

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-19-18-57-51-980_com.android.browser.png (1080x1920, 944K)

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>linking to kotaku

The spammers really are gamejournosgroup aren't they?

excuse me what's wrong with kotaku??

Did they noticed the resounding fuck you?

What isn't wrong with Kotaku.
Game they changed to isn't worth a shit either.

Wow nobody wanted to play footshit and Sony changed the game! Oh fucking nooooo! Also fuck off you kotaku faggot.

>what's wrong with kotaku
Fuck off

go back

I don't understand what's the issue with kotaku
Make me, I guess

It's just newfags that don't know Yea Forums has been linking to Kotaku before they were born.

Attached: 4c5.jpg (320x320, 43K)

>What's wrong with cancer?

Attached: (You) don't belong here.png (461x447, 232K)

Is this a discord raid or something? Stop forcing your shitty meme I don't understand

Go home Reddit-kun.

Attached: pol nope, you are getting gas.gif (149x181, 836K)

Go back where you came from underage.

Attached: 1452642467224.jpg (400x400, 51K)

More importantly, the new game is Detroit, the game about how robot niggers be people too. So a major downgrade from shitty football.

Back to era trannies, fuck off from my site with your shady local memes without any explanations

ResetTrannies loves Kotaku you triple nigger.
Go back to Reddi.t you brainlet child.

Attached: v Your Post and the rest of the thread.webm (640x360, 797K)

>hating Reddit
Back to Era tranny


Attached: IMG_0423.jpg (200x200, 5K)

user, linking to Kotaku used to be a bannable offense.

>hating reddi*
>t. Dilated pedoera tranny

Attached: 1562588435691.png (700x700, 292K)

Listen here you little nigger jew, go back to Reddi.t, and take the 41% with you.

Attached: Welcome to 4chan.webm (480x288, 2.26M)

You can hate reddi.t and trannies at the same time, you dumb jew.

Attached: Mike why.gif (350x300, 454K)

You don't belong here

Either you are very dedicated to this shit bait, or you are absolutely idiotic newfag.
In either case, get out.

Falsifying and misrepresenting information. Also passing obvious click bait? They are pretty much the Fox/CNN of games "journalism". There was a time they were ok. There was a time.

Injecting their personal social and political opinions into their "reporting". Let's not forget the Hulkamania blow up where they literally refused to comply with a court order and openly commit defamation. A NEWS SOURCE openly commit defamation.

What isn't.

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