Midnight Monster Hunter thread

Midnight Monster Hunter thread.

Discuss here. Other thread is console-warring crap

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Other urls found in this thread:


stop doing this we just had a thread and this always end up as just 3 monster hunter console war threads

So which monsters are in the monster hunter movie?

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any is tigers so big in world


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Is the upcoming roster looking good guys?

イヴェルカーナ Velkhana
バフバロ Banbaro
ブラントドス Beotodus
ベリオロス Barioth
ティガレックス Tigrex
ナルガクルガ Nargacuga
ディノバルド Glavenus
ブラキディオス Brachydios
ジンオウガ Zinogre
ラージャン Rajang
オオナズチ Chameleos
オドガロン亜種 Ebony Odogaron
アンジャナフ亜種 Fulgur Anjanath
ウラガンキン亜種 Steel Uragaan
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
凍て刺すレイギエナ Shrieking Legiana
怒り喰らうイビルジョー Savage Deviljho
冷酷なバゼルギウス Berserk Bazelguese
錆びたクシャルダオラ Rusted Kushala Daora
アルバトリオン Alatreon
リオレウス希少種 Silver Rathalos
リオレイア希少種 Gold Rathian

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what's that? you want an actual good feature from Gen and not dogshit mistakes?
too bad


>don't own a basedwitch
>last MH game i played was 4U with /mhg/ (over 300 hours)
I'd prefer Generations Ultimate, but I guess that's not happening. Is World actually good or what?

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ye it's like the jump from gen3 to gen4 except more drastic

>gen3 to gen4
Dude that jump was a tiny hop at best

no it was a big leap

Almost nothing felt too different other than the ledges gimmicks. On flat areas, where everyone wanted to stick to, it played just like 3rd gen with one or two extra attack per weapon.

I think it is. It doesn't have monster/gear roaster of previous entries but it has by far best maps in series, they are multilayered with all kind of natural traps, passages, stuff.
I also like how they reworked weapons, i do believe the made them much better.


Minotaur, griffin and uhh... Rathalos.

>No Gore or Shaggy
it doesn't have Khezu so i instantly know it's fake

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No source, literally my ass

And I didn't even know Khezu was confirmed, the last time I looked up anything was during the public beta

Some faggot from gameinformer pretty much leaked Khezu. They were talking about the monsters in Hoarfrost Reach and the turf wars they have and their habitats. And one fag kept rambling about how a "blind white bat monster would appear in the cave below". He said it was his main in MH Stories, but he couldn't even fucking remember the name. A secondary who can't even remember Khezu's name couldn't possibly think "yeah, the caves in a snowy map would be perfect environment for Khezu to live in IF it was in the game". He could only mention it because he SAW it in the game. They also tried to do damage control by leaving a comment under the video saying basically "h-hey guys, we're not ACTUALLY revealing any monsters beyond we promised Capcom we would reveal in our coverage".

shhhh... Nargacuga is sleeping...

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>Apep, or Apophis was the ancient Egyptian deity who embodied chaos (ı͗zft in Egyptian) and was thus the opponent of light and Ma'at (order/truth). He appears in art as a giant serpent.

>The Coffin Texts imply that Apep used a magical gaze to overwhelm Ra and his entourage. Ra was assisted by a number of defenders who travelled with him, including Set and possibly the Eye of Ra. Apep's movements were thought to cause earthquakes, and his battles with Set may have been meant to explain the origin of thunderstorms. In one account, Ra himself defeats Apep in the form of a cat.

>As Apep was thought to live in the underworld, he was sometimes thought of as an Eater of Souls. Thus the dead also needed protection, so they were sometimes buried with spells that could destroy Apep.

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bro that's gigginox


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>no fatty


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does anyone have the group shot of the portable 3rd cast

Most of the flagships, probably

This one?

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They're not even hiding it anymore. In fact they were never hiding it to begin with. Everyone is here.
They're only hiding the new Iceborne-original 5th gen monsters.

>Rusted kushala
So arch tempered? Sgdghdf

>Only Nargacuga is using his updated World render

>They're only hiding the new Iceborne-original 5th gen monsters.
Do people give a fuck about those?

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Pretty good user. Iceborne hopefully fixes the "end game" but other than that it's smooth and fun



Why cant they just offically reveal them all aready i fucking hate it when shit like this happens. Just sets up for dissapointments if it isnt happening

The moose is based, velkana looks cool, but ice ples can suck several dicks

Don't kid yourself. It's going to be the same endgame since 4.
Fight three monsters on loop. Do RNG item roulette. Make the one or two good sets of armor.

>? pog

>ice ples
Please tell me that's not a thing.

Icesioth is in the reveal trailer if you want to see him.

When are we gonna get more insect monsters for fuck's sake, at least port Seltas you fucks

user I...

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Wait for MH6/World 2 :^)

Don't worry he can't hipcheck you


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Velkhana seems boring as hell.

>ice ples
Beotodus is nothing like Plesioth though. It's more like small glacial agnaktor crossed with lagombi.

Never, because the skeletons are too specialized and that means that the individual cost of a monster will be much higher and take more man hours to build and test. They can't reuse the skeletons either.
Real talk though this is the same company that hasn't made a new crab since the second generation. What makes you think they're going to bring in skeletons that only have one or two monsters on them? They'd remake underwater combat just to get the rest of the leviathans in the game before making insects.

Her CB looks cash

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Nice armor though

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>take THE worst monster from World
>Make him ice themed

If MH6 is heavily focused on insectoid and arachnid monsters, hell yeah I'll wait. Just Seltas Queen wouldn't be enough.

You'll get more dragons and apes and you'll like it you fucking fag. They'll even start making horses out of Kirin.
Insects and crabs are dead. They said it themselves that it's a waste of time and resources.

I get the agnaktor comparison but how is it like lagombi?

They said it was a waste of time and resources porting skeletons they're not going to reuse for more monsters. But if they DO port them, that means they're going to reuse them for more monsters in the same family. Like it happened with Narga/Tigrex/Barioth/Seregios. There's a good chance we're getting a brand new Tigrex-type flying wyvern in Iceborne too. Same would go for Queen Seltas. If they ported hers, then they'd make more hulking four legged bug monsters. And that game by default would have more bug monsters, than just the returning ones, because they'd need to reuse the skeleton to create more monsters of the same type.

It seem to use plenty of snow based attacks, when it doesn't hit you directly, but flings a mass of snow at you. Of course, not exactly like Lagombi's snowball, but that's the closest comparison I could think of.

If Lagi is in then we're getting underwater back before bugs.

The previous one with narga was a good thread

It looks like it would kill you if you ever trip over.

>World 2 is tropical themed
>Jungle, beach and volcano maps
>Neopterons, Temnocerans, Fanged Beasts, and Leviathans are prominent
>New and improved underwater combat

Nah, I highly doubt that. But we're likely getting more leviathan monsters in IB than just Lagi, if he's in.
Underwater combat was just an experiment by the devs trying to introduce more vertical gameplay to the series. It wasn't about the underwater combat in particular. And since then they moved onto the ledges and slopes, jump attacks and mounting, and they're liking that system better.
That doesn't entirely exclude the possibility of underwater returning specifically as underwater combat this time, but I doubt it will.

>a huge seamless World-style map taking place entirely or partially in a giant hive structure serving as home to different neopteron and temnoceran species

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Khezu is grey
Giggi is grey+red and has remarkable purple eyes
Its easier to confuse khezu as white since he's a very light shade of grey, rather than him missing two entire colors with giggi.
That combined with the fact that he probably wouldn't call giggi blind since he has eyes and the fact that only khezu is in stories pretty much guarantees Khezu.

To be honest, thanks to the slinger, and all the traversal work they've done with IB, they're getting pretty close to making it work.
They've got a set up for it with Zorah blowing up underwater too. It'll let them use all the 3rd gen stuff they've had to abandon and give them a chance to bring back tropical maps.

All sense of subterfuge out the damn window.

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Khezu is white! WHITE!

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I just want more shit from Frontier

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Think about this logically, if they wanted to sell merch, who would they sell merch of? the flagships of course, that combined with the fact that literally all of the artworks here are reused makes pretty meh.
Maybe the "?" is for an unrevealed secondary flag in iceborne?

>there's a possibility we'll get more horse monsters before the bears are brought back
Kirin was a mistake. I guess at least the huntresses will have a field day with that, though.

