Over 300 pins for you to master and use, each with their own unique stats and designs

>over 300 pins for you to master and use, each with their own unique stats and designs
>multiple play styles for you to experiment with, letting you play in anyway you want
>equipment that can significantly change up how the flow of combat goes
>you can skip ahead to any chapter in the game whenever you want as well as unlock an even more challenging difficulty
>can even unlock an item that allows you fight up to 16 chain battles at once
>Secret Reports to uncover that reveal more about the game’s lore
>multiple bosses hidden within the chapters
>a postgame parody chapter centered around a surprisingly deep and fun minigame with its own set of mechanics to mess around in
>fighting Hanekoma on the rooftop of Pork City
>a boss rush challenge that pits you against some of the game’s most difficult bosses, with the difficulty continually increasing throughout each round
How in the fuck does a DS game made in 2007 have more fleshed out and satisfying postgame content than most AAA titles today? At least half of this shit would be made into DLC or saved for a special edition release.

Attached: twewy ds back cover.jpg (640x578, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a cheap handheld game, that's why.

The developers actually gave a shit about their product and wasn’t just out to rip people off.

this is one of the best games ever made

TWEWY had soul.

AAA publishers don't want long fleshed out games they want a quick disposable product that you'll ditch within a year for their sequel.

Yeah but the controls suck so it is all moot

it's no masterpiece

Unironically this. One of the most fun games I’ve ever played.

Attached: twewy god hand edit.png (744x594, 590K)


Attached: git gud.png (2409x1448, 3.62M)

Only because masterpiece would be selling it short.

God bless stump user.

>instead of armor you have different clothing brands
>clothes stats will depend on how popular the brand is on the area
>using pins of that brand will make them more popular
name one other game that did this

Because it was made as a passion project by a developer who had a clear vision for what they wanted to make

It is
I honestly can't think of that many games of any genre that compare

Splatoon, sort of?
the brand synergy doesnt give you any boost though

hm, Splatoon kinda does this too I guess

Attached: 1549428640864~2.png (204x214, 53K)

Basically any RPG where you're in a modern city

>clothes stats will depend on how popular the brand is on the area
Wait, really? I thought that only affected the pin's power

Not that I’m complaining but what’s with all of the TWEWY threads lately. There was one just a few days ago and one yesterday.

which other ones? I can't think of any other

>>you can skip ahead to any chapter in the game whenever you want
So you can just skip through the whole thing? Nice """"game"""" you've got there, idiot.

I swear to god weebs are some of the most braindead """""people""""" on this board.

>I haven’t even played the game

Probably has something to do with the 12th anniversary coming up in a week.

I remember reading something like this on the tutorial, or it tas the opposite (clothes you use affect the pins)

>it’s been 12 years since TWEWY came out
I want to go back

Attached: [j-pop stops].jpg (1455x1003, 140K)

This game is so fucking overrated by you turboaustists. I'll never understand how anyone can say it's one of their favourite games of all time. Fuck off to Japan, weeb. Life isn't like your precious virtual world.

>tfw I just ordered the DS version off of Amazon to try it out for the first time
What am I in for?

>people like a game that I don't
>I'm going to call it overrated and be butthurt about it

Attached: 1563371751132.gif (297x330, 1.69M)

Attached: joshua cringe.jpg (471x479, 62K)

One of the best games on the system.

You forgot one of the most important parts.
>one of the few games that fully utilize the hardware they were made for

A wild fucking ride.

Attached: twewy chart.jpg (882x592, 109K)

>well, this was a good game, if a bit shor-
Never gets old.

I wasn't Hot Topic enough for this game back in the day.

>all of those times I used an Egg Bomb pin to turn objects into bombs and then use Psychokinesis to fling exploding cars at enemies
Shit was mad fun.

>smt strange journey
>pokemon gold/silver
>ace attorney
>professor Layton
>rune factory

the game hot topic'd me up back in the day

The game makes fun of Hot Topic, though. Hell, Neku gets made fun of for his fashion sense multiple times in the game.

The DS was a cheap and pretty easy to develop games for, allowing the devs to experiment with the hardware in different ways and create brand new experiences that can’t be replicated on just any old console.

Agreed, a genuine 10/10
Also, posting best song

Attached: 1535508896354.png (638x478, 342K)

Truly ahead of its time

Attached: boomer.png (1249x645, 613K)

>SRW W and Endless frontier Exceed
>Pokemon BW2
>Etrian Odysseys
TWEWY was a masterpiece.

>Give Me All Your Love

Attached: man of culture.jpg (1024x576, 51K)

How is the remake? I loved the game the first time I played but never beat the postgame. I need to rectify that.

