Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: ohlord.jpg (950x534, 27K)

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The knight should have left and started looking for another merchant much sooner than he did. Potion seller had every right to refuse to sell his wares.

If he sells potions fit for a beast, men have no real business to conduct in his store

The knight had no time to find another potion seller, he was going into battle. Potion seller practically condemned the knight to death.

potion seller did good in not selling the knight his potions, as he was, in a a way refusing to contribute to the bloodshed of war


Potion seller had no knowledge of the Knight’s strength, nor did he allow him to show any. He was never going to sell his ‘powerful’ potion, and was just trolling the gullible good guy.

If he's to be believed though, the potions that would have saved him may have killed him in the process anyways. Could he have saved others in battle before the potions overtook him though?

If you go to an apothecary right now and randomly ask for some dangerous shit that could and probably will kill you if handled improperly without recommendation from someone who knows what he's doing you will be told to fuck off.

It's that simple.

Attached: 1501849247357.png (665x574, 251K)

>A war is clearly taking place
>A knight of the realm, most likely a noble makes a reasonable request of a common merchant
>Likely on the King's official business since he is headed to battle
>The common merchant refuses to sell him what he requests
>Even if the potion is a risk, the knight has accepted this risk as acceptable since the odds at the coming conflict are clearly against him and the rest of his army
The potion seller should be dragged out and flogged at the absolute minimum, more likely hanged for working against the war effort, which amounts to treason. The knight was within his rights to seize what he needed in the service of the realm but was honorable enough to offer proper payment and to speak to the common merchant without airs and graces. The potion seller on the other hand dares speak down to both his superior in the feudal system and at the most basic level a man who is about to put his life on the line for the kingdom in which he freely does his business. It is the ultimate insult and anyone siding with the potion seller is either deluded or a rascal.