Is that gore on the upper row?

>Frontier's final send-off was a recolored Zeru who doesn't even use the damage adaptation shit and barely has any original attacks

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Rath, Tigrex, Gore, Zin, Steve, Val, Kush, Narga, Brachy, Lagi, Glav, Nerg, Velk, Fatalis

thank you

I hope Plesioth and Mizutsune are in. World needs more water, and those seem like logical inclusions considering Jyuratodus and the now very likely presence of Lagiacrus on the roster.

MHW2 should have underwater combat, there's never been a better time to do a beautiful tropical ocean environment.

They'll put in Amatsu and you'll just have to like it.

keep your whitewashing out of this political safe space that is 4channel
Look at him in contrast with that little white I painted on his spine.

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user, you're judging colors based on their hex values, and that's just not how colors work in real life. White bears aren't #FFFFFF and neither is Khezu, but both can be called white, and that wouldn't be a mistake. You don't call White Fatalis, "grey fatalis with a splotch of red" do you?

Holy shit how do i kill this motherfucking flying nigger?
i spent like 2 hours today just trying to reach his stupid ass because i suck with ranged weapons.
even Zorah Bullshitos is more fun that getting locked out of an area by his stupid tornado

>i suck with ranged weapons.
That's an achievement in itself. I didn't think it was possible. Just point at the monster and shoot.

What was the blood sucking dragon mon called, is it from Frontier?

no shit, but doing so efficiently.
those bow combos and shit

So then, what HBG i should aim for?
Does it need some special skills like additional ammo in mag or something?

Its more reasonable to call him grey but that's just splitting hairs
the point is that our game journo sure as hell can't confuse giggi's color scheme as merely "white"

You don't need to know the absolute maximum effeciency DPS combos with the Bow to destroy monsters with it. You can just spam the uncharged R2 shots (which get an upgrade in charge level in World on consecutive shots), and still do decently. And if you need any more "advanced" gameplay tips: dodging charge keeps the charge level at max, unlike R2 spam, which goes 1-2-3-1-...

Are you just asking for the endgame meta HBGs or a general advice on how to choose your weapons?

For end game i guess. Like Behemoth. Is Lunastra HBG good?

I hate World.

Found it

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No. Only Glutton and Dark Devourer matter for the endgame meta. And "Support" for Piercing shots, but you never really use it, except maybe AT Xeno.
Although Luna might be a status HBG? Not sure. I remember Zorah HBG being a good status/sticky spamming gun.

>Frontier introduced more Carapaceons than any mainline game

>Kills -dromes to fuel status-related abilities

Such a nice guy.

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Aisha best girl

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Kushala is cute, CUTE!

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i love mantel

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I really like Kushy's design but i've never liked his fights, would it be that hard to make a good Kushala fight?

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A "good" kush fight would be limiting its winds and the amount of time it likes to fly around, which kinda strips it of its mean gimmick

I imagine at least one new subspecies will be water. My bets are on Pukei Pukei.

Do you think we'll get news today at SDCC?

Well, you'd have to increase the stagger threshold on its head for starters, and then you'd have to compensate that it will stagger less often. Giving it openings while it's flying where it dips its head low enough to be hit by melee weapons would be a huge difference.

Probably movie news. Have they ever shown new game-related stuff there before?

I doubt it, they said in the first developer diary that we'd get another trailer in August.

That doesn't seem to cover side reveals, they also said we'd get the next news drop early-mid July but Gameinformer still got to show off Barioth.

I want Astalos.

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They already said there would be reveals for Iceborne at the SDCC panel. They just aren't putting out a big trailer, and the next Dev Diary is august.

What if it wasn't Khezu or Gigginox, but a brand new monster that resembles them?

It's Furufuru.

>there would be reveals for Iceborne at the SDCC panel
They said "maybe even some debuts".

Honestly I wouldn't mind if they made an offline version of Frontier. I mean, as gaudy as some monsters were there were some top tier designs and subspecies in there like Voljang.

Pick ONE (1) Frontier monster to bring over to mainline.

I want Zeru and Unknown in mainline

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Bros, XX is the same as Generations Ultimate right? How can I emulate it on PC? Is it in English? Asking because I need something to play until Iceborne.

Be quiet, you'll wake Mizu up

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The new Twitter layout is so goddamn horrible.

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Citra,but good luck making the eng patch work because i can't fucking find how to/too stupid to do that
If you want something to play you could also try frontier(chinese) it's f2p until it shut down,you don't even need a VPN


Can someone explain whats the point of any weapon other than dual blades? I tried using them but theres no point, they’re slow as fuck, have no mobility and even if you get one good hit you barely do more damage than single hit from dual blades. I guess reach is the only advantage but you can just zoom around so it doesnt matter that much.

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It'd be nice, but I can't see Gore or Valstrax making it.

What about Monster Hunter Online? Are they the same as normal Monster Hunter or more like MMOs with microtransactions and grinding bullshit?

Now they only need to reveal the identity of that mysterious last monster...

Since some people are actually THAT retarded, let me say that explicitly just in case: yes, I am joking about Rathalos

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When did this style of drawing cute monsters start?
Is it mostly the same artist?
I love it

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They simple slapped the mobile layout into desktop Twitter
It's absolutely awful

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Ape Escape 4 confirmed

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I played it,it's not a bad game but it "feels" strange
The base formula is there,but i don't remember if it's filled with microtransaction
It's a fucking grindfest,that's for sure,because i remember reaching a point where i didn't even see the rank bar go up
also you have to use tencent launcher,that fucking cunt was a bitch to remove for some reason

They’ve been drawing them for a long time. pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=730593

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True charge on GS does 600 damage and tilts Elder Dragon. All that power.
it's hard to get off weapon you used to and efficient with but after like 10 games you get taste for them.

Their Tigrex made me love the little sperg even more

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Nigga don't even pretend to be joking about Rathalos. That's clearly a new monster. Looks like it'll be the new ??? monster.
Probably has laser eyes or something. Look at it.

Literally what were they thinking?
Have they not received backlash about it?
I don't think anyone likes it.

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Is the pc monster hunter performance heavy?

Ye he cute.

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No unless you max the graphics.

I've seen some people complain about it but not enough, such a shitty change shouldn't get ignored like this.

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>You can no longer drag pictures from tweets into a new tab and then save them that way
>You have to right click them, open image in a new tab, and then change the size of it
>New update completely fucked image scaling in tweets, so now you have to actually click the image to fully see it, but it stretches it out to fit a certain size
>Banner sizes got completely fucked
>Instead of having information condenses in a single spot, you now have to look around for shit because they're hidden away in different tabs
>You can no longer just view photos/images people uploaded, you have to dive into their media
Fucking retards I swear.

The Handler is so cute and sexy!

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If in doubt, SSD them load times up!

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>give cute outfits
>but her face is busukawaii at best
>guild lasses are all cute
>handler is super cute in the art book

>Have to change the URL even more to get the original image

What the fuck are they thinking?

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The Handler is super cute everywhere!

thank god pc mod exist

Give Serious Handler

>only db has mobility and isn't slow
You're supposed to play the game with overcommittal in mind
for example I wouldn't use Greatsword's level 3 charge on a monster who is gearing up for an attack, I would instead roll to a more advantageous position,, such as the side or rear of a monster or a place where he wouldn't attack from and attack from there with the length of my move in mind.
Now there will be certain times where you can't get to that advantageous position or where there is no advantageous position, if that happens just avoid the attack and keep running around looking for openings.
Not all weapons play like this though, weapons like lance (if you aren't evade lancing) will generally block an attack instead dodging through it, Charge blade will usually counter the monster's attack, etc.
Though its much less pronounced in world, which I'm guessing is the one you're playing, you should generally have a rough idea of a monster's moveset and its telegraphs for certain attacks.
Keep in mind this is very beginner-level play, at high level you should be near consistently moving to and attacking a monster's weakspots.
The best advice I can give you is just play more.
With even a little experience you would have learned the above naturally. You should probably watch a guide for your weapon by Arekkz or Gaijin hunter on youtube, because all the weapons are very deceiving, they all have very hard to discover, almost hidden mechanics, though learning through the ingame tutorial is fine in world.

