"here are your cyberpunk romance options bro"

>"here are your cyberpunk romance options bro"

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Other urls found in this thread:


Unironically looks good

At least it's not another episode of generic anime waifus with the same face structure but various types of rainbow hair

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>"here are your cyberpunk romance options bro"

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nothing mods can't fix

America 2077. Based.

Well since we aren't getting the dev tools it is something mods can't fix

>variety is generic and bad

serious question, what the fuck happened? this is the same studio that gave us top tier waifus with yen, triss, ciri and shani

especially because cyberpunk has so much potential to have cute girls in it, pic very much related i wish we would get a character like joi

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Would bang

are you going to ride the cyberbull Yea Forums?

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I'd date Bug. She's probably into vidya.

just give me corpomommy please for fucks sake

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The middle one looks alright.

why does he have oversized processors on his jacket?

>What happened?


>What happened
We have seen less than 1% of the game. And we don't know jack shit about those characters other than crime lords, hacker etc.

Here's your Cyberpunk 2077 Hardcore Mode bro.

Attached: DePAzKbZSfLPcl9sSUBPq1zPJuAUEnGmCMuPqHVnb58.jpg (1680x1050, 324K)

>big genderfuck, hammer-wielding, wrestler-looking motherfucker takes you in
>roided to the fucking nines with cheap cyber installed by some drugged out street doctor
>is incredibly possessive of you; destroys anyone who dares look at you
>kinda disgusting to look at but is fiercely loyal
>pins you against the wall and refuses to let you leave till you cum
I hate how the internet has made me have awful tastes

>game set in a degenerate world has degenerate people
Wow color me shocked.

I puked a little

Middle one a qt.

imagine not picking the more corpo-focused options.

>rick ross and the other black guy are going to be your straight female V options. you're going to get BLACKED either way.
>middle black girl with no hair is going to be the option for both male and female V, will probably give you and std that's part of a questline
>right two characters are your male V options, the black woman is a ftm tranny and has a massive black cock in her pants
>right character is the only white "woman" you can in the game, she has more testosterone in her pinky finger than you in your entire body

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>what happened

This image is a picture of gang leaders, not romance companions. They’re supposed to be mutts. We haven’t seen the other protags and women.

>he thinks there is going to be more companions

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there are only 2 gang leaders in that picture, user

imagine going through the entire game and you still can't officially join a corp

where are the asian gang members though?

These aren’t companions. It’s the equivalent of the Baron or Dijkstra in TW3.


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At least there's one person with good taste in this thread
Delicious tight chocolate

will truly be the worst feel. A Meredith-style character would be awesome to create

she'd be cute if she wasn't a cancer patient and had some hair on her head

CDPR hasnt unveiled any companions yet besides Hispanic bro and this guy. You’re looking at gang leaders, who are appropriately black.

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Sasquatch is white tho

This is like me posting a picture of the Baron and saying "HERE'S WITCHER'S NEW BOYFRIEND GUYS"

To bad she also got shot in the face in the last trailer.

>generic anime waifus with the same face structure but various types of rainbow hair
not to complain about diversity, but this game is exactly where rainbow hair and artificially perfect faces belong.


such a shitty gimmick

Talking about the guy from the demo. Sasquatch is the leader of the animals, a gang

It's probably just people who tag along for certain questioned rather than Fallout style bullshit

Companions as in NPCs who you can bring in for a fight, not necessarily romance options but that’s also their thing

>You’re looking at gang leaders, who are appropriately black

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To power the cloth physics.


im gonna pirate this game anyway, its DRM free LMAO

>4 out 5 gang bangers are niggers


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why the fuck are you idiots mad that there are an equal amount of blacks in a FUTURE CALIFORNIA

How are you this fucking stupid

to be honest i just fucking hate niggers

Compare them to the Novigrad gang leaders and they still look like trash.

>what the fuck happened
You didn't wait for the game to fucking release

is anyone else worried they blew more money on marketing and Keanu than the actual game?
the same happened with Witcher 3, $32m to make and $35m spent on marketing

just think how much better and bigger the game could have been without such a waste of money

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>caring about romance in video games

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>4 out of 5

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>degenerate future of the USA
>almost everyone is mixed, black or spanish
I thought /pol/niggers would like this

Is this some kind of joke?

California contrary to popular belief isn't 80% nigger.

Could be a lot better.

Attached: rated.png (2048x971, 2.28M)

thats probably more accurate


Where did she get a whole glass of pink sperm?

Why is that laughable

>romance options
Are you retarded?

The game is taking place in America and not in medieval europe. Of course there will be black people.

that's a can

shouldn't Cali gangs be mostly made up of beaners that speak a mixture of broken Spanish and broken English?

Guess I'll just "roleplay" a /dbt/ volcel.

Attached: D_112akWkAE981t.jpg (1920x1080, 210K)

>gang leaders of degenerate criminal organizations
>all black

What’s wrong with this again?

the middle one is pretty cute
>tfw now afro-futurist hacker body-suit gf

Voodoo boys are from the Pacifica district and they speak Creole in-game.

smart jacket? Maybe to let him know his surroundings intuitively?

That's Tbug. V killed her in the trailer.

the problem is that in California most gangs and criminal activity is operated and committed by beaners.


>serious question, what the fuck happened?
none of these characters are romance options, don't get baited but OP's faggotry

This game doesn't have companions.

As if that has ever stopped anyone before.

Most characters in witcher weren't made by cdredcucks but by Sapkowski, in his books

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Well, if I don't get full Corpro, I'll probably romance her

Well Sasquatch is a tranny


You guys whine about stupidest bullshit.

