How's this game Yea Forums? I hardly watched the anime (besides like 10 episodes five years ago) or played the games but this looks pretty fun and im interested in getting back into the story. How much content does it have?
How's this game Yea Forums...
Solid game with enough content to keep you satisfied for it's price.
That being said, you should catch up on the anime before playing the game, especially if you're looking to experience the story. The game is tailored towards fans of the series and you may end up a bit lost without finishing the anime.
I bought it on ps4 the other day but I haven't played it yet cause I'm trying to get through bullshit persona 5
better swinging than spider man
For a KT game, I'm surprised by the amount of effort they took in making this game not feel like a musou. Probably the most satisfying combat
A solid 8/10 game.
>watches anime
>doesn't read the manga
>is interested in the game
Are you trying to make me mad?
Manga is ugly as fuck
you better finish the anime first then play the game
also this is the best anime game since xenoverse.
Yeah, the author was fucking bad at the start. The art evens out later. The story is same time full of asspulls and too compelling to drop. Everything since Colossal Titan's defeat has been comic version of Mr Bones' Wild Ride. I pity animeonlyfags for missing it and not experience the threads on release dates.
Hype threads are cancer and it's stunning that the primary defense of one medium over the other is still "it started before the other one and you can experience hilarious memes on Yea Forums".
You have the analytical skills of an ape and don't even have your own opinion regarding why you should read the manga first, you're just regurgitating what you heard from people on Yea Forums.
The game is fun with lots of content. But DO NOT GET THE SWITCH VERSION. It has Framerate and slowdowns everywhere
switch version is about on par with the vita version. That is to say, looks absolutely terrible, runs like shit. No version is particularly great though.
It's a minor deviation from the standard musou formula. Instead of hundreds of enemies you have these bigger mobs you have to navigate around.
I see. Well, whatever floats your boat, fellow user.
If you don't see the reason people enjoy experiencing content in real time with one another I don't know what to tell you. It is objectively superior than a retrospective viewing.
It's a solid game, very fun and the interactions with other characters is good. Most of the DLC costumes are disappointing but that's a KT thing.
I literally only own a switch (long story). Is is the switch version that bad? I can handle slowdown every now and again if it's not too frequent. If it normally drops below 20fps that's a problem to me though and I'll probably just wait to get it on another platform when I actually get another platform.
It's normally about 20 fps, with dips. It's very bad and it's almost a straight port of the vita version + the new additions for final battle
Remember when the child soldier shot one of the main squad members dead? I even picked the series up because of the character from One Page Threads. I felt immense joy, fulfillment and katharsis on the scene, especially for knowing many people absolutely loved the character and thought nothing bad could ever happen to them. And then BANG! Death with no honor, no value and even Eren laughing about it.
The whole appeal to the series is that they kill main characters. No one anywhere thought they "couldn't" die. They just thought it was stupid some random character with no training skill or reason to do what they did, did what they did. And that same character just 'killed' eren last chapter too, there was a similar amount of confusion and disappointment and frustration.
Amazed something innovative came out of Omega Force for once. As much as I love Warriors in general, this is by far their most mechanically creative work. Swinging around feels good, taking on titans feels good with lots of options to tackle them, and difficulty feels much better than the normal fare. A sprinkling of good game modes(Story, Character Episodes, Territory Reclaimation, and 1 or 2 others iirc), progressions, and OC development and you've got a solid title.
been playing around 40 hours now, played the first game for about 60-70
its a musou game alright. its omega force so they gradually go more quantity over quality as sequels progress so story really takes a hit. instead of just continuing from where the first game left off they start over but this time they have you play a donut steel. its pretty stupid and feels largely inconsequential. you get to form bonds with all the characters from the series and the mini-stories play out like typical school setting hijinks most of the time. youll quickly find yourself zoning out as you go through many different side missions with only a small variety of maps that youll see over and over again as you grind out the modes. be prepared for escort ais running into walls endlessly and giving you a headache.
swinging hasnt really improved since the first game and feels worse at times. theres a lot of visual/cinematic flare to the fights and the game throws tons of allies with insane abilities your way to try to really pad out your options. i started using the titans a lot because the later maps eventually throw pools of titans your way and swinging around the masses simply stops being fun pretty quickly. its not really a matter of difficulty but rather an attempt at breaking monotony, and it works.
i play on pc and on lower settings which runs well enough for me. its unoptimized jank like usual, with some things being more taxing than they should really be. couldn't tell you how they sort this mess out for console unfortunately.
overall its ok. good brain dead simulator.
The only system it plays remotely okay on is ps4 and it's still a janky clusterfuck there, but you can at least tell that was the lead dev system.