Jesus beams joshua best partner

shiki is cute

Attached: Real-Shiki-shiki-misaki-35558426-200-500.jpg (200x500, 16K)

Based stumpy gives TWEWY two nubs up

I want Neku and Shiki to hold hands.

The dialogue in this game was great.
What was your favorite quote, bros?

I'm playing it right now. It's ok, I prefer the original version, but I guess the extra content makes it worthwhile. Grinding in post game is also easier since they got rid of mingle PP. The music is fucking weird though, different tracks play at different scenes compared to the original game, and almost none of them fit the current scenario.

well all the music is good so im cool with that

>But Neku, I thought you couldn’t afford to lose. Give up on yourself and you give up on the world.
Joshua had some of the best lines.

Attached: joshua push.png (422x316, 74K)

Im really not a huge purveyor of electro pop music or whatever this is but I really love this soundtrack

can you anons recommend me anything that would fit snugly in there with this game?


Attached: download.gif (266x176, 73K)

Played it for five minutes but it's pretty boring.

I recommend stuff like Jet Set Radio, Sonic Rush, and Persona if you want to listen to some similar stuff, especially Jet Set Radio.

Is there going to be a new version without touch controls?

Christ, do you have ADHD or something?



>clothes are only bravery restricted so you can use it on the boys assuming they got high stats
>Joushua has higher bravery than Neku
>give him not estrogen "bravery" pills
>dress him up in a girl's swimsuit

Attached: 30db3005f0959e9207c85e61a6f5e3aebaa678af4ef585b2266eaab1e54a8dab.jpg (1280x1024, 651K)



Attached: surprise.png (271x269, 106K)


>one of the sidequests has a Reaper order Joshua to wear all Natural Puppy threads
>proceed to do so
>Reaper in question even admits that Joshua actually works it



>Week 2
>Neku starts talking about how he won’t give up on Shiki and how he’s going to win the Game for her

Do you guys think we’ll ever get that sequel?

Hard to say. I’m honestly not even sure if I want a sequel, especially considering how modern Square is nowadays.


Never played this, is it actually good? What's the switch version?

It’s a genuinely great game. Tons of style, customization, interesting story, unique gameplay, likable cast, etc. I’d recommend getting the DS version, though, since I feel that the gameplay shines the most there.


The guys behind it were actually focused on making a complete and well thought out title.





Yes, you haven't. Because it's not a game.

Is the Switch port any good at all? I played this back in the day but hated having to split my 16 year old brain between two screens to make battles go right and only realized half the things I could do on the last day. I want to retry it in a better state.

>this is your brain on shitposting

Attached: laughing beat.png (350x409, 33K)




I'd call you the n word but unfortunately your kind took control of the moderation turning this place into twitter lite.

>can’t come up with a decent argument whatsoever
Trying way too hard there, bud.

Attached: mic pins.gif (467x844, 87K)




Almost everything Sho says.


Attached: neku and real shiki.jpg (579x1379, 217K)

Square sucks now. TWEWY deserves better.

>Attention you factoring hectopascals!
Best character ever made.


It really is. It is one of the best JRPGs ever made ever, the only reason it isn't critically acclaimed is because Square Enix didnt market it.

I paid full price for it on launch, got to the third week, and dropped it. The DS version is my favorite game of all time.
New graphics and music were neat at first but going back to it now its just not worth how gutted the gameplay is. I went back to the original and still love it just as much as I used to.

Because they want to sell you a postgame as DLC

Nice, I like this one

>game allows you to change difficulties on the fly
>also lets you de-level
>game rewards you for doing so by increasing the the drop rate of items
>it also drops the best items on the higher difficulties
>if you’re unable to keep up with the combat system at first, the game allows your partner to be set on auto until you git gud
>also allows you to earn experience for not even playing the game
>you can also chain up to four rounds at a time and eventually up to 16, with the enemies getting more stronger and dropping more loot as a result
Why the fuck hasn’t this been implemented into more games? Shit is innovative as hell.

Gutted how?

Don’t forget
>multiple random battle themes that constantly shuffle in battle, ensuring that you probably won’t get sick of hearing the same songs play over and over again
Made grinding an absolute blast.