Yeah they confirmed it's like this.

about the*
you stupid ESL

>being an EOP

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Ha ha wtf two niggers, two niggresses and I don't even know what, pls tell me it's true

Yeah who gives a SHIT about character design right? Let's just stare at wireframes from now on not like it matters

>It's another "Yea Forums gets trolled by some stupid shit" episode.

I'm not

Just own up to it you absolute buffoon

>Animals are a bunch of niggers
>their leader is a white woman

My biggest complaint about the character and world design is that they don't look 80s enough.

Not even the guy, I just find ESL bashing retarded.

CDR literally sits on money, they havent spent anywhere near their all their dosh on cyberpunk

I'm worried they'll bring in more Hollykikes into the mix.

Please tell me this isn't true.

>I just find ESL bashing retarded
t. ESL

Bald girls can be cute.

I know, right? Everyone is so brown!

I think the chick in the middle is (I think she's the PC's main hacker type sidekick), but I doubt the rest are as you go around potentially murdering them all.

Sasquatch looks like a Final Fight/Streets of Rage boss and I love it.

This unironically.

Tbug was a confirmed romance option, and black, and she’s cute in a skintight catsuit and a reserved way of holding herself.

Tbug is CUTE!

>Tbug was a confirmed romance option
No she wasn't.

I don't think anybody was confirmed to be a romance option.

Did they talk about radio stations and OST for this game?

They completely trashed several years worth of work because they weren't happy with the direction the game was going. I highly doubt they aren't spending money where they need it.
And let's face it, you can't make a huge game without also having a huge spend to make more money. This isn't the 90's any more, you can't really have a AAA sleeper hit any more, you have to build hype for launch right out of the gate because that's where a huge amount of the money is made.
What was the last sleeper hit by a big studio? Depending on how you define it, probably Nier Automata, Mad Max or Borderlands?

I heard there's 6 stations. Apparently they're doing a decent amount of original music.

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confirmed no... but implied heavily at the very least.

Where are you getting that these are romance options from

that outfit looks terrible

That's not true either you jungle fever liar.

pls someone tell me this isn't true

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V shot her in the face in the last trailer though.

Don't believe anything you read about this game on Yea Forums.

>what the fuck happened?
You took a sourceless OP at face value like a retard and forgot that this isn't based on bladerunner but cyberpunk 2020 which has operations to become literal fucking furries in it's source material.

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No she wasn't.
She gets shot and killed you fucking nigger lover.

>6 stations
That's good. Hopefully there's a diverse selection. I need my retrosynth while driving across sunset cyber boulevard.

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You're not getting furries or other silly shit from 2020 in this game senpai. 2077 really seems to downplay and normalize the flair of 2020. I mean, just look at what they did to Voodoo boys.


I saw a thing from their facebook page winking at someone who asked about it. So I'm saying yes, heavily implied if not actually happening.
Yeah. Who knows, maybe she has a twin, or you don't actually kill her, or it's an alternative scene or something.

>The source book only matters when it supports my ideas

Hope you like the bbcc (big black cyberonic cock)

>I saw a thing from their facebook page winking at someone who asked about it. So I'm saying yes, heavily implied if not actually happening.
I saw your mom suck twenty nigger dicks in a row.
Source it or fuck off.

>no source
>looking up cyberpunk 2077 romances finds no new info about the games romances other then "there are some and one night stands"
Maybe don't believe everything you read without proof user.


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When did I ever say that

Whoever played probably choose to turn her into the enemy because I seem to recall female V doing a job with her.

Bad news

Shit, exposed. My excuse is that I just woke up and haven't had foot yet.

>some characters are supposed to be villains
Out of that picture, I believe so far only second from right has been confirmed as sympathetic character you can work with. Do you seriously want all of the characters in the game to be perfect beautiful barbie dolls?


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Not every character wants to fuck their body up to look beautiful, user

Didn't they also get a shitload of money from the polish government?

You can work with giga nigga on the far left. He's in the same gang as the black girl in trench coat.

Also yeah, give me some cute barbie dolls in promotional material already.

>half of the characters are negroids
Poles are le based btw

>other game has companions
>nobody says shit
>Cyberpunk has companions
>ugh, why does this game have this shitty gimmick

It's crazy that 4 faction leaders have been revealed and you're already shown to be in conflict with 3 of them them

>Cyberpunk has companions
It doesn't.

>game is set in 2077 Los Angeles
You think it won't be full of negroids or something?

The dev team was actually asked if exotics would be in game, and rather than straight up "no", their answer was "we can't talk about that yet." Notable because in same interview they were pretty frank about inclusion/exclusion of some other features.
This leads me to believe that while they might not be included in base game, they're being considered for the expansions.

What are you implying?

>no bozos

i'm disappointed, maybe they'll be dlc?

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Sasquatch from Animals
giga nigga from Voodoo boys
Maelstrom dude
and Asian guy from Tyger's Claw?

Im sorry user...but you'll be able to drive cars.

My point is that this is the way Yea Forums reacts to any news about this game

Brigitte is the leader of the Voodoo Boys

i thought california would be full of mexicans and not blacks? they are still only 13% right? are the memes real and every white girl is getting BLACKED?

>rather than straight up "no",
Yeah rather than "fuck off stop asking us about retarded features" they winked in a marketing talk. No shit.

You. Are. Not. Getting. Fucking. Furries. In. This. Game.

And you're not getting bozos either.

You just know they'll make a quest involving them that's played like a horror section
N-No... you're just joking, r-right?

I wouldn't even mind if Bozos and other smaller gangs didn't have dedicated missions like more important gangs, but if you just occasionally saw them at streets terrorizing people. They'd just bring lots of flavour to the world.

Absolutely delusional. Give me one good reason why not.

Cyberpunk is a

I already did

Firstly, the game doesn't have to be realistic by any means

Secondly, future California will be full of spics, not full of negroids. Negroids simply cause more violence and social decay, that's the media pushes them so hard.

