Here are your new Granblue Versus characters, bro
Here are your new Granblue Versus characters, bro
I'll take the one in the middle
Thanks bro.
Based Yakuza bro
How would people think about this being the base roster with Macho Vyrn as a secret unlockable ?
Fuck I put worst character twice. I promise I'm not a harvin fag
Make it Hal/Mal instead and we cool.
She was far more popular in yandere mode.
I am erect.
no female draphs. Fucking cucked japs scared of the outrage mob.
Where's Sturm?
The only female draph I want to see is Aliza because she's a based kick boxer. Metera, Vira, and Ferry are hot enough to carry the sex appeal though
Wheres Farrah?
Cute yakuza
Siero as a secret superboss would actually be pretty cool
In the trash along with Juri
you take that back
>encounter Siero
>she begins cracking dumb jokes with her parrot
>you're having to avoid being struck by giant sacks of rupies and fucking giant gold boulders raining from the sky
>right when you think you're in striking distance she jumps into the Nightcypher and runs you over like an isekai truck runs over a japanese otaku
So which primal qt will be added?
This dumb dog
Every character that isn't a female harvin is a wasted slot.
plz tell me this piece of ass is getting in at some point
Where's Cog
what a secondary
GBF gets some top tier lewds.
No female dorafs allowed in a SNOY game.
Except for the tranny of course.
I would pretend this game doesn't exist. I'm fed up of that little cunt.
uh huh, sure, i totally believe you.
>talking shit about GBF's Bogdanoff.
You're in for it now.
why don't you like cute anonymous, user?
Only ones that have a realistic chance are Aliza and Naru.
Kek lel Kek game released, not censored, and Cygames has waaaay more power than Trigger, your argument crashed and burned
*saves your shitty roster*
And i will be happy with the cute little older sister getting in.
August 3, same day EVO starts
Yuuki Ono (Gran / Lancelot voice actor)
Emiri Katou (Sierokarte voice actor)
Nao Touyama (Lyria voice actor)
Minoru Shiraishi (Lowain voice actor)
Asami Imai (Vira voice actor)
Kaori Nazuka (Charlotta voice actor)
Tetsu Inada (Ladiva voice actor)
Madoka Yonezawa (Ferry voice actor)
Rika Tachibana (Yuisis voice actor)
Yuito Kimura (producer)
Tetsuya Fukuhara (director)
>no Vane
it's shit
yikes I don't like this lineup
Surprisingly there's a shit ton of dudes.
Damn I guess this means Yuel is probably out since I doubt they'd have 3 female Erunes.
they're not going to have RoB characters
This game will be dead on arrival if they add vira instead of one of the top waifus
If Cog and Sandals aren't in then it's shit.
He's in
Siero's VA is in almost every event this doesn't confirm anything
>vira INSTEAD of one of the top waifus
confirm what? I'm just saying when's the next announcement, not who's gonna be in the game, I'm not OP
Sandals is too new, only 2014-2015 characters allowed.
Cog was possible, she’s been consistently popular forever, but maybe not a good fit for a fighting game.
Yuisis is my favorite so I'd love it if she was in
didn't cog literally just get a new version? She should be in.
>not a good fit for a fighting game
Cog could be a trap zoner kind of character, with long reaching normals like UNIEL Hilda.
>virafags think asami imai is there for vira and not based Friday
I always wanted to play Hilda but the learning curve to do anything with her was too high for me
She’s mainly a support character who has a clear and a heal. Doesn’t translate too well to a 1v1 fighter.
Absolutely based
Draphs are more popular than that shitty dyke.
She could poke and use projectiles with Ouroboros but she could end up being too similar to Ferry
>Sandals is too new, only 2014-2015 characters allowed.
that doesn't matter now. There was a recent interview at anime expo in which they mentioned that they are gonna add whatever they want regardless of when it was released. They used Kat as an example. She's using Ares in Versus but the story in the gacha hasn't reached that point in which she obtained Ares yet
Just one Draph in particular, though.
Yeah just like all those moves the other characters took from the mobile game right? Like all those Leo moves that Lancelot used are totally from the mobile game?
Dude most of the moves in versus never existed before this isn't even a deciding factor.
Normals are one thing, you can make up any bullshit you want. When a character is clearly a support you run into a problem with specials though, unless you want real healing in your fighting game.
That's literally what I said. Game will die if they add vira instead of draphs.