>you can change the overworld theme just by exiting in and out of the menu
>you can even buy the music in-game to set it as your own pause menu theme
Absolute madmen

>removal of the second screen takes away the dual perspective more story-related, but it goes back to one of the game's themes of how everyone's reality is what they make it
>docked controls are finicky and force you to recenter the cursor every few seconds
>handheld controls still aren't as good as the original because a stylus is more precise than a finger
>partner has gone from a separate character with there own unique play style to a glorified extra pin
>this opens more opportunities for the game to misread your inputs in battle and makes fighting taboo noise much more tedious
>in my time playing I never got any mic-input pins, but I'm guessing they either had to rework those to be ANOTHER touch input or just removed them entirely

>the more you buy from shopkeepers, the more new dialogue you unlock and the more they open up to you
>some of them will even straight up fall in love with you

Nice pig retard

Um, excuse you? It’s obviously a cat.

That was one of the best parts of the game.

Attached: ara-ara.png (512x384, 22K)

You can practically see the wet spot in her pants.

Remember when devs used to throw everything at a wall to see what stuck, and then sometimes ALL of it would, and they'd just go... "Eh. It was a failure. Oh well. Next Cawadooty game."

Beautiful, isn’t it?

Attached: twewy shopkeepers.jpg (1101x1449, 964K)

I really liked the NPC designs in this game. They had a ton of character and charm and really helped made the world feel more alive.

The pharmacist. I need to replay this game.

Pharmacist hit my boner just right when I was younger but the gyaru and fast food chicks are also god tier

AAA publisher stoppee trying when tey realised people would buy their shit anyway

I agree. They’re straight up stylish as fuck.

Attached: npc design.jpg (960x720, 549K)


TWEWY’s character designs are honestly some of Nomura’s best work. His usual style really does lend itself well to an urban setting and it’s honestly not as outlandish and unfitting as some of his other works, despite me liking most of his designs.

I have a 3ds but lost my stylus, is it absolutely necessary to play this game or is it ok to just fat finger it?

I’d say that a stylus is essential when it comes to this game. Some of the inputs will be flat out impossible to pull off with your finger.

>gothic lolita girl

I thought they were doing to do vertical split screen on the switch
but then I realized how foolish I was

I have used my fingernail to some effect but you should just get a stylus.

Why are TWEWY threads usually so comfy, Yea Forums? These are legit one of the more consistent in high quality threads on Yea Forums whenever I enter one.

What game?

The World Ends With You
DS Action-RPG, and one of the best games

The World Ends With You. Action JRPG for the Nintendo DS. Highly recommend it.

Attached: twewy gameplay.jpg (256x384, 43K)

>DS game

Nigga plenty of PS1 and PS2 games had that amount of content for free.
DLC became a thing because faggots started paying for it.

It’s a well-crafted game with a ton of passion and care out into it. You gotta love it for that.

> Not critically acclaimed
Wut? It's literally one of the 50 best games ever made according to user review scores

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19 Game Rankings.png (916x1795, 114K)

Thanks, I’ll check it out and give it a try

>sequel confirmed
but it uses the gameplay from the mobile port
would you still play it?

Fuck this game. Gay story, characters and soundtrack. Gameplay is gimmicky garbage with almost no skill required, and minimal strategy. It's all flash. Fucking retards in this thread circlejerking over a stylus motion control JRPG. Go play KH faggots it'll blow you away with its many QOL and gay fan fiction story too.

I hate KH and I love TWEWY. What now?

Granted, I just have a hate boner for TWEWY, why do YOU hate KH?

>11 years ago
Jesus christ.

Because the gameplay wildly varies and is inconsistent in terms of quality throughout the series, the series constantly retcons itself, characters tend to be incredibly flat, and the overarching story is just dumb. I prefer TWEWY for keeping things refreshing and actually having character development that doesn’t shit all over characters.

Wow that doesn't sound good. One of the best draws of TWEWY was playing 2 screens at once...

> Persona 4 has the same score as OOT
Fucking defend this Yea Forums

This is Yea Forums, which one do you want to be lower?

There’s not much to shitpost about when it comes to TWEWY, really.

When you think about it, the chapter structure and pacing of TWEWY would make it the perfect game to adapt into an anime.

>24 episode season that adapts the 21 days into each episode
>new opening and ending tracks by Takeharu Ishimoto
>OVA based entirely on Another Day
>animated by either Studio Bones or David Productions
Granted, it will never happen because life hates TWEWY fans, but it’s nice to dream about.

Attached: nya.png (1100x500, 240K)


Attached: screw that.jpg (1280x1143, 154K)

These girls were way too cute, honestly. I think I spent thousands of yen just trying to unlock more dialogue from them.

you know if I had a YT channel big enough to pull a Sseth PR stunt I would commission porn of every single one of these girls

Basically, these

>stop liking what I don’t like!
You sound like a blast at parties



Maybe someday, I still have hope.
Whether it'll be good is up in the air, it'll only be good if they let some smaller studio handle it.
On that note, has Jupiter even done anything since TWEWY?