Most American cities have a large black population, LA included. I imagine LA is more spic than black now though.

finally i can romance a black chick
based slavs

If anything, that just proves we'll get furries at some point. Since furries are incredibly mainstream at the moment.

Who here Philharmonic Vampyre Chad?

Attached: Vampyres.PNG.png (219x268, 54K)

The game doesn't even take place in LA so this whole argument is moot.

Barbies are only for black king's

who the fuck cares, mods will let me create my futa-dom of my dreams

One drop of melanin and the child's black user


this is the case only for american "whites"

Sorry, I meant notLA in futureCali. :^)

>california is going to be full of spics in 2077
>not a single cute latina announced yet
>instead we only have that one "i got news as big as my balls" retard

what were they thinking?

Attached: 1563206602103.png (264x468, 196K)

>Witcher 2
>extensive mod tools
3 mods in total
>Witcher 3
>no mod tools
thousands of mods


>Bioware reveals the very fist companion for Dragon Age Inquisition
>it's a black kween with dick sucking lips
>game releases
>you can't fuck her
>4 mass effect games
>not a single black chick
>have to wait for "racist" slavs to make fuckable black angels
So much for leafs and their inclusivity signaling

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Fuck she hot. Would let her rim me for sure

Incredibly fucking based

she looks like she's going to her some really nice tits

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75% then

I see Croats have arrived.

That cyberpunk is full of degenerates.

to be honest, she kinda looks like she only fucks black guys so it kinda fits

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I feel wrong for wanting to hatefuck that
bitch hard.

Is this real? If so hard pass.

Real characters but not the romance options

She looks like a female version of David Bowie, which is a good thing

David Bowie looks like a female version of David Bowie

David Bowie was lush

Well that's fair since Europe won't exist much longer

>acting like a girl having a dick is weird in a transhumanist future.
Everyone would have a big dick user. You can just go to the store and buy one.

I unironically want to fuck, breed and wife the middle girl.

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I would totally fuck the bald negress

I want to erase Bioware from history.

They did confirm more romance options than the Witcher though

>even the gang leaders need to fit my preference
actually cope. the fuck does it matter what the gang leaders that you're literally going to be killing look like?

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That's because she works for Dex. And V worked for Dex in the 40 minute demo. Dex eventually betrays V according to the CGI 2019 trailer after Jackie dies.

I hope I'll be able to kill all of them.
>tfw have to play an edgelord just to avoid any possibilities of accidentally getting involved into a shitty cringey datesim

V is probably flirty on his own

Black are more genetically diverse than all whites.

Because its 2077.

And CP2020 was 2020 and it still had 80s flair. What a stupid argument.

Because it was made in the 80´s.
This is made in 2020 so it have this fashion.

This game looks like shit

>TW3 has exactly 2 face mesh mods
Yeah. You're stuck with ugly.

Mid has a cute outfit, hopefully it's not exclusive to the nigress.

2020 was made in the 90's

>sleeper hit

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You don't like converse + essential Cyberpunk™ glowy line so that you know it's the future?

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The dude with all the things in his face
And the nigger with the mechanical arm

They're remaking Saints Row 3?

>the V stands for Vocel

Literally only one of those niggers you mentioned is a gang leader

Is that supposed to be Keanu Reeves to the right?

Dex is a fixer. He doesn't have a gang. Dude with all the things in his face is Maelstrom gang leader.

Also we've seen this Asian guy in a trailer and 2 promotional arts now. He's definitely leader of Tyger's Claw.
Maybe the chick in this picture is a character too seeing how fleshed out her design is.

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You're retarded, one is explicitly said to be the leader of maelstrom

Doesn't even look like him

would bang middlenig

>Tyger's Claw.
Quick rundown? wouldn't mind that chick being a option to fug

Sick, I have someone to murder.

>Maybe the chick in this picture is a character too
Hope so. I want my Yea Forums to have as many conquests of as many different genders as I can manage

He's in costume, are you stupid?

Gook purists who don't augment themselves

The only bad part of it is the neon in the boots. Which was likely added because you niggers never stop bitching about it.

Sketchers are the future

That gook looks pretty augmented for a purist.
>tfw we won't be allowed to roll with no augs at all

>Cdpr is following the lore

What the fuck is with the four front wheels on the car?

I'd definitely fuck big nig.

veteran Poles get fed with low/middle level polish management and left or get fired
they get replaced by westerners and other basedboys

The only augments you have to get are the ones in the demo right, the hand one and scanner? Otherwise you don't need any specific ones. Plus I imagine it would be hard as a merc competing against full chromed up faggots dabbing on you all the time. And personally I'd never understand the idea of playing something in a setting where everyone augments their bodies and not doing it yourself,
I plan on going all out.

>new game comes out
>hope it's something new and fresh
>nah it's the same shit
>wtf guys other games did it and it was fine

Needs more black bulls and white girls. Nu Yea Forums LOVES CDPR, I'm glad that Yea Forums is finally learning that diversity is the future.

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>Why does everybody want to RP as a bladerunner in a cyberpunk game?

>I plan on going all out.
So do I, at least on my first character, but I would have liked to be an anti-augment deadbeat just trying to get by.
And the two augments you start the game with are the eye scanner one, and the chip implant that lets you see Keanu Silverhand

Style over substance

Japanese bōsōzoku biker gang. They prefer little augments and focus mostly on melee fighting and martial arts. They're secretly funded by Arasaka.

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why does CDPR love big strong black guys so much?

and why do they put them next to white girls in every artwork?

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Yeah the actual in-game models are kinda meh.

Why would you expect anything from the witcher 3 devs retard

Japs jumping on the BLACKED meme is the best thing ever.

