Vidya related filename thread

vidya related filename thread

Attached: IGN_reviews_ORAS.jpg (1200x888, 216K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: competitive pokemon.jpg (250x252, 8K)

Attached: me.webm (500x288, 974K)

Attached: animal_crossing_plot.jpg (807x711, 389K)

Attached: 1561683074584.jpg (640x640, 117K)

Attached: Nazifur OwO has joined the lobby.jpg (700x950, 96K)

Attached: An unmistakable image of an AK 47 rifle.jpg (1791x937, 76K)

The OP image has literally nothing to do with politics though. You're the one introducing politics with a Stonetoss edit


Attached: Michael_J_Fox_torrents_a_PS4_game.gif (400x300, 3.89M)

Attached: just torrent bro.jpg (1024x928, 187K)

Attached: 25+ years old gamers threads.gif (720x404, 2.99M)

Attached: source networking.gif (440x330, 3.83M)

Oh no oh no oh no plz delete this

Attached: -vg-.jpg (1280x1024, 229K)


Attached: file.png (414x50, 5K)

You amateur, that's an FAMAS

Attached: quake.jpg (750x562, 84K)

Attached: ace attorney witness.jpg (900x1200, 131K)

is this implying there is truth to the funny scaremongering that anyone who pirate gets their shit hijacked?

Well I got this
I can only assume this was created to make people upset about how (intentionally) retarded the picture is.

Attached: In the rear with gear.gif (500x293, 478K)

Attached: hey - v- what phone games do you play.webm (640x360, 2.79M)

How is it retarded? You took out a loan, you should expect to have to pay it back someday. The federal government has repeatedly reduced the interest rates of student loans so now they're under 5%. They also reimburse you up to $2,500 per year on any interest paid when you do your taxes. The only people still complaining are the people who want their debt to "just go away"

Here's the issue user
Even shitholes offer proper education for free, not to mention how actual good countries try to get more and more people into fitting schools and help them do that
Education is considered a basic human right.
The problem is that it exists.

>hey the interest is under a fairly big interest rate
Yeah wow, also the problem is in large part the veritable explosion in cost of going to college making the debt much much larger relative to the realistic income you can expect afterwards compared to before, even with normal or low interest is a killer.
Simply put, the cost of education has escalated far faster than salaries earned.

Attached: Behold the glory that is the Tanden engine.gif (443x269, 2M)

Attached: autobalancing teams.jpg (720x458, 79K)

post the original

Attached: flash sweat.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)


Attached: Capture+_2019-07-19-10-08-03.png (1439x2267, 448K)

Attached: shin megami tensei.png (1246x914, 1.27M)

Almost like that's something people should think about before going to college

Attached: OCELOOOOOTTE.jpg (4303x2022, 2.43M)

Attached: Environmental Storytelling.jpg (4032x3024, 3.74M)

not an excuse for a broken and quite honestly corrupt system

so if you can only get it through a student loan in your country, the solution is to take out a loan and then ignore the contract you signed?
i really want an AR-15, but i can't really own one in my country. do you think i'd be justified in getting one illegally?

need filename

Attached: 1517099221982.jpg (480x624, 122K)


Steelworks are amazing


Not an excuse, but people need to take responsibility for their own actions instead of wanting the working class to bail them out

>brainwash people with no real world experience or frame of reference into doing something stupid
>manipulate the economy so that they can never meet the demands you more or less forced them into accepting
>spend decades calling them stupid and lazy despite working more hours, more efficiently for less pay
>complain incessantly about how hard it is to sell your rusted out 65 'stang and the fourth house you've "flipped"
Boomers are truly the scum of the earth.

Forced tutorials

Wow, imagine being so triggered by a webcomic that you go so far out of your way to prevent people from seeing the originals that you're criticising.

Attached: gal gun.gif (775x484, 11K)


Attached: homm 3 ending.jpg (540x401, 70K)

> pokemon go proffessor.jpg

Attached: 1550837008642.jpg (750x823, 86K)

Attached: tonight on top gear.jpg (773x1000, 153K)

We're not on reddit, you're allowed to do this

Attached: 1493856357132.jpg (680x848, 40K)

Environmental storytelling

>entire argument is against a point the person you replied to isnt arguing about
Good job, this further proves how important everyone should get a proper education.

Imagine being so triggered by someone dedicating a subreddit to stonetoss that you feel the need to broadcast a site everyone can google.

