Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests!
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1563561753756.png (2000x2000, 453K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: e0fb77cf8698351ab7b384c3ddae4e142c993dfc.png (2000x2000, 1.66M)

Requesting female Morgana with bigger tits and hips walking seductively

Attached: 89lhvr871nr11.jpg (1349x1920, 698K)

Hey everyone! Summer is upon us, and the Summer Collab is here! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!
Also if you can please make sure to have your submissions have a transparent background, if you need help on doing so then ask.

Here are all of the entries currently:

The current deadline is July 31st; Can't wait to see what everyone submits and hope this is a cool Summer project for everyone!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 3.76M)

requesting something with doula and anatolia from sennen sensou aigis

Attached: orcgirls.jpg (1024x549, 77K)

Requesting Aradia from NoR in a casual outfit like this.

Attached: 1559421822592.png (720x1200, 485K)

Colored the Nyx drawing i started on yesterday

Attached: nyx doodle.png (2100x1600, 354K)

Requesting these guys having a dust up at band practice. Have at least one shouting something in garbled Finnish.

Attached: a34535.jpg (1280x1024, 333K)

Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

Did you took a Shygal one?

Requesting an Empoleon dressed up as the Hero Prinny from Disgaea.

Attached: Empoleon Prinny!.png (1092x700, 422K)

Requesting these three dudes drawn as very muscular demon knights with armor that looks like their appearences.

Attached: three golem knights.png (3096x1932, 2.85M)

Anchoring my request of a drawfriend giving Ladie (pic related) a white sarong, straw hat, and red-rimmed sunglasses.

Requesting Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II and Megatron together.
Cool, cute or lewd art. Up to you.

Attached: MechaEli-chanMkII+Megatron.png (1133x800, 1.27M)

Requesting topless or naked hand-bra with one set of hands on her big tits or just wearing bikini armor

Attached: Luminiera_Omega_B-1.png (640x628, 195K)

Attached: 1552879550639.jpg (877x481, 64K)



Attached: roll r.png (692x615, 206K)

>iggy bomb
why the fuck all his art look the same??

Requesting any two of the Furisode Girls from Pokemon XY completely nude and relaxing at the beach please.

Attached: 9253ea5d-0be3-446a-af96-30410abd0aed.png (1384x516, 1017K)

Attached: D0qwkQaV4AER9oD.png (533x941, 385K)

Requesting Chihaya Mifune trying on some lingerie and asking if it makes her boobs look big.

Attached: 7ec45b2fa30a1cff029bcf0b86bc9a47.jpg (453x800, 95K)

Requesting this sticker on the left from A Hat in Time but with Hat Kid instead of Bow Kid. Keep it as similar as you can please.

Attached: Saane_BowCatKid+Hat Kid.png (2357x1027, 1.77M)

Requesting Jaina playfully lifting up the cloth around Li-Ming's waist, exposing her butt.

Attached: 4.png (1130x1302, 2.09M)

Poison pressing her ass and balls against a glass door

Attached: 1479480465144.jpg (531x800, 362K)

Requesting anything of Io Haborym from HEARTBEAT

Attached: IoHaborym.png (1785x762, 619K)

Very nice

Requesting this but she's wearing Monster Hunter's Kirin armor

Attached: 1c8.jpg (640x645, 61K)

Requesting This image but with Crash Bandicoot and Fake Crash. Preferably Fake Crash in his cowboy outfit from CTR: NF.

Attached: draw thread request.png (1302x1033, 2.52M)

Requesting a vocaroo in which Dr Eggman has come to make an announcement, saying that Pearl from splatoon is the best girl and anyone who disagrees has shit taste and will get pissed on by Eggman himself.

Attached: 0bc4bc53fd79ce48fc3b3b9b5d4096dc.jpg (222x227, 9K)

Requesting vidya characters in Kaiji art style

Attached: 1563430920636.png (364x385, 122K)

Requesting Bea bondage, but only tie her thumbs together and her big toes together, and have her struggle against what appears should be easy to break out of, but is actually impossible.

Attached: bea.png (293x734, 163K)

Requesting Tifa doing a keg stand could either be a solo one or with Yuffie holding her up

Attached: FFVIITifa.png (1556x2104, 3.25M)

requesting tsubasa doing the black tape thing and looking embarassed

Attached: tsubasa.jpg (372x1674, 192K)

Requesting Female Byleth wearing any Ivy Valentine's outfit from Soul Calibur, due to their swords being almost similar.

Attached: IMG_20190719_150423.jpg (1000x965, 94K)

when it comes to some art, i usually refer to the characters as a "fap focus" and "partner"
the former being the character that is fapped to/is usually the main attraction
the latter being there just for the context of the former being fucked
so i wonder how drawfags handle said "partner"
>established character, like they came from something
>random looking dude (that is not attractive or ugly)
>something meant to be repulsive (ugly bastard for example)
>something almost detail-less (floating dick, transparent grey guy)
>another character meant to be "fapped to" (specially if based on a specific fetish by artist like a dickgirl or a twink)
>a mix of two or more of the above
how do some drawfags do it?

What if drawn as a trap?


Attached: Hey+how+was+prinny+dood+have+you+beaten+it+_166659344faa96d664a32c9f470b4a57.png (230x418, 82K)

What did I just read

i meant like when some artists draw something lewd that has more than one character and how they handle the second
is the character attractive?
an oc or something established from a different source?
another fetish?
meant for self insert?
a mix of some of these?

>those eyes
Good shit

Asking the real questions.

Attached: E7498E74-BEA8-46E0-984C-456749D4E8AE.jpg (568x740, 43K)

Requesting this with a Palico from Monster Hunter.