Vira is not a waifu and everyone that loves waifus hates vira
Remind me how many of the specials in the game are directly from the mobile game
Oh like almost none of them.
I know jack shit about Granblue but I know I'll be maining Ladiva. Always main the pro-wrestler grappler.
Ferry's also a support. That didn't stop her getting in.
You seem to be stuck in 2016. Vira is literally a different person after CheVira came out, continued into wind Vira.
I hope you are right even though I hate Imai for agreeing to do so much vira
They made a comment about not having other franchise characters, as in cameos from say blazblue, but people think this means GBF exclusive characters.
I meant to ask how Yuel is an RoB character, like most of the characters in Granblue. Just post her card and let it be over with.
>A character from after 2015
Oh you sweet summer child. Look at the roster and come back to me once you've done your homework
>he doesn't know
someone tell him
Draphs aren't popular at all you retarded secondary.
Naru is literally the only popular one.
The biggest chance is obviously Zoi
>it's an "annoying Narumemea fags" episode
That's because trannies LOVE Trigger's shitty works.
August 3rd is not a Friday.
She's out.
still utter shit
Metera's outfit is way more slutty than Naru's and she's basically confirmed in so there shouldn't be much of a problem
She is still completely unlikable for waifufags because she's not hot or favorable to mc
>no Io
So people are saying that Naru's in because she fills in the quota for a mode-switch character. Well, Yuisis also has that covered, so yeah.
>Yuisis' VA voices traitor cat.
>was listed as one of KMR's favorite Grubble characters despite not actually being a Grubble character.
She's in.
She is also the titcow rep.
I'd be happy about it but I really doubt we'll get any of them, not in that form at least. Probably sword Vira.
I've been rooting for Yuisis since the game was revealed the other two I could take or leave
>not hot
The mountains of porn disagree with you.
>not favorable to the MC
Again, see CheVira. Her crazy Kat feelings got resolved back into a normal knightly crush, meanwhile she shares a tender moment with danchou where you hold her hand and she literally starts crying and opening up to (You). It was one of the most overtly romantic fate episodes in the entire fucking game.
So who do you think is going to fill the quota for gun character?
Cucouroux or Eustace.
Gun Zooey
Based retard.
Since Rackam and Eugen are confirmed to be stage cameos then definitely Silva
Only good characters are allowed in this video game
>scared of the outrage mob
>Again, see CheVira.
You, see Wind Vira.
She's still utterly obsessed with Kat.
>Gun Zoi
I fucking hope so.
How do I get a draph gf to mind break
>he doesn't want to plow IRASHAAAAI's harvin jewess cunny
And you call yourself a man.
She does not see mc positively and yes people draw porn of shit characters that are not hot
I love her
Get some rope and step on the chair, they are waiting for (you)
I wonder how much she charges for her services
Based and brownpilled
>muh Draph girls
>not even posting the best one
prove it.
go back to /gbfg/
Fuck off vira is cancer
Yuisis switch between attack and defense, it's different than Naru.
It's still a mode switch in my book, but yeah, they can include more than one.
Look for it yourself in the official youtube channel, she's in every fucking event even the most important ones
very good
>Siero and Vira
Fine with it.
No Silva no buy.
There is a lot of different type of gun users in GBF, they can make a lot of different playstyles with them:
Barawa: Gun
Black Knight: Gun+Sword
Cucouroux: Dual Guns
Eustace: Rifle (Dark version add a gun and dagger)
Ilsa: Dual Guns/Crossbow
Jessica: Gun+Canon
Razia: Gunlance
Richard: Cards
Silva: Sniper
Zoey: Gun+Shield
brown+white/silver hair is best combo
She's shit compared to the one with the speech impediment, the one dying because of some ice heart shit or the one with the biggest cans.
The one with speech impediment has the biggest cans too
I thought that was Carmelina?
Well she's never gonna be on this game then.
Shirobros, UNITE!
No, Daetta has the biggest cans.
Here is big ass titty chart for you for all cow titty sizes
Carmelina is still pretty high there on top 5
Why doesn't she have any doujins then? Checkmate atheist.
Literally lurk more, fagit. There's a handful of lewds out there.
lewds =/= doujins
She is no Narmaya
She has at least 1 full doujin (not scanned), appears on the harvin island doujins and also short few pages by itou life
but she really does deserve more
She was on that draph guro one for like 2 pages. Sadly it was mostly focused on other draphs.
well that doesnt count now does it?
She isn't being guro'd just being fucked. The others are stumps because the artist is a retard.