Blue Ring octopi are extremely poisonous

Attached: v_discusses_vidya.webm (480x270, 1.79M)


actually it's a subreddit dedicated to hating stonetoss, which I personally find hilarious
>we're against hate speech

I dont get it


Attached: preferred-pronouns-comic.png (1000x500, 53K)

Attached: gamerfuel threads.png (540x400, 221K)

Stonetoss, you really are retarded. You can't be tolerant towards the intolerant. Stop making intolerant, poorly drawn comics and reddit will stop making those edits.
And now have sex you obvious incel.

Attached: rubberbanding.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

Attached: Ace Attorney suspect.jpg (620x821, 58K)

Attached: asmongold.jpg (242x208, 6K)

Absolutely and unironically seething

>user, you really are retarded. You can't be tolerant towards the intolerant. Stop making intolerant, poorly drawn posts and Yea Forums will stop calling you a niggerfaggot.
>And now have sex you obvious incel.

Dilate /pol/cel


I love how I knew what this was before even reading the filename.

I bet that sounded way wittier in your head.



Announcing reports is against the rules.

Attached: ace attorney crime scenes.jpg (640x480, 102K)



why is that fish being such a fucking dick

You act as if "Absolutely and unironically seething" is any better of a post

no u

toxic is just another word for poisonous

You act as if "And now have sex you obvious incel" is any better of a post

If animal bites you and you get sick, it's venomous
If you bite animal and you get sick, it's poisonous

If it's bad for your health, it's toxic.
Note anything can be toxic in a certain quantity, but not everything can be poisonous/venomous

hurt juice

I bet that sounded way wittier in your head.

>no u
u mad


Most of the edits are pretty unfunny but there are some okay ones.

Attached: Vxkv5WC.png (1425x475, 333K)

That's not how it goes. Sorry, you lose.

No I'm not.
>being correct is autism
okay retard

>not the pokémon creatures professor



Attached: antifa-are-terrorists-comic.png (1500x500, 75K)

But what if you bite a venomous animal while it's eating a poisonous mushroom while toxic by britney spears plays on the radio?

Attached: sora.png (627x600, 293K)

no, being unable to tell whether a post is serious or not is autism.

your joke wasn't funny

You become a nazi

Imagine unironically liking Stonetoss comics and not just liking the edits. That's actually really sad desu

Attached: New Deus Ex.jpg (1400x1050, 1.26M)

Have (you) because this is the first time I see someone referencing Heroes in these threads.

nobody said it was a joke, sperg.

Antifa has never made a single good Stonetoss edit. They just remove the joke in favor of virtue signaling, except the "virtue" is communism.

Then what was it? You claim that it wasn't serious, but also that it wasn't a joke.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a little candy
But, Jack got a shock
and a mouthful of cock
when he learned that Jill's
Real name was Randy.

Stonetoss is also virtue signalling. But instead of "I love niggers" it's "I hate niggers".

wtf i love water now??

Holy fuck I saw the pic and knew it was for assmagold

Attached: RADITZ.png (1260x630, 1.12M)

Which isn't virtue signaling.
Shitting on something is the exact opposite of "look at what a good person I am, praise me."

Attached: transgender-in-military-comic.png (1500x500, 227K)

Obvious bait, nobody is this stupid.

Attached: all out.jpg (625x626, 40K)

He's literally signalling virtues, just towards edgy right wingers.

Fth Int Str

Holy shit dude that filename is hilarious!

>I don't know what virtue signalling means

>"look at what a good person I am, praise me."
He's saying that to the right though.

>it's only virtue signalling when THEY do it, not US
okay retard

Based sub 50-IQ niggers

You don't know what it means, stop embarrassing yourself. The comics are clearly virtue signalling hard towards right wing demographics.

If you don't understand a phrase don't use it.

>making fun of trannies is a virtue

Attached: 1339981717775.jpg (451x389, 18K)

You obviously haven't seen reddit the past few years. They're all like this and there's millions of them. We've long passed the point where only above average IQ people use the internet.

>making fun of trannies is a virtue
To the right crowd it sure could be.

Attached: Edgeworth Gif.gif (256x192, 12K)

>take out loan
>get worthless degree, or do nothing with a good degree

Really? Please look up the definition then.

hint: it's not "signalling virtues", dipshits. What a brainlet thing to do, taking out the words from a term literally and assuming that's what it means.

Attached: filename.jpg (298x300, 62K)

No, he isn't, he's telling you to laugh at the left.

Attached: lefty-vs-right-wing-memes-comic.png (1500x500, 72K)

Rei looks shit but the guy really nailed shinji tbqh.