Attached: C52501D2-DAE8-430E-80E2-6F17CF329FC2.gif (320x407, 116K)

Requesting Airy version of Lee the World Chalice Fairy (card on the right)

Attached: Find the World Legacies.png (1310x694, 1.03M)

Poison framing their bulge by making a heart with their hands.

Attached: Poison.jpg (1451x1738, 200K)

You mean Bea as a trap?


Requesting Katerina from Croixleur Sigma in casual clothes, or any of these
>Reaction images

Attached: best genki collage.jpg (3953x3128, 1.63M)

Requesting Chun-Li flexing her legs and the Mentor from E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy giving an approving gesture (thumbs up, okay hand, whatever).

Attached: EB09F321-3B5A-4C12-B504-C43F3DCD2977.jpg (701x709, 275K)

Depends if the original idea you had and what kind of stuff you want to draw.
there's not much point in drawing more than one character in an piece if you have no intention of somehow thematically connecting them (they are doing something together, they are doing something in the same room, they are from same series, they have specific common traits, they're someone's crackship, really wanting to see two characters do something together becasue you like them both etc.)
Slapping two random characters in the same piece each doing their own thing in a sterile or irrelevant enviroment is pretty pointless, you might as well just crop them separately and post it as two drawings to reap more likes.
Similar rules apply for non-porn art.

i don't think that deeply into it.
its fucking porn lmao

Trap Bea? Do want.

Taking a request for a vidya tiddy monster

Attached: IMG_20190719_134505.jpg (2000x2000, 173K)

Shygal, make them extra large

Requesting Azure lane Blanc raising her dress to reveal her main cannon.

Attached: battleship_blanc_by_lordcamelot2018_ddbpshz-fullview.png (800x1008, 982K)

As long as someone does I might draw it tonight.

Post giantess requests.

you mean awful?

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

New blond Pokegirl going from normal sized to Dynamaxed sized, but her clothes don't grow with her

Nice ref


Attached: Sword_Shield_Oleana[1].png (667x1280, 440K)

Requesting Hoppo dressed as Island Link and hoppo (sister) as Aryll.

Attached: (1220x1108, 1.12M)

Attached: 1556646876580.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

How about Leona sitting down with her legs crossed untying her hair?

Attached: __leona_heidern_the_king_of_fighters_drawn_by_feguimel__sample-5a8cc45e7697a1c0fc87eb54cee4f4d5.jpg (850x1217, 125K)

>only doing Roll now
You couldn't pick a more boring and overdone girl to do. A waste of your talent if you will.

how about leona giving a sweaty titfuck under her tanktop

Requesting this with Rozalin, or using her own Sexy Beam and actually being sexy

Attached: d2_Rozalin.jpg (1858x996, 328K)

That sounds good too, if not better

More of her Million Arthur outfit would be nice too or a magical girl aged up slightly

Attached: 1505756509129.png (1088x765, 1.91M)

last time i drew her was almost a year ago
which reminds me i should draw more Ashley

Requesting Five from Drakengard 3 exposing a tiddie while doing a blowjob gesture

Attached: 1438999185210.jpg (1093x725, 389K)

Requesting the main girl from Xenon Valkyrie+
A tittyfuck or just something cute

Attached: Xenonvalkyrie+girl.jpg (926x1078, 263K)

Draw a cute Salix!

Attached: Salix.jpg (2636x1092, 911K)

?? Why isn't IC a blue board?

I assume warioware? Just as boring if not even more so than Roll.

Requesting Sothis with short hair

Attached: C3584739-00C5-4430-B411-F8C0C5293DC6.png (1200x1200, 1.3M)

user are you honestly asking me oppai up Haruka? Please user, im not strong enough to resist the temptation

Requesting Kanna cooling herself off by pulling out one of her chest watermelons and spraying her face with watermelon juice.

Attached: image.jpg (562x783, 111K)

requesting Lecia eating spaghetti

Attached: Lecia_28Grand29_A.png (960x800, 432K)

M!Robin in a wedding tux

Attached: 72969353_p0.jpg (2038x2342, 3.33M)

Splashing in a pool or the ocean and having fun
Any kind of swimsuit but a frilly checkered patterned one is preferred

Attached: ElizePics.jpg (1274x1338, 480K)

>Just as boring if not even more so than Roll
then suggest other cute&funny characters

Attached: 1548389284920.jpg (640x664, 57K)

Because the proletariat can't bear true art.

Nigga don't let him push you around with his shit taste. Draw who you want to draw.

Cute Celes requesting more of her

i'm just curious which character he wants me to draw

Yandere Compa holding a syringe. Not her giant one but a normal one.

Attached: Super-Neptunia-RPG_2018_7-18-18_002.jpg (600x1567, 148K)


Probably not up to your standards but Andira is prime

Attached: Andira_(Event)_A.png (960x800, 111K)

Requesting Sami on her knees giving an angry blowjob while surrounded by other guys waiting their turn

Attached: aw2-sami.jpg (650x1100, 82K)

Gonna give it a shot then

Attached: 002.png (644x762, 787K)

Let the lust flow through you.

Attached: A1C253AD-8887-4738-87A0-C028FD8A98DB.jpg (632x680, 168K)

How about Roll from megaman?

>literally who from a kusoge
That's a massive yikes from me!

Not one but two, how curious.

Yumi from ape escape wearing senran Kagura Yumi's outfit

dayum, nice

Kirigiri outfit swap with a character of your choice.

Attached: Kyoko_Kirigiri_Illustration.png (916x916, 575K)

>absolute hag
I knew they were grasping for designs as the games went on, but Jesus.

Not him but who is this silly girl?

Draw lewds of the possessed Miku doll who has a functioning pussy and a thirst for semen

Attached: 1561422443010.jpg (1536x2048, 586K)

Dude come on.