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Nightcloak Malfestio is more likely to stay in its invisible Nightcloak form for awhile when it's not enraged. If you can spot it, hit it as hard as you can to trip it down and make it drop a shiny!

Of course if it's enraged, the shift into Nightcloak form is your cue it's going to Spiral Charge at full force!

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The fuck is this? The Mh Iceborne logo is printed in each one holy shit it's real

That's actually the Gen render.

>game only gives temporal mantle after you prove you don't need it
I can't even get past the goddamned Luna arena.

Aw fuck you're right, my bad then.

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i wish i could turn off half of the particles durning that fight
also >gray damage on her face
fucking hell

That's a great design choice example right there.

>entire arena gets filled with the nova
Hope they’re having a giggle. You don’t have to deal too much damage to get her to fuck off. If she’s getting close to novaing you can flashbomb her to trigger it on your terms or just farcast the fuck out. Or you can plant a health booster and just face tank it but i wouldn’t risk that.

About to start frontier
can any anons tell me what to expect?

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Why the FUCK is every good switch axe ugly

>Steel Uragaan
>No new Water monsters.

For it to be shit down in December. Also grinding.

>i've been up all night posting in this thread
>It's 7:30am now
Every fucking time.

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I don't get your frustration.

1) 4U is vastly superior to GU (considering Gen games are utter trash), you aren't missing out on anything and already played the best 4th gen game. You got the Soulful campaign, monster intro cinematics, comfy new villages, good pacing, 4th gen mechanics without Arts/Styles cancer, and even though you got some monster filler crap at least you avoided the added mosnter filler crap in Gen.

2) You can play GU on your 3DS, just download the jap version with the eng patch. Bam there you go.

3) You can play all MonHuns on PC with emulation. Unless you have a REALLY SHIT PC you can run MHGU on Citra no problem, in fact it even runs better than MH4U, you can even play it online for free.

4) Yes MHW is the best MonHun beyond any shadow of a doubt (I can't go back to 80% of the pre-World weapon movests, they all feel so bad) and with IB just around the corner even the weak "low content" argument will be gone. Perfect time to get into it now so that you can have a comfy experience through LR/HR before MR (GR) comes out in ~2 months.

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>Rajang but no other Fanged Beasts
>no new subspecies besides the two that are already announced
>no new Master Rank final boss

Yeah, I’m thinking it’s fake.

If on TW, locked out of Magspike and an easy way to get Hiden.

I know I'm just going to be disappointed by Iceborne and probably for tiny nitpick-tier reasons too. Maybe I'm starting to dislike the series

So is World just a platform that gets added onto? Iceborne is way bigger than just a dlc. Any more monsters and Iceborne's roster will rival some actual full games.

>So is World just a platform that gets added onto?

They stated that Iceborne will be the only DLC (as far as monsters, areas and so on) World is getting.

So if Iceborne is the final expansion, will the next game still use World's mechanics as a base? Basically they just change the story, the island/village and all characters but keep it in the same timeline.
And also is it likely they will make the shift to use RE Engine?

Iceborne is the last expansion for MHW. Expect at the very best a few more crossovers and maybe 1-2 new elder dragons for DLC if IB is a phenomenal success. Once IB is out, the development teams will likely converge and begin full scale development of MHW2 for next gen. A smaller team will remain to maintain World for seasonal events and promotions.

Next game is essentially Monster Hunter 6. Or, if you look it at another way, it's Monster Hunter Double 3. Which means... underwater combat confirmed

>4U is vastly superior to GU
t. GS/IG main

So do you think the sequel to World will include all of World's roster or will we be going back to releasing with 7 enjoyable hunts and 10 trashlords you never hunt more than once if you can help it?

>So do you think the sequel to World will include all of World's roster
No reason not to, consoles can handle it now.

A bit misleading, Iceborne will still add more monsters (and almost certainly areas too, like Kulve's arena) post-launch. You're making it sound like after IB's release there will be nothing more.

The next decade+ will use World's engine version as a base that's for sure. Probably all will have around the same map concepts, with the new slopes and backflip walls, environmental interaction, etc. The way armor skills work will probably also work the same until the next reboot, the merging of village/guild quests, gathering mats/drinking while walking, etc. will all probably be in.

The things that might change are stuff like NPCs, story and some specific gimmicks to World, in this case Slinger/Claw might not make it to Gen6, but I think they'll still be there since they're integrated into armor models and they'd all have to be redone in order to remove the sling. Then again Tri added underwater which required new animations and different movesets for weapons but they dumped all of that into the trash after only 2 games (even P3rd, of the same gen, didn't use underwater). So we never know.

That's usually the case, although sometimes they cut down on unpopular mosnters or subspecies, but since Gen5 is a build-up gen I don't think anything will be removed in Gen6.

t.Everything main
X/XX are cancer and destroyed each and every weapon's movesets. And no the game isn't minimally enjoyable in Guild style when everything in Grank is balanced around cancer. Also if I wanted to play Guild style + no Arts I'd rather just play a better MonHun game in the first place, because X/XX are trash on all possible aspects, not just combat.

It'd probably be difficult to bring back some of the really environment specific monsters like Radobaan and Vaal Hazak from a lore perspective (which is something the devs seem to care about more now).

I could see some hunts being abandoned due to redundancy or better alternatives.

Great Jagras could be replaced by a new or returning first-fight monster. Lavasioth could be retired because no one likes him, Jyuratodus could be replaced by Plesioth if the next game features a coastal map etc.

Xeno too, might not be in future games because he's unique and endemic to World's story and setting.

>from a lore perspective (which is something the devs seem to care about more now).
Damn, no more Tower shenanigans.

I dunno, Gore and Shaggy alone are a huge lore implication if they appear in other games, yet here we are, XX and highly possibly IB

I would think that the revelation of MH's new world puts this into a funny situation, while I can easily imagine the next game will be established further into it with a new base somewhere and thus justify the inclusion of MHW's newcomers, at some point in the future Capcom might want to retread back to the old world and it'll be weird as shit if we ever saw Anjanath and friends there too. Personally I can't say I'll miss most of them since they've been a letdown.

But otherwise MH6 will definitely have a slew of original monsters.

>X/XX are cancer and destroyed each and every weapon's movesets
They're literally the same as they were in 4U.

>when everything in Grank is balanced around cancer.
So you think guild is cancer huh? That's what the entire game is balanced around you know.

Is now the time to get back into World, or just wait for Iceborne? I haven't played in over a year.

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I think they'll do good to just remove the maps and add new ones, adding new and old monsters that suit those areas instead. I do think it's hard to top unique maps like the Vale and Highlands though (and maybe Hoarfrost coming up)

nostalgia trip while you stomp everything at the start

Wait til next week, they're bringing back all events.

>They're literally the same as they were in 4U.
Nope, chose any style (Guild doesn't count for reasons I already got into) and the base moveset is butchered on behalf of "balancing" the gimmick.
In aerial for instance, you straight up can't normal charge your GS, and IG gets its ground combo fucked into a single button spam.

>That's what the entire game is balanced around you know.
Good joke. Even if in this make-believe reality that were true, like I already said by that point I'd much rather play a good game instead - there's already a perfectly good alternative on the same gen, much less other gens.

the charge blade changes make me cry every time

>And no the game isn't minimally enjoyable in Guild style when everything in Grank is balanced around cancer.
Better than 4U where most weapons just don't have any way to deal with 140s in a decent manner.

World is actually good, GU is the bad game that shitposters/consolefags have memed into being good. Plus its only worthwhile monster is in Iceborne now.

CB and all of its "muh parries" ilk are a cancer upon MH that should have never been created, and its effect on the western fanbase might have been one of the most damaging things in the series' history.

>A bit misleading
Not if you have a brain. Also you literally don't know that they'll add more free DLC after that. Not that I necessarily doubt they will, but you can't say I'm being misleading when I repeated the exact thing the developer said and you don't know whether it's wrong.

>Guild doesn't count
Stopped reading here. If it's a part of the game it clearly counts not to mention that's what they use as a base for each style.

Look, I get you want to hate XX but you have no real issues with it.

Nakarkos isn't in World.

They confirmed they will. Think its in some GI interview. Before then they also said MHW's post-game DLC was harder than they thought and that they'd want to do better in the future (meaning IB's post-release)

The only things even remotely balanced around styles in G/GU are the Deviants.