Really makes you think

Attached: Annotation 2019-07-19 095523.png (590x413, 37K)

Good job confirming you have no idea what virtue signalling means.

My, you alt-righters sure are retarded.


>Virtue signalling is the conspicuous expression of moral values
How is he not doing that?

By default politically incorrect things cannot be considered virtue signalling because you're only aiming at a fringe group of edgelords on the internet. It doesn't mean "make someone like you", it's aimed at the general populace.

>When you realize all the people complaining about student loans are the same people constantly seething over anything Stonetoss does

Attached: 1560721866165.png (621x577, 94K)

>To be fair, it takes a really high IQ to hate stonetoss

Remember when antifa beat up a jewish guy by accident? Good times

One must imagine Fishyphus happy

Because deliberately politically incorrect things aren't moral values, they're deliberately made to piss off the general public and only pander to a fringe group. Virtue signalling doesn't try to anger others you know, it's the opposite of that.

I'm a centrist, but I'm sure anyone to the right of Marx is "alt-right" to you spastics. You might want to google the word "virtue" before using it incorrectly and then going around calling other people retarded.

That's because antifa sucks at everything.
Couldn't even get a single kill attacking that detention center.

Says fucking who?

He's virtue signalling to the right. Get over it.

>I'm a centrist

This was just a few days ago

>deliberately politically incorrect things aren't moral values,
They are to the far-right

>everyone I don't like is alt right

Are you really such an absolute brainlet that you think literally anyone on the planet thinks that making fun of anybody is a moral good? Oh that's right you're one of those morons that thinks it's a good idea to punch people who don't agree with you.

>arguing definitions of terms because it doesn't sit right with you that something you don't like is referred to as virtue signalling
The irony is palpable

No, I dislike some other people too.

Attached: 1545139539464.png (400x400, 7K)

lol nazis now think reading comprehension is brainlet

Gosh you sure showed me.

jesus what a shit thread stfu already

Attached: mario64 speedrun.jpg (552x449, 100K)

Attached: i've come to make an announcement.webm (320x240, 1.1M)

Because deliberately pissing people off isn't moral values, idiot. By your logic literally every person on the planet virtue signals all the time.
Hilarious post buddy. But no, pissing people off isn't moral.
>dude deliberately insulting people is totally virtue signalling even though it's literally the opposite of that

>Oh that's right you're one of those morons that thinks it's a good idea to punch people who don't agree with you.


well next time don't create a shit thread then, idiot

>Are you really such an absolute brainlet that you think literally anyone on the planet thinks that making fun of anybody is a moral good?
/pol/ users do


Attached: love-hate-relationship-comic.png (1500x500, 83K)


>trying to destroy a concentration camp
Take a long, hard look at yourself user

Attached: baddies.gif (500x268, 838K)

Holy strawman, batman.

>Oh that's right you're one of those morons that thinks it's a good idea to punch people who don't agree with you.
>anyone who isn't a full-on racist is antifa
I'm a centrist, because I'm tired of being called a nazi by the left and antifa by the right just for being a reasonable person

hey it's not my fault /pol/ brainlets can't help but make everything and anything about themselves just like the furries used to

All STEM degrees are practically worthless unless you're a PhD. I wanted to go back to school and stop being a NEET but /sci/ did a pretty good job of convincing me otherwise.


Attached: vegans-and-cyclists-comic.png (1000x1000, 106K)

What did he mean by this?

Oh right, you can't wrap your head around the idea that while he's pissing off one group he is appeasing the other. As in signalling his moral virtues to them.

As in virtue signalling.

>attempting to use a firebomb, one of the most indiscriminate weapons possible that would certainly kill the inmates

Attached: male-feminist-comic.png (625x605, 57K)

No they just think it's funny to dunk on retards like you.
t./pol/ user

Virtue signalling has negative meaning to begin with despite having the word "virtue" in it. Try not to have an aneurysm over thinking too hard about it.

I don't believe you.
t. former /pol/ user

Read the post again, by your retarded definition literally everyone virtue signals 100% of the time because SOMEONE agrees with them.

How the hell can you think that going AGAINST morality is virtue signalling when it's the opposite of that? People know it pisses others off BECAUSE it's not moral.


Attached: metal gear solid 2.gif (250x318, 1.86M)

Attached: censorship-by-the-left-comic.png (1000x500, 32K)

>fuck whites I love blacks is virtue signalling
>but fuck blacks I love whites isn't

Water posting is only in it's early stages. Will you be on the wet side of history?

