Don't forget to buy Star Wars Episode 1 HD remaster on Steam today

Don't forget to buy Star Wars Episode 1 HD remaster on Steam today

Attached: the phantom menace.jpg (1080x1080, 157K)

They actually made an hd remaster of that piece of shit?

Yes now go buy it!

>piece of shit
Name another SW game where you can kill children and get away with it.

where is the link?

Dont you kill younglings in the Ep3 game?

Sorry, but I'll be purchasing Star Wars math, pleb

Please don't tease me like this.

Attached: 1484222711416.jpg (720x960, 72K)

Disney would never do this in a million years.
Not that the old LucasArts would have either.


Attached: 1560288116318.gif (480x263, 3.77M)

Who the hell was asking for this?

Attached: tenor (11).gif (338x338, 1.52M)

requesting gif of getting diced in the fan please

Based pre-2010s games. Fuck Todd for chickening out with Skyrim.

Attached: 1543655772520.jpg (1024x640, 319K)

No, you're thinking of a webm of a fan mod.

Fuck that
Tell me when we get Jedi Power Battles or Obi Wan

I don't see it anywhere on the store nor does Googling for plans for release say anything. What's your source?

jedi academy allowed this

OP is a liar and gay.

Better stand back, mister...Cus I'm about to SLASH ALL MY PRICES!

Gimme a juri juice


Outta my way, loser!!

You're no Jedi...

Ive seen this very exact thread a couple of times now in the past year or so. Fuck off OP

Only a couple times in a year? That's extremely mild for the average Yea Forums repost.

No thanks OP I'm not LGBT so I don't like onionwars

What franchises do schizophrenics like you enjoy?

I'm not on here 24/7 like most fags here.

What exactly are you trying to prove on an anonymous imageboard?

you smell like bantha poodoo, you filthy double nigger kike.

Startrek and digimon

ur a faget



You better stand back mister because I'm going to slash all my prices!

Jabba is even more grotesque than I could have imagined.

>newfags don't remember when SW remasters were shilled for a whole week only to turn out to be fake
Ever since then someone posts this bait again from time to time and retards fall for it all over

>I was only pretending to be retarded
>actually I'm just geriatric