Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

Dota 2 vs League of Legends, which game is better?

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Both are shit, but i played both and LoL are better, it's way less complicated and better for new players

dota is less p2w but the real answer is the one your friends play
please don't play ASSFAGGOTS games solo. you won't have fun.

Dota has white champions so dota 2 easily
if you really really really like chinks and chinese mega corporations like tencent then league is fine too

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But it can be frustrating if your friends tilt easily


also don't forget to stop by d2g the dota 2 general on /vg/, we'll help you learn the ropes if you need it

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Dota2 is sold out to fucking chinks too so pot is calling kettle black.


game sucks farts if you aren't playing with friends

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i impulse bought the battle pass in a drunken haze how do I refund it

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friends raging is the reason i stopped playing altogether. they still play and i drop by their discord occasionally and they are just sitting there mad

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the one which our future president of estonia plays competitively

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based 2gd

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Never forget the day USA won TI
USA can actually win shit in dota since it's a thinking man's game filled with strategy instead of gook click reaction time where games last 40min with less than 10 kills total

therefore, Dota 2

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>LoL are better
as you can tell, league is for non-whites

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Its a trick question, all ASSFAGGOTS suck

true, but dota is better of the suck

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>that manlet
my yikes

>that shortstack
my penis

The waifu game in Dota 2 is weak but there's lots of good fag bait

dota 2 has the best waifus

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The choice for people who are either mired in the past and can't move forward or really like the formula for DOTA with all its complexity therein.
The modern DOTA, it takes the original and spruces it up, simplifies it a bit, but is otherwise the same. A very popular choice.
>League of Legends
They took DOTA and then simplified it quite a bit, it's the average person's choice and by far the biggest, it has its benefits and drawbacks over the prior options.
>Heroes of the Storm
Blizzard looked at League of Legends and said "Yaknow, I want a bit of that" and then went on to simplify League of Legends into its most basic elements and make it almost retard-proof, is the easiest of the listed ones, also the least popular one thus far, but still relatively popular because Blizzard.

>tfw no tall gf

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dota 2

dota but quit a while ago cause matchmaking is completely fucked region locking needs to be a thing

>MFW Riot's recent patch fucked up the game even more than usual because of the copious amounts of spaghetti

There already is

dota 2 has soft region lock now

it works in that you will be matched with people who speak your language in your region now, but it's not a hard region lock so you can still queue with friends anywhere
peruvians still queue us east, but valve matches you against them with US based pings so you get americans vs peruvians sometimes, but it still tries to match US vs US based pings now

give it a try again, I've gained unironically over 2k mmr this season and last season
dota is the most fun it's ever been since they implemented those changes

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dota is better but it's fucking stressful, way more than league

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this and behavior score added a ton to match making
I haven't had a raging thirdy or feeder in a very long time, I'm talking at least 6 months

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Might return if that makes everyone english, I havent played in like 5 months or so but whenever I played solo or duo ranked with a friend I would get rest of people on my team english but always really casual players meanwhile enemy team is always 5 peruvians that sit in a cafe and play 24/7

League is a much better game but it's still an ASSFAGGOTS so everything is relative.
Dota 2 was exclusively for people who pissed and moaned that HoN was trying to move the game forward and want everything frozen back the way it was in All-stars 6.0, except run through an ugly mud shit filter. You also won't find a single player who speaks English as a first language or comes from a First World country


You can even type "status" into console to see how much of an impact this has.
>my team
>50-70 ping
>enemy team
>100-140 ping

I was talking to an Argentinean and Russian (who speaks english) and they seethe that they get matched with Perus/Russians respectively in USE/EU

yeah now that it's whitie stomping thirdies dota is way more fun
especially USW cause sometimes chinks comes for thrashin

Interesting choice LARPing as a S2 employee but whatever makes you happy my man.


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As someone who played both since their early beta days, dota 2 hands down. Dota 2 seems to improve with every patch and isnt afraid of changes in the meta, while LoL seemed to make the game worse with every fucking patch, and is afraid to introduce anything complex because the community cant use their brain.

what happened? The game is already fucked enough as is.

Yea, its great, i also love 10 minute ques. So fucking fun. Good fucking standing either does nothing, or i just dread what people with less than 10k positive feels good points have to go trough.

yeah 10k goodboy points is dota heaven

white european males dominate dota
therefore white european males must play dota

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dota makes white millionaires

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>Annie has permanent stun once her passive's stacked
>Pyke ult can kill his own teammates
>Morde ult causes all spells in the game to stop working
>Several runes not working
>Several spells not working
>Several people reporting that the game client
crashes so hard the only thing they can do is restart their computer
And that's just a drop in the bucket. But at least their Auto-Chess clone seems to be working fine?