Yuel started as a GBF character even if her design is mostly based on a Bahamut card.
Well, to be honest, I'm gonna have a hard time believing in any leak that doesn't have at least 3 out of the following characters: Cagliostro, Siegfried, Naru, Yuel and Vira.
In the trash with gisla-chan
I forgot that she literally just dug one out of the dump and became a unit
So why did he get a summer version if he's trash?
lmao at your life
You stop talking shit about my hungry trash goblin, she's cute!
user she is literally described in Lyria's journal as trash girl.
Because a yaia summer unit would crash the servers and that would be bad for GW
>yaia summer unit
The wave of jizz caused by the spontaneous ejaculations of every red-blooded man the world over would turn the oceans white.
>yaia summer
I fucking need it
the question is whta would she wear? School swimsuit? One piece? Two piece? String bikini? V sling? Nothing because summer Yaia is just a onahole on Gran's dick?
frills, two-piece
Sierokarte would be like Lowain all over again, except you'd know even less of what she could do. But if she has a legit teleport and a super that calls in a bunch of Skyfarers to jump the shit out of the opponent that'd be great.
Yuisis is best not!Yakuza girl, seeing her mechanics of switching between surviving tank and harsh offense translated to a fighting game would be fun. Especially if like, tank mode has her wield her sword as a sword and offense mode has her use it as a katana like how she's got proficiency in both in the original.
Least it's the best version of Vira that's basically dead.
She's ready for anything user
As much as I’d like a draph waifu to make it in, I’d also be ok if they added Ghandagoza.
Siero would just pay you to fuck off.
I know right? Perfect age for teaching her how to relieve Captain, too young to get pregnant so you can keep cumming inside her, perfect age for just cuddling with her in bed when she's tired from all the fucking
>her super is just pulling out that character's personal bill
>with actual listings different between each character
>if it knocks them out, they just stare at it for a few seconds and pass out.
I'm okay with that.
I forgot their names but middle and right one have cool battle gimmicks.
The jew midget can fuck off tho.
The cutest~
God, imagine manhandling this tiny jew.
Imagine strapping her to your body under your bulky armor and fucking her as you walk around town with nobody the wiser.
>literally every single girl is shit
what the fuck
she's not in retard
>not a single hot girl
What's the point of this game again?
You must be gay
Metera is hot though
>No jew-tenshis
>No oracle
>No actually good waifus
Probably gonna pirate or skip.
Why the fuck would any oracles get in, barely anyone playing the mobile game even has them
Siete or some other notable jew is probably going to be DLC
Give me a quick rundown on Siero.
Fuck off back to R*ddit, teen.
Vira is female Jin (Blazblue)
Potato merchant who knows way more than she lets on.
>no stated age
>nobody knows where she came from
>nobody knows how long she's been around. "seems like she's always been here"
>claims to be "everywhere and nowhere"
>can summon an entire skydom's worth of skyfarers with a single request
>archangels and primarchs back the fuck down when she challenges them
>knows where everything is, was, or will be, or knows who will know
>stares death in the face and doesn't blink
>is 100cm tall and will drain you dry
Is she related to the Bogdanoffs?
The middle/right look way too similar.
why are 6 year old girls so hot?
The Bogdanoffs get their information from her.
But she will be in
No she won't
her VA isn't at either stream or live event where they're announcing characters
Her character weapon is in the logo.
If we're going by a random variable like stream presence then the logo is way more reliable
doesn't mean anything, logo theory is worth shit after ladiva came out
So is the supposed inclusion of OP's picks because their VAs are attending.
But stream presence does?
Logo theory is still valid until all characters have been revealed
Ladiva being revealed just means there will be more than 10 characters
VA presence is all about availability
whatever, stay coping with your BTFO logo pattern theory
>When logo theory isn't wrong yet
I don't care if it happens or not
But VA presence pattern is even more retarded
Just wondering, will the game have an English dub?
I'm not sure honestly.
probably not. Though a lot of character do have English VA's do to shadowverse dubs and potential anime dubs. And if the US release of GBF is real it could be a strong possibility.
Just checked the wiki as well, holy shit she really is a fictional character.
Just look at BBTAG. UNIEL doesn't have a dub, but they gave them anyway.
Ferry is the best girl, and I'm not even an armpitfag
If they add the ugly goblin Shitro then fuck this game.
siero won't be in as anything but menu NPC tier
she isn't even playable in actual GBF
I despise her, ugly as shit and a fucking annoying voice.
