Redpill me on The Messenger, good or bad?

Redpill me on The Messenger, good or bad?

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Its good but my controller isn't detected and I'm stuck playing with the keyboard

I'm expecting some motherfucking posts in this thread when I come back from my shower

great game, comfy as fuck and at first I thought it was going to be reddit humor until the end but it managed to make me laugh a few times. Get it, you won't regret it

I hated it because the whole game felt less of a love letter to the metroidvania genre and Ninja Gaiden and more of along the lines of a game really really wishing it was Ninja Gaiden but not having the heart and spirit to do it on its own merits, so everything has to be quippy and tongue-in-cheek while feeling derivative of its predecessors.

It would've been an okay sidescrolling action game but around halfway through the game shits itself and becomes a poor metroidvania.

have you seen this one?

Really solid in the first half, a bit tedious but still good in the second half. The movement in particular feels really great, you're almost never forced to stop. The game is rather easy though and some late game progression is kind of confusing. I got stuck a couple times.

Pretty fucking solid for an indie game.

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Mediocre. All it does is imitate better games, and not even that well, while introducing nothing of its own. If reddit/"nerd" humor triggers you, don't bother, because it's everywhere. Not as bad as Undertale, but bad enough for me to give up on it.

good first part
disastrous sencond part

got in the sale. 5h in, reached the turning point and suddenly i have no more motivation to beat it.

it's really mediocre

Gotta disagree strongly with everyone ITT that says it's imitative or that the motroidvania latter half was bad. The whole thing felt really great to me, I couldn't stop playing it.

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It's alright, first half is way too easy and the 2nd half is padded with backtracking.
The DLC is great though

I beat it like yesterday and it's really fun.
I would recommend at least one playthrough. It can be beat under 15 hours anyways so you don't lose out on much.

>15 hours
More like 5-7 unless you go for the plat

playing right now and it's pretty good
tfw the scroll was a map

Then you're a faggot

It's alright. A bitt too "funny" for my tastes though. And when you make a game that mixes so many different styles and even genres not all will be equally good.

try x360ce, nigga

I get the feeling it didn't know what it wanted to be. It portrayed itself as this spiritual successor to NES Ninja Gaiden with a vision of what a SNES entry would be like via the time travel portals, but it has a ton of goofy comedy and a miniature Metroidvania inserted in there. The Free DLC feels like an 80s movie parody since it's based around a tropical vacation and has neon in the subtitle. I think is doing a better job at representing what NES Ninja Gaiden was, despite The Messenger having that trailer where dudes that worked on the actual NES NGs talked about The Messenger when they visited a convention. None of this is a negative on the game's quality, but what it tried to market itself as when it was announced is really not what it was.

The music is 11/10 though, holy fuck it's incredible.

I've been playing it recently. I didn't get up the "Open" areas yet. But I think it's alright. Nothing too spectacular

It's fun, but too short and too easy, I was hoping for some hard platforming later on in the game