From what I’ve heard, they’ve been doing Picross games for stuff like Kemono Friends.


Then doesn’t that say a lot when AAA studios can’t even measure up to a goddamn DS game?

I only played the iOS version on a tablet which was supposedly neutered but yeah it was pretty good.


is emulating this worth it i really wanna try but i dont have my DS anymore


I think at that point you're better off going for the phone/Switch versions which at least have updated graphics, but admittedly I've never tried emulating it so for all I know it could work all right with mouse + wasd





Post your pin sets.

Attached: twewy pins.jpg (512x506, 65K)


That game isn’t even out yet, though.

only a brainlet cant appreciate the majesty of wildly swinging around two joycons

Lightning Rook
Velocity Tackle
Ice Risers
Peace Full

I played it on Switch with a rubber stylus. I liked the combat and animations but it's not nearly the masterpiece people are saying it is. Neku is an alright protag, his "fuck people" antics are really exaggerated though. I wanted more Shiki and Rhyme. Joshua's plot twist was obvious from the beginning.

I'm assuming everyone here dick riding it is strictly talking about the chaotic DS version, which I'd play but my backlog is too stacked to replay a game I thought was just alright.

Attached: neku_x_shiki_by_merlinathewitch_d5dnmsq-pre.jpg (819x976, 101K)

this one and the skull logo. i lost a rhyme pin once (my only spare) and i still feel terrible about it

Attached: TWEWY___Rhyme_Pin_by_xxakirakunxx.jpg (318x316, 18K)

The combat is much more fun on the DS, honestly. Way more chaotic and adrenaline rising.

>play an inferior version with butchered combat
>huh i dunno what the big deal was lol it was just alright

Attached: CjcQBE6_d.jpg (362x346, 13K)

>I played the shitty version
>I dunno why everyone likes this

I would highly reccomend you play the DS version before you write it off.

Here’s list of people that want to bang Neku just because.
>14 female shopkeepers
>a gay guy
>Makoto (probably)

What a chad

Is TWEWY the best from “virgin to chad” story out there?

fuck, my heart

Do you guys think Neku will ever catch a break? Because with the amount of shit the poor kid has gone through at this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if he developed PTSD or shit.

>gets stuck with an insane math freak that tried to kill him and a Reaper loli that DID kill him
Punished Neku when?

>Neku: Can use multiple psychokinetic abilities
>Shiki: Can use a stuffed doll that can clone itself, beat the shit out of monsters, grow to Godzilla size, and shoot eye beams
>Joshua: Literally God
>Beat: Can hit things really hard with his skateboard
Can’t help but feel like there’s an imbalance here.

I guess Joshua was a little underpowered compared to Beat.

>play for 20 minutes
>get pissed off at the controls
>never try it again
Is the Switch port better?

To be fair, Beat is insanely good at beating the shit out of things. Guy can straight up kill dragons and shit by just grinding on them.

You mean incredibly dumbed down so that even an idiot who's second to a fucking one-armed cripple can play it? Yeah.

>Dibs on the rainbow!

>implying that doesn’t make Beat more based for not relying on mumbo jumbo shit to beat up graffiti monsters

You don't seem to realize just how hard and well Beat can hit things with his skateboard

Have you seen the shit he can do on that board? Kid’s basically a Black Belt version of Tony Hawk.

Alright, so there's this one thing that's been bugging me ever since the game came out. The whole "fashion starts in Shibuya" thing. I've seen similar pop up a couple other times in the anime-sphere. Is that just media sensationalism and tropes, like assuming all of the USA is cowboys because of movies, or do people in Japan actually think any form of worldwide fashion trend or fad vaguely emanates from Shibuya, much less that anyone outside of tourists or weeaboos are even aware Shibuya exists?

I always assumed that Shibuya is Japan’s equivalent to New York due to how much it gets represented in media.

Attached: skate or die.jpg (593x536, 48K)

Shiki is for_______

Attached: Shiki.jpg (1427x2026, 1.55M)

Belly rubs

user, I'm not going to lie. You're genuinely autistic. But that's alright. Everyone has their flaws. To sum it up: Probably not. It's just a vague, generalized statement about a popular place in a high population city, like saying "Hollywood is where movie stars are made." As you continue living as a human being, you'll encounter many of these sure-statements. Like in America, where half of every state is home of the something or other. Or how people call Italy the spaghetti country.

Best ship.