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both are shit but I like leegs skins better

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Might as well abandon the game at that point, kek
>infinite Annie stun
OMG I wish I were still playing, as a former Annie lover.

I'm convinced only like 10% of Riot's employees are actively working on the game and the other 90% are artists and marketers. Frankly they should be embarrassed at the amount of bugs in this patch.

I love bugs like this. Tho nothing will beat my #1 favourite bug in a moba, where in HoN you would literally delete a player from a match. As in completely remove the model of the hero from the game till the end of the match. So you could delete the whole enemy team and play 0 vs 5

He was thrown out of his team. Betrayed and backstabbed by his best friend. But he found new friends. People no one cared about. So he made a new team And he won guys.

He fucking won.

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Can this year beat last year in kino? Somehow I doubt it.

I dont have friends. I have fun in solo with the help of the text and voice mute.

you can download dota right now and get the entire full experience for free

it's the best deal ever

Dota 2 used to be the best game in the world.
Now they're exactly the same shit with different graphics

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Nah, Dota is still the best

Burgers and russians don't like league because they cant git gud

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Current Dota is a fucking joke compared to 2010-2013 dota

current dota has puppey reigning king which means dota is in the best state it's ever been in

Can you imagine him fucking your throat like the slut you are

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I love Smite, picked it up on the Switch and it's comfy to play a match or two before bed. It's nice playing a 'moba' style game for all the whimsical reasons you originally started playing them, which was the cool characters and themes. After you learn everything about the game it becomes less fun and more depressing to play

Played league since year one(main was old swain before they slaughtered his design.)

I've stopped and feel better bout it. Now I play mostly single player games and having more fun. However I'm back in league with tft. Hopefully I'll get bored of it soon.

can you

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Blonde boy is cute. Dota has the best boys


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>sell out to china money
>still stomp all their players since TI 5 so they sit their paying for a product they can never enjoy
When even Chuan doesn't want to go back, you know gooks are doomed

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G2 is the best league of legends team in the world

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Haven't played since 2013 and I'm considering coming back with the soft region lock. What's changed?

>le dunkey video reply

so they even won Fifa cup or something?

league of legends
better gameplay because no turn rate
no russians

Someone just post the LoL pro player worshipping the ground Dota 2 stands on and lets get over it.
It's a miracle these retards haven't drug up twitch views

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Everything is much faster.
There's constant fighting.
Jungle is no longer a thing
Every hero has a talent system
Farming is not as impactful

Basically, imagine if 2013 dota tried to become HOTS

There's no reason to post that because that was years ago.
Dota 2 is completely different now, they're both the same shitty game now.

and better character design

yes i can imagine myself bleeding and my legs quivering.

also is he currently the oldest esport player still playing? how old is this motherfucker? 40?!

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With Lol champion or Dota hero would make me into a moneyslave


Fuck I've been here for far too long.

Juggernaut aka "No less than i deserve"

Yea Forums casuals confirmed for not being able to handle a game with any mechanical complexity.

you have to post the inevitable jinxismywaifu followup where some random diamond scrub from LoL made top 2000 players in just 2 weeks of playing dota2


yeah I switched from league to dota and it carried over a lot
I just got ancient this week and still climbing

>sold out

You mean, raking them chinks cash right?
Unlike Riot who literally sold everything they have to tencent.

ASSFAGGOTS 2 players are the worst bar none. Not even close.
Buried up their own rear ends and cannot shut the fuck up about what hardcore epic gaymers they are when DotA itself was the joke of the WC3 maps community. (And fuck you for clogging up the server list with that boring crap, I'm still mad.)


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>league of legendssss wow champions in a league of legends, haha

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the fuck did you say to me

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Dota is the adult version of League

Prove me wrong

this thread proves dota is for white people

>farming is not as impactful
Proof that you're full of shit. Clearing a wave gets you more gold than a kill, farming is still the best way to get gold unless you're a support

Dota 2 = Team compositions, coordinated play, macro game

League = Winning lane and attempting to solo carry 4 other retards

Dota 2 is better as a competitive game but the heroes aren't as fun to micro as League's are.

What is it about dota that causes the koreans to not be able to crack it? Game has been out for 8 years and the koreans have not seen any real success at top level. Get owned you gook fucks

99% of chink org are shit and don't getstarted on ACE

If they readded Yorick before they fucked him, or made a way to play the game the way it was in season 2 or 3, League would be the more fun game.
Skillwise and e-sportswise, Dota is far superior

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holy fuck that perspective makes me so uncomfortable

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