Bulin mk2 from azure lane
I hope she's in the ps4 game now that I think about her

Requesting Airy getting executed like your common household pest.
Sprayed with pesticides and getting red, tear eyed and irritated.
Eating poison bait and getting stiff on her back, legs and arms in the air with swirly eyes.
Being trapped inside a container with poison gas, coughing profusely and her wings wilting.

Attached: Airy Bravely Default.jpg (2744x1200, 491K)


Requesting Jill Stingray holding her favorite Keanu Reeves plushie or nude Keanu dakimakura and a box of Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: jill stingray and her husbando and dream game.png (1418x493, 783K)

No user don't do that to Haruka

Whats the problem?

Reccomend me a different cute girl then.

She's cute and a great design, lipstick aside.

Alright. Uh how about Lenna from FFv?

Hat Kid

Requesting Gugugugu Arle In battle damaged clothing struggling to stand.

Attached: Img229006_l.png (325x461, 47K)

Requesting Sakura from Fire Emblem Fates crossdressing in a male school uniform.

Attached: Sakura_art.png (3500x3500, 3.87M)

You mean nail polish aside

R/ing The Sorceress from Dragon’s Crown, with her top down, revealing large, white, frilly, sequin pasties on her nipples

Attached: 148F6B6A-1CE6-4932-8AAD-B3C173F5B63C.jpg (944x1047, 357K)

Nothing wrong with polish, red might be a tad too much though.

Min-Min maybe?

Attached: __min_min_arms_game_drawn_by_enami_katsumi__sample-b4b52e7789cc8a7eee0dca7e56d65d1c.jpg (850x1036, 160K)

Attached: 1554514290082.png (494x750, 371K)

requesting rina and my kyoot self! maybe like an instagram post of us or anything cuute, even lewd! maybe us in lingerie, cuddling! or us beating this awful heat somehow! oorrr i just started my pole lessons again so us doin thatz!!

bonus rina ref here

Attached: 5190829C-753C-44F7-8213-B97D5F7E2BCC.jpg (803x997, 89K)

Requesting Edea's fat ass

Attached: Edea_lee.jpg (390x580, 27K)

>recommend me a girl
>not that one, recommend a better one
>that's even worse, recommend a better one
>no thanks, taking recommendations though
>why can't anyone recommend anything good
>nevermind I just drew this same character I decided myself

Can't you ask for ideas what to do with the characters you want to draw inst...

>what should this character wear?
>what a basic bland suggestion

Attached: 1561002046681.jpg (700x643, 71K)

Requesting succubus arle with her husband satan.

You forgot the
>draws nothing in the end

Ok then gimme an idea with medli

I can hear Skits hyperventilating.

Maybe you should just take a step back and look at the shit suggestions you made user.

Attached: 1560119173736.png (872x1024, 718K)


they're just making up excuses instead of getting down to it and DRAWing

Attached: 60b58329f584186cde8d89eb8dea360cf1ea4f29.png (1000x1000, 588K)

Requesting a chubby Shulk!

Thank you in advance!

Attached: 6D6B7DB7-6076-4069-8433-4091E979F16D.jpg (3218x1536, 787K)

Oh yeah forgot the important question how big did you want her boobs?

God I wanna fug magical girl arle

Attached: 1542854039305.gif (1111x552, 254K)

Medli sitting on an egg with her big fat bird ass or maybe an upskirt while she is flying. Or just give her super huge tits, ya can't go wrong with her cuteness.


Big as her head or as big as YOUR head


Cool thanks gonna draw some big tiddy birb and haruka tiddies now

Taking cute girls suggestions
i would like something not too detailed

Give sample

The two worst Girls Frontline girls.

Arle Nadja working at mcdonalds.

Attached: Arle_nadja.png (259x358, 67K)

Here uopigo

Attached: potato quality.jpg (738x900, 55K)

big hands

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

How about Haydee?

Attached: Haydee.gif (559x540, 3.29M)

Juri cute and her head is simple

Attached: 46331637_p5_master1200.jpg (800x1000, 231K)

Requesting Opéra Kranz doing this

Attached: kranz.jpg (836x1265, 314K)

Requesting Shantae, non-cartoony and dressed exactly like pic related, stroking off two non-disembodied penises and pressing them against her boobs/nipple covers

Attached: B2E24696-2BA4-49C0-AB28-923488EFD576.jpg (841x1108, 111K)


Attached: 54180A5B-8924-49A2-B7DA-DE7760264655.jpg (750x750, 90K)

No, she is creepy.

Stop this

Attached: 738579005bdf8641534186a68adff80a.png (564x717, 271K)


Attached: 1337630605205.jpg (300x300, 20K)

Requesting my pawn Owen Wilson doing the real Owen Wilson's "wow".

Attached: Dragon's Dogma Owen Wilson.png (1928x752, 2.36M)

Can I get a space nep?

Attached: 41OEENxwbvL._SX425_.jpg (425x425, 139K)

Merc outside the comfort of her ja.
In a scared posture and worried about what lies ahead.

Attached: Meruku.png (1142x566, 835K)

You can hear it because I am. I wish my taste in characters wasn't so specific. I need to figure out how to tailor my request prompt better.

Attached: 1562391886163.gif (450x500, 1.41M)

Blaze the cat getting creampied doggy style by human

I'll do this juri

Attached: good popor.jpg (728x1200, 153K)

That's a cute juri.

requesting my kyootie ffxiv chara anything is okaydokay!!!

Juri is Juri you'll hear no complaints from me

requesting my kyootie ffxiv chara anything is okaydokay!!!