Attached: 82.png (922x1050, 95K)

What does that have to do with anything? If anything that goes against the other side who takes the words literally, like this retard .

People being mocked for virtue signalling has nothing to do with us discussing the definition.

>trying to destroy a facility in which immigrants are housed
>with fire bombs, which if used successfully would kill everyone inside
>because the propaganda he was fed made his fee-fees hurt
>posts that "are we the baddies" .gif
You have literally no self awareness what-so-ever.

Attached: virginity-comic.png (625x1215, 103K)

Now if only multi billion dollar corporations were held to the same standards.

The OP image is a comic with social commentary, you don't start proper filename threads with those when half of the (web)comics people read are political. Don't be stupid.

Attached: Your motherfucking life ends 30 minutes from now.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

What's with the strawman?


Attached: shoot-nazis-comic.png (1500x500, 66K)

What a faggy way to say it
>denying a free computer just because of something that you can easily clean off

Attached: mario64speedrun.png (552x449, 427K)

Attached: eig1a2qfcqa31.jpg (640x640, 108K)

You're mixing virtue signalling with the word 'pandering'. The latter has no bias, the former is colloquially known to be used for politically correct examples.

>mom and sister
the things my mom and dad did for my autistic ass jesus

Attached: 1562144434719.png (492x503, 439K)


glad I left college before going into debt and now own an AR instead of being like these dummies who have wrecked their financial futures

It would be nice if college were free but there needs to be a transition so the schools don't just wind up fucking the tax payers instead of gullible teenagers

Attached: 901.gif (480x360, 352K)

It's an informed generalization of both groups

Attached: race-mixing-advertising-comic.png (1000x1000, 89K)

More like you need it to not be true in order for your point to hold any water what-so-ever.

I'll be sure to pass that along to OP, who is a faggot.

The idea is that someone not liking gays meaning they are actually gay themselves is just as absurd as someone not liking nazis meaning they are actually a nazi themselves.

Connotation doesn't matter, only denotation does.

>100% of the time because SOMEONE agrees with them.

It's almost as if we're discussing one guy publishing his own political pieces for everyone to read online.

Every issue is morally grey. He may be pissing off one group but he is also attempting to appease another group through his political and moral views. What don't you understand about this, exactly? If you don't know what "virtue signalling" means then don't use it.

What happened with the area 51 raid?


You're arguing against someone, buddy, not "both groups", and you're using strawman.

You can't fucking fool me retard
When I agreed with this stuff I actually genuinely believed it and you do too

I am against both groups though, and I must make that clear, so as to not lead people to believe that I am one of those groups.

>to OP, who is a faggot
Glad we came to an understanding

Attached: But most of all thank (You) for playing.webm (360x294, 2.23M)

>I am an easily brainwashed moron
Ah, now I see why you're supporting the regressives.

Good for you? Doesn't change the fact that you tried using a strawman argument against someone though. Admit your dishonesty already.

>dial 8
I hate this shit
dilate is 2 fucking syllables

Virtue signaling is bragging about yourself.
What Stonetoss does is roasting others.
Bragging about yourself is not the same as roasting someone else.
I dont know what's wrong with you that this is completely flying over your head.


I don't support the regressive left. I am against all fringe groups.

Antifa terrorist tried to firebomb an immigration detention center filled with detainees. He left behind a three page manifesto advocating political violence.

holy shit. this is in Westminster, CA. It's the plaza off of Westminster Blvd and Goldenwest St.

i get what he's trying to say
a lot of people talk about politics on Yea Forums when we're supposed to be talking about video games

too bad Yea Forums stands for volitics, right?

>James Rei

I don't get it but holy fuck is that flame broiler sign triggering my /gd/ sense

>I am against all fringe groups.
>Supports trannies

Attached: come on now.jpg (500x500, 47K)

Eh, more often than not people act tsundere for things they are into

kys yourself mayo man

>>Supports trannies
When did I say this? Don't put words in my mouth.
I'm against trannies.

Games have always been political. :^)

Attached: dog-whistle-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)

And you know this how?

Then why are you getting triggered by people making fun of them?

>more often than not
No. Fucking no, you absolute idiot.

because you clearly have feelings for this user

Attached: 1393096057582.png (441x555, 76K)

Didn't you know, if you don't agree with stonetoss and Donald Trump you're basically fellating trannies

Attached: open-borders-for-israel-comic.png (1000x500, 70K)

>pointing out that stonetoss is virtue signalling is being "triggered"
Also he's just not funny. His jokes are always "people who I disagree with are so dumb haha" or "let me regurgitate some Yea Forums meme in comic format"

Because I love you user



>Why yes, I do have set as my home page. How could you tell?

