>Teleports behind you
Comfy powerups and upgrades thread.
>Teleports behind you
Comfy powerups and upgrades thread.
If we're discussing powerups and upgrades, can we talk about the fact that Fusion's sucked? It was shocking how derivative it was, given they made a big deal of Samus's suit being completely different. This is one of the many reasons Samus Returns is the better game.
Metroid 2 is better honestly, much better atmosphere, and no shoehorned Ridley boss that just removes the element of suprise in Super Metroid.
The original is only better if you ignore the game part of the video game.
It has not aged well at all.
You are now aware that master chief’s appearance in the first halo 4 (or was it 5?) trailer was a tribute to op’s pic.
The Diffusion beam is the most non beam beam in Metroid, genuinely fucking lame powerup.
I literally forgot I had it while playing the game.
Whatever happened to space pirate comics?
You mean the manga or the Nintendo Power comic?
Mp4 in 2020. I cant wait!
>People actually believe this.
Space Pirate comics come and go, the tubes are forever.
How did they reach this level of uncertainty and fear in a gameboy game?
>Varia suit
>Gravity suit
>Light suit
The holy trinity of final suit upgrades.
On the topic of suits, fuck the Other M suit, fucking pussy shit, too bright and colourfull in an already shitty looking greyfest of a game.
Suit's armor-wearing ponchos are so sexy. Also, Halo is so anime.
>Ice missiles
Just the ice beam and the missiles combined
>Diffusion missile
Just super ice missiles, again, just the ice beam
Literally all the rest are reused from Super Metroid, couldn't they come up with something new that isn't just compensation against the SA-X?
They could have also had a final boss that was actually not fucking lame.
>Robo Ridley
>Omega X
>Another Queen Metroid
Why are so many final bosses in Metroid so fucking lame?
Queen Metroid was not the final boss of Other M, it was Phantoon, or MB if you count that dissapointing "boss".
Thoughts on a ball busting upgrade? I think it's overpowered as fuck
Thank God no space pirate has these, the morph ball would be the morph testicular cancer.
>no suit upgrades
>no morph ball upgrades
Still pretty kino, but come on.
I miss the Lockjaw
Its happening, i know it!
The Screw Attack used to provide invincibility and instakilled everything, plus it made a cool noise.
Fuck Samus Returns for butchering it.
They might not be new, but Fusion had the best version of nearly every upgrade. If we ever get another 2D Metroid, I hope it has Fusion/Super-esque upgrades and physics.