Okay, not gonna lie, it actually looks pretty good

Okay, not gonna lie, it actually looks pretty good.


Attached: modern warfare.jpg (1280x1597, 565K)

>for you

They really stepped up their sound effects

I like the guns, they look fun to shoot.

I like the guns, they look fun to shoot.

Fuck off and die this game is crusty cat turds

Activision you still owe me 6 months wages for the astroturf campaign. Pay me or I'll make a scene.

You fucked up shills.

I posted the first one and I have no idea why that second one is there.

Because the shill sitting next to you also has the same list of comments he must post. he forgot to check if you posted it already.


Guns feel satisfying like mw2. Would've bought it if i wasnt a third worlder and this didnt cost 10% of my salary.


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Looks like a mw2 visual upgrade.

>that retarded as fuck run animation with the gun hoisted up in the air

Didn't these faggots say they fixed running with weapon animations and they even added in the ability to aim while reloading for the first time? The fuck is this retarded shit? That running animation looks fucking awful.

fuck off shills

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call me when there will be massive battles like in CoD UO again

Nice, current year COD's shilling campaign has begun.
Can't wait for more threads of Goldsteinbergs saying how the game looks great, how it's the first COD they'll buy since MW2 and for these threads to suddenly vanish the moment the game comes out and turns out to be more of the same shit.

This shit doesn't even look like COD, looks like a goddamn F2P game.

Looks like every damn COD ever.

call a doody is for ps360 boomerfags

I'm not touching the multiplayer if it doesn't have ground war 18, 20 or 24

probably to show off the skin on the gun or some gay shit like that

there are, it's called battlefield and a million other realism ww2 shootans

>Ground War
>thinking they'll put actual FUN game modes in the game

It's all about MUH esports or how to grab the casual fag's wallet. They don't give a fuck about the hardcore fans that just enjoy playing the game.

>took out Capture the Flag
a staple in all shooters and one of the most competitive/fun game modes besides Search and Destroy

>took out Demolition
I understand why they took it out because faggots wouldn't play the objective and would just spawn trap and kill whore.

>took out Sabotage
This mode was actually better than fucking Demolition and should've been kept in. Literally playing Tug of War but with a fucking bomb. I remember playing some tense as fuck Sabotage matches in Black Ops 1.

>took out Headquarters
Easily the best mode for leveling up fast as fuck. I guess they sorta replaced it with Hardpoint, but Hardpoint is for fucking tryhard faggot parties of 6 who mainline G-fuel and snort Redbull.

They keep adding in Specialists, death streaks, perks, attachments, or gay ass gear to help sorry ass faggots who suck at the game, so they're not disheartened and continue to waste their money on CoD points. When I started playing CoD there were no specialists or perks that let you keep your kill streaks. You either got good or you got shit on until you were good. This day and age of videogame hand holding is fucking disgusting.

That would be awesome but it won't happen. For some reason games only go backwards now, no longer pushing the boundaries.

>2007 CoD4 could have 64 player servers if you really wanted
>2019 CoD only does 16 with a focus on 2v2

64 players on 16-player size maps was fucking retarded and only appealed to idiots


All of that basic shit already exists in some form in their development build. They'll be adding it back in in increments as free DLC in order to convince people that they actually care about the players and what they want when in reality it's all existing content that was pre-removed.

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same console max sensitivity aiming, same no recoil, same scope auto aiming. Call of duty was done forever.

The way they hold the guns up in the air with one hand as they run is extremely annoying 4 me.

I thought so too. There was another CoD game where they made that change too but I can't remember which one. Maybe it was Black Ops and I just tolerated it because I assumed it was some obsolete standard operating procedure from the 60's.

>literally several dozens (that's 10+10+10+10, or even more) smash and nintendo threads on Yea Forums : nothing

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>current year
>playing cod and bf

>no deceitful nose

looks boring and uninspired imo

I guess you forgot, but COD was number 1 for a long time. The tip of the mainstream, you think Yea Forums is gonna care for it?

looks like slant eye f2p garbage

It looks like every other COD game. Dumb zoomers.

It really doesn't tripfag, but go on and take more pictures of you playing stalker on your laptop faggot

Why would you present FPS game on a gamepad? The aiming is just so visibly awkward

COD's mainly a console game

The console peasantry have poisoned our once noble genre.

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>the shillings are still going on
Don't you guys take breaks?