His design is neat but big monsters are always complete shit to fight

He meant Guild style is literally the same, user. Stop trying to bring up other styles as an argument.
And other styles is just that, other way to fight the monsters to spice things up. You arent forced to use Aerial GS if you really want your ground charge, just use any other
It just offers choices, a lot of them

Furthermore, if you really follow the "meta" of the game (and tb h, who the fuck follow the meta, really. Just have fun), the optimal style and weapon combination are mostly with Guild and Valor, and its just because Valor is retarded strong. Guild is perfectly great to use

>but you have no real issues with it.
I do, combat is only 1 out of 5+ major issues. Even if it had 4U's combat with no styles/arts it would still be far and beyond the worst MonHun game bar 1st gen.

What exactly do you think nakarkos is?

Iceborne is an expansion pack.
And the devs did say there will be more content updates like Jho and Luna post-launch.

>Even if it had 4U's combat with no styles/arts it would still be far and beyond the worst MonHun game bar 1st gen.
Why? Because you don't get your epic CB parries and your broken 55 MV per second IG XXA?

>big monsters are always complete shit to fight

Care to list the other major issues? im seriously curious

Don't reply to Listposter.

He's a squid that wears monster bones

A shitmon.

>He meant Guild style is literally the same, user. Stop trying to bring up other styles as an argument.
But it isn't. GU with no styles/arts would probably be the most balanced MH game, but they're not the same movesets.

Literally made obsolete. Palico was for gathering, which has already received massive QoL improvements.

Fuck off. Perfect parries is THE best mechanic video games have ever known. I don't care about the weapon's MVs or where it is in the meta, as long as its already perfected moveset and playstlye is not being butchered.

>Even if it had 4U's combat with no styles/arts
Which it does. You're free to play without them using guild style which makes it the exact same game in that regard.

>it would still be far and beyond the worst MonHun game bar 1st gen.
And yet you can't list a single problem that isn't shared by MH as a whole

then you havent got the chance to fight shits like Gogma or Ahtal then. Gen 4 stepped up greatly on those fight
and arent those more of "medium big" fight? on the same tier as Xeno'jiva, (maybe) Kulve, Amatsu and such?

all garbage fights. if you disagree you're wrong

>but they're not the same movesets.
Have you actually played 4 or Gens?

>Perfect parries is THE best mechanic video games have ever known.
Yeah, fuck skillful movement and fuck smart positioning, I guess. The best video game mechanic is pressing a button when the enemy is about to hit you.

>Have you actually played 4 or Gens?
Have you?
Guild style does not reverse the fact that DBs have a butchered archdemon mode and spin2win in demon mode in order to incentivize Striker.
Guild style does not get rid of that shitty third thrust on Lance.
Guild style does not give me 4U CB.
Guild style does not give me 4U GS.
Guild style does not bring back limiter removal on bowguns.

really user. Aside from CB nerf (and its literally a string nerf ala "no you cant combo this anymore") the moveset of XX Guild is a copy paste from 4U, even the same buttons
Its even less drastic than the move from 4h gen to World

>that one guy in your group who doesn't have a SSD yet

No? Prowler mode has completely different combat, and it's just fun. It's like asking why we need different weapons when 1 of them does the job.

>Caring about weapon balance in Monster Hunter
>Thinking MH is a competitive game
How new are you?

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Gog was good, because he's pretty much just a giant Gore you fight in a small arena its AI can interact with.
I guess Nakarkos sort of counts as a proper fight too, but that only makes it contrast more with a good giant monster fight Gog was. Nakarkos feels closer to the old theme ride giant monsters like the Mohrans and Lao.
And Atoraru isn't really giant in its real form, which is okay. But the giant robot sequence is ass.

>non competitive games don't have to be well designed and give good incentives to use their different options
Boy I bet Iceborne's massive amount of rebalancing is going to piss you off

That's like 90% of the MonHun armors

>Pressing a button to move when the enemy's about to hit you
>Pressing a button to parry when the enemy's about you

>non competitive games don't have to be well designed and give good incentives to use their different options
They don't. Some weapons are significantly better than others in all MH games, but experienced users of them can still kill monsters very quickly. Does it really matter if someone using a HBG can kill a monster in 3 minutes while someone good at HH can solo it in 6? It's not like even the worst weapons are just wet noodles that can't clear any content.

I plan to buy the physical release (iceborne + MHW), but I already have MHW, does anyone knows if the save is shared? I know the digital edition does (obviously) but I'm not sure about this one

HH in World literally can't solo Extremoth.

What's so "skillful" or "smart" about something as trivial as movement and positioning, which, should I remind you, is still required for proper parrying.

Extreme behemoth wasn't meant to be soloed, but you're also wrong anyway.


Why wouldn't it? Its the same game. Unless capcom royally fucked up that is.

So you're telling me the game wouldn't be improved by actually having strategic value to weapon choice instead of making it purely a self inflicted handicap based on personal preference? The game wouldn't be improved by having each weapon excel at something instead of having one broken weapon do everything every other weapon does but better?

Jesus christ no, that's how you ruin a PvE game. You're supposed to make some shit better than the rest, because different levels of power provide vastly different experiences.

Then just wear shit gear if you want a handicap.

>So you're telling me the game wouldn't be improved by actually having strategic value to weapon choice instead of making it purely a self inflicted handicap based on personal preference?
That's pretty much how the game is for the most part newfriend, some weapons are just more geared toward online play. Also the weapons have tradeoffs with the exception of ranged weapons which are inevitable hard to balance since they don't have to worry about having openings as much.

like, you fuck forgot why the nerf CB from 4U to X? its not because of parrying, its because it string to the strongest atk of the weapon, immediately. the guard point is still fucking there
and then just like they hadnt learnt anything, they let Valor LS strong its guardpoint into yet another strong string. and Voila, busted

>actually having strategic value to weapon choice
Hell, no, that's a textbook way to ruin the game. You should be picking a weapon because you like how it plays, not because of its "strategic value". If you're forced to minmax at something as basic as weapon choice, that game is NOT going to be fun to play. And that's what the games are all about - having fun.

Lower stats do not replicate using a weapon with a deliberately subpar moveset and having to compensate for its flaws with player skill.

Games need low tiers to be interesting. Even competitive games do, in fact. Balanced games are almost always boring as fuck.

Objective MH tier list 8.0. Toddlers need not reply.
Not an argument.

God tier:
Good tier:
>pre-FU games
Okay tier:
Overrated garbage tier:

>the guard point is still fucking there
Except they completely changed how it functions. AND they nerfed the MVs.

OK listfag

It's not about minmaxing, it's about things like not making IG do literally everything LS and SA do but significantly better in 4U, for example, or having literally 80% of a weapon's moveset be completely redundant. Just have fair strengths and weaknesses to each weapon, and make sure each weapon, when played skillfully, has the tools to excel in even the hardest content in some fashion.

How would this not improve the game?

and? it was too strong as a both a defense AND offense tool. Make it situational for different situation is much better than "lol GP 4evar"

>having literally 80% of a weapon's moveset be completely redundant.
As a GL main, this one hit hard.

Because none of that shit matters. Just pick whichever weapon you like the look of and stop worrying so much about the details. Autistic finetuning around high level play just ruins the game for everyone else.

What the fuck does LS "do"? Or IG? They do cutting damage. That's it. It's about HOW you play the weapon.

>4 above 4U
>p3rd over 3U and Tri
>pre FU games not in shit tier

But it was already balanced in 4U. Just GPing everything is suboptimal DPS, you have to go for a mixture of GPs and proactive play. All they had to do was maybe reduce the shield charge mod to 10% instead of 20%.

It's a grown-up thing, you wouldn't understand even if i explained it to you.

You realize that Lance was in the game the entire time, right? A weapon can only be "too strong" if it does too much damage. A simple MV tweak is enough to balance it. Not butcher its entire playstyle.

>But it was already balanced in 4U
It was the single most broken weapon in 4U.

>people unironically defending capcom's shitty balancing
This is why they got away with world

It's called autism, user.

*After IG, GS and HBG.

>What the fuck does LS "do"?
It's a high mobility combo based weapon with long range and average-high damage output, that relies on maintaining a hard to build up buff for optimal damage.