Attached: 8850DD71-73A5-4C20-B2A0-33E07A94F363.jpg (1440x837, 369K)


Requesting cute Gambier Bay doing cute things

Attached: Gambier_Bay_Full.png (620x997, 150K)

Attached: imptiddy.png (750x738, 25K)

Nice lines and clean work, user. I like it.

This is very well done, nice job mate!

Nice vamp.

Attached: 56127052-EB21-4DA0-97EE-E266D36671AC.jpg (2048x1536, 244K)

Requesting Ayesha struggling with a big mouthful of yogurt.

Attached: 1479888268209.png (311x738, 72K)

I think, deep down, what you really want to draw Marisa feeding spaghetti to her sentient female ICBM

Attached: 1556736361932.png (1000x800, 145K)

requesting hilda being kyoot and histrionic

Attached: ED6B4129-F89D-4AC5-B6A6-106446078284.jpg (840x1140, 253K)

Dead By Daylight

REQ: some lewd art of Kate Denson from Dead by Daylight sitting on top of a Jigsaw box, with her jean shorts shucked down around one ankle, masturbating.
(panties they are around one ankle - or see below)
Perhaps with the Pig standing next to her watching her holding and and sniffing Kate's panties through her mask.
- - not quite the pose in the lower right. but it gives a good ref.

Attached: kate new111.jpg (1783x1556, 745K)

I do actually want to draw that. Marisa eating spaghetti is the pinnacle of humor.

You know what they say about big hands.

So Arle has a big dick?

im not doing a request but im working on something i posted here yesterday, anyone wanna come watch me stream?

Can I ask for a cute and funny Katerina?

Requesting a sexy pinup of Sylph from Monster Girl Quest with emphasis on her cute butt or getting said butt groped.

Attached: Chipapa.png (1800x1200, 890K)

>Want to draw request that was directed at another drawfag posting for requests
>Can't do it because requester is probably expecting something from the drawfag only or don't want to take a drawing idea from the drawfag

Just do it, people do it all the time

What a cute drawing.

What the other user said

2 cakes my guy

Requesting Claude dressed in a Ra Yellow uniform

Attached: ClaudeFETH.png (848x1344, 848K)

That's my plan all along: To realize that I'm terrible at drawing and give up half way through, telling nobody!

Attached: tenor.gif (450x268, 1.88M)

Draw Nanako


With massive tits!

requesting mario shitting all over the floor and then saying something funny

Attached: 1551013570864.png (512x512, 324K)

Drawing makes me want to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Requesting Dorothea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses wearing lingerie, fishnet legwear and a garter belt, asking the professor (meaning [You]) if that would give her a lot of authority points.

Attached: dorothea-profile.jpg (1263x686, 254K)
Forgive me Kiryu

Attached: LKJXbnckjv b.png (979x692, 1.26M)

Requesting Binah from Lobotomy Corporation opening up her outfit, revealing some risque black lingerie underneath while making a face similar to top right.

Attached: Binah_.png (990x1290, 339K)

Nice, but her head looks weird

If they don't post sample it's literally anyone's request.


Yes yes YES

Attached: 1559649613894.gif (220x220, 46K)

What should she be doing with her huge boobs
Or not knowing she's doing

>Foward tilts you

Attached: 6ACC50CC-0F4D-4E73-BD92-21A805A376A0.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

noice. as a quakelad i approve

Cherry, no!

To whoever suggested DesignDoll, thank you. It really made my life way, way easier.

Requesting BotW Zelda lowering her pants and showing off her panties to the viewer from behind.

Attached: 088.jpg (800x1131, 180K)

Attached: peek a what.png (294x158, 76K)

requesting a Cloud version of the Gosling meme

Attached: Cloud Gosling.png (862x543, 400K)

Attached: 1556912576767.jpg (175x188, 42K)

Can you draw Iris?

Attached: Black_White_Iris.png (249x231, 35K)

Requesting Sofia in some Fire Emblem style Armor.

Attached: Armor Up Request.png (888x570, 450K)

Another iggy op hmmmm I wonder who made this thread.


Attached: Liddell A Witch's Tale.jpg (1024x768, 260K)

I haven't drawn any lewd bois in a while give me some requests.

yeah draw a lewd girl

Anything humiliating or focused on his ass. Both forms are welcome.

Attached: cubit foxtar mmz4.jpg (2102x830, 406K)

You know she'd make a good boi.

Attached: latest.png (410x808, 290K)

Request Juli and Juni from street fighter having a keijo battle.

Attached: JnJ.jpg (1712x1216, 327K)

Tasty potato.

Requesting Pio trying to do street performance art, like balancing many potions, to promote her shop.
Anything cute related to the various outfits she's wearing is fine as well.

Attached: Pio Outfits.jpg (2435x3035, 3.71M)

Attached: what tribute.jpg (2048x2048, 520K)

i love my wifey!

Attached: 923F5AAE-F4C4-494B-B023-5868EDE20CE1.jpg (1336x2048, 1.28M)

Trap Amatsukaze? Yes please!

Trap Ramlethal

Attached: Ramlethal-img.png (1129x1255, 430K)

I kinda wanted actual boys I dont wanna bake a girl a trap

Attached: Tori_Himemiya.png (438x885, 383K)

Solid Snake riding Big Boss like a horsey

Attached: reference.jpg (634x1024, 297K)

Attached: 1542092764355.png (200x200, 52K)

Draw his butt

Attached: DeSu2 protag.png (956x1822, 679K)


Requesting those girls being made bread

Attached: xh3s8s9d7lo21.png (1024x719, 806K)

Someone rocking a giant boner in public to proud to try to hide it

im going to kill you.