>rping as a noir character in a cyberpunk setting
For what purpose

Nothing's more degenerate than burning coal

People spreading misinformation because they have nothing better to do

This feature is supposedly not even in the game and people are bitching anyways.

>expecting something new and fresh
>AAA game
Nigger you dumb as fuck.

Because people like you who obsess over niggercock get triggered

Why not? It's awesome to hunt punks.

>Half the cast in the Netflix show is black
>Identity politics in new game
>All the females shown are ugly

Wasn't their feminism in TW3?

There is a Cyberpunk Netflix show produced by cdpr?
How do you know there are identity politics in the game and what exactly do you mean by that?

user they made three games with a straight white womanizer in an European fantasy setting. They're just doing the invert of that for a change. Every time when they talk about romances they mention how they're not constrained anymore by a preset character like Geralt so they can make different options for the players.

And I don't get why people are upset by these four posters. The cover of a game as well as the CGI trailer literally features a white looking guy.

Attached: cyberpunk-2077-reversible-cover.original.jpg (1920x1080, 535K)

There was some elf bitch who tells you off for getting rid of some ruffians for her and another short quest where you save a girl but she tells you she could've handled them herself. You meet her again at a later point where she comes to help you beat up some thugs and one shots them

Yes because all games with playersexual romances have gone over so well in the last 5 years

Who's the leader of a gang, but not black.

Middle one is the type of black women I wouldn't mind to be in more games. Specially as romance options.

My point wasn't even that the game had companions, it was that when cyberpunk has thing other game has it's considered bad then.

They were racist before. In Witcher you played as a badass pale white guy who fucks multiple beautiful white women. It had too much white culture and white racism. Thankfully the new game will promote only interracial relationships and beautiful diversity. God bless!

Making it up. Those are characters that were featured in the latest demo shown to press. That's the leader of the Voodoo Boys, a big-shot fixer, his netrunner, another of the Voodoo Boys, and the leader of the Animals.

They're not going to risk showing the sexy babes this early. Game journos would complain and they'd be forced to remove them from the game.

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Ikr, white people are so sensitive lmao. They had a fantasy game about white culture but a nice realistic futuristic game can't have unrealistic standards. It's a god damn miracle the MC they used is white, should be thankful for that.

Because your examples are mostly Bethesda and Bioware games. They can't write plots anymore let alone romances. And romances are cringe anyway.

I'm just saying CDPR are making whatever the fuck fits the source setting. It's California set in 2077. Of course you'll see all sorts of groups there. Especially in a fictional city where everybody in the world goes to. The main district where V lives is literally a safe haven for refugees.

They weren't racist. They were faithful to the source material. And they're being faithful to Cyberpunk 2020 now too.

Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 — Official E3 2019 Gameplay Sneak Peek 540.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

I want to join the robot people and become a 12 foot tall titan.

Japan's #1 fetish is NTR, cheating/cuckolding.
They also have a lot of african immigrants who work as barkers for shady clubs and massage places, so they both love getting cuckolded and see black dudes are intimidating, pushy men who work for the sex industry.

>Cdpr writes good romance

A point that was debunked by


Got a source for that?

>all the powerful magic users are stronk womyn

Which was debunked by If you actually went into this expecting anything other then cyberpunk witcher then that's on you.

>positive thread gets shitposted and dies within 30 replies
>literal lying baiting shitpost OP is going to hit bump limit

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who cares about Yea Forums opinion? even if this game ends up being the best game in existence, shitposters would still make bash threads because Yea Forums has a hardon for shitting on cdprojekt for some reason.

That's not even true.

Attached: theshadman.webm (586x596, 2.92M)

Yea Forums has a hardon for shitting on cdprojekt

it's one guy

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Why are you defending cyberpunk 2077 while at the same time agreeing with that guy shitting on it?
Sounds to me like you don't have an actual opinion on the matter and you're just trying to go full "big bad Yea Forums vs me" like all redditards do


lol cry more kurwa shill

Says an increasingly nervous man for the thirtieth time.

>this is the same studio that gave us top tier waifus with yen, triss, ciri and shan
Yes, let's forget that The Witcher comes from a series of books with established characters. A series with seven books.

Turns out that making something is way harder than adapting it. Just look how GoT nosedived to shit IMMEDIATELY as it stopped following the books.

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Convenient boogeyman against literally anything.

It’s bait you fucking retard.
These are gang leaders in the game.

What's stopping them from making cute characters? Reading a fantasy novel doesn't improve one's 3D modeling skills.

>this is the game from 2020

Attached: disgust.gif (500x383, 998K)

Holy shit, this guy's posted this more than the guy he claims he's trying to expose.

Those menpō masks better be in the game. Any mask would be appreciated really. In the 40 minute demo we've seen both the face and head slots for gear.

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You sound very nervous there.

Who is the qtp2t in the stealth suit?

Says the schizo who has been chasing ghosts for over a year now

It's supposed to be dystopian :)

>game is advertised with rtx garbage already
>the only 20 seconds of bullshot footage they got (no counting abysmal e3 reveal)
>couldn't even QA a few 1 second long shots
Look at this shit. Light on the left is destroyed already, but reflection is still there. This is the true RTX potential, preordering.

Attached: the power of rtx.png (954x538, 783K)

Yen, Merigold, Shani, they were already established characters with well defined appearance and personalities way before CDProjektRed even thought about making Witcher games. It is easy to pick an established character and scenario and work on it's constraints, no wonder fanfic is considered beginner tier writing.

Now they are making new characters, and usually, they are listening to other people's opinions on what constitutes good character design: They are listening to the opinion of the wrong people. As they mass imported and surrounded themselves with amerimutts from commiefornia, the people they are getting input from are the same that makes all western games abhorrent looking in the character design department to begin with. OP's pic is false, but I don't expect much better in the final game.