Give it to me straight guys, what are the chances of my girl Heles getting in?
not unless you use her as training.
0 because Zeta is in
Slim. If they can add another spear user, then Heles is a welcome addition.
For spear characters, I'd prefer my purple nigga Shiva. Zeta is more likely than her.
Heles would get in over Shiva, but she won't be in
Yeah I know. I just love the disciples.
Dude, Wind Vira is a Lowainbros creation.
No she isnt, go read her fates they are all 100% real not delusions
She's got abilities in the trial battles and is pretty strong
No she's not.
Except those skills belong to another character that will arrive eventually. Currently, people believe it's Kaguya.
No melissabelle. No buy
desu she's probably be the pick if they wanted to put a character from every group we know of
chances are slim but not nonexistent
She still cares about Kat, I never said otherwise. It's just the same crush she had as a kid, reserved and thoughtful instead of being an insane passionate yandere.
That doesn't take away from the scene where she literally melts on danchou and says "I really can't compete with you". She also said Chev was the first person she "truly let into her heart", so she knows very well that her feelings for Kat were distorted, it wasn't love it was obsession.
Now she could really go either way.
In all honesty they're more likely to add in the main crew from the main story (even though no one gives a shit about them but the other weapons and the staff favorites that don't overlap with the main crew).
Vira with a dress is real, crazy Yandere Vira that summons a not-Zeong is not.
>a spear scavenged from a trash heap
Has TIME and EFFORT gone too far?
She can't be in the fighting game nobody wants to punch something that cute.
Yeah I can see Yuisis just for the fact that she easily can fill the Izayoi slot.
no now we know where to put both of them to use
Eh Vira will probably have a install into Chevira so that makes sense.
Is there a reason why /gbfg/ spergs over vira and the people who don't give a shit if a character is for (you) or not? Hell, not even fatefags are this obsessed over that kind of shit since they draw porn of the characters getting fucked regardless of lore
Insecure virgins
/gbfg/ is filled with insecure children, fujos and both at the same time.
Ive never played a granblue game, but the games art is top tier.
At first I assumed it was just shitposting in there, but it seems like they get genuinely upset over that stuff.
>Finally get a wishlist done since now I know who the characters are
>With no news and slow news in general the threads are dead as fuck
>r112 trying to hit r120
>get bored trying to hit 113 even with shop buffs, crew buffs and the RP weapon from rotb
Guess I'll just wait til magfes if I wanna up my rank
It's the best idea to take genuinely. Just sparse it out along the way and you'll be there eventually with little headache.
>nineteen more boxes to go
i need to uncap at least one eternal this GW
/gbfg/ seem to hate anything that is popular that isn't named Sandalphon.
I’d only recommend sliming until 101, once you’re in HL you have so much shit to do you’ll hit 120 without any RP grinding needed. Do you have good Row IV or EX 2 classes unlocked? What about finished grids in multiple elements? Or a Coda’d Bahamut weapon? Are you doing GWs?
>/gbfg/ seem to hate anything that is popular that isn't named Sandalphon.
What are you smoking? They hate him too, not only because of "muh fujobait" but also they think he doesn't deserve his redemption when I know they'd be saying the opposite if he was a girl.
does samsho play like this
I hope they go full meta and add characters like Siero, Macho Vyrn, Black Knight, Incohate World and Friday
Eh not a whole lot, but samsho is extremely footsies based with it's slow movement and high hitstun. Samsho is on the other end of the extreme versus something like MVC. Versus does have some mechanics that are staple of SNK games though so there's that.
the cello is the ultimate weapon
Why are they so gay?
Black Knight seems to have high chance to be in.
>implying you wouldn't want to fuck this even if you're a girl.
How is the game still coming out this year and doesn't have a release date?
She has too much meat in her tail.
Sandalfags have pretty much taken over gbfg though.
Think they actually flat out said the release date is going to be announced on august 3rd. I don't know what it is with jap devs announcing announcements
They'll probably give us a release date by August 3rd stream.
Hopefully the games comes out on august 4th
No chance they'll release Relink in 2019.
did she do it?
>Combo Limit
>Row IV or EX 2 classes unlocked?
Yeah, I unlocked and max leveled every class from row1-EX1, Unlocked kengo and glorybringer
>What about finished grids in multiple elements?
Yeah, pretty much finished every grid and just left with SL'ing a few more weapons, leveling these last couple of *3'd magna summons and SSR'ing my seraphics
>Or a Coda’d Bahamut weapon?