Attached: 17F3EE48-27FA-43CB-BC4A-EC05F53B170E.png (322x178, 37K)

shut up bushfag

Attached: 1560887407607.jpg (1363x1584, 1.15M)

Seconding. Bonus points for no consent.

The original artist that took your request is still here.
I swear I’m still working on it, it’s just been a crazy few weeks.

Attached: A9B140B2-B42C-47E6-9876-895E84F2DB08.jpg (474x348, 22K)

You're horrible for suggesting this.

Attached: D_uOXYiWwAAODX8.jpg (1000x934, 142K)

That's fine user. Just take your time with it.

Or Elphelt? Better?

Leave this place.

Attached: 1562527992802 (2).jpg (584x584, 85K)

That doesn't make it any better


Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:
Armor reference:

Please and thanks!

Attached: takehimaway.jpg (480x360, 20K)

Her smug aura mocks me

Jack-O'? A.B.A.? May?

That's the face she makes when she makes you come with her foot.

Bridget bullying his bulge.

Attached: Bridget.png (761x899, 671K)

You're just digging you're own grave kiddo.

Attached: images(2).jpg (701x438, 42K)

Anybody got some gloomy girl requests? Gore, augmentations, body horror, and /u/ are also acceptable.
Gijinka or rule 63 possibly also.

Attached: file.png (1200x850, 1.28M)

Requesting Marianne getting walked in on getting bred by a horse or a zebra, or about to be, or having just been creampied, and looking shocked

Attached: 1563066904945.png (1920x1080, 2.37M)

Angel from Killer7

Attached: Killer7-4e2644c224064.jpg (937x1030, 126K)

can you do something with this ai portrait of da vinci from fate/go

Attached: aiportraits_1563500903.jpg (512x512, 27K)

Attached: 1533306299982.jpg (720x711, 46K)

Requesting Ashley drinking a potion/casting a spell to make herself look more mature, which leads to her old clothes tearing apart as she turns into pic related.

Attached: Adult Ashley book.jpg (1077x1082, 104K)

Stop feeding the illuminati machine

Requesting Roger (the teddy bear) bullying Bridget.

Requesting KH3 Olette finally showing off her swimsuit for the beach since Roxas never got to go.

Attached: Olette_KHIII.png (1690x4496, 3.94M)

Requesting a draw of Bea as a big-butt wide-hipped loli with nice thighs
An office-lady Bea is a great idea too

Attached: Bea.png (480x400, 234K)

Hinata Akatsuki with lactating breasts, the milk not stopping due to the sudden size increase

Attached: 1560811718487.jpg (554x313, 25K)

Something with the Midnight Bliss transformation of Pyron from Dark Stalkers, anything will do

Attached: Darkstalkers_Pyron_transforms.png (208x314, 3K)

Rule 63 Allister from pokemon, he looks gloomy

You gotta stop now, the fun and games are over now.

Attached: 1mx67r.jpg (480x479, 43K)

Abigail from Stardew Valley playing the flute in the rain like she does in game.

Attached: 5b9f15ad462b76fb10bf168d2dc90058.jpg (564x798, 59K)

Any one of these boys with a cock in each hand and one in his face

Attached: DbEv5bfXUAIb0lt.jpg (1200x551, 158K)

Eve eating some Earth food, like a burger, chocolate, or a banana
Foods that are known throughout the world.

Attached: Screenshot_20190620-165033.jpg (1080x1920, 546K)

Brenda wearing Nessa's outfit and Bea's outfit
And Nessa wearing a maid outfit

Attached: 1482023047456.png (396x1187, 226K)

Requesting wholesome art of Reisz and werewolf Kevin from seiken densetsu 3

Lillies mom successful in getting Lillie to merge with Nihilego

Attached: Lillie.(Pokémon).full.2092668.jpg (1000x1200, 487K)

Requesting the half life 1 scientist screaming because of a loud toilet like in the video. Please and thank you.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Embarrassed at wearing frilly girly clothes, or working out in a sports bra and spats. Also, her dressed as Tifa from FFVIIR, same breast size too

Attached: Kanadeko_Idol.jpg (700x1100, 152K)

Requesting YOUR favorite character doing something cute!

Attached: borgor.png (1210x1630, 39K)

Screw your non-specific requests aaaa

Attached: 1484323141470.jpg (318x313, 11K)


Please do not bully that cat, he dindu nuthin.

Attached: 1561345256298.png (280x280, 116K)

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 wearing this devilish swimsuit:

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3646, 1.9M)

Attached: 1561769416716.png (446x473, 240K)

Attached: 1539825066156.jpg (400x300, 28K)

Requesting Anju sucking cocks in the inn gloryhole or getting fucked behind the counter

Attached: 1465519000970.png (931x2800, 1.91M)

dressed up as a librarian giving the viewer a ticket for an overdue library book, the title of the book and how much they owe is up to the artists.

Attached: Histoire_Mk2_Art_Book.png (699x1000, 1018K)

More like sucking cuccos

Requesting Link as a Crusader

Attached: WeWillTakeHyrule.jpg (1575x538, 157K)

Requesting this

Attached: 1563399634894.gif (450x450, 278K)

who's this qt

Requesting Shantae getting a wedgie after getting her pants snagged on a tree branch and making a face similar to pic related as she dangles in the air with her butt crack exposed.

Attached: 1488495949356.jpg (297x315, 20K)

I hope Cherry is doing okay

Requesting Zukyunshi from yo-kai watch 4 being shot through the heart but with a love bullet.

Or if NSFW, requesting her giving someone a zombie blowjob.

Attached: zukyunshi reference.png (1286x1544, 1.88M)

did u kno
i wanna be a cheerleader so bad. i wanna b quinn from glee. cheerleading with my wifey!

