Danganronpa Class Trials
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1-3 should be below D tier
3-4 is the worst case in the series
>3-5 and 3-4 that high when they were extremely predictable and not even that interesting
>3-6 that lower than 2-6 and 1-6 despite boiling down to same shit
>1-3 higher than 3-3
Fuck you miu trial is worst because miu die
Honestly it probably should. Although my opinion wasn't the only one going into this.
>1-3 not below D tier
>3-6 not S tier
such shit taste
also, nice font faggot
>1-3 above 2-3 and V3-3
What the fuck?
This but unironically
I wanna lick her toes
>S Tier
>A Tier
1-2, 2-4, 2-6
>B Tier
1-4, 1-6, 2-1
>C Tier
1-1, 2-2
>D Tier
1-3, 1-5
>F Tier
Objectively best taste coming through
Link where
all in the tier
2-5 should be in a league of its own
I bet this man thinks dark souls is a good series
The thinking man's tier list
>3-4 good
I knew it was trash and stopped right there
V3 is the best game in the series.
As a game sure I guess, but why is anyone playing Danganronpa for the gameplay?
The gameplay is fine though
>3-2 that high
into the trash it goes
3-4 fucking sucked, they already did the video game shit in 2
I thought case itself was good, but I understand. Actually playing the trial was terrible between the investigation in the virtual world, the constant TOILETO PAEPA, and them taking so long to talk about the world looping that I questioned if that was even the answer.
Imagine not loving 2
no I liked 2, that's why I'm complaining about 3-4 they already did it once and better for that matter.
3-1 is trash
2-2 that high mostly because Fuyuhiko
>god tier
>great tier
>good tier
>ok tier
>bad tier
>trash tier
>tutorial tier
>not a real trial tier
You can tell if someone genuinely likes and understands Danganronpa or if they're playing it "ironically" and laughing at it instead of with it by whether or not they enjoyed 2-6
3-1 is bad because it directly lies and misleads you which is unlike every other trial in the game.
Every single other trial you can literally solve before the trial even starts just from investigation alone. I understand that certain points get revealed during the trial itself, and that's fine sometimes, but this trial literally decides to have the gameplay rules take a backseat to the plot. Every other trial follows the rules for the gameplay perspective
>Every single other trial you can literally solve before the trial even starts just from investigation alone
Only if you're metagaming. DR1 was bad about withholding information from the player too (but it never outright lied to you) and 2-5 is legitimately unsolvable.
rank the executions instead
I'll give v3 points for having the first few be fucking brutal
I don't have any strong opinion of 2-6
What does that mean?
2-6 would be top tier if it weren't fucking junko again
even if it made sense why, it was kind of annoying to have the same shit again
3-4 really wasn't that good and the premise was fucking stupid. Seesaw-kun's motivations were stupid but his trial was good. 2-2 was also really good despite one of the best girls dying.
>withholding information from the player too
What? Every trial in DR1 can be solved before it even starts
> 2-5 is legitimately unsolvable
That's not the same though. The game didn't lie to you to get to that point.
The player can literally solve Nagito set everything up to make an unsolvable case by himself.
3-3 could've been so fucking good if Korekiyo got away with it.
That's fine, it just grinds my gears listening to cynical dipshits say dumb shit like "it's just a game so none of this matters, why don't they just log out lol" or "you can't just say everything will work out fine in real life this is dumb anime shit lol"
People think they are very smart so they completely fail to understand a story's basic premise and very obvious message. If it doesn't grab you that's fine, as long as you actually understood it.
I found Junko extremely disappointing in DR1 but her performance in DR2 was unbelievably better, so I didn't mind. She sells the finale at least as hard as Hajime, the last speech she gives that sends Hajime over the edge is great and so is her freaking out when he wakes up.
Seesaw man was based, but his trial felt legitimately unfinished. It was unsolvable from the first murder alone and wasted the potential of having two murderers. It would've made for a really interesting group dynamic to have a known killer among them who got off scott free.
3-4 is one of the only trials I completely predicted before the murder took place. It was boring. 2-2's video game part was pointlessly convoluted but it was otherwise pretty great.