Attached: Neku and Shiki.png (800x586, 214K)

Or how in Australia everything wants to kill you.

Licking whipped cream out of her vagina bones.

Wonder what an Australian themed Reaper’s Game would be like.

Shipping Neku with

How’s the switch version? I don’t have a stylus for my ds anymore and I imagine finding the ds version is a nightmare + I changed regions so idk if an EU cart will work

>Be trotting down to the local petrol station when some poofter cunt blammos your skull in from 6 o'clock
>Partner is some bitch with a stuffed 'roo

Lets not kid ourselves, lots of these pins are weaker versions of others, still a good amount though.

I find it pretty fun to purposely equip myself with weaker pins just to give myself more of a challenge if I feel pretty daring.


Switch version is fucking KINO

Alright, what is Yea Forums‘s favorite brand? Remember, there are no bad ones. Except for Mus Rattus.

Attached: twewy brands.png (640x640, 292K)

Lapin Angelique, for the sole purpose of making neku and joshua crossdress together.

Men of culture go for Dragon Couture, of course.

Wild Boar/Tigre Punks.

Hip Snake

Fucking hippie.

Based and gothic-lolitapilled.

Attached: lapin angelique joshua.jpg (669x900, 74K)

Jupiter of the Monkey just for Shockwave alone.

>choosing anything but Gatito

Attached: BUY GATITO.png (512x384, 23K)

>this is Johnny Knoxville and welcome to Cat Street

A sequel would have been perfect on the 3DS. Now I don't want one.

Getting into a threesome with Eri and Neku.

Attached: IMG_6441.jpg (1000x1032, 328K)

Pegaso since I like there pins and there clothing items give really nice stats boosts.

Attached: Pegaso_pins.jpg (800x324, 138K)

Pegaso is stylish as fuck

Based Pegaso chads. How can any other brand compete?

Attached: lightning rook .jpg (420x315, 54K)

>was already strong as shit in the DS version
>is buffed up even more in the ports to the point that it can match the Darklit Planets in attack power
>you can equip two of these at once
But why tho?

Attached: IMG_2715.jpg (205x398, 35K)

Because fuck game balance.

Attached: neku lightning rook.png (1200x467, 545K)

>Neku and Eri
>not Neku and Joshua

Attached: threesome.jpg (640x498, 134K)

Me on the left

>when this song kicks in at the Week 3 clusterfuck in Final Remix

Attached: file.png (600x878, 552K)

Best boss fight
>Yo, Uzuki! How about that ramen?

Attached: EMPTINESS AND INTENSIFIES.jpg (620x930, 152K)

Why does TWEWY have such good writing in general? The dialogue feels so much more natural and still be expressive when it wants to, Minaminoto for example.

I lost my shit when they did the Fusion attack.

Came here to say this. TWEWY is in my top 5 favorite games of all time.

Great localization. Guy in charge of it was a turbo weeb that loved the game and practically begged Square to let him translate it.

Fucking same. The Fusion attacks were some of the coolest shit.

>Another world awaits...
>And you’re going!
Love that shit.

someone gift me this on switch it sucks ass on emulater

This is the weirdest looking penis I've ever seen

Draco Cantus was a pretty hype final boss. I still remember the immense amount of satisfaction I had when I was finally able to take his punk ass down.

Attached: draco cantus.jpg (632x1264, 191K)

Hanekoma was based
>presents himself as a nice guy but was actually pulling off some 300 IQ chessmaster shit on just about everyone

Sweet Talk Tether
Velocity Tackle
Her Royal Highness

Great boss theme too

Bros i'm just scrolling and skimming through the thread and want to thank you all for being such fantastic people.
The game is absurd in how much it defies expectations, and is far FAR more amazing than it has any right to be. And the same could be same for you lads, since the day the game was released.

How's the switch version?

It really is a beauty of a game. I’m just glad to see that there’s people here that it love it just as much as I do.

Attached: players.jpg (1305x1998, 533K)

How did twewy get to be the one game that's so good that even Yea Forums can't deny it? These are pretty much the only threads devoid of all contrarian, self-serving, memetastic, zoomer-vs-boomer shitposting. Th only other time I've seen Yea Forums unanimously agree on something was when we all decided that Final Fantasy 2 sucks ass.

You guys DID get a perfect save file, right? Stars in all categories? And no, I'm not just talking about the reports page.

Pretty damn close if I do say so myself.

Attached: save file.jpg (3024x2374, 3.73M)

General consensus says more content than the original, but has inferior combat due to reworking the gameplay to fit on one screen.