Attached: 9D19EB6B-C4EB-4898-B8FC-BC3D392EC8A1.png (452x701, 99K)

No Byleth request. Give me Byleth request!

Attached: D5BGZYCWsAE9cRh.jpg (1024x910, 96K)

Fem Byleth and Edelgard pregnant with the other's babies as the latter just shouts 'HOW!?'

Requesting cool Golden Axe art

Attached: Golden_Axe_-_PS2_-_Manual_Cover.jpg (800x1290, 178K)

Falling asleep at her desk while grading papers

Dressed as a slutty privateschool girl with exposed midriff.

But that's how she is dressed user.

No, she's dressed as a teacher.
I want a slutty schoolgirl like this.

Attached: 1563158261332.jpg (1280x1707, 324K)

Requesting Ladie wearing a white sarong, straw hat, and red-rimmed sunglasses.
More Ladie references:
Pose reference (for someone else who wants to do it):

Attached: 1281EB69-0A91-4586-84E3-309009687BF8.png (1896x2838, 444K)

requesting Party girl partying.

Attached: file.png (1280x720, 759K)

Say my fucking name

Novam! You traitorous catposter!

my fucking name

wip so far. if you want to cancel anytime lemme know

Attached: sawdqwqdq.jpg (647x455, 39K)

Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice! Beetlejuice!


Kcaj, the outcast super baby.

Requesting any of the nymphs trying to fit into too tight swimsuits.

Attached: Nymphs_of_oomph.jpg (982x1227, 122K)

whats wrong with me

Attached: 94BE4A3E-D67F-4532-9F42-81A47FA0F06F.jpg (341x698, 56K)


Candlejack! There! What now you ni

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: rozalin request.png (2000x2000, 3.2M)

Requesting Villager cosplaying one of the Sailor Moon girls.

Attached: 351B5AF3-64AE-4983-B92E-8602B66E074C.png (576x1023, 1.05M)

Marcellus Dillwad

The Mysterious Stranger

Lineart phase... we meet again.

Attached: 1457900852495.jpg (188x182, 13K)

Could make for decent cropped porn.
I mean just look, shes bottomless. Just make it vidya instead of offtopic oc

requesting ms mowz getting cummed inside of vaginally doggystyle by human

Attached: tumblr_pb0jc56DPP1woe7imo1_500.png (500x577, 168K)

May putting her tits up against a window while a shota is inside trying to study but he can't because May keeps rubbing her tits against his window

Attached: 50ddebd14c0fdc3a9971558374961182.gif (640x640, 1.96M)

Don’t remember this bitch looking like that.

Fuck off furry

And done.

Attached: Pokeloli cen2.png (686x1727, 704K)

do not want


Requesting Virgil as Vergil

Attached: virgil.png (237x564, 181K)

Why it sucks?!

please slit your pig throat and die bleeding out on a dirty bathroom floor you disgusting pedo fuck! kys!

Based fucking quality!


Welcome back T-Rex-chan! Glad you also learned to break spines as well!

Based AF


these threads make me sick

Attached: 1515480122407.png (407x463, 139K)

god i want to kill all pedos with my own hands LITCHERLY i am fill't with homicidal urges

how do we fix the pedophile problem in our drawthreads Yea Forums?

For the sarong, it has to be wrapped around her waist. Plus, she’s supposed to be in her bikini like . Just giving you a heads up

good question

Attached: 1330302_4.gif (360x360, 170K)

Attached: anti loli fags.png (369x1600, 481K)

You don't

It's just 2D, bro!

>Replying to rinafag

Be quiet

Attached: 1563484367131.png (680x760, 191K)

imagine the grip he had with her


Requesting large c-word licks

Attached: CHADIMUS MAXIMUS.jpg (1000x1500, 310K)

dilate seething lobotomite
you're not welcomed here

Attached: 1529552564082.jpg (1280x1261, 152K)

dial 8

Twitter was a mistake

Taking loli requests

If you fags want pregnant lolis just ask for them


shes a fugly loser
better pixel gurl
2d still can hurt real kids and youre still a pedophile dumbfuck slit your throat
make me
coping by murder uwu
eat my ass dumbfuck

Attached: 08F3E16C-11E2-432A-A16B-807C3913373D.gif (180x270, 13K)

>in our drawthreads Yea Forums?
who said you where a part of OUR drawthreads

god this thread sucks.

>eat my ass dumbfuck


its clear youre attracted to me uwu

cringe used goods

do you have a twitter or something? i want to rt the draw after its done
also i want to do an art trade with you if youre the one who drew the reference. i want you to draw spooky, pic related wearing a t shirt

Attached: asdasdasdqw.jpg (691x720, 106K)

Medli expanding her wings when she rides on someone’s dick.

Attached: 1BEC76F9-5F2B-48C0-9E9C-A1FAAE169801.jpg (369x554, 71K)

yet my bf uses me over n over again, recycling!


Attached: De_Rumia.png (513x448, 121K)

Ok, then ban all video games and movies with violence because this turns people to killers.

Are you interested in loli commissions at all?

Why always this arm pose?

Yeah, recycling trash is good for the environment

not the same thing. at all. HOWEVER, games with targetted murder against certain types of people has undertones of the creators wanting to enact that. theres a big difference between shooting some video game characters and having clear atteaction to a child, psychotic creepy people love murder games tho so ??? youre literally so fucking dumb imma vom

yea but for a piece like that its going to be $120 btc only

just draw link hypnotized into sucking dick while crossdreszing please

Attached: Link_Artwork_1_(A_Link_to_the_Past).png (1126x1052, 627K)

Because it looks like the saint was crucified

as i said summerfags/twitter/reddit/retardera refuges are not welcomed here go back to whatever shithole you crawled from

Rumia = Jesus?