Got it from the WMtB side story
>Are you doing GWs?
This is my first time actually doing a GW
Honestly with the stuff I've been hearing and thinking about, it's not only likely she's going to be playable, but there might be a slight chance that surprise people could be another knight. Wait and see though, it is very small, but not a flat out 0% like I thought before.
>Wanting hour-long skullgirls/blazblue combos
Cooldowns are a good thing for an anime fighting game
this will be the first time an arcsys game isn't absolutely chaotic
That's fine honestly. The combo limit doesn't seem something easily hitable and more importantly the game doesn't really need longer combos. More combo variety would be nice though. As in yeah average combo is 5-6 hits, but let me get to that point. More routes basically. Since I doubt there will be super difficult combos in this game so just having different stuff to look at and input would be nice as both as a spectator and as a player.
ASW not doing crazy balls to the wall and some restraint is one of this games charm honestly, but with that they do need to tweak it to be perfect.
Yeah but I'd still love to see any info on it
Like some sort of gameplay video, something
Infinites suck
Should I build Tien for my Agni grid or Okto for future Kengo team?
Whatever your element focus is. Esser is way more useful at 4 stars though than Okto. Okto at 4 stars is pretty close to uselessness.
well now that vira's in i can safely buy this shit
If you're making a primal grid, wouldn't you want to go all in on that element since you're already investing so much?
not the same guy but the /gbfg/ thread is filled with annoying autists that don't help. i started like a week ago and keep seeing this elemental grid stuff that i'm still wrapping my head around. if i pick a certain element will i not be able to use all characters i like? am i locked into an element once i choose because of how many resources it requires?
Don't worry too much about "chosing" an element by now you should be able to make a team out of every element. Just focus on the main story for now
ah yes user, put infinites in a game that on the day of the announcement was said wont have long combos and is supposed to be noob friendly. You retards act outraged over shit we knew for half a year
start here, but if you started a week ago you should probably just play like says
The goal is to get a functioning team and weapon grid for each element. After that you can choose to focus on an element but if you decide to go full esports autism it'll cost you a lot of money pulling the gatcha. Nowadays there are a lot of strong free to play options but they require a near inhuman amounts of grinding
The real question is which Eternal/Evoker is getting in?
Tweyen because it's KMR's favorite and Nier because it's everyone's favorite
Pretty much what everyone else said. Don't stress and if you want to have an idea on what element to have be your jumping off point try to base it on the characters you get. Free rolls are coming soon so wait till then see who you get and play what you feel. Read up what you can though for beginner tips because there are a lot of traps. Not in the sense of oh I completely locked myself out of doing this, it's more of saving your ass from major headaches down the line.
okay thanks. i'm not a very active player but it's nice to have an idea of what to do and not ruin everything accidentally.
i only learned of the game from versus lol
What I said here only applies to primal grids because most(all?) primal grids require specific weapons from the gacha + dupes or dama bars to really be great. If you start with the grids outlined in the link here you'll be fine because all of it is farmable. Grid autism is only necessary for high-end raids anyway; you can get through a lot of the main story and events with whatever.
No Monkey no buy
I'm hoping for all three gunsmith sisters as one character to fill the Elphelt-shaped hole in my heart (and in the roster)
If you're new, don't worry about primal grids. That stuff is for long term players with tons of resources, or players who are willing to shell out a ton of money.
F2P grids are usually called Omega or Magna(jap name). Don't worry too much about grids until you unlock the omega raids.
She'll only be playable if you roll her through the gacha with no spark
Song is apparently KMR's favorite so I'd say she has a moderate chance. I feel like Sarasa, Six or Siete are all possible as well.
I WOULD say that they're too new to really think about, but then Ladiva basically had an event tailor made for her for her announcement so it's hard to say anymore. Nier's one of the most popular, so I'd put her as possible, but I feel like Borger or something out of left field might be possible too. Honestly the Evokers are a lot more open ended in this aspect.
I'm at the point where I have a very, very small list of characters I don't want and it's mostly for personal reasons. Just give us new characters already goddammit.
Yeah there is also the character that’s suppose to be a surprise to people too and the only thing you can figure about that is it’s either an npc of some sort or it’s something really recent and prominent like the Evokers. Though the npc idea seems more likely still
>playable granny
i just want one of the shortstack draph girls. augusta would be great. even if arcsys does their usual painfully slow character releases at absurd prices, i'll forgive them for augusta.