Attached: TOMATO.jpg (300x300, 23K)

That's one of the better shots of this game desu

>expecting anything less from Yea Forums
The only time Yea Forums ever had legitimate discussions about this game waa for about a week after e3 his year.

jews took over cd projekt

>"here are your cyberpunk romance options bro"

and? your greentexting romance options? the fucks'a matter with you user? bored?

>only blacks and trannies remain
This is the darkest dystopian future I've ever seen.

>CDPR hasnt unveiled any companions yet besides Hispanic bro and this guy. You’re looking at gang leaders, who are appropriately black.
also OP is a faggot and a nigger

I wanna see them fuck the daylights outta her with no OMG NEGROES bullshit involved.
>hey, I'm black, sometimes I just wanna watch a dude that looks like me dick down some squealing asian puss without the American style subtext

Style over substance. Sounds about right.

>it's the future so everyone must be waring stupid clothes
god i hate sci-fi fags

Attached: 1555763139496.jpg (624x474, 24K)

It was banging, not romance, unless you can point to a real romance that isn't some fucked up shit like the bitch witches.

Ciri was described as an ugly boy looking thing in the books. Yet she's the most beautiful girl in the trilogy and one of the cutest female characters the west has ever produced. Again, adaptations and pre-described characters do not improve your 3D modeling skills and artistic vision. That's not really an excuse.

>They are listening to the opinion of the wrong people. As they mass imported and surrounded themselves with amerimutts from commiefornia, the people they are getting input from are the same that makes all western games abhorrent looking in the character design department to begin with
Yes, this is the actual reason. And I know OP is baiting. Still doesn't change the fact that we're yet to see one female character that isn't a greasy goblina. inb4 somebody posts that ugly ripperdoc rubber bitch that looks straight out of the PS3 era.

As opposed to fucking up their bodies to look uglier?

>fashion doesn't change, it must be similar to what I know!
user, you are really stupid right now.

Yeah but you'd expect to see at least ONE (1) beautiful character.
Especially since that's the most desired body modification you see in real life too. Everybody wants to look younger and prettier. I get that degenerates living in a ghetto like to look like punk deformities but celebrities and corporate people would prefer to look pretty.

Instead we get this balding granny abomination despite her being wealthy and powerful.

She was described as an ugly boy when she was a child. And she was in the prelude.

That's my point. Cdpr has never done romance good, it was just sex.


So why are you judging them on something they haven't really done, because others did it poorly (and did it well)?
>balding granny abomination
>no wrinkles
>thick head of hair
>clear eyes
>signs of high end augs/work that aren't immediately obvious and are supposed to look natural rather than obvious

Because now their "romance" is going to be even more shallow, what with all the transhumanist cyborgs and androids roaming around?

How do you know that?
You don't, at all, and anything you say now is typical Yea Forums doomspeak.

>in a cyberpunk world
>being this retarded

Attached: Seriously.gif (220x225, 857K)

I swear to God, my biggest fear in life is becoming the patient zero for a shame meme in the way that this faggot right here has. Lord, please never let me wind up on the internet.

Because you just said that Witcher 3 romances were shit?

No, I said they weren't romances, they were fucking.
They are not the same thing.
Learn something about people, it will help you grow.

so this is the next game you retards are hoping everybody will hate

You just said it again

I said they weren't romances, and the ones there were clearly abusive and riven by power politics.
It's not a romance, it's fucking by people attracted to each other. What is a romance to you, man?
You think Witcher had them? They weren't, by design.

Still not same uglu face.
Read his post again, slowly.

The romances aren't playersexual. The characters will have their own preferences.

>she's the most beautiful girl in the trilogy
lol no

They gave their best for female V. She is perfect, but is it worth it if you can't romance her as male V?

>There's not going to be bisexual romances in an open world action fps in the year of our Lord 2020

They aren't making shit, they are adapting the tabletop game which has visual references for it's lore..so fuck off.

The bike looks nice but
>that awful JUST hair
>converse copy but with added led stripes for whatever reason

Wtf I love Poland now. Danzig is forgiven.
Can someone confirm this?

>play game about augmentation
>choose not to augment yourself
Why are you even playing a game like that in the first place then

>not new and fresh because it has something already seen
So Cuphead is not new and fresh according to your single digit IQ logic.

>Why do people want to RP as a blade running in the closest thing we'll ever get to a blade runner game in our lifetime?

Yeah, that's true to the lore..mind you that they also are a group of stabby cunts...well most of them.

0 Aug ninjas are fun as Fuck to play in pen and paper.

>i'm playing the game wrong but i still demand it change to my desires
I get it but it's not a blade runner game, complaining a game that isn't blade runner doesn't allow you to play like you're playing a blade runner game isn't a very good argument.

>defending feminist bullshit
Fuck off, if you defend that shit then you're properly a cyberpunk shill.

Hot desu

>Fuck you this is a linear story game and not an RPG
As expected from a cddrone

"RPG" doesn't mean you can RP as something from a completely different universe dipshit.

>I will now try to redefine a genre to shill for cdpr for free

But you're the one who is redefining it.. are you being retarded on purpose or something?


>I have now lost and will now resort to hyperbole and ad hominem

>>no wrinkles
>>thick head of hair
Augment your eyes

>the concept of an RPG isn't that you can play characters from unrelated universe and instead role play something within that universe that makes sense
>no ur rong
>hurr durr i win lol
You're actually retarded, i'm going to stop giving you (You)'s.

>all niggers
Hard no from me


Attached: cute.jpg (650x502, 146K)

getting better

>I can not accept defeat and must continue my personal attack because of my fragile ego

>Caring about romance options in a crime game

>still doesn't have an answer for me
Final (You) unless you can answer why it's logical for the game to support you playing an out of universe character within it's framework without saying "no ur wrong" and not actually saying why.