From now on, whenever you go outside you better watch your step because God knows when a bicycle flies at your direction.


You'll regret those words.
[Goes back in time to molest underage Rinafag]

Attached: 1561914868551.jpg (912x1024, 90K)

That is so

Requesting this image but with Wario instead of Mario

just a heads up of the price because only 2 people bought it last month. got a feeling im overcharging a bit.

ive been in drawthreads for 4 years you fucking dumbass, i go down in history. youre the new one, kisskiss!

Attached: FA7566B7-A198-4870-B0F8-CE24BBB1BB89.png (1800x1800, 1.11M)

If is nothing weird then sure.


Thoughts are free. Even fucked up ones. Let it be fictitious and nobody gets hurt.

can I contact you in private somewhere

You are welcome.

She has to.

SJW detected.


Hope you liked it.

My apologies.

You want to kill me just for some drawing I did?

Show me your art, then we shall talk about OUR thread.


Nep in cheerleader cosplay getting fucked while doing cheers.
Or her fucking while on top of user, wearing a bunnysuit and going "pyon pyon" on his dick.

Attached: Brave_Nep.png (734x1000, 514K)

>dressed up as a librarian
God Histy is so cute, and she's the perfect "imagine" size too going by Super's size.

A bit, but I always say charge what your time is worth. It'll be out of my league, but I respect anyone's prices.

except REAL KIDS are hurt by lolicon and its sick. keep it in your thoughts?? sure, whatever, broadcasting it and drawing your sick fantasies? fuck you, death sentence

le reddit spacing
yes you should die you dumbfuck pedophile

isn't it time to stuff your wound with dildos?
you can fuck right of and no one would miss you here

Draw more cunny so the bitch keeps raging.

I'm not a pedophile, I'm a lolicon.


Any requests for loli Rina?

Gonna give this a try!

too hot for fucksies
also nope! wheneveri leave people still talk about me cause theyre obsess't!
same thing you utter dumbfuck

Forgot to ask. Do you want that specific Villager, right?

I'll be coloring this one next, after that I'll be taking more requests so lolis are always welcome.

And please request some sex scenes, I really want to draw some.

Now we talking!

Are you that mad cus you can't draw?

Exactly this!
Snowflakes will never understand tho.
Keep doing what you love.

loli Miriam please. In a cute frilly 18th century dress or something

Attached: 1431380920026.jpg (1920x1667, 654K)

Forgot pic.

Attached: Yumi 7.png (761x1043, 215K)

I think what hes saying is 2d>3d. Hes only attracted to 200 year old people with child bodies.

Yes, please, she’s my waifu.

did you see also what lewds of Yumi haven't been done already, that's the question

>its another "degenerates spam thread trying to defend their pathetic fetishes" episode

You understand.

Alright then, I'll get to it.

Gonna work on this next, if I have the energy. Can't guarantee I'll be able to keep the same style tho.

no i like my art, im mad because im a csa victim who was groomed by lolicons using art and then sold pussy to pedos!

Attached: C8812542-B442-4789-BDFA-D797115FC53E.png (450x640, 524K)


>People who cannot distinguish between 2D and 3D
These people are really mentally ill.

Lolicon drawfag and rinafag should fuck already
It's the only solution

I saw that one but holy shit I hate Yumi from Senran Kagura, so I have to pass on that one.

And there are many lewds that can be done, a loli with spats is only the base for unlimited ideas.

>no one draws my oc waaaaaahhh!

That's a 5 Mariels post.

You're blaming the art for what some bad people used it for. And I know it's hard to believe, but most people who are into lolicon aren't real pedophiles. For example: I like chubby 2d girls, but am grossed out by real chubby/fat girls.

But there are multiple lolicon drawfags

A piece like that took me 4 days time and around 16 hours of work to finish. I'm making 7 bucks an hour working on that. I can make more money flipping burgers. Anything less and its not worth it.

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.


Well I'm also a victim too, but I don't go around taking it on some drawing some random person did on the internet.
Learn to separate reality and fiction.

wow! youre a piece of shit

This with her.

You guys are aware Rinafag has Histrionic right? You're giving her what she wants

I find it funny how some people get triggered by some drawing, haha!

Next they are going to call me a Nazi, even though I'm a spic.

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Maybe he can vape some loli bath water

Attached: The Live Chat account shutdown only gives her more publicity.png (462x421, 365K)

Who the hell is Rinafag?

Exactly. Let time dictate prices, even if it seems like a lot, else you'll feel cheap.


not an argument

Attached: recline.jpg (455x500, 41K)

>Learn to separate reality and fiction.
This. I never understand why so many people are too stupid for this.

The person upset over loli


Send me a message through my Pixiv.

Just something id like to take out of my chest. Thanks for being considerate.

That's Rinafag?

I swear we get some new shitposter every thread

You've never seen her sperg about loli?

She's the kind of person that thinks there's small people in the TV.

Attached: 1432368462755.jpg (473x500, 46K)

How exactly? Please explain that to us.

I want to impregnate Hat Kid really bad and no one has been hurt

People don’t stop replying

Oh damn that sucks, I know how you feel but the kimono is nice, what about generic ninja costume
Like buttjob or cowgirl with it against her abdomen? or thighjob?

Not really, first time to be quite honest.

new thread when?

>open the drawthread after months
>first image i see loaded in front of me
strangely coincidental

The ninja costumes the Elins from TERA use are quite nice and sexy.

And I'm a sucker for cowgirl, so bring it. If you have a nice costume in mind then show it.


No worries mate, we all gotta it out sometimes.
Keep up the good work!