Attached: 1555567877551.png (680x760, 191K)

Go ahead and outline Stonetoss and Trump's opinions on trannies and show everyone what a retard you are.

>if you attack someone then you must be defending the people that they are attacking

I dont understand where this "open borders for israel is anti-semitism" mantra comes from, is it an American thing?

Trump supports trannies though?

Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

Stonetoss is really obnoxious and unfunny and you probably wouldn't like him if his politics differed from your own

Big brain pundits like AIDS Shmorky have built a narrative that all lefties are both pro-Israel and demand that all borders be abolished.

He makes his art lazy and smug to intentionally rile people up right?

dial 8

Firstly stonetoss isn't virtuesignalling, he's making fun of regressives and degenerates. Secondly you sound pretty fucking triggered right now.

Attached: 1556459562219.png (1500x500, 76K)

where's the joke

white (clean) cars in front of the dentist
black (cavity) car in front of the sugary jamba juice

>are so dumb haha
Actually he likes to point out hypocrisy. Why are you dishonestly pretending otherwise? Why did you get aggressive when he mocked trannies?

If he mocked EA would you get angry too?

but isn't dial 8 two syllables?

Attached: 1556298662537.jpg (657x527, 38K)

The only reason you dont like Stonetoss is because you're a tranny.

Attached: transgender-suicides-comic1.png (1500x500, 78K)


Somebody likes stonetoss?

>Firstly stonetoss isn't virtuesignalling
He is though.
How the fuck do you pronounce dial?

Over here lefties tend to push for kicking Israel out of occupied territories in Palestine and give it back to the Arabs
I know, muslim lovers and all that, but it's funny how it apparently differs on the other end of the Atlantic

If anyhing you're the one getting massively triggered that trannies exist.
I don't care either way.
Again, not wanting to mock a fringe group doesn't mean you support or even agree with them. I'm sick and tired of this bipartisan bullshit from eitherside

>You're not a twenty-gendered tranny wearing an HIV tiara? Fukken nazis
>Wait so you're not supporting a holocaust on everything I disagree with? Go dilate tranny

Attached: automation-stealing-jobs-comic.png (1500x500, 81K)

>Firstly stonetoss isn't virtuesignalling,
Yes they are.

How many time will stonetoss tell the same joke again?

go dial

Where is this from?

it's very fucking tiresome to be called both a tranny and a nazi daily, just for not being a biased lunatic

like the dile in crocodile, unless you ramp off the le like a skateboard into another little sound to finish it off it should be spoken in one sylllable

red team good
blue team good
thinking for yourself bad

Attached: kekistan-comic.png (940x300, 43K)

>You're wrong because I said so
Virtue signalling is basically just halo-polishing. It's assuming a position (or pretending to) in order to look morally superior. That's not what he's doing. He's making fun of them, because it's fucking funny.

Attached: 499.jpg (891x1280, 243K)

Attached: whoops.png (758x412, 32K)

Liking Stonetoss is actual virtue signaling. The art and humor are about on par with other wannabe culture warrior ecelebs like the Assigned Gender guy and Sinfest, but the memes Redpanels uses are things you're supposed to agree with, so you have to clap and agree with them.


The joke here is Mexico making robots

>Why did you get aggressive when he mocked trannies?
I didn't

Trannies 40%ing themselves never gets old.

Attached: trans-military-ban-comic.png (625x605, 81K)

"die al" because I hate Al

He's appealing to the far-right. Nobody who disagrees with his politics is sharing his comics.

Attached: american-freedom-comic1.png (1000x1000, 89K)

>If anyhing you're the one getting massively triggered that trannies exist.
How so? I'm not the one getting angry at someone for insulting a fringe group.
>not wanting to mock a fringe group doesn't mean you support or even agree with them.

Yes, let's pretend that "getting angry at someone daring to mock a fringe group" is the same as "holocaust".

Again, would you have had the same reaction if he had mocked EA? Be honest.

Also, supporting trannies doesn't mean you're left wing, after all, Trump does. Why did you quote ?

And that is virtue signalling because...?

I can't manage to say the word "dial" without two syllables
This makes no sense.

i dont get it

He's trying to appease a political group with his moral and political viewpoints.

Because it's making a moral appeal to a certain group of people via the clear expression of their beliefs

>liking racists is virtue signalling
Now I've heard it all.

