game, its mostly the most casual new players who are scared of competition that play kitchen table magic

>Why can't I play my casual saproling deck?!
You couldn't be more of a fucking casual, Also there is a fucking saproling deck in standard right now; how can you be such a fuckup that your example of your casual baby deck that you can play be one of the arch types thats actually in standard right now? at least try not to be so embarrassing

>It would be nice to have more format like commander / 4 player but they already said they aren't looking to implement that.
Then they can kiss my ass. Honestly, I've lost a lot of interest in the game with all the horrid changes they've been making even in the paper format the past decade.

>Dude just gamble

>You couldn't be more of a fucking casual
Yeah, that's the fucking point, dipshit. MOST MTG players are. You are the minority. But you're a whale, so just like HS, Wizards is catering to your retarded push-button-win-game mentality because you're willing to spend any amount of daddy's money on the shit. I'm glad MTG is a dead game. I'll just remember the good times and consider it dead.

It's legit a bad game.

t. guy playing MTGA at the work who has been f2p grinding since the start of the beta and has almost all the t1 deck plus standard/modern/legacy/pauper/commander paper experience

>standard will kill mtg
standard or type 2 as it was called when it was created was made in 1995, at no point in the 24 years since than has it killed the game. im older than the game so thats fundamentally impossible, but beyond that its quite clear that you playing this game has been your casual timmy decks with your friend over a kitchen table the entire time and at no point over those years have you learned anything about actually playing the game properly

>yugioh's dumb
yeah that's why i suggested it for you, it matches with your personality well

drafts aren't gambling, they couldn't be further from it compared to buying packs, thats why good players have really high win rates in draft; granted you would find different results but thats mostly because of the part where skill is important to win in it
standard is the format for casuals, you don't understand how far beyond casual you are; most people after a little bit of time try to play the game slightly more seriously than kitchen table because kitchen table is just nonsense most of the time; you just never moved past it, its a lot like your life where you never tried to grow or improve in anyway, also i don't play arena because im a legacy player and pauper player, i just understand why it exists as it does

>people tend to not like bad games
>skyrim and witchers sold shitload of copies
Ok retard

>cut boosters in half
>still get a rare, 2 uncommon, and 5 commons

Who gives a shit, the rare is all that matters. Game gives out uncommon and common wildcards like fucking candy, and if yo uh draft even once or twice you can get all the common's you want.

Sounds to me like you're butthurt about getting stomped

I want to believe this is bait but I know it's probably not

>can't play any fun modes with your friends, can't even change the deck size to play with them
>devs didn't even want to add a friends list and still really haven't
nerds that want to sit and play netdecks vs other netdecks and rage constantly about it don't even understand what makes magic a fun game

>spending money on a digital card game

Attached: 1558389677467.jpg (1242x1320, 109K)

Yeah arena sucks ass. Anybody defending it probably just butthurt because they put money into it.

Its fun until you realize you're just playing against the same meta decks over and over again

Literally just play paper, retard. Arena is for casuals and standardfags.

welcome to constructed formats in literally every ccg ever

I'm glad I quit Hearthstone for MTG: Arena. I wish it was more pve/casual friendly tho. I picked up Elder Scrolls Legends on the side since it has a phone app and I can pve in it to get competitive decks without dumping money like I did in Arena.

MTG: Arena + Elder Scrolls Legends will probably be what I ride out going forward. I don't have a reason to play Hearthstone anymore.

Pick up a secondary card game like I did with Elder Scrolls Legends. Keeps things a bit more fresh and I don't feel so bad playing Jeskai Superfriends all the time.

I legit fucking love my Conscription and Dragon deck in ESL. I don't have anything similar in MTG.

Also meant to list off some other card games besides ESL that are pretty good.

Hex Shard of Fate

>playing mtg at all in 2019