>she isn't even playable in actual GBF
That's the fucking point, there is a "surprise" character in the game and the only possible surprise is someone who isn't playable in GBF because any other one can be in the game.
Have you seen how much damage you can do off a wall-bounce? If the game didn't have a combo limit you could probably do 90%~ combos
what if it's fucking vyrn
Yes! YES!
If you mean macho vyrn then I doubt it. There’s having an April fools raid and having a character that just blatnetly shatters the aesthetic of the game and macho vyrn would stick out like a sore thumb. Not in a good way either. unless it’s regular vyrn with an ABA function where he’s the worst character period but then transforms into Bahamut for a time
i definitely meant stupid baby vyrn. i'd hate it but it's not out of the ordinary for fighting games to have joke characters. melty has two of those dumb fucking midget things
The Zeta argument is stupid, since Erune notLenneth has a Light and Wind version too now, so they can do something different than Zeta and it's not like Katalina and Charlotta weren't two water sword users anyway.
Sadly, her chances are still pretty low, but I hope they will pick her for DLC.
We got a lot of GBVS threads after the beta, but E3 happened.
I bet that we will be back to our daily threads after the 3rd.
Nice wishlist, I love all those characters.
I got your Irestill rep here m8.
>Black Knight
>high chance
More like mid chance, and she is in my top 3.
I really hope she is in, she would be outstanding with Arcsys graphics.
well there's also the fact that it seem shitters have grown tired of complaining about the style of the game and the fact that it's gacha so they aren't bumping the threads as much
Cucuroux will join the roster with the classic gatling gun as her ougi
A Sisters character would be the best, either Cucuroux or Silva as a main with the others as assists.
Albert seems to be a likely pick but my predictions for fighting characters is always off.
I really hope Orchid gets in as the puppet fighter, she was my first spark and my first ring. She's also the main character of the first arc of the main story along with Apollo so they really have no reason not to add her.
It's too bad box is the only potato who will get into anything. Then again, she has a 6 versions in the real game at this point and therefore makes up like 25% of her race's representation by herself.
After her I guess you'd add Nio, Arulu or Cock. Maybe Corn and Lunalu,
I've yet to give up hope on either Corn or Arulu at some point.
>No Koshimizu
>Not even M.A.O.
This isn't good at all
she's too young
Granblues DLC when?
The designs and characters in Granblue are so boring. Arcsys should have made a fighting game for FGO instead.
1 saint quartz fragment has been deposited into your account
1 rider gem has been deposited into your account
The only thing Fate does well is sultry dom lolis. I’d take GBF designs as a whole over Fate designs any day.
I like lewd lolis as much as the next guy but yeah, FGO only has sex appeal going for it, designs are rarely actually good and are closer to fetish fuel
>The designs and characters in Granblue are so boring.
>Arcsys should have made a fighting game for FGO instead.
Not our fault Type Moon and Delight Works are lazy and don't want to do anything with FGO other than scamming their players.
A FGO fighting game roster would be so predictable and boring
God bless the king
you mean like the how half of the roster form the last musou is only recognized because of FGO?
basically how most dynasty warriors are. literal whos from history.
What is the fastest way to get ranks? I've been stuck on 75 rank or whatever for ages because I get to play so casually. I want to access more of the content, I cant even uncap my weapons anymore since I need to clear a raid thats at 120.
I figured it would be sliming. Time to burn some half pots I guess.
You said this the last time too. Fate go away stinker
Cu Chulainn
DLC: Jeanne Alter, Saber Alter, Raikou, Shuten, Ozymandias, Altria
Is it worth farming gw daggers for MH for all my other elements? I have a dark one already, and I'm pretty close to making it to HR
Where are the padorus?
Fuck potatos
quick Yea Forums, post your meat count
I'm taking it relatively easy this time, my crew farmed way too much meat last time (I had 1200 left over at the end).
I've spent several hundred meats since i failed to make it into low tier.
I'd say it's worth it for some elements, although it depends on what classes you want to use. For example, I'd advise against getting a fire dagger since xeno axe exists, but maybe you hate berserker for some reason.
This is why Melty Blood 2 would be a better thing instead of a FGO fighter
A little over 1k. Already finished farming most of the weapons for jews 5* so I'm going to take it easy for now on.
Can someone post the template for the roster wishlist?
I would but I’m out right now and dont have it right now
i wanna fug a rotten potato.
finally a new class