>i really want an AR-15, but i can't really own one in my country. do you think i'd be justified in getting one illegally?
Yeah, you gotta have Freedom man

There's no need to control the spread, because they think everyone is a nazi.

spell out how you pronounce it, and tell me what accent you have

>Yea Forums filename thread
>gets derailed by /pol/tards and the Stonetoss Internet Defence Force
Every single time, what cancer

>it can't be virtue signalling if my side does it
This is the same argument as "black people can't be racist"

It's better to use a shotgun when going hunting for neoazis, since they tend to come lightly armored and bunch up to cover for their lack of numbers.

The worst thing with those "people" is that they either denounce you as a fencesitter or they're calling you buzzwords because they think their degenerative behaviour is in any way normal.

Dear /pol/niggers, when normal people say you're exactly like SJWs they mean that you're just the same bunch of tribalistic, shrieking, easily offended vocal minority as SJWs.
Dear SJWs, the same shit applies to you.
If that bipartisan bullshit doesn't end soon I'm fucking organizing a killing spree that makes the holocaust look like an autumn park stroll and I'll make every one of you edgelords eat so many bullets that you'll be shitting brass.

Attached: power-rangers-comic1.png (625x605, 59K)

Why do people from Tumblr always use these low res, low framerate badly looped gifs? It's very easy to spot.

Boy it sure is nice of those banks to loan thousands of dollars to unemployed teenagers who can't even legally drink alcohol or rent a car. Sounds very responsible and not corrupt at all.

Why did you bother linking to when you just avoided the question entirely?

>Making something intended for a certain demographic to make them laugh is virtue signalling
By your retarded-ass logic, everyone virtue signals all the time every day you fucking idiot.


It doesn't excuse it, but it's still an opt-in system. If knowing all of the corruption and not knowing how much youll realistically pay back you still decide to sign your name on the dotted line, you are 100% responsible.

I went to a community college because I knew I could pay for it with the money I was making and I knew that what I wanted to study wouldn't make enough to pay back a shitty loan. Now I have an associates and work in the D.O.E. with a decent job, good benefits, and zero debt.

Meanwhile, I have friends with private college degrees still trying to pay off the interest alone.

not that user but it's die-al, what the shit, how else can you even pronounce it without saying something else


The dark fish is ejecting harder grit with larger stones, the lighter fish is adding loose grit with smaller grains.
They're co-operating to make a nest with softer sand.

Virtue signalling is about morality. Deliberately going against moral values cannot be virtue signalling.

Also quit with the strawman you sensitive fuck.

>By your retarded-ass logic, everyone virtue signals all the time every day you fucking idiot.
Everyone is releasing political webcomics in an attempt to appease right wing readers all the times, you say?

It sounds like you've never been to /pol/.
/pol/ isnt "tribalistic", its literally where you go to make posts that you think will piss off the most people for (You)s. It's pretty much the exact opposite of a "tribe".

Twitter reaction gifs. They get used by both "sides".
What question is there to answer? I linked stonetoss and Trump, not Trump and trannies.

This one is actually clever

Attached: 1504862157334.png (640x640, 222K)

I think that is how most people pronounce it but much quicker, like how children have difficulty saying sphere for the first time and are taught to say 'sfuh-ere' but faster until they can say it one go. it doesn't how you say it though, your accent is your accent and as long as people know what you mean it doesn't matter.

The problem is that these people know what they are doing, but find nothing wrong with it.

Yes, let's just pretend all the off topic posts are the mean /pol/tards and not anyone else. Try to hide your bias next time.


This. You people are fucking retarded and have no idea what virtue signalling is.

>Deliberately going against moral values cannot be virtue signalling.

Going against one, leaning towards another. He's virtue signalling, just to an edgy right wing crowd.

Attached: affirmative-action-comic.png (625x605, 53K)

Funny picture. :).

>any filename or LOL thread is filled with stonetoss and politcal mudslinging
>stops coming up with filenames to cover it like 3 posts in

Define virtue signalling then.

When did Yea Forums turn into a bunch of usury kike loving cucks?

Attached: 1560711228281.jpg (624x480, 68K)

If Aliens were to conquer Earth, I would side with them, and if elected Earth Admin, I would totally start by hanging all Left and Right Wingers from lamp posts.

Haha, take it my friend! It's all yours!

Stonetoss is actually a centrist. You're just off the far left deep end.

Attached: bernie-sanders-2020-campaign-comic.png (1000x1000, 79K)

>huhuhuh let me be a pedantic fuck and pretend pissing off the general populace is moral values because it counts if you say it's for a fringe group!
This shit again? By your logic everything ever made is virtue signalling because it panders to someone.