Someone pastebin this, I'm curious to see what would convince someone to swallow such fucking stupidity like "not-real children are real!".

oh look who showed up a beaner tranny tripfag who keeps shitposting his shitty oc, can't draw for shit and shames artist for ther work

Attached: 1535005861730.jpg (700x714, 133K)

An obsessive RPer who is maintaing a persona of being a damager whore. ''''She'''' and her shitposters like to derail the thread by talking about her life and her issues. Its one of the many off-topic things plaguing the drawthread currently

Maybe is time for you to go out, like seriously.
Go out.

>Ctrl+F "anime", "japanese", "loli"
>0 results
into the trash it goes

its just bitter it can't ever get its requests now.

Can the mods just ban her ass?

She's already banned on Yea Forums. That's why she's currently here. Also, her posts have been deleted before, so either she's evading it, or the problem hasn't been noticed yet.

Dude. Rinafag is real, also known as Poyo or even Kirinofag. She's absolutely deranged Even her social media is full of that shit.
She's supposed to be permabanned sitewide

people getting lazy on those off-topic reports to it and the oc fag


Attached: 1532457466537.jpg (457x446, 53K)

Requesting double paizuri as oppai lolis

Attached: 1563546368490.gif (447x400, 3.62M)

She has nudes, lots.

What a was, nyo.

Oh well, a person who can't see the difference between reality and fiction has no interest for me.
I shall ignore said person from here on.

just destroy this thread already. it's ruined.

Attached: 1563331017276.gif (412x348, 857K)

>he doesnt know about her pregnancy with an Yea Forums shitposter
Bet you haven't seen the art she commissioned of herself fucking a horse for him too.

Gonna need some proof, buddy

Poyo is a guy. And supposedly, a different entity from Rinafag, Its why I think this whole thing is bullshit - if you actually believe it, you're only contributing to the problem. Its what she wants - to be obsessed over.

Needs more Vidya Doremi.

Post them..for research

Yes. Twitter:
Also I can do you request. :)

So 2D lolis are not OK but fucking a horse is?

for ninja its easiest to say something like the kunoichi from disgaea, but i think cowgirl is best with only spats on, or just bare.

Got any ideas for an oppai Hat Kid? Im almost done with the medli pic and would like to doodle some hat kid today.




What is your opinion on Atalanta from FGO and if she were more of a loli

She has a ninja outfit too, can use that and just make her bottomless.

Mobile is great for news SMS and games

how about ?


I wanna see Cirno in the Doremi style

Attached: 1552201456682.png (993x549, 74K)

She was banned yesterday. She evades.

The only Fate characters that I like are Illya and Kuro, not sure who this Atalanta character is since I don't play that game, post a pic so I can see.

Must be sad not having anything better to do than coming here and shitpost.



Rinafag stopped posting, must be canned again.

A bunch of lewd photos here
And what's your proof on her not being a feminazi womyn? Do you think Shulkfag is a man too?

alright this is cool. once you finished the draw lemme know i want to see more spooky art

>is a guy

Why do you care? Are you going to meet any of this people in real life?

Wanted to do something more cutesy than lewd.

>a law paper
>on a sociological issue

this hurts me on so many levels. least his chicago is on point

nah im just cooling down n talkin to friends on twitter

Attached: F87FF578-A653-41AC-94C1-AE333A1192BD.png (443x706, 218K)

Greek Heroine catgirl archer

Attached: AtalantaArcadeStage01.png (900x1074, 622K)

thanks for the nausea bro

>Oppai loli
Something like the Olivia in lingerie that you did then?

Desktop all the way

the Juri is a reference not a delivery

Yeah i want to doodle more stuff like this

Attached: hat kid tiddie drink.png (2000x2500, 707K)

Hmm, yea, doesn't look like a character I would bother with, my apologies.

New thread

Lolicons are easily baited on this damn site, just look at what happened here

I knew I felt like I saw the pic before

New thread

>likes spats
>prefers lolis
I implore you to consider drawing Xiao

Attached: Xiao.png (190x300, 19K)

Draw her trying to float with her umbrella but her boobs weighing her down

Favorite Deliveries Time!

That's cool, thanks for your time.
What do you look for in a girl if you don't mind sharing


Ignore mishafag

nigga you just got a delivery for that character earlier in the thread

>thread derailed by Rinafag and her fan club
>too much offtopic posting in the thread overall
>too few deliveries, most of them NSFW

One of the worst threads in a while

Attached: Im on a mission right now.png (690x518, 409K)

Attached: a2e86d1e9fafa0d83e8e4325138018430c48688b.png (1661x893, 1.36M)

Ok then ill try that

Damn that is one hell of a view, she looks near-feral there and that's hot. Way to go, great Xiao and thanks!

Oh shit, alright. My post still stands.

Attached: Yukatan titties.png (1474x2400, 1.4M)

Attached: 1543015659525.gif (128x128, 51K)

My apologies
>most of them NSFW
Nothing wrong with this outside of OP stuff and maybe creativity

Attached: sudoku.jpg (417x458, 50K)

Attached: 1562736536053.png (1000x1000, 412K)

Sent you something

Yeah, there's nothing wrong with NSFW. Was just wishing there was more variety to the deliveries.

Attached: sad ex-aid.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

The imp isn't a delivery either and should be on the Princess Booru if anything.

Attached: 1554270637361.png (492x362, 211K)

Fuck, my bad guys. Was just checking to see if the thread had any untagged deliveries



It's ok, mistakes happen all the time.

dunno, didnt come from a draw thread but I assumed it was a drawfag

Attached: 1337510948190.png (960x942, 1.45M)

Attached: 1562700907493.jpg (902x860, 99K)

>Gonna work on this next, if I have the energy. Can't guarantee I'll be able to keep the same style tho.
Looking forward to it.