Are there ANY games that manage to make fishing fun?
Are there ANY games that manage to make fishing fun?
Ultimate Fishing Simulator
Far cry 5
Unironically Zelda
games where fishing is actually rewarding for the main game (even if the minigame sucks) and not just collecting fishes for no reason or mediocre consumables you don't even need
no. it's the same in every game for me, fun and comfy for like 10 minutes, then the novelty wears off
How are games supposed to make it fun when it's not even fun in real life?
spent 1k hours fishing in that game
Super Black Bass
Severely underrated game
Fishing isn't fun in real life, so games are actually incredibly accurate in that respect
it's hard to make naturally un-fun things fun, OP
vanilla wow, you can fish up shit that sells like hotcakes
Warframe is alright i guess
real life is the only time fishing is fun
It's extremely basic though.
FFXV gets my vote.
>game tries to fool you into buying it with a loli and a band-aid for $2 and it worked
not only you get fish but also good gear.
that's like saying warfare is 99% waiting and transportation, so military shooters should do the same
>Not enjoying finding a quiet spot by the lake shore
>not enjoying spending a day and evening by a campfire
>Not enjoying roasting and eating something you caught yourself
>Not enjoying being disconnected from the troubles of the modern world, watching the waves lap gently against the shore, the only sounds being the birds, the water, and the occasional boat
there are tons of boring irl activities that are super fun in vidya you idiot
it's not like saying that at all, since I didn't say whether fishing games should or should not be realistic or fun
I never played Yakuza games, isn't there fishing there?
Also the game Fate I guess
You just posted it
I liked twilight princess’ fishing
misread, sorry
you're still a fag for using a name
fuck I didn't realize I had a name set on. It's from a post last night lmao
he said fun
Zelda, WoW, and Sonic Adventure spring to mind.
eyebrows edit are always funny.
Once you get the hang of the Stardew Valley minigame it's fun
I'm with you, but then you find worms or parasites in your fish. How can I get around that part?
You fish up all kinds of gangsta ass shit in this game and then Tito from Rocket Power cheers you on
Toss those directly on the fire, help clean the water of infected fish. Do the same with invasive species.
Also don't keep whole fish, chop off the head, filet the sides, then toss what you don't plan to eat back into the water. Saves cooler space, just don't be a dick and leave a mess of fish guts all over your camp.
eat them too
fishing in vanilla wow
It’s not about fishing mechanics or mini games it’s all about finding a nice quite place and getting comfy. As a bonus you get to make it into to useful food buffs and also find treasures
>band-aid OVER clothes
Final Fantasy XV
>he doesn't use bandaids to fix ripped kneesocks
Is fishing IRL actually like RDR2? I hate how it controls, because reeling hardly does anything, you just tug back on the line to do most of the work. It sucks.
So if I open up a fish, how can I make sure there's no worms or parasites in it? Slice it down the middle, remove the organs, try and de-bone and fillet it, and if I see anything suspect in the meat just burn it?
burn it or toss it somewhere for local birds/raccoons and such.
Add subtle lovecraftian lore.
>not drinking beer and listening to tunes while fishing
Its a great way to relax and be in nature.
>nobody mentioned Sega Bass Fishing
Come on Y'all.
That's a good one to.
user did you unironically just ask if a video game is comparable to real life?
Of course it's fucking not.
>FFXV gets my vote.
they kept on forcing you to buy new lines since they have durability. They made too realistic and unfun
>tfw everyone jumps in the water to get the fish out because it's too fucking big
twilight priness
>end up muting the audio because tired of backseat fishing
Breath of fire 4 was cozy too.
Any tips for getting over my grossout over insects and parasites? I know they're just protein and technically they can just be ripped out of the fish and the flesh cleaned off, but its still really disgusting seeing something live and writhing. I had a bit of a traumatic experience flipping over a dead rabbit as a kid while it was full of maggots and worms. I'd like to be able to get over it so I can enjoy hunting/fishing and eating wild meat prepared completely myself someday, just not sure how to go about it.
FFXV Monsters of the Deep VR game is pretty good
I don't care for beer really. I like to mountain bike though, so I get my nature fix from that
worms and maggots put me off and rotting smells make me sick, so the best I can say is to wear gloves and try not to think about what you're touching/seeing. Don't worry to much about getting sick, people like to say you'll get used to it but some people never really do. Know I haven't.
The simpler the better in my opinion. Harvest moon and animal crossing do a good job
FFXI had the best fishing minigame. Actually challenging.
Mh4u's fishing was boring but comfy as fuck if you were doing it while listening to something
>Warframe is alright i guess
Going to have to go with this one.
It's simple but at the same time realistic
For all its flaws, FFXV had some really fun fishing. Fantasy fishing in itself is fun, and every game with fishing should have fishing boss fights. Bonus points if you can accidentally drag out a fishman and have to fight it on land but I don't know if any game that does that.
On the same note, are there any good fishing mods or Fallout, Elder Scrolls or Witcher 3?
No, the fun part of fishing is chilling out in nature, pretending you're doing something. That's the exact opposite of what I want from a game.
Unironically minecraft
I'll admit that the areas and aesthetics of fishing in 4 were cozy indeed. The actual mechanics of fishing in 4 were a large step backwards though.
Disgusting. I used to be fond of fishing as a kid, then the unpleasantness of murdering and eating some poor water-dwellers dawned on me and I left them alone.
Where do you think any meat you consume comes from user.
>tfw this game was on sale but I don't know how enjoyable it is because Yea Forums doesn't talk about it
>this is actually a real game
Based Kadokawa and that character designer as well.
I used to fish a lot in the baltic sea and the cod there have worms in them most of the time.
The only way to be sure wether a fish has worms in it is to kill it and open the fish. The worms I had to deal with lived mostly in the organs and would only move into the flesh when the fish is dead for a while, so the faster you fillet your catch the less likely it is to have worms in it.
In the beginning I was grossed out by that whole topic as well, but then I realised that every store-bought cod at some point likely also had worms in it and got over it. In the industry they shine a bright light through the fillet to see all the worms and then pull them out
though most of them aren't fish I guess this still counts
>appreciate the ability to pick where to fish
>hate the fact that tech timing got worse compared to 3
Gave up on fishing half way through the game.
Well, I do not consume meat too user. It's easier to avoid doing something than doing it, after all.
What happened to that fish? Zombie fish?
I mean there are insect enthusiasts in japan who find all that stuff super interesting and not gross at all, so i wonder if its just a knowledge gap. If i learn enough about it maybe that queasy feeling will go away
is that michiru?
Hate me but this looks like shit
Fishing is one of the easiest outdoor activities to just go out and do. Granted you're not going to be landing that 30lb striped bass if you don't know what you're doing, but any idiot can catch a perch that size.
>falling for this shit because you are a pathetic fuck that likes anime, is a pedo and is retarded
No you don't really fight the fish, once it's latched you're pretty much good to just reel it in. You only tug back at first to dig the hook in.
there's nothing wrong with the band-aid
This isn't true at all. Thats how you snap your line with bigger fish. You literally do have to wear the fish. Once its hooked it isn't going anywhere UNLESS you put to much tension on the line and it snaps
that's fun
>big mouth bass
made me laugh
I'm not really sure why, but games that have collectible fish, I always seem to make that a priority over other collectibles and side tasks.
dark cloud 2 lets you level up your fishing rod, keep and train fish, enter them in a variety of tournaments and earn powerful gear/items. golfing is also pretty fun in that game