For some years during the 2000's Shibuya was definitely considered to be the Athens of street fashion. Robyn and Gwen Stefani are two examples of pop stars who attributed their styles and inspiration from Shibuya, which further cemented Shibuyas status as a cool fucking place.
I visisted a year back or so and the fits genuinely blew my mind. It definitely lived up to the hype, to say the least.

Wait fuck I meant Harajuku, but it's all the same.

Does anyone have any hot takes on the KH3 ending thing?
Sora visiting TWEWY Shibuya and all that?
I really hope the madman brings it all back.

It’s just high quality in just about every facet.
>unique and fun gameplay that takes full advantage of the console it’s on
>incredibly memorable and varied soundtrack
>great characters with tons of likability and depth to them
>aesthetic and art direction that still holds up even to this day
>interesting story full of twists and turns
It’s just fantastic, really.

Attached: crossover.jpg (1500x2121, 1.09M)

I want Sora and Neku to partner up. We never did get that chance back in DDD and frankly, I think we’re overdue for a team-up.

Attached: sora and neku.jpg (989x908, 105K)

It still blows my mind to think about how much of this came out of the absolutely moronic idea to use every single one of the DS' gimmicks.
Even the system clock had an impact on this game.
This game shouldn't have worked, but work is all it does.

What’s her endgame?

Attached: coco.png (613x1075, 113K)

>finally bring in DDD characters to KH
>lol, here's some Pokemon to feed and pet
Fuck you with a goddamn rake, Nomura.

The devs wanted to make it so that the game took full advantage of the DS in almost every way and they didn’t half-ass it at all. Game could’ve used as a tech demo for what the DS was capable of.

Attached: twewy team.jpg (500x660, 57K)

13 of these gals, right? No more than these?

Y'know what, user? See you in a year.

Attached: impossible.jpg (1920x1080, 715K)

I'd frankly love to see Neku be set back a bit character development-wise for some stupid reason (his friends were sent to the shadow realm or whatever), only for Sora to pick him up and get him back to his real self. I'd die to see Sora make some heartfelt asspull speach about how every world has a heart that never gives up, and to have him end it with "So you see Neku, the world ends with you!" and Neku being like "heh you sound just like someone I used to know... Someone worth fighting for :)))".
Basically these two characters could make the sappiest, most cringe-worthy fanfic writing work and I'd gulp it all up like a dog from an open toilet lid

I’d love to see more of Neku’s and Sora’s dynamic. The two of them are so opposite in terms of temperament and development but they can be a lot more alike than they think.

Attached: neku and sora.jpg (1224x1500, 419K)

A lot of his work is in an urban setting, but he just goes overboard with the character designs.

I wanna get this game but how likely are there to be fakes?

Yeah, it’s honestly surprising how there’s not that many zippers and belts to be found in TWEWY. Hell, the game even takes a stab at it too.

Attached: zippers.png (512x384, 26K)

>12 years ago
What the fuck what is happening

>What’s her endgame?
to have Neku and his teammate battle on her behalf to win some worldwide reaper game and become a god of the new world with them both as her forever right and left hand men or just doing this to fuck with Joshua

Attached: Coco (TWEWY).jpg (768x1024, 297K)

What if she’s doing it for both of those reasons?

Attached: we’ll be right back.jpg (1277x1021, 499K)

Maybe it was in decline in fashion? Or them realizing all them zippers was always a silly choice

you have my blessing e-celeb user

IIRC, the reason Nomura started including more and more zippers and belts into his character designs was solely because of spite.

Both clothes and pin choice affect trends. Also it's easier to raise the rank of pins if a store for that brand is in the area. The bonus only affects pin damage though. 1st gets 2x damage, 2nd gets 1.5x, 3rd gets 1.25x and last gets 0.5x.

So, I once made a moveset for how Neku would play if he were playable in KH. Tell me what you guys think.
>Shockwave (Attack)
>Pyrokinesis (Fire)
>Frostbite/Piercing Pillar/Freeze (Blizzard)
>Lightning Arrester/Lightning Bolt/Thunderbolt (Thunder)
>Cure Drink (Cure)
>Aqua Barrier/Dark Barrier/Fire Barrier (Reflect)
>Black Hole/Sweeper (Magnet)
>Vortex Saber (Vicinity Break)
>Patrol Rounds (Strike Raid)

Attached: twewy ddd cover.png (1000x937, 1.49M)


Name a more kino ending. Seriously, though, it’s great.

Attached: twewy ending.jpg (256x384, 27K)

>What if she’s doing it for both of those reasons?
Then she is more evil and cute then I thought.

