what does Yea Forums think of okami?
What does Yea Forums think of okami?
It looks fun but I've never played even though I own every platform it's playable on
I beat the big bad dragon and then got to the poison town and the titty bitch rode me into the pirate ship and then I gave up because the game is boring as fuck and apparently it goes on forever
I just finished it recently and I'm probably looking way too much into this but I think Astral Chain is supposed to be kind of a spiritual prequel to Okami.
Ok retard
Pretty good. Some people say it drags on but I couldn't get enough of the combat, visuals, and music. It's basically three zelda games jammed into one game.
ammy cute
Actually fun motion controlled game
That unskippable intro is whats literally kept me from playing it. Also its a "meh" PC port.
I dunno. The Celestial Ark and the Ark in Astral Chain seem to share some similarities not just in name. Ammy being Waka's partner seems kind of similar to how the police officers and their legions work.
long game
Can you not skip the intro on the pc version?
Average gameplay but memorable characters and excellent art design
Final boss was a let down, other than that? Fantastic game.
Good but issun needs to fuck off with his forced help. Should have like navi where it was optional.
Holy fuck get some meds for your adhd.
One of my favorite games ever think I've bought it like 3 times and 100% it each time.
Very good style and music. Good story, Easy gameplay and puzzles. It's definitely worth a playthrough
Too easy and mired by pacing issues, but a great game from start to finish. Okamiden on DS is a lot worse despite being one of the DS's better 3D adventure games.
I like it. I just wish you could use the pad to draw on the ps4.
I liked it when it was an exclusive gem but it became shit when it got ported
You can do that on PC lmao. As well as some other really cool stuff with the gamepad.
You can also disable the motion blur.
The best wolf-based Zelda game to have come out in 2006.
>I think Astral Chain is supposed to be kind of a spiritual prequel to Okami.
How the ever loving fuck did you go to that conclusion? They don't look anything alike.
Retard whom has never played the game. You CAN skip the intro, you fucking faggot.
If you've never played a zelda game, it's good.
If you've played a zelda game, it's a bit long.
I think a lot of the backstory of Okami is eerily similar to what we know about Astral Chain's setting. Obviously they're not going to be directly connected but I think Astral Chain might as connected to Okami as much as Xenoblade was "connected" to Xenogears.
I think my memories of Okami might be sullied forever if Astral Chain took place on the moon.
One of my favorite ever games and possibly the most soulful game of all time
It's an excellent game and probably the best of the Zelda style. The combat's on the easy side, but it plays out in such a flowing and over the top way that it's still a joy.
Great aesthetics, great soundtrack, good story, lots of interesting characters, decent gameplay, all of it completely fucking ruined by Issun and the hand-holding that never ends even in the final dungeon.
better than zelda
The game is solid A-tier but fighting orochii 3 times is bullshit
too bad it kida does overstay its welcome
got bored during the final stretch
Basically this
Too easy. Other than that, it's great.
I love it just because it ends like 3 times but then is like fuck you there's more. Fantastic game took me like 80 hours to 100%.
It has a lot of style and charm but it's too long and easy as fuck. Going back in time so you could repeat the same shit you did like 10 hours ago was overdoing it. Probably Kamiya's weakest game (but still good).
>poison town is almost done
He is barely halfway dude. Poison town is the best place in the game.
Also imagine being upset that a game goes on too long/forever.
>first played it on ps2 in 2008 and liked it a lot
>came back to it ten years later and can't tolerate the slow pace and braindead easy gameplay
>10 hours ago
That's more like 30 hours ago if you're not doing every side quest.
Solid game but it's way too easy.
If it were slightly challenging it could be a classic.
>too easy
>issun never shuts the fuck up
Other than that it's a 10/10 game still looks beautiful today. Definitely in my top 10.
If non poisonous Sei'An or whatever it's called does nothing for you (It's basically the game's hub) then I guess it's just not your kind of game.