Attached: 1459791339185.png (523x502, 445K)

>inb4 somebody posts that ugly ripperdoc rubber bitch that looks straight out of the PS3 era
But she actually looked good, what are you on about?

>Having abandoned all dignity I double down and post a reaction image as if to consolidate my non-argument

Giga nigga here wears normal Chuck Taylors so hopefully we'll be able to have the non-glowy version too.

Attached: 62032651_304254380525739_1550610790408721443_n.jpg (985x1146, 132K)

Why isn't that video listed on their channel?

these are characters from the haitian faction not romance interests you fucking nigger

It's amazing how much makeup they have to put on to look even remotely attractive

it bothers me her dick is on backwards

I reckon because those are bits from the upcoming 40 minute demo that they've only showed to journos at E3. We saw that sneak peak on the E3 stage too. It's linked and mirrored on their twitter.

Why is Male V so ugly? The one from the E3 cinematic looked much better.

She needs that makeup for her mature image. She actually looks cuter without it.

Attached: bareface.webm (720x1280, 2.68M)

There is a character creator in the game, no worries.

You answered your own question. You can't compare in-game models to pre-rendered CGI.

Attached: 1560235582502.webm (1280x720, 2.89M)

I think it's because they were really pulling a Commander Sheppard vibe and wanted to get away from that

As long as there are no transgender weirdos.

i actually agree with a waifu fag for once, perfect 10/ 10 men and women belong in this game too artificially. why wouldnt they be in but they should look good but fake.

That doesn't mean much if it sucks.

Attached: presets.jpg (1420x374, 66K)

This guys is a fucking moron.

thanks bro

Attached: hz477t0cg9b31.jpg (1920x1080, 416K)

Fake and gay

This. I mean if you can literally switch out facial parts on the fly like webm related then there's no reason why ugly people are so prevalent.

Attached: 1528690492116.webm (1600x900, 1.21M)

Eh yeah so far we've basically only seen presets and ???different hairstyles?? or did I dream that? but I feel like they would probably do something a bit better than that.

Literally Andromeda tier character creation

Because they modeled him on a slav

Translate these moonrunes weebs

Attached: 1563569622934.jpg (1600x900, 180K)

cope more tranny

Glad I never wanted this shit to start with

You are so stupid, people make themselves ugly ON PURPOSE. You see the same shit happening today, you think everyone jas the same beauty standards.

People make themselves ugly because they will never be perfect and hate themselves. You're the retard

But V is slavier when he looks good.

What is this expression meant to convey?

Beauty standard is objective and measurable. Humans are evolutionary programmed to seek out healthy features which is why they're attractive to everybody.

Just because you have some Marxists forcing freaks and fat bitches onto the mainstream won't change the facts.

Female V is perfect and Male V from the cinematic is great, though

Dunno, I got anger, grief and regret vibes but I am also a social retard so disregard me.

>Female V is perfect
user stop. You've been doing this for way too long. It's unhealthy.

Attached: 1557930591296.png (300x385, 66K)

>saying the truth is unhealthy
Desu, if I start waifuing V my life will get more healthy.
Also kys for using shit anime pictures. Kindly.

Why are they all black or trannies bros
I-I thought CD Project Red were based

>Source material is made by a black guy
>Therefore, black waifus

Is it really that confusing?

Attached: (JPEG Image, 1920 × 1080 pixels) - Scaled (68%).jpg (1920x1080, 120K)

>shit taste
>also hates anime
Ah. You were a reddit tourist all along.

Attached: 1559103443767.png (128x128, 53K)

Yes because his wife is white.

Attached: mike.jpg (1280x960, 305K)

No user.

>not one white woman

>criticizing one part of the game is the same as criticizing the entire thing
the main point was that the companion mechanic is shit, not the whole game


Holy shit. I'd want the dystopia to come down in full force and obliterate what's left of humanity too.

>all this degenerate filth
>can't go full Dredd mode and judge them all
Shit game

They're already translated

The dude has a tranny son in law?

>>shit taste
>>hates anime
Choose one. Enjoy your shitty medium with a hideous overused art style with poor facial features and bad proportions.
One day maybe you'll grow some taste.

Wrong neighborhood policeboi

Attached: 1528715613748.webm (1600x900, 2.57M)

because anyone who lives in california knows in the future there will be zero blacks. The hispanic gang bangers literally try to genocide the poor blacks which pushes them further and further north until they leave the state or die. What, you never thought it was odd how hispanics outnumbered blacks in diverse california even though all the black wrappers and black crime stories use to come from socal? There's been a secret race war going on in socal for the past 20 years which never gets talks about and its hispanics vs blacks rather than blacks vs whites.

That's just the average whiteoid woman past 18.

Voodoo boys are pacific islanders though. So they're the newly arrived blacks.

Except your post Implied you were criticizing the game. And the companion mechanic isnt shit just because you don't like it. Keep eating shit how much you want tho.

That's obviously a man

Did this guy ever speak out about the memes?

Oh hey that Bushido 3 movie poster is just reused

just don't post your face on the internet
and don't look like la creature basilisks

>The hispanic gang bangers literally try to genocide the poor blacks
They're doing what whites have too much empathy to do.


Attached: Cyberpunk 2077 – official E3 2018 trailer.jpg (752x609, 62K)

>that fucking big whap and grab on that street walkers ass
Yeah I'm thinking this game is based

They're just too stupid to make it in society

>Which was likely added because you niggers never stop bitching about it.
They were always there. They're just more visible in the dark.

Attached: 2018.jpg (3840x2160, 609K)

Same with Neomilitarism poster.

Attached: snapshot.jpg (747x572, 53K)

Where were you when iRobot graduated from being some niche sci-fi movie in the early 2000's to some sort of future pop culture icon?

