>"CD Projekt Red is bas-"
>"CD Projekt Red is bas-"
Stand tall, my friend.
They don't look that fruity compared to american gays
And this is why everyone truly redpilled hates every country, including his own.
>oh no! they don't hate the gays
>cringe and bluepilled
Feet alert, far right.
it's one thing to not hate gays it's another to be gay yourself and go on a pride parade
>OP links to reddit
>Being OP
Maybe you should be marching right along with them.
What's wrong with being gay and going to a pride parade?
Oh well, preorder fucking canceled, I guess.
I see no issue with being mentally Ill either.
fuck women
fuck minorities
and fuck dyatlov
Thanks bro.
Wanna explain how you came across this?
btw its gonna be a downgraded piece of shit anyway
So, the government should come in and make being gay illegal?
Same thing as going to a straight parade. It would be obnoxious and serve no real purpose.
>oh noes the children!!
Why do y'all gamers suddenly sound like 40 year old mothers?
People like you should stop pretending that a bunch of hedonistic degenerates shouldn't be questioned is the first
So straights need visibility? Straights march to draw attention to the oppression they've overcome, and draw awareness to the problems that remain?
Same fucking thing, right?
I mean...
no, where did anyone say this? just don't push this shit on children and don't put it in my vidya
now go dilate you dumb tranny
kys dumb animeposter
Ah how the mighty have fallen...
jfc they aren't even hiding the pedo agenda anymore, fucking degenerates
WTF I thought Poland was based, bros?
/pol/ doesn't like it
Poland is already about to do that.
You know.
>gays have overcome oppression
lmao. Not in your lifetime, zoomy. Everyone's equal nowadays.
So that's why libs love Arabs so much. They're both into bacha bazi.
So they can be whores on Instagram and murder and teabag people in vydia but that's too far?
>bunch of hedonistic degenerates shouldn't be questioned is the first
You literally don't think for yourself yet you act like a such a free thinker. Why do you care so much?
The fact that this thread even exists proves you wrong.
Absolutely, then nobody would ever post on here except maybe like 4 people
No we're not anymore. LGBT is getting stronger every year
>just don't push this shit on children and don't put it in my vidya
Children are going to be force to be around a lifestyle you don't agree with, now matter how much you bitch on Yea Forums
Either people are forced via Governmental force, or you accept that life style and deal with it
Is /pol/ actually so retarded that they compare past military invasions to modern immigration?
Same here in Pepikland.
It's the west*id influence, never should have taken pozzed German money.
My city literally spent $75000 to paint crosswalk rainbow flag colors. Fuck you and fuck them
But user, sucking dick is the highest virtue.
but the paint itself and the 2 painters cost 200$ maximum
Oh wow, it's fucking nothing
Move to another country if you don't like it here
wow i didnt know cdpr was only 19 people. retard.
You have the same rights as the rest of us faggot. We just hate you.
So sorry, fellow slav.
and cybercuck is done
How hard is it to find a girl who doesn't like tattoos at this point? It's so fucking retarded. Even my ex had some last time I saw her.
Look at this picture and tell me how it combats oppression
reminder they only want to make drag shows with boys illegal, girl drag shows are an American tradition to the sweaty old republicans getting a front row view
Seriously who gives a damn? So some developers friends and family are gay. So fuckin what? They show some support and everyone moves on with their lives
Gay rights are good, actually.
No one seriously cares about it except dumb frogposters fishing for yous and mentally ill poltards on the brink of carrying out a mass shooting.
Dude... you can't, like, say stuff like that. Consider the reactionaries' feelings!
In b4 retards think fags have equal rights/are treated better than everyone else.
Yes. In their world foreigners either "invade" or "get imported". No one ever simply migrates.
Gay people in Poland, according to constitution, have the same marriage rights as straight people: they can marry a person of the opposite sex.
It's right there in the fucking slogan. They're taking it out of the closet and into the streets to let people know that alternatives to the norm exist, those alternatives are fine (yes, they're fine), and anyone who'd shame them for that is the one with the problem.
Go have your pride rally on a muslim rooftop plz
Uh, remember the drag queen elf in the Witcher 3 that's a tailor and makes clothes for you before you go to the party with Triss? Yeah. The writing was on the wall the entire time. Stay mad, bigot.
>da moozlems
silly /pol/tard