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I don't know but she's gonna be cute as a button while'd doing it.

remember trying to emulate it years ago and it controlling like ass, should I give it another go

Imagine the hatesex.

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I’d recommend giving it a go on the DS if you can. Game was meant for it to be played that way.

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Fucking Joshua, man.

Friendly reminder:

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Looks pretty cool, user.

never played this but always been intrigued. is the switch version worth it?

No. Absolutely positively hard no
You should play the original DS version

>not "how could minamimoto do this?"

can't, the game looks interesting though so hopefully the controls weren't as fucked as I remember

Started this game recently and I'm having a blast. Haven't even progressed very far in the story, just experimenting with the battle system and enjoying the shit out of it.

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I think that Kariya may be the Master of Masters. I have a lot of half-assed evidence to bring up about it too. Both Kariya and MoM have laid back personalities, Kariya doesn't like to work at all and MoM lets the foretellers perform his plans for him. In the third week, when Beat and Neku are trapped in Miyashita park Kariya left them with multiple boxes to open. They had the symbols: star, sun, and moon. The star is important because its the symbol for lux, the measurement of light used in KHUX. But the kicker is that each of these boxes holds a key inside. Possibly a connection to the keys found in KH. MoM left his apprentice Luxu with a mysterious box that he must drag around as he travels the world.
Also, they told us in Back Cover that MoM suddenly disappeared from the world, sounds a lot like what happened to Sora. And Sora ended up in Shibuya from the World Ends with You. This connection doesn't add support for Kariya being MoM, but this likely hints that the Master of Masters is somewhere in Shibuya.

Attached: Master of Masters.jpg (225x350, 19K)

Nice. What are some of your favorite pins to use so far, user?

I know that the DS version is superior, but the switch version is still a great time despite its inferiority. I didn't notice its problems due to not having played the original for reference though

Holy fuck user, this is amazing.
I don't believe you but it's certainly a real spicy take, and I fucking love spicy takes.
Crossing my fingers for this to be true.

I can legitimately see Nomura pulling this shit, honestly.

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You guys ever wonder about what goes on in Nomura’s head?

I’m almost afraid to find out.

>gives you multiple pin decks
>seemingly so you can smartly have decks set up to maximize evolution efficiency, one for battle exp, one for mingle exp, and one for idle exp
I had a lot of fun my last run looking at pin evolutions and deciding which deck to put in what and all that
Fucking best game ever made

It was an age of passion.

feels good knowing my autism is still comprehendable

Attached: Neku Close up.jpg (400x400, 35K)

>ywn play TWEWY for the first time ever again

>discovering all of the insane plot twists
>fighting Sho on top of the rooftop and dropping the moon on his ass
>finally beating Uzuki and Kariya on level 1 Ultimate after tons of strategizing and dumb luck
>getting to the boss rush for the first time
>discovering the Darklit Planets one by one and murdering the shit out of everything once I got all of them
It was a simpler time

Attached: wake me up.jpg (939x719, 101K)

>Phoenix Wright: T&T top 50
When did GameFAQs get so based?

>Work for you?
>What do you think?

I remember having a lot of fun just making tons of meme decks to try out different combinations. Like setting up a whole deck based solely around lightning pins. The amount of freedom the customization of the pin system allowed for was fucking great to have.

Godspeed my nigga

How did you guys first discover TWEWY for the first time? I remember reading up on some articles in Nintendo Power and coming across the game for the first time. It was practically love at first sight.

Attached: twewy nintendo power article.jpg (640x960, 292K)

Unironically had KH3D to thank for introducing me to the game. When Neku first got shown, I thought he looked pretty cool and wanted to know more about it. Ended up obsessing over it due to how much people raved about it and finally went out to get a copy of my own. Is now one of my favorite games of all time.

a friend of mine loved it

Downloading random games for my flashcart.
I ended up liking it so much I went out a bought a copy the following week.

Attached: D0penNRU4AAZhxg.jpg (720x664, 56K)

Was browsing YouTube one day when I actually came upon one of the songs from the game. Ended up loving it so much that I went ahead to look up even more music from the game and ended up loving it. Then I proceeded to save up enough money to get a copy and lo and behold.

I saw articles about Devil Survivor and The World Ends With You in a magazine, and thought they looked cool. I didn't have a DS at the time, but a few years later when I did I bought TWEWY at a walmart and was hooked right away. Played straight through it in a few days. Same thing happened years later whan I got DeSu.

>Devil Survivor
My man. Fucking loved that game. Chaos route a best.