Those are some 10/10 feet

TW3 had good feet models too. There's a footfag at CDPR.

Attached: 1535406956914.webm (750x750, 2.57M)

ok but where is Bushido 4?

>This is the darkest dystopian future I've ever seen.

>the in-game version adds ANOTHER black dude instead of the robot head man

Bix nood muhfugga

I have no words to describe this game at the current time. Catastrophe? Wasted potential?

Anyway, day 1 pirate.

Unironically Jews and SJWs.

>day 1
Do you want a buggy mess? That's how you get a buggy mess.

Shit is getting so bad that I'm even debating pirating at all

Yeah but that's how you avoid spoilers too.

When was the last time you saw a nigger pose like that? Never. It doesn't happen.
This game is literally trying to brainwash people.

lol all blacks and one thing. This diversity is just too good. I guess blacks are the majority in the future?

Attached: snapshot.jpg (3840x2160, 1.11M)

Who gives a shit, not like the story is going to be any good.
Hell, I don't know what IS going to be any good anymore.

>When was the last time you saw a nigger pose like that?
I see pictures of cutesy black chicks acting feminine in Yea Forums spam threads all the time.

No you don't. Show some examples and I'll tell you if they're actually black or mixed.

What's funny is people think CDPR are some sort of guiding light in an industry that just pumps out the same garbage over and over. What have they done besides that for the past 12 years?

Please tell me you're joking

Shh user, everybody knows the attractive black people are all 100% Nubian princess stock and that random bush wookies are all 10/10 models.

Post yfw there ARE cute girls in the game, but you can't romance them because they don't give a fuck about a degenerate cyberpunk like you.

Attached: 1464575059869.png (486x494, 310K)

>cyberpunk like you
Hi, CDPR. Truly we were the Cyberpunk 2077 all along.

We truly are the Cyberpunk

White guys are in the corps buddy

car design still looks a little too modern 2bh

>the Cyberpunk
We are all cybernetic punks.

>4/5 are nigs
I see they are actually going for the realistic depiction of USA future in this one

Frankly I can't wait to 2077 punk like it's a cyber revolution, yeah!

They pumped out really good garbage.

>they actually mo-capped someone acting out an actual curb stomp
how degenerate
im not saying it doesnt happen because blacks do it all the time, but theyre bascially glorifying that behavior.

They'd all be Mexicans if that were the case.


1k yard stare

>Glorifying pavement ape behavior
We we all Cyberpunk all along

Qt assassin with some retractile claws gf when

Attached: 1544063634249.jpg (1181x1771, 112K)

Most influential corpos are Asians though. America in Cyberpunk 2020 universe got assfucked by the Japs and now the strongest corporation in USA and the world is Arasaka. A Japanese company. Japantown is located in Westbrook which is the most corporate district of Night City and Watson is filled with multiple different Chinese districts and other Asian immigrants.

This is why you see kanji/kana in neon signs and UI menus, Japanese gangs, Japanese manufactured bikes and weapons, Chinese shops, shogun posters, geisha posters and other Asian apparels all over the place.

Attached: 1545240671807.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

Very problematic. Guess it's time to boycott.

Works for me.

Absolutely dreadful. I didn’t know Cyberpunk was synonymous with ugly and disgusting

Who said "all"? Most people are average or ugly. But you can find cute girls of all races. Of course they're rare, that's natural.

does the city looks like this?

Attached: baito desu.gif (400x254, 1.43M)

Middle one is cute tho

He really doesn't like the jacket but he can't bring himself to return it. Poor lad.

Nonono, all black people are attractive. Are you racist or something?

Looks so soulless and empty. Needs more flying cars.

I feel bad for the people who waited so patiently for this expecting a Ghost in the Shell type experience only to end up with this shit.

I'd be pretty upset. That begs the question though, why doesn't Japan make a game like this? GitS is really popular over there so it could work.

Grace unironically has huge fucking milkers that puts that virtual corpo mommy to shame.

its a dystopia
so its all niggers and other subhumans

Because nobody would actually buy it. Cdpr baited and switched the cyperpunk community to try and get them to market this game for them, but now it's just turned out to be a watered down mess.

I believe they would. You underestimate how many people actually want a good Cyberpunk game.

Yes those are the design assets of it. You can see that same building with the bridges in both E3 trailers. However the draw distance can't be that high. That's just an animated wallpaper.

Maybe we'll get mods that increase the draw distance on the PC.

Attached: 1560114330275.png (1920x1080, 3.26M)

I see that Yea Forums and TheBull94 and his discord raid groups are STILL shitposting about Cyberpunk 2077.

Let's just see a new Shadowrun game after this makes a headway for future cyberpunk games to come.
It's all I'm asking.

If you think this game looks good then you unironically have shit taste. Not even Neo can save it at this point.

Why would anyone be a cager in this game when you have bikes like that?

Attached: 1528733148258.webm (1280x720, 1.94M)

Watch this single-handedly kill cyberpunk

Should be interesting to see how astral chain does.

Then they're retarded because this isn't GitS, it's Cyberpunk and the creator is working on it with them.

If both Blade Runner movies flopping catastrophically and wasting hundreds upon hundreds of kike millions didn't kill the genre nothing will.

>the creator is working on it with them

Astral Chain isn't cyberpunk, it's more like Utena with monsters.

No, fuck you man.
It can't die yet, it just arrived.

What? You do realise Mike Pondsmith has literally talked about the game and has written a new P&P RPG set in 2077, right? How unaware of this are you? This is exactly what he wanted, go and read interviews about it if you don't believe so. He's also incredibly anti-SJW.

Yet sadly, it's more cyberpunkish than this game.

Attached: hmm cringe.png (655x643, 301K)

>and has written a new P&P RPG set in 2077, right
Uhh no? Cyberpunk RED begun development before 2077 was even in production. And CP RED is set before 2077 and after 2020.