The word you're looking for is pandering, not virtue signalling.

>muh /pol/ is just irony
Thank god I've left my cringey /pol/phase. Since a bunch of guys unironically nearly shot up a pizza place because edgy teenagers made up stories about Hillary I refuse to beliefe it's all fun and games.
Blame /pol/, they love Israel now.

This one hurts

>Stonetoss is actually a centrist.

Attached: christhing.png (1440x960, 1.56M)

>someone says something bad about stonetoss
Don't try to act like this doesn't happen all of the time, you retarded nigger.

>everything is an insult because you can pretend any word is offensive to someone

I dont think it even counts as pandering.
Hes made multiple comics making fun of Trump and Trump supporters, for example.
I think you're just dealing with a /leftypol/ horseshoe faggot.

Attached: trump-voter-comic.png (1000x500, 56K)

>Stonetoss is actually a centris

Attached: 1533356070238.png (375x375, 98K)

of all the things you could lie about

Wow, what an exceedingly dumb comment.

Attached: vg and the katawa shoujo general.png (1280x1024, 2.29M)

>morality is based on the majority and not individual beliefs

>all the off topic posts are /pol/! the other side dindu nuffin!
Fun fact, the thread would still be going just fine if the stonetoss pic didn't piss people off and just ignored it.

Not particularly.
Yes. There's only so many times you can tell the exact same 3 jokes over and over again before it gets boring.
>Trannies suicide
>Leftists bad/dumb
>Gays bad

That's not what I said at all, you sperg.

>stonetoss is a centrist
Stonetoss is a dickless incel and nothing more. Most likely a self-hating jew.

>if you don't agree with stonetoss and Donald Trump you're basically fellating trannies
This is your post. You linked all three. Yes I'm aware it's facetious. You're still dodging the question because there's absolutely no way you could possible hold any common ground with the evil alt-righters on the subject of trannies.

The majority (non racist alt-right) trump supporters would gladly welcome anyone who works hard for a living

Look at the first 10 posts again, then tell me which side derailed the thread

Attached: Humble_bundle.jpg (765x1024, 69K)

Yep, Postal 1 was a good game.

I don't see a filename here, retard.

Where is the artist wrong here?

>because edgy teenagers made up stories about Hillary

The pizzagate shooter was a lunatic but are you still going to pretend the entire thing was just a conspiracy theory after Epstein got indicted again?

Attached: epstein_clinton.jpg (1842x1036, 129K)

Having 0 kills doesn't mean they aren't a terrorist group. It just means they're a worthless one.

You only think that way because you're radical leftists who draw the "center" at "far left".

Attached: clown-world-comic1.png (1500x500, 82K)

Antifa faggots BTFO

Attached: 1563054385576.webm (1500x1000, 2.2M)

>The majority (non racist alt-right) trump supporters

What, both of them?

The comic is directed at the racist alt right ones though

Moral values, yes. Where do you think the term virtue signalling started and is used for? For people trying to please the majority and what's generally considered moral. Not some fringe group's beliefs.

You're being pedantic for the sake of not wanting to be wrong, you're not gonna convince people that what's considered generally moral isn't what western society in general thinks and not some fringe group. Otherwise applies.

I already did in a previous post in the chain you absolute spastic. Here

>if people don't like a bad webcomic that espouses my personal views, it's there problem that I spam the thread with it
>oy vey, it's annudah shoah, they're opressing us innocent /pol/tards!


off topic but if any of the clinton shit is true he's not making it to trial alive

You retarded. /pol/ is just a way to let of steam and not to get replies.
I don't even get what you want me to say. "Tranny" is a common insult of /pol/tards and stonetoss, I think you're just reading too much stuff into posts that isn't there.

>paying loans
Ya how about your country does that buddy, or did you forget the billlions it owes?

good one, should have a pillar for the other big generals

>two scumfuck thugs have a retard fight in the street
Why should I care?


Is that why he's made fun of Trump?

How does being able to use "virtue signalling" correctly make someone a leftist?

its gonna happen in september

Based as fuck

Eppstein dealt with a lot of american politicians, that doesn't make this particular story less made up.

Attached: Nintendo.jpg (500x354, 54K)

Fuck off /pol/

Everyone has made fun of Trump, because he's a fucking retard

>our editors dont want to submit an edit and have people put them down
Snowflakes bitching about snowflakes. Typical.