Meanwhile IG is a high mobility combo based weapon with long range that relies on a very easy to get buff, but also has the highest DPS of any weapon, one of the best pokes which also goes into its BnB combo on a successful flinch, free earplugs, free constant super armor, can play hit and run exceedingly well because its damage is so front loaded on that first X attack, and it has some of the most busted craftable weapons in the entire game while LS has to pay a big fat tax on its weapon stats to make up for its raw damage multipliers.

Tell me, how is this fair?

>CB in 4U was balance
i, just. really? it was so balanced that most of the quickest TAs were from CB and GS (and mostly because GS had a stupid strong expedition GS)? Just like how valor LS dominated GU, and "aerial" GS or LS in World?
well, to be fair, the event GS was stupid strong too

Not counting HBG, ofc. that shit is way beyond busted and they gave up on balancing it alr

Woah you mean they got away with World because nobody cares that one weapon kills a monster one minute faster than another? No way!

IG was a new weapon in 4U and was also extremely good thanks to mounting also being overpowered. Both were tuned down in later games and funnily enough aren't nearly as good anymore.

They wish they were as broken as the CB. Hell IG often lead to triple carts from most people.

>one minute
50% faster. Or more.

It isn't fair. But why does it have to be?
It's not a competitive game. If you think IG is too overpowered, just don't use it. Why ruin it for those who like being OP?

Every record on 4U is held by GS, IG or HBG. CB dominates on maybe a tiny handful of hunts and they're all weak mid game quests where your unsafe animations don't matter.

>comparing IG with LS
maybe with DS, yes, with their mobility and high hit count

>Hit and run with IG
oh shit nigga what the fuck are you doing. you mean the initial mini vault attack? that thing's unreliable as fuck, and the MV isnt that good either

well thats fair, i guess. they didnt think it through with a high raw, long purple, BLAST high hit count weapon way into XX too. that one is literally better than everything else but GS and HBG, and the GS need a rare expedition one. its more of a stat balance than weapon balance
Not until they make Valor LS busted tho

Why ruin it for those that want the IG to be challenging to use?

>Just have fair strengths and weaknesses to each weapon
>strategic value to weapon choice
Mobile weapon that has many openings. Also gives the user a shield. Best suited as an elemental/status weapon. Can cut tails.

Very defensive weapon, best shield in the game. Very good at reaching certain monster spots and also inflicting element/status. Can cut tails.

Mobile heavy hitting weapon that can frequently KO monsters and also inflicts large amounts of exhaust damage. Very good in coordinated play.

Great multiplayer weapon. Gives great offensive bonuses while also allowing you to not have to gem in set bonuses like HG earplugs

Slow, heavy hitting, raw damage weapon. Offers no utility in exchange for usually being the strongest melee weapon.

Mobile weapon that is also good for status and element. Good for coordinated play thanks to EZ knockdowns. Can cut tails

>Dual blade
Fast mobile weapon that is punished hard for losing its momentum and getting hit. Can cut tails.

Long range, mobile weapon that does a ton of damage but requires you to commit to a long combo to unlock its highest potential

Raw power glass cannon

Allows you to easily inflict status elements and is extremely good at coordinated online play thanks to this




For a toddler, you're surprisingly self-aware of your mental disability.

Sure, that's how things look in theory. Doesn't mean it works out that way in practice.

Defend this.

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That is NOT what they "do". That's HOW they play. Exactly what I was saying to you in the previous post. You should just pick a weapon which you like the playstyle of. Not pick LS of its "utility" because it's the only cutting weapon in the game or anything like that.
Those arguments about superarmor (which are false) aside, you fail to see the bigger picture. What's "not fair" is to compare different weapons. You do not pick LS because it's "the best most optimal weapon in the game", you pick it because you're a weeaboo and like to image you're Sephiroth. You don't pick IG because "it has broken motion values and EZ mounting for fastest quest clear", you pick it because you have fun playing with bugs and je suis monteing through the air.
And if you're not having fun unless you're playing THE strongest weapon in the game for most optimal farming and best clear times, well, then I'm sorry to inform you that it indicates the problem lies now with the game, but with you.

>oh shit nigga what the fuck are you doing. you mean the initial mini vault attack? that thing's unreliable as fuck, and the MV isnt that good either
No, I mean the fucking 28+16+18 standing X attack boosted by a 25% raw multiplier. You could go an entire hunt literally using only this one attack and still beat almost every other weapon in the game.


Pretty much how it does. Sorry you're stuck on a 5 year old game not having 2 new weapons be perfectly balanced and also you're just an idiot for caring about how a casual game's optimized clear times have some weapons kill 2 or 3 minutes faster than the worst weapons.

Ah, so now it's about the players, not the weapons, huh?

>you're not supposed to care about mechanics, only aesthetics
What the fuck happened to these threads

Your sub 2 min extremoth proofs?

Fuck off we're talking about weapons you nigger.

bananamatic plays MHW, so that should tell you that it's worth it.

>inb4 who is that?
doesn't matter, but he'll probably be the best MHW player very soon

>so now it's about the players
No it's still about the weapons.
People thought IG was broken but it's really not hence why it lead to a lot of carts.

you just know she fucks human hunters

>2 new weapons
They're not even new. Those weapons were introduced in 4, not 4U. And CB got a complete overhaul between those two games. No reason why other weapons that needed it couldn't get the same treatment.

Hell, look at Iceborne, literally every single weapon got some tweaks.

It's almost like anyone's allowed to come here and express their opinions, crazy

Did you even read any of my posts, are you just "pretending" to be retarded? All this time I've been trying to get it through your thick skull that's the mechanics, i.e. the playstyle, how the weapon feels is what matters, and not the fucking NUMBERS. Where did you even get the aesthetics from?

Guild style does not bring back a usable GL

forgot about that one.

No, people thought IG was broken but for the wrong reason, so you got vault spamming frenchies while the actually good players were melting monsters with their broken grounded MVs.

>optimal play
well yeah ofc speedrunners cater to those sort of thing, just like GS crit draw set, or CB cancel into third phial atk. Or spin to win in XX, or GS in general in every game.
it doesnt mean everyone HAVE to do it. you do you, as long as you have fun

And they were heavily rebalanced in further games but you're still whining about how the devs didn't quite hit the mark on their first inclusion. You got what you wanted, they're balanced weapons that have normal clear times in both GU and World. So why do you have a raging hateboner for them still? IG wasn't even overpowered in 4U it was just completely braindead.

>caring about mechanics in casual games
MH is about dumb mindless multiplayer fun, nothing more.

Saves are system dependent. Steam, XBL and PSN all have account-bound saves so yes you're good to go regardless of what you buy.
Thank god the franshise ins't on SHitendo anymore where something as simple as transfering saves was and still is a nightmare.

>IG wasn't even overpowered in 4U
Doing literally 50% more DPS than the next best weapon on its main combo isn't overpowered?
You could take a fully juiced up demon riot+energy charge SA and it still wouldn't even come close to 4U IG's damage.

>People thought IG was broken but it's really not
I see. You haven't played the game then.
No weapon is just a magic wand that lets you clear any quest without your input by just looking at the screen. Not even 4U IG was that broken. But its MVs were. It's just math, you can't argue with it.

Bad player that depends on a thing he can use twice per hunt and will most probably cart 3x during the 95% time he can't use the mantle.

didnt DS get its spin2win only in 4U onward too?

What the fuck does any of that have to do with IG having good burst damage for fights that incentivize hit and run playstyles?

mainly because they didnt balance the weapon properly tho, esp the Crimson Fatalis and Shah Dala one
those 2 even outclass the best expedition weapon, and THAT was something


just read my other weapons' burst, user. i wrote it there clearly
people dont really complain about GS and CB much either, do they?
actually, they do. thats why they have been making a lot of weapons' damgae more spread out, which result in XX and World's moveset and MV balancing

Sorry, I'm still at work.
But if I can't work out a co-op Lost Planet 2 playthrough with an user I wanted to group with, then I'll post a room here in a couple of hours.

It's not just that, the weapon's innate MVs were just far too high.
In a theoretical MV per second comparison, it would still beat every other weapon except CB even with only red extract.
That's the kind of shit where you wonder how that made it past playtesting, and then again into an expansion of a base game where IG was already broken as fuck, when it would take literally 2 minutes to fix.

At the end of the day I'm just beyond glad that World:IB has god-tier movesets. Couldn't care less about the back and forth bickering of 4th gen stuff.