I thought you meant the creator of GitS.

Pondsmith has admitted he's almost never asked for his input

>Cyberpunk Red is an upcoming pen and paper RPG by R.Talsorian Games. It is meant to be the latest edition of the Cyberpunk RPG to coincide with the release of the video game Cyberpunk 2077.

Yeah I'd like to see dense air traffic like Blade Runner too. But that would just be rubbing salt in the wound since we can't use them ourselves.

Attached: 1528689677543.webm (1600x900, 1.42M)

It's a gang, you know how all gangs are racially segregated. Don't know whats up with the thing on the right though.

>gang bosses are black
>corporate bosses are white

How long until game "journalists" freak out and call the game racist?

Attached: f79.jpg (563x843, 41K)

As soon as we see a successful white male.

You are a fucking retard, he was literally at E3 with them dipshit

>getting out of a car in motion
What exec would do that? They would sit comfortably until some valet opened the door for them.

[citation needed]

In his fucking YouTube video he says they drag him out to Poland often

Calm down autismo, it was a misunderstanding. I thought he meant the creator of GitS, which has nothing to do with this travesty of a game.

He doesn't actually do anything for them, they're just trying to pull a game of thrones and claim "hey there's books, so it must be good!"

>Yea Forums wants this game to fail
>It’s already sold more in preorders than W3

Attached: 50DC6C7C-5894-49DA-BF6A-FBBFAF8B3AAF.jpg (640x379, 43K)

Yeah 7 years ago you daft cunt

People are stupid. This is why the world is in its current state, and why Jews rule everything.

She's got shock dampeners in her legs

How is that in any way contradicting anything I've said. I'm not even the user you're talking with. CPRED is not set in 2077 and it began development before CDPR even contacted him. It's set before 2077, after the great corporate war of 2020. He chose the name "RED" because they always used one color to represent eras. CD Project Red being named that way was just a coincidence that he saw as a good omen. youtube.com/watch?v=Ut80REYhyPQ

Mike is involved in 2077 and has some input. Like saying that weapons shouldn't look sleek for example youtube.com/watch?v=O9_rjQYByrA

Attached: 1560438780454.png (355x347, 134K)

Did anybody preorder Witcher 3?

>H-he doesn’t actually do anything!!!!!
>F-fuck you showing up at E3 doesn’t count
>His YouTube video where he says they’re constantly asking him out to Poland don’t count either!!!!

Attached: A7FBAA46-964B-48D9-94AE-ABCC97835A02.jpg (576x618, 70K)

Nobody wanted this game to fail, retard. They wanted an actual cyberpunk rpg, not GTA 2077.

Corpos have no time to wait.

>t. Thebull94 who spends his life shitposting about CDPR on Yea Forums
Must be sad being such a cuck and watching the slavs btfo

Please tell me this is a joke

>They wanted an actual cyberpunk rpg, not GTA 2077
>Origins based on your choice cause you to start in different places
>Character customization
It’s already more of an RPG than Dey’s Ex retard. How exactly is it like GTA at all? You must be retarded.

4 million people did iirc.

Must be sad being a non white.

Nope. No classes. Just three perk trees that you pick and mix when leveling up. You don't choose a class in the character creator. It's Skyrim system.

>Character customization
WWE has character customization. I guess it's an RPG too.

How's that cdpr cock taste? Don't forget to take a break now and then.

what the hell are you on about
go watch his e3 interviews, he's with them every step of the way

Yes it is, congrats on being retarded user, you’ll fit in well here

Attached: 06DE63BE-8F02-4AB6-9718-E1E970E7BE55.png (500x300, 42K)

Like Slavs?

>durr gameplay is all dat madders!!1!
Yeah, who cares if the game is full of minorities. The fact that they put so much emphasis on adding Keanu to the game proves that it's shit and they have zero faith in it selling as well as they hope.

>t. Seething Thebull94
Only one taking cock is you, thought you’d get tired of the taste after CDPR ran a rape train on your ass with W3. Guess you loved it so much you’re back for more huh?

Slaves are white. Mexicans are not, and I guarantee you're some type of Mexican.

>Yeah, who cares if the game is full of minorities.
Well you just showed you never cared about Cyberpunk in the first place you dumb fucking faggot considering the TTRPG was created by a black dude

Don't even know who that is, faggot

How did 4 million people preorder it when they barely sold 2 million copies int the first year?

Just like how you don’t know who your father is nigger. Should try asking the local bums at the homeless shelter, they’d epretty familiar with your mother.

And yet he's never talked about what he does for them

>they barely sold 2 million copies int the first year?
What? Where are you getting that number dumbass? They sold over 10 million in the first year.

Holy fuck that's anikin i get that reference now.

>Slaves are white

Only 1.5 million people pre-ordered it and they only sold a million copies for over a year after that.

Attached: Oof.jpg (565x546, 63K)

In every facet of civilization, there were slaves yes.

Dont speak to me like that im suicidal

Oh boy, enjoy a different prologue mission and some dialogue choices.
This shit actually worked in Dragon Age because being a Dalish elf, a Tower mage, or an Orzammar dwarf was completely different.
Hell, when you enter Orzammar for the first time, it makes quite an impression, except not if that's where you came from. CDPR would never allow such a major alteration, not epic and cinematic enough.
Starting as a Dalish elf invalidates the exotic feel of those in the camp. Can't allow anything like that (not even speculating, all but confirmed you can't get furfag augs yourself). Bioware also did that shit with DA2 where you're the humanest human, and missed the opportunity to add more options in Andromeda instead of making the same shit.

Hate to say it but this is looking pretty realistic, props to them.

>another black guy with a white (asian?) chick
What the fuck