Attached: devil survivor.jpg (1181x828, 542K)

Browsing through the Switch eShop and found Final Remix.Thought, "This game looks cool" and bought it. I enjoyed it but I knew it could be better, so I got a DS and TWEWY

Any tree can drop an apple. I'll drop the freaking moon!


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Still gets me


In the OG release, it was the only SMT game I could think of that had Law and Chaos endings that weren't meme evil. I get that's kinda the point, but I liked the decency they gave the choices there. (Besides Yuzu's understandable shitpost adventure.)


Tatakai is one of the best songs in TWEWY, honestly.

Attached: neku and beat hanging out.jpg (979x661, 114K)

A user on a message board I went to on GameFAQs was obsessed with it prior to the North American release. Got it at launch because of him

>a Yea Forums thread that isn’t just full of endless shitposts, consolewar faggotry, and contrarianism and is instead just full of people loving a game
Feels fucking great, honestly.

TWEWY threads are some of the best on Yea Forums. They’re honestly one of the only reasons I still come to this place.

Hey man, broken clocks and all that.


It will never be dual screen again. It's not the same. They missed their chance


>TWEWY thread has 300+ replies
>Not a single one of them is TIME
I'm honestly shocked


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old = good
new = bad

That's because TWEWY is 43rd best game of all time


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Painfully overrated. Only the music was good.


Your post is painfully overrated.


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>have more fleshed out and satisfying postgame content than most AAA titles today?
Because graphics and time restrictions.


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>Yeah but the controls suck so it is all moot
But it probably has the most natural controls for the DS.
Stylus to control the player and the D-pad to control the side character.

What's the point of the little nub? Why not cut it off too?

I legit never had any problems with the controls. They felt fun as fuck for me and I was able to get a hold of the battle system relatively fast.

I probably wouldn't understand why you like a certain game either.

Exactly. It didn't require an excessive amount of tutorial. All they pretty much said, use your Stylus. Flick to dodge, read the pins to learn how to activate them.
Even then, you wouldn't need those few tutorials anyway since the game is self-explanatory as it is. You'll never be confused with the controls at all.

Shit, the game even gives you tons of options to circumvent this, like the Auto function and sub pins.

>chink "games"

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>I’ve never even played the game so I’ll just shitpost like a retard

Just came here to say that Deja Vu is the best TWEWY song and that you faggots can’t tell me otherwise

Based taste. Deja Vu is straight up magical.


Attached: twewy station underpass.gif (500x413, 155K)

I just saw people from the VGCats forum making a fuzz about it and how incredible (and scarce) it was. I then bought it off Amazon when it went on sale and still have it to this day. I also bought a sealed copy which I'll keep as a gem of sorts.

How dare you sull the most kino of series by insulting this gem of a game.

Apply yourself.

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I think I saw it in a magazine. Maybe Gameinformer? I remember digging the art style and I bought it as soon as I could. I was in high school at the time and was so engrossed in the game I would skip class and sit in the auditorium and just play with my headphones in.

Me on the right

No, that would be Hybrid.
>dat bass = Neku Pacha

TWEWY meets Jojo when?

>over 300 pins for you to master and use, each with their own unique stats and designs
>But only 15 or so unique skills, plus a fuckton of non-skills like passive buffs and heals

>get to normal fight
>we can do this, Neku!
>this shit starts playing
Hype as fuck

Attached: damn good.gif (533x300, 1.95M)

There’s technically over 60 Psychs in TWEWY.

And even then, some of the pins actually differ in how their Psychs are used, like how Force Rounds are technically all one Psych but one pin has you shoot bullets that spread around the area, be controlled in mid-flight, and and even knock enemies into the air.

I fucking loved that aspect. Getting to string together different types of moves and discovering new things to do was great. Like how you turn objects into bombs using Egg Bomb and then use a Psychokinesis pin like King’s Knight to fling an exploding car at a fucking dragon. Shit was great.

Attached: ddd neku and shiki.jpg (361x600, 78K)

Sorry, but that honor goes to Satisfy

Saw a thread about it on Yea Forums just after its release and downloaded it as a joke because it looked like more edgy and pretentious garbage like square had been throwing out around the time.
Gave it a shot when I was feeling particularly down one day and about ready to give up on all the crap going on in my life, and it had a huge positive effect on me.
Game truly was like a bolt from the blue.

I like how on the surface the game looks like nothing but edgy drivel, with Neku himself being a part of that, but then you get scenes like pic related and the true value of the game really shines through.

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I love Someday as well
But Deja Vu is just the best, I agree

God, I love this game.



Same here, man.

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>that fat ass
Shiki's true self is just as hot as Eri's.