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>Shah Dala
I believe it wasn't actually Shah Dala IG, but regular G-rank Dala from an Event Quest.

Mate i have like 70hours i dont have trouble dodging or hitting monsters its just like you said
>run around doing nothing
How is that efficient when i can just hit monsters literally all the time and still dodge because of high mobility and fast attacks of dual blades. And on top of that you have that aerial spinning move that completely shits on any bigger monster and you have ledges or inclines all over the map.

How is the gunlance in Iceborne? Is it finally decent like the HH?

But World is more focused on big damage super moves than ever. And you listed a bunch of weapons (minus DB) whose main feature is burst. But IG could do more burst damage than something like hammer despite being a combo oriented weapon, that could follow up on that burst with absurdly high DPS if you got a successful flinch, and it's insane movement speed and low startup time on its attacks meant you could exploit a ton more openings than those weapons, and also switch more quickly between legs and head if you're fighting something like Gore or Zinogre and going for trips.

It's a combination of too many unfair advantages and zero weaknesses, and that's the kind of shit I don't want weapons to have.

It was regular upgraded with Shah part (thus Shah's color scheme), but the final upgrade parts were from an event normal Dala

Sometimes you just have to commit to your biggest dick attack when the monster is charging at you and GOTCHA BITCH.

It's the exact same as in World but with a 1.5x damage multiplier on shells for master rank quests. Also you can stick a bomb on monsters that repeats your shell attacks with around 50-80% of the damage.

Not him but I would be willing to join in on your Lost Planet 2 playthrough. Feel free to add me.


Nobody fucking cares about your in depth analysis of a casual game, autist.

>That's the kind of shit where you wonder how that made it past playtesting
monster hunter is a casual game despite what Yea Forums autists and purists will try to tell you. it's literally a game that japanese women and children play like pokemon here in the US.

the playtesters don't sit around all day trying to autistically optimize their clear times and fine tune the weapons balance such that each weapon will have the exact same clear as the others.

they gave certain weapons gimmicks/advantages that for the most part, are well designed and work online. yes, you are "gimping" yourself by not running a team of 4 bowgunners or 4 bows but who cares? it's not a competitive game and at the end of the day, the difference between someone good at heavy bowgun vs someone good at hunting horn amounts to solo kills that are a couple of minutes apart from each other. just play what you want, the game wasn't designed to be some tough-as-nails MMO shit where only people wearing the absolute best weapons and gear are able to play the game.

As someone with 400+ hours on CB in MHGU, the recoilless GPs made the weapon safer to use because you get to do 42mv damage with Forward Slam unabated, atop of deciding whether to follow up with the 75mv AED, the 20+45mv ED2, or the 30mv Round Slash.

Plus, did you know that Forward Chop->ED2->Round Slash deals more cumulative damage than an Amped Discharge from neutral, and it's like a milisecond faster? Helps that guardpoints have no knockback on weak hits, and you can quickly morph back after ED2.

Amped Discharge still has its uses for burst damage though, but the long recovery animation makes it very debilitating to use without evade arts.

Not the PVE retard by the way. But you may recognize me for the "actual MH" posts.

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Well, I don't know if it'll work out at all yet. And also it's harder to organize three people than two especially with 10 hour timezone difference. But we'll see.

So I reached HR100 and took a break, after returning recently I fought behemoth for the first time, I realise what a pain in the ass he is now, I don't cart often, how can I make this easier for myself and others? Do I just suck it up and slot in wide range and chug pots to stop people from dying?

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well yeah, 4U's IG is busted, but dont forget the fact that its most meta weapons has very long sharpness (Shah's eternal white, or C.Fata's long purple). IG is held back by its hit count cost, thus sharpening time. And gated with a needlessly complex investment for your bug (not like it matter in this day and age tho)
at least they rebalanced it to be more reasonable now

I don't want the a fucking safe 42mv hit. I want to parry the monster's attack with a band and counter with my big dick AED or cart trying.
Generations also fucked up GPs, by taking away the Guard bonus from them, and giving the regular guard with red shield a free phial release. GPing from idle became obsolete compared to just holding block.

That's an unusual chair.

>But you may recognize me for the "actual MH" posts.
You're THIS close to getting the listfag treatment with your "actual" spam, Lizardus. Tread carefully.

what's that CB, i dont recognize it

>Bazel variant
>Barioth at all
yes its shaping up to be my favorite game in the seri-

Looks like Lagi CB, same as the armor.

>running around
you never need to run around
you only need to do that if you don't have near perfect knowledge of the monster
here's a random gs nergigante run I found youtube.com/watch?v=AYSAAN_sc6s
he sometimes sheathes because he has crit draw but as you can see he doesn't ever run around, he simply dodges to a position where he'll avoid the attack and keeps attacking and dodging perfectly till the monster is dead, this is hard to do consistently for non experienced players which is why I didn't recommend it.
If you watch gs runs in mh4u you'll sometimes see them running around if a monster is charging or doing something else that also stops them from hitting it.

Was the original really that big of a disappointment that you people need to know every single monster that's in the game?

I ended up disowning 4U's version because the recovery time after AEDing just doesnt justify that 90*1.20mv damage.

I still have harrowing memories of counter-AEDing LV140 Shagaru, only to get body-slammed afterwards for 90% of my health while I'm stuck morphing back into Sword mode.

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oh yeah, cant recognize it from that angle

Attached: lagiaStorm.png (257x215, 19K)

That's because you're not supposed to just load the phials asap and spam GP into AED contrary to what some people believe. You're supposed to keep hitting the head in sword mode to build up the damage closer to the flinch threshold and only AED when it's close enough for a guaranteed stagger, so you could recover safely.

You’ll just run out of pots. Just go hbg and stun/cluster it to death

the perfect combination of offense, defense, and mobility
throw some combos and utility in there too
SnS may not be the best weapon for effeciency, safety, or fast runs but I love it

>10+ raw stronger than Mantis CB
>Can even outdamage Mantis CB with S+1
>Shield design compliments with Ripper Shield better than Arachnoscale
>Proof you've conquered Hyper Lagi, one of the hardest Hypers next to Metal Raths.
>Worthy successor of the Ceadeus Regalia which never appeared in GU despite the GS, SA and Bow being in.
>Cool as fuck
Cant go wrong with Lagia Storm

>Proof you've conquered Hyper Lagi, one of the hardest Hypers next to Metal Raths.
>lmao pierce spam

HBG destroy everything user, no need to bring that up
hell the best charm farming method is literally killing a Brachy in under 30s

I like the design but it's just another generic ass fish wyvern. Wish they'd get a little weirder with them like they do with Leviathans.

>everyone asking for them to just add a bunch of fan favorites and getting excited
>actual new monsters met with middling exception.
I have a feeling that Gen 5 is going to be remembered mostly for its engine

Attached: great-girros.jpg (750x420, 45K)

>which is something the devs seem to care about more now
>less material/weapons descriptions than ever
>devs care more about the lore now

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What the FUCK is the deal with event brachy?
I have final boss armor with something close to mathematically highest dps for a longsword, and I beat the game and all that but when I tried fighting that event brachy I get raped so fucking hard.
He's so fucking fast, its unlike any monster in the game (haven't done hr100 deviants).
Is he similar to 3u's event brach? I never did clashing fists.

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If only I could read moonrune

>Tfw you charge at a charging monster with Lance and break their face with a single tick of the charge, sending them reeling

I actually beat him after posting that, 2 dudes carted to the nuke but we managed to pull through

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i was talking about regular brachy in the coal quest
that event raging brachy, on the other hand, is literally Clashing fist

>let's go home, I'll give you plenty of food
>too heavy!
>don't look at me with those eyes, we're going home

Sad isn't it? They should've saved the new monsters for a mainline entry instead of wasting them on a HD spin off.

>Placing freedom unite above everything when each game objectively does it better

It's almost like you wanna pretend that you have seniority or something.

All the lore is explicit now rather than implicit.

Clashing Fists was a bitch in a half, I remember spending an entire weekend on him because of the constant oneshots.

Attached: fucked.jpg (1289x694, 174K)

Lol no it's not. They don't explain anything about Xeno'jiiva or why so many elders are attracted to it.

Probably because that plot thread isn't done yet and will likely continue into Iceborne.

What's the trick to it now?