Troll list is troll list with 1-1 in S
>chiaki in S but monomi in F
aren't they the same execution though
>kiyo that high when it's just celestia version 2
>peko that low
not a bad list though
I don't know, 1-1's execution stuck with me because I had no real expectations going in and it definitely set the tone.
There's practically no evidence pointing to Mondo in 1-2's investigation besides exactly one throwaway line that isn't brought to the player's attention at all. The game has you rely on implicating himself mid-trial and the condemning piece of hard evidence (the other broken handbook in the sauna) is likewise not shown until near the end of the trial. Plus the fact that Chihiro is a boy which is critical to modeling how the murder played out, though that could have been guessed since there's plenty of hints and Kyoko implies it pretty strongly.
You can work out every detail of 2-5 before the trial but it's still impossible to "solve" because there's absolutely no way to know who the killer is. It IS possible to realize who the traitor is and without even metagaming you could remember that Nagito's stated intent was to weed out the traitor, just as the cast does in the trial, but it's still not a hard "solve" because the outcome remains entirely up to chance.
What the fuck are these list templates
>aren't they the same execution though
Might be counting when she got shot up in the beginning of 2.
It's ranking executions, not cases. They're still crazy for ranking Celeste's that low.
Monomi's "execution" in the prologue. Don't know why it'd be so low though, it's not that impactful but that's better than being actively disappointing like Mikan's.
>There's practically no evidence pointing to Mondo in 1-2's investigation besides exactly one throwaway line
Are you pretending? We knew from investigation that the rooms were switched.
Just because we didn't chihiro was a guy doesn't change the fact he was killed in the boys room, that was obvious from poster and carpet alone.
The fact that it was a dumbbell as well was quite obvious that only strong people could have lifted it, mondo or sakura are the only culprits really
2-5 still works because you were never lied to.
Symptom of the mental illness tumblr develops trying to reconcile what they want these games to be with what they actually are
The list didn't have Korekiyo's for some reason
3-4 was supposed to be about VR shit from a plot perspective. The viewers probably loved VR cases since it was a key point back in Danganronpa 2. It's retarded I know, but it had to be like that
>3-4 is one of the only trials I completely predicted before the murder took place
Same. They called so much attention to the fact that objects can't break, so as soon as I saw Gonta with the roll of toilet paper it was obvious what happened. Knowing that made the trial just feel like a chore because it was just an hour-long build up to a conclusion I already knew.
Danganronpa 2 is my favorite game in the series hands down, so I'm admittedly biased I guess.
Me too but I have to ask, why do you like 2-3 over 1-3 and 3-3?
How should the english localization team handled the first trial?
I acknowledge it's flaws but to be honest I just really enjoy the lead up and investigation in that case.
Crazy Mikan was also pretty fun in the moment. As to why I prefer it over the others well, 1-3 is an obvious trash fire so I don't really need to explain that. My feelings for 3-3 are a bit more tough to put into words, the mystery is just so obvious and in my opinion, plainly uninteresting. The culprit was fun, but that's about it. I just prefer something messier but interesting like case 2-3 than something plain like 3-3.
>1-5 in B tier
That trial is a horrible, gimmicky piece of shit.
It deserves to be in F tier desu
Instead of it saying leon, it should have been a baseball diamond
This, and it's perfect.
My problem with the last case is that they're supposed to be 'rejecting' hope and despair, yet they go with 'future'.
How the fuck is (hope for) 'the future' apparently a separate, superior concept to hope? It's just bizarre.
They were only rejecting hope and despair for the sake of ending the killing games. They were fully resolved and prepared to die then. Once everything got dealt with and they weren't dead, there's nothing wrong with them hoping for a decent future.
1-1 belongs in F tier. Imagine reading a short mystery novel where the first thing that happens is them finding the killer's name written backwards or some shit, and everyone is too perplexed to understand what it means for the entire book up until the last few pages. That shit was comically stupid and almost turned me off from playing the rest of the game.
I like all cases on at least some level. Sure there were aspects I disliked in retrospect but part of the thrill is watching it all unfold and trying to figure out what happened, so even the worst cases were fun
To be fair I think it's not as obvious in japanese. Since that kind of trope probably doesn't exist over there
Apparently it became even easier from the localization because nips generally refer to people by last name instead of first, so the meaning of 11037 would at least be slightly less obvious. Either way it's still too easy to the point where it almost feels like it's mocking you.