>thank you stonetoss internet defense force
>$0.02 has been deposited into your account

>need to pay tuition fees
>need to pay 5% annual interest on the tuition fees
God I'm glad I don't live in America

I'm not spamming at all nor am I defending it, nice strawman. I'm pointing out your embarrassingly obvious bias and pretending that the other side is innocent even though they're making just as many off topic posts.

Also, bucko, stonetoss shits on Trump. Way to out yourself as someone who thinks that if someone makes fun of trannies then he must be a /pol/tard.


Attached: covington-smirk-maga-comic.png (1500x500, 67K)

Attached: Leaked protagonist of the new viking themed Assassin's Creed.png (250x400, 139K)

Theres only one thug in that webm

Go dilate, tranny.

Why do lefty retards think that saying "nuh-uh" excuses them from having to actually make an actual argument?

fuck off, slacktivist commie fag

To be fair, it's pretty hard not to make Trump look dumb.

The /ksg/ is so infamous that I know about it, but I've never actually browsed /vg/. I heard it's full of tripfags and communities and little thread celebs which sounds awful.

I'm not a leftist.

Nobody likes niggers

Attached: Preordering Stadia so you can get your username.webm (636x360, 2.44M)

Go dilate.

Not before I pozz your boycunt, Stonenigger.

The heat doesn't have enough time to effect his hand.

Everyone in that webm is, because they think that violence is an argument.

Attached: slippery-slope-comic1.png (1140x300, 53K)

Attached: guns of the patriarchy.webm (480x480, 536K)

I never said anything about trump, I called you a /pol/tard and a rabid fan of a braindead webcomic
Imagine having this huge of a victim complex while also trying to hold conventionally offensive views.

>>muh /pol/ is just irony
That's not what he said at all? What's wrong with your reading comprehension?
>/pol/ is just a way to let of steam and not to get replies.
Literally what. /pol/ gets bait threads all the time and even if you've never visited the board you can know just by visiting /int/ because they post screencaps of said threads constantly to make fun of them.

Appallingly underrated fucking post right here, mates. Quality shit.

>Tripfags get into an argument

Attached: Battlefield Bad Company 3.jpg (609x410, 73K)

Might be a bit difficult without your penis.

Attached: black-neighborhood-comic.png (1000x1000, 125K)

Yeah, gonna need some sauce

Attached: Casually discussing video games outside v.png (916x647, 485K)

damn now this is based

Attached: consent-and-marriage-comic1.png (1000x1000, 109K)

Attached: Call of Duty Modern Warfare (2019).jpg (492x292, 17K)

This fucking show, man

Attached: flag-burning-comic.png (1000x500, 50K)

Go dial 8 and have sects you sea thing train knee.

I like how you ignored the first half of my post, I guess you conceded that point then.
>I never said anything about trump
I never said you did? I'm saying that because he shits on trump then he can't possibly be on /pol/'s side, what with you claiming that the comic "espouses my personal views" and that I'm a "/pol/tard". Ergo you must think that stonetoss is /pol/-friendly.

Attached: Ubisoft enters the console hardware market.jpg (600x300, 31K)

Attached: dangerous-memes-comic.png (1000x500, 59K)

Attached: Resetera.jpg (720x695, 69K)

No shit, sherlock, but that's not the point here.

Attached: Anthem Con 2019.jpg (533x800, 166K)

It's astounding how much anger this one has generated. I don't really understand why so many women would be angry about this concept if they already made the decision not to get married in the first place.

Attached: When they dicover that you play video games.png (418x101, 37K)

What even was this ray supposed to do aside from give then shorts and tank tops?

Bäsed Stonetoss poster

Attached: Sekiro.webm (446x324, 350K)

Attached: south-african-genocide-comic.png (1000x1000, 95K)

Attached: Me still being on 4chan since 2005.webm (480x270, 1.67M)

Trannies tend not do die late though

>trying to pass off that all of /pol/ likes trump
>think that means it doesn't appeal exclusively to /pol/fags
Okay retard

Attached: fake-hate-crime-comic.png (1500x500, 70K)

It's not anger, he just looks like a big faggot for this comic

Attached: Ultimate Escort Mission.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

ei vittu :DDDDDD

>umm sweaty, I'm a centrist that cares about nothing, you won't persuade me

It was supposed to do something else?

Attached: white-people-disappearing-comic.png (625x605, 42K)

The fact he cant tell the difference between burning your own flag as a protest against how the government handles things and burning the flag that represents a minority group that has been (and still is in many parts of the world) oppressed because they were born different to you is telling of this guys mindset.

Attached: can-i-go-to-the-restroom-comic.png (625x605, 50K)

i dont get it