Trim the fat, and put the extension on the end. Like, change:

Easy but a bit more than just changing ':large' to ':orig'. Fuck Twitter.

Attached: smoke.png (500x500, 145K)

obligatory then

Thanks chief
>all those artists who migrated to this godawful platform to post their art there
>have to jump through Twitter's increasingly retarded hoops just to get a non-crushed mess of an image

Attached: 1503347326708.gif (720x404, 3.83M)

Twitter is also allegedly wanting to put a stop to NSFW material. When are all the artists actually going to migrate to another site that doesn't destroy the quality of their art?

Attached: i don't understand.png (248x169, 77K)

Hopefully they pick somewhere with a proper tagging system in the future

I like MH4U, GU and World

Unironically. Zeru's "music" would make it a pretty unique hunt, and people always say Unknown is goofy or edgy but I fucking love the concept of it. Some inexplicable horror that only superficially resembles Rathian that has a small chance of invading your hunt or outright replacing your intended target. It's like Deviljho was when he was introduced but cranked up to fucking 12. I love that kind of shit. We'd also get this 10/10 music to top it all off. youtube.com/watch?v=02Ti3ha8Mhw

Banbaro is alright, Velkhana is pretty boring design wise and Beotodus is a fucking Piscine Wyvern so it's instantly shit tier.

Attached: 1563388126587.png (813x811, 534K)

>reading the mats description is implicit info now
No, shit like elemental weakness and breaks were implicit infos.

>Velkhana is pretty boring design wise
I really like her wings when not armored up with ice.

>4U is under 4

Now this is some quality bait

When´s the panel?

11:30 I think

I unironically would call MHW:IB the best MH game if they all get in. Mother of fuck that's the biggest G-rank addition in the series

The "premieres" will be just movieshit.

welp guess I'm just gonna sleep and wake up with news then

Biggest jump in monster count was Tri -> 3U, but that's kinda unfair since they got to reuse all the porting work P3rd already did for returning monsters.

None of their weapons will be in though.

I agree with you user

How about you wait until the expansion is out before you start doomposting

Attached: 1492449826327.gif (307x421, 2.52M)

You're too late with your shitpost. They're ALREADY in.

stop giving him (You). This is his only way to bait these days without a ban

The post with the weapon designs didn't get any replies, so I took this opportunity.

What is that thing on the bottom right supposed to be?

Part of me thinks Valstrax and Gore probably won't be added, but another part of me sees them as very likely because Capcom would want to add more EDs, and asides from the big ones like Amatsu and Gog, the only medium sized Elders left are to my knowledge, Chameleos, Gore/Shagaru and Valstrax.

Attached: barufaruku_by_zeldahuntr-dbjpwhx.jpg (752x1063, 231K)

I played this whenever I fight Val in GU and it amplifies the fight by a mile and a half

Ace Combat collab when?

Attached: 1563415360528.png (446x649, 221K)

Nerg and Xeno already use the Magala skeleton, same as Val. It'd be less work than the bugs or monkeys at this point.

Tigrex HBG.

Attached: Weapon259.png (561x398, 273K)

Xeno is actually Grigori/Ur-Dragon.

Don't do this to me

Absolute brainlet

Eh, obviously similar because they're big dragons but I don't think DD used MH assets to that extent, or vice versa.

Attached: NEW CONTENT.webm (1192x600, 1.5M)

report and hide it. It's listfag's new toy before mods take it away

>needs to use Fortify
man that hurts. This is proof enough Horn needs animations sped up and MVs across the board increased

PC room 3pseat
Just doing some weeklies right now, but open for anything.

Attached: 1453989101081.jpg (700x821, 788K)

>Ridiculously good weapon meant for group play and buffing party members needs buffs for solo play
No it doesn't. Just play hammer.

Why is /mhg/ so mean

Attached: 478958934.png (773x817, 543K)

There’s been porn on Twitter since day 1

/vg/ in general is notorious for gatekeeping. Look at all the SSD shit going on just because they want to shave 5 seconds off their loading

same for Tumblr yet here we are

Probably the same deal as Tumblr who became a laughing stock and ended up making Newgrounds a bit more relevant again.

Banbaro stands out pretty well but the big problem is it is a low tier monster. If we went back to FU's armor system or capped defense at 700 then it will always be relevant since it would always deal good damage. It is going to turn into a push-over that is easily forgotten, just like every post-FU G1 monster. Beo is going to suffer from this despite being the best Piscine in the franchise and having so many unique animations

Apple is probably threatening to pull twitter from their app store
Same shit that happened to dumblr

To be honest, doggo was always the coolest looking MHW monster.

God I hate it when literal boomers buy websites and run them into the ground.
Why the fuck are they so uppity about pornography?
It’s a bigger than Netflix and Netflix has practically killed cable tv

why'd you reply?

Maybe we'll get a hyper-like system that lets every monster stay somewhat threatening in the endgame, they did say they were revamping the endgame and wanted a larger selection of challenges.

>Buy monster hunter 3 ultimate
>It has SAVAGE deviljho
>and it's $60!!!
>also it's a standalone game so you have to beat all the low level content again!

Attached: 1516318638735.gif (452x371, 59K)

Hypers were absolutely terrible. I'm telling you the problem honestly is simply how Defense is handled. ever since P3rd we've been allowed to break defense caps after reaching max armor upgrades, it is just so stupid and needs to go away.

>Kills -dromes
i dont care why he does it that fact alone makes him based

you forgot
>you have to buy a $300 home console nobody bought play it
>oh you want to play the 3ds version instead?
>still have to buy the $300 home console to play that version online too!

What if we something like had Frontier's HC system? Minus the hiden grind part.

Attached: DxIIr81U0AAlMG6.png (326x578, 147K)

HC don't cover every monster

less defense doesn't make those monsters not die in less than 2 minutes.

What's wrong with hypers?

I just fucking hope they do something with Frontier assets cause they'd work well for a switch port if retooled right. Easy money and barely any work

I love her.

So what story crossover collab do you feasibly see Capcom doing like with the Witcher after Iceborne drops?
Btw the funny thing about the Witcher collab is that it's technically realistic because the Witcher setting exists in a multiverse, with several characters in lore having travelled to other worlds.


August, weren't you listening?

They don't even need crossovers. Give us Dark Stalkers layered armor, more SF stuff, Red Earth garbs and gestures, etc.


need less capcom stuff, more other franchise shit

give me berserker armor and the dragonslayer please

We're not getting anime collabs anymore, only AAA games.

>Need less Capcom

You can have it all after I get my goddamn Amingo palico outfit and STARS uniform layered armor.

Is the the one on the Switch any good?
I've played the demo about a year ago, and it felt rather different from my PSP-era experience.

It would be the easiest MMO to convert to a regular single + multiplayer game for sure, Mezeporta even has alternative hubs for smaller player numbers. I've heard about one claim (possibly back from when Minegarde was a thing) saying all the quest info was stored server-side, the devs would need to retool that. That said, some gameplay things should definitely be changed in a theoretical commercial release.

Wow what insensitive fucking niggers
Where will i get my C96 leak samples now?

God of War dual blades when?

Has there ever been an MMO that got retooled into a regular game? I usually just see them die off and never revived

anyone wants to make a lobby? (MHW)


>steel uragaan
if true (which it likely isnt) why does capcom love this dumbass chin fucker so much

radobaan was actually entertaining to fight why not give him a variant instead

Attached: kFGWTKPpB6timXMCPrSuSa.jpg (1920x1080, 733K)

One of the multitude of """leaks""" suggests Uragaan is getting a variant with MAGNETIC POWERS in Iceborne.


Attached: 1561509059689.jpg (749x997, 160K)

Why are you spamming this fanart icon

What does it mean when players send you their guild card? Is it good for anything?

>uragaan with a unique ability instead of giving it to a new monster
thanks i hate it

It means they want you to send it back so they can get the 50 GC achievement

Post leak pls

right here
*unzips mod*

Not that I know of. It's funny in this context because Frontier is absolutely an asset flip of MH2.

While not an MMO, Quake Live is the only game I know of that decided to give up its F2P model for a moneygate in exchange for being immortalized. I'm not very literate on MMOs at all, but generally some of them can at least get vindicated somewhat with private servers if they don't get shot down or held hostage like I heard about CoH earlier this year. I do have to wonder if something like WoW closing down in the future would actually have anyone give a shit when that happens.