They essentially were siding with "Hope" but the point was that they were doing it for their own sake, not out of an obligation for some "greater good" or anything or anyone but themselves.
The point is less that "hope and despair are both bad/flawed" and more "true hope needs an actual foundation to stand on." Nagito was so fucked up because he had basically given up on living for himself and had become obsessed with what he saw as a higher purpose in Hope. The entire second half of the game (and generally the game as a whole, but it's most blatant from Trial 4 onward) is about reinforcing the idea that your life has value in itself and the need to love yourself, accept who you are, and build self-confidence. Hajime is literally a shadow of his former self and had a similar but hollow worldview compared to Nagito, more desperately seeking purpose and meaning to his life than finding it in fanatical devotion, but they both idolized Hope and Hope's Peak. Chiaki and Usami are AI within a game where everything has a predetermined outcome, but even so they understand the value in being alive, being able to make meaningful choices about how you live your life. Gundham and Nekomaru sacrificed themselves for their friends, but didn't simply give up and die for them, because that would have just been throwing away the lives that they had all made sacrifices for.
Think of it like an SMT game where Neutral is a rejection of submitting to Law but not going so far as to create Chaos by enforcing that rejection on everyone else; they have to build their own Hope and create their own Future.
>3rd case is always a double murder.
I'm so fucking retarded
That's one of the best explanations of DR2's ending I've read. You are supremely based user.
The characters themselves pointed this shit out in 2 and 3 nigga
Absolutely based post; that was the whole point of DR 2. Even Makoto acknowledges that hope is not the answer to everything in the end, and ironically, Komaru reaches to the same conclusion in UDG
1-1 has plenty of problems but 11037 really shouldn't ruin it for you. How the murder actually played out is the real twist in the case.
You should realize that the game is Japanese and the characters are Japanese and wouldn't immediately recognize mirrored Roman text that's contrived to look more like numbers at first glance. Localization could not possibly "fix" this without completely re-writing the entire case, and if they had done that it would have ruined one of the best moments in the series when it comes up again in DR2.
There are problems with 11037 even in the original context. Why would Sayaka write Leon's name in English/Romanji? Why his given name instead of his surname?
During the investigation it seems like Kyoko realizes what the "numbers" mean and leaves Makoto to figure them out on his own as a test, but during the Trial she seems as stumped as everyone else for some time. She might just be acting, but why? Kyoko is clearly meant to be competent and already knows more key details that the player never even had access to in the investigation, so in my opinion it would have been better if it was made (more) clear to the player that she understood the situation from the beginning.
The first case always involves the person closest to the protagonist betraying their trust.
The second case always has a relatively sympathetic murder committed for reasons stemming from some sense of duty rather than selfishness.
The third case is always a double murder with a completely unsympathetic motive.
The fourth case kills off the "big guy" in circumstances where they've in some way sacrificed themselves for the good of the group.
The fifth case is where someone's gambit plays out and creates a shocking twist.
I just finished UDG after initially skipping it. I hated it at first but it got better about halfway through. It has the best ending by default because the ending sequence doesn't drag on for way too long like every game in the main series. Anyway how the FUCK did they get away with all the Kotoko shit, was there any backlash to the game at the time?
>without completely re-writing
They've rewrote a shit ton of stuff to conform to eop's.
>Genocide jack
>The beginning nuance to Celeste's name
>Everything Kiyondo says
>Everything Hiro says
man 2-3 and 3-3 were so shitty but were so close to being great. I swore the twist of 2-3 was gonna be that mikan just had the despair disease or what ever the fuck it was called and it turned her from the ditzy, caring nurse to a calculated, cold killer but NOPE. I thought in 3-3 zipperface was going to have killed tenko after angie died but didn't kill angie himself so after you find angies killer they have to deal with knowing he killed somebody and he was going crazy already but NOPE.
What let downs
I know people give Kodaka shit for reusing these tropes, but I feel like it's more that they're just good story beats pacing wise, especially the first and fifth case things.
