Start killing players

>level 90 required
Then why are you picking level 90+ targets? It literally shows you everyone's level.

This got me wondering how the GTA:O lobbies could fixed. Lobbies dedicated to PVP or no PVP should be standard. And I would try to fix it with more coop PVE content with rewards that scale based on contribution, but they still always payout to a lesser extent even on failure. It's retarded to get absolutely nothing for 20 minutes of gameplay when someone else fucks up.

>griefing backfired
>come to Yea Forums to cry
Pussies, as expected.

Excuse me, the only "pussy" is (You)...

>implying you can't go on a murder spree against NPCs or in singleplayer

it's way more fun than trading kills with some psychotic child. if i wanted to actually fight against other players i'd play a game where the PvP experience is more than:

>lock on
>shooty in head
>take it in turns to do this for eternity

if you truly enjoy doing this then you are basically braindead.

Unlike you, I didn't come to Yea Forums to cry about getting killed in a video game, faggot. Hold that shit.

crying to Yea Forums is literally what everyone does

just join an event where you play gamemodes, pretty sure I was never hit with explosive ammo in that

GTA: Online has deathmatch gamemodes. They never should have introduced military vehicles as personal vehicles you can spawn with a literal in-game trainer in free roam.

At launch it was decent because if you really really wanted a jet or a tank, you had to steal one from the military base on foot.

Actually ACTUALLY...!
I'm discussing gameplay balance, competitiveness, and gameplay.

You're just be a typical retard, so like you, Anonymous.