I'm a console crusader

Especially when there's already like two Egyptian monsters from Explore, anyway. Funny to see how long this game has lasted for when it's actually only generated like three unique monsters.

Attached: nefu.webm (480x816, 2.93M)

It's just another list like that one. No proofs, or anything. The only solid leaks so far are the cookies.

>also it's a standalone game so you have to beat all the low level content again!
Is it supposed to be a problem? You do know that 3u lr and hr wasn't the same as Tri and P3rd right?

Yeah but I would like to read it

Dragons Dogma seems like a no brainer

I'm all in for Moga 2.0 if these were true

Dragons dogma for a griffin, and i pray for a lost planet collab, that franchise didnt deserve to die the way it did and any akrid design can work for iceborne

Something like this. That's just a half of the list, but it's not really trustworthy or all that inventive with the new monsters.

Attached: D_L1ULIWwAAoD8A.jpg (1080x1080, 93K)

That actually looks real nice

And it already missed Fulgur Anjanath and got Odogaron wrong

If it wasn't for Uragaan that would have been a convincing fake.

God Eater would be kinda cool, but I know it won´t happen.

Attached: Caligula.jpg (598x494, 29K)

I literally made that fake leak.
Stop posting it, Jesus, it's already missing two of the subs.

Monster Hunter.

Well, nobody joined, so I guess I'll close the room.

Sadly no, they won't switch the engine to RE Engine according to an interview probably because they don't want to create monster assets from scratches all over again
So no photorealistic Rathalos for several years to come

Room for what game?

World PC.

That sucks, I'm ps4.

Assets is the least of the worries. Models, textures and animations are just common resources that you can import wherever you need. But they'd have to create all the game systems from the scratch, which is a titanic effort, if we're talking about the game of World's scale or even more advanced.

Is there gonna be a reveal today?

I advise to learn the controls. It'll feel like clunk city if you dont know the button config as it's not intuitive / it won't be 'automatic'. it has its own muscle memory.

There is the SDCC panel in 1 hour and 20 mins.
The site listed "some debuts", so it could be a new monster.

Highly unlikely. But just in case you can try to keep your eye on the SDCC Capcom's panel.

>inb4 milla jovovich's """"""MH"""""" movie

Anubis and Dromi are pretty much just Zinogre and Deviljho anyway so they couldn't be that hard to implement

My bad, you have to beat the low rank content, only the AI is easier this time! And you get a free 50 defense if you're an american player!

>it could actually be the trailer for that
Oh God no

fuck I love these sad monster/cat edits

Attached: 1562862758440.jpg (640x632, 92K)

Anubis without Burst Mode would be no fun though.
But Dromi could work, yes.

Steel uragaan will likely be in anyway, just an easy subspecies to add, which already exists, same for Brute Tigrex, Molten Tigrex, Green Narga, Lucent Narga, Raging Brachy, so on and so forth

It's not like they wouldn't still do devours, it's just now they'd be eating your magic bioenergy instead of your magic oracle cells

Attached: tumblr_pu5b4lkhGO1uauq2ao1_400.png (314x326, 90K)


I have inside knowledge, I work as a janitor (voluntary) at SDCC. Raging Purple Ludroth, Steelhide Lavasioth, Blangonga (Sekiro-cross promotion), and Greater Jaggi are all being revealed today. Please be excited.

>Purple Ludroth
So somebody else remember that monster

They already said that they won't be making a whole new skeleton just for one monster

>get a dubble mount finisher
Huh? Is this something only a Switch Axe can do?

>greater jaggi

IIRC Popos were originally made using the Monkey skeleton but obviously there's not a lot of shared animations there
There are several monsters that use that skeleton though so I wouldn't be too shocked to see some of the monkeys. The ones we're actually going to be waiting a while on are the snakes, bugs, and frogs

double* And I mean that you usually get thrown off after the first finisher but the character stays on the monster for a second finisher.

A theory: Could the tailride mechanic and other AI actions of the minion monsters be interpreted as Capcom testing the waters for the Hunting Hound weapon concept that was almost introduced in Generations? There's a Japanese YouTube video out there of Wulgs being able to "mount" trapped monsters.

Attached: MHxBuki-1_thumb.png (554x398, 188K)

>Blangonga (Sekiro-Cross promotion)

Attached: 1534957584488.jpg (843x958, 246K)

I'd rather have the giant boomerang

>Blangonga (Sekiro-cross promotion)
you better not be getting my hopes up for nothing user

Attached: 1465683500126.jpg (337x367, 95K)

Forgot link to article
>The Hunting Hound was a gunner class whose primary weapon was, well, a dog. The dog could have armor made for it (the book shows a design for Kirin’s armor) that would give it unique attacks and behavior. It was also designed to be able to find Monsters based on scent, or climbing to high places.
>The player would issue commands in the form of button combos to coordinate different attacks – for example, the book shows you being able to target body parts, like the tail, or focus on breaking horns, and so on. Issuing a “follow the tail!” order would even have the pooch follow the Wyvern into the air! The player could ride it to move about the map faster, and it could be fed to recover health or stamina.

That's a possibility.
I mean, it does sound like a very specific thing to introduce.

I've had it happen with the horn

If the monster doesn't fall down for whatever reason you get to keep trying

The Wyvern Boomerang is also cool, but I'm a big fan of animal companions in game and mechanics that involve using them to help you directly in battle.
I see the Palico more as a support feature. When I want an animal companion I'm thinking along the lines of the Hunter class from World of Warcraft.

>watch a dog fight for you
That sounds extremely boring
No wonder it was cut

Might as well complain about FU and 4U too.

Will they show anything at SDCC

Can you emulate monster hunter 3 ultimate yet?

They will show another elder dragon, Valstrax.

Can i actually have a grymalkine instead of the sad cat in iceborne? Im getting tired of my moogle and his stupid sounds

Okay. It was bad in FU and 4U.

Define "show anything"? In general yes, but there won't be any streaming(not Capcom's decision), so we'll have to wait for news from those who attended. New monster reveals? They did there might be "some debuts", but that could mean anything.

Freedom 2 didn't dumb down the monster AI like every game past tri did. Freedom 2 also didn't give you free armor

I doubt that was the reason, most likely they couldn't implement the complex AI of the dog.

dromes comeback when?

>Steelhide Lavasioth

Jokes on you we already have a Red Lavasioth

vague "showing stuff in the game" stuff, so expect 1 hour of capcom talking about how thick glavenus's shit is, or they'll reveal Gore magala riding Zinogre live on stage I don't fucking know.

Attached: comiconsf.png (826x458, 29K)

True but Fu made the lr and hr easier so people could breeze through them and get to G rank faster.

wow it's almost like all the monster hunter games ever made

seriously mh threads were so comfy now it's full of consolewar tards and other breeds of retards

How do I beat Behemoth with randos.

You can with CEMU dunno about the 3ds emulation

>How do I carry dumbshit DPS in MMO queue?
By queuing as a Tank. Same as usual.

Wide range.
It's up to you to keep these retards alive so chug chug chug away

>All those different version of Rathalos
Fucking hate that monster

Attached: 1563029984217.jpg (1199x717, 140K)

Become a mushroom healslut thats how i did it

After a heavy dose of stockholm syndrome I actually really liking the GU changes to CB, it feels a lot more fluid and like I'm actually occasionally suppose to use the axe mode instead of just achieving everything in sword.
The energy blade also satisfies it's need for a reliable big damage attack, even though I wish they didn't completely remove hitpause from it.

13 minutes left

>word player
not actual monster hunter players. i can barely even see them as human

4 what

It sounds neat but it seems a bit too similar to IG with the targeting mechanic. Functionally, I don't know how you stop it from just being an IG with a sword instead of a staff. Having a pet that you need to take care of also sounds unfun

>We could have an interesting looking griffon like ice ED
>We got another Kushala reskin instead
fuck these slant eyed nigger jews

SDCC reveal

they're not revealing shit

It would have been a kush reskin, just with a beak.
Also, feathers are kinda stupid with a monster covering itself in ice.

new bread. SDCC reveal is going on right now and there is 2 anons going there. Let's hope for the worst

Is the SDCC panel being livestreamed?


>an actual good feature
>the cat
I kicked all cats from my lobbies.