And a double murder isn't the most flexible thing. You don't really want to kill off too many characters in the first two chapters, because at that point you're still working on establishing the characters full and it already feels like the four who die are missing their potential.
You could do it in chapter 5, but only if it suits the gambit, and it wouldn't have worked for any of the existing chapter 5s. That only leaves chapter 4 as an decent alternative.
Of course, that's if you have to have a double murder, because it isn't strictly needed either.
It's kind of a shame that Nagito is so lame in UDG but it's probably for the best since the whole Hope vs Despair thing is already mostly in the background in UDG, the literal war is more relevant than the ideological conflict. As well as DR2 did exploring "hope" UDG did even better with the theme of "expectations" and I wouldn't trade a second of the Warriors of Hope or the protagonists' screentime for any more creepy Nagito (without it leading to more Ultimate Despair shit).
>It has the best ending by default because the ending sequence doesn't drag on for way too long like every game in the main series
I love UDG but the ending is literally "the same boss fight you've done 4 times" followed by an hour+ long cutscene where you're asked to make the same choice seven times followed by another weak boss and a final half hour of cutscenes to wrap it up. The "protagonist gets a special bullet and a big 'NO THAT'S WRONG'" felt pretty forced and underwhelming even compared to DR1's finale.
>how the FUCK did they get away with all the Kotoko shit, was there any backlash to the game at the time?
Most of the backlash I've seen comes from tumblr people and the like who don't have two brain cells to rub together and realize that the game entirely about "child abuse bad" isn't "sexualizing" the little rape victim because it wants to you jerk off to it. Some people can't wrap their heads around the idea of a story deliberately trying to make them uncomfortable or understand that you can use a serious bad thing for black comedy and still treat it very seriously later.
As a lolicon I feel like I'm exactly the kind of person Kotoko's story was targeted at and I can tell you it was extremely effective, the scenes where she breaks down made me feel sick to my stomach, easily the worst any media has affected me since I was a kid. Anyone who makes fun of "triggers" or throws "warnings" around lightly needs to see the "gentle" scene.
2 > V3 > 1
Actually a fair explanation.
It sounds a lot better when you put it like that.
The day that I will be forced to actually finish V3 is fast approaching
Why forced? At this point if you played UDG it's stupid to not at least finish the damn series
Why are you in this thread if you haven't finished all the games dude
>Everyone putting Komaeda's wild ride in top tier
How can one man be so based?
I was pretty burnt out after watching DR3 and going into V3 I've already been spoiled to shit. So I'm annoyed that I feel like I can't fairly judge stuff like the Chapter 1 twist as I would doing it blind but I've also seen a lot I have problems with, both in what's going on and in the presentation.
I could deal with all of that and keep going though if it wasn't for the fact that I just do not care for the cast at all, almost everyone ranges from "indifferent" to "asshole." The most interesting two characters are the first to die, the protagonist is alright but I'm struggling to see chemistry now that the other two are gone, and beyond that the only one I particularly like is Angie because she's cute and endearingly crazy. It's such a massive contrast from DR2 where almost everyone was cooperative to some extent even if they weren't exactly "friendly" and the first trial had every single character involved and contributing in some way.
Even Monokuma is much worse off, from his "kids" taking his screentime and having a much less entertaining dynamic than he had with Monomi to referential humor that's even more blatant and uninspired to being almost immediately discredited as a threat because he gets killed off as a gag to even his voice being changed for the worse at the start, but thankfully the VA can't keep his old voice from creeping back in.
I don't know, I'll sit down and finish it eventually but it just never grabbed me like the other games did. I was extremely negative on DR2 until around Chapter 4 and now it's one of my favorite games, so my feelings could change, but I'm not counting on it.
The first thing I ever heard about V3 was that it's a Truman Show plot, Danganronpa fans are awful with spoilers. I went through the series all at once and I wasn't about to do an internet blackout for a month. I didn't look anything up or browse Yea Forums but I still got spoiled on 2-5 but I still loved the ride, can't say the same for 3-1.
That's true, but may as well not go into threads to get spoiled further.
I got spoiled on a lot of shit myself and it didn't really hinder my enjoyment, but there were a few things I wished I didn't know.