What the fuck was her problem?


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she didn’t get enough porn

she wanted to swallow kirby's monster cock but has no mouth

She's into Meta Knight.

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>Be a cute moe blob
>Desperately try to look like a badass demon by wearing a mask and cape and other accessories

Why is he such an edgelord?

It's a phase.

You know when you think about it, she's technically an OL

Considering how long he has been at it, I doubt it

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its a very LONG phase.

In other news, Adeleine showed up in this month CoroCoro manga, good for her!

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She has 0 art with Headpats, cuddles or handholding.

Sorry user, is here to stay, blame Shimomura for that

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I wonder how she managed to survive in another dimension assuming she was just a kid then. makes sense that she would become an alien bitch

she deserved to die way more than Haltmann did

She almost unleashed a genocidal computer on the universe because she fucked up haltman's control attempt and made it go rampant.

She wasn't bouncing up and down on my cock.

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Seriously, I can't believe they killed haltman; Even shits like Marx are alive and well, and they killed someone who only wanted to see his daughter again?

Maybe, but I'm sure she is sorry about that

Is there supposed to be some sort of greater background plot to the kirby series?
I keep seeing this crap about an ancient super advanced civilization with super machines pop up in the games, and it seems like every sealed artifact is some sort of cage for Zero or dark matter in some form or another.

Seems kind of pointless for a series about a pink blob that lives in sugarland for 5 year olds.


she knew her dad was searching for her or a way to bring her back but didnt fucking tell her dad that she is actually still alive, which is why haltman's wishes of bringing her back always failed

I find it more shocking that they bring attention to that fact with the secret final battle with even his soul getting deleted. I really love how there are a bunch of hidden hints in this game to piece together the underlying story of haltmann and susie. Hope we get a more personalized story like this for the next Kirby game unlike Star Allies with all insane implications Void creates about their universe
There seems to be one developing over-time with the newer Kirby games with different ancient factions that either obsessed or technology or magic that were responsible for things like NOVA. It's really weird to talk and think about since you don't see this kind of continuity with other Nintendo series

Shadow Kirby (not the one from Amazing Mirror, the one from Triple Deluxe, from Another Dimension) or someone else could've helped her.

Consider that he only gets "fully erased" in The True Arena, which is considered a non-canon "what if?" scenario. I could see them pulling a "we rescued what was left of his mind from the wreckage of Star Dream and put him in a robot body" excuse if they ever wanted to bring him back.

The lore is there for older players who have stuck with the series for so long. Just little nods here and there to older games that link it all together. It's just an extra nice thing.

My theory is that there was an ancient civilization that warred against Dark matter but couldn't kill him because he can only be harmed by positive emotions and they only had cold emotionless technology. So they just chopped him up into multiple pieces and sealed him away instead.
Then galacta knight got board without anything to fight and tried to take over, leading to the civilization being destroyed by infighting to seal HIM away.

how much of a cunt would you have to be to not say "Oh hey dad, I'm your secretary"?

>she has a boyfriend
This can't be happening...

She was a spiteful cunt who thought that him spending so much time with Star Dream and not recognizing her when she got back meant that he loved the machine more than her. A problem that would have been solved by literally just communicating with him instead of being a dumb bitch. "Hey, why are you working on Star Dream so much?" "I'm trying to get my daughter back!" "Hey, why don't you recognize your own daughter?" "Huh? Are you Susie?"

well, to be fair, he was a complete asshole to her as his secretary and forgot ever wanting his daughter back, just wanting more and more money by the end.

That only happened because he lost his memories the more he tried to use Star Dream as a result of the Neural Link. Star Dream was pulling the strings as he trusted it completely and led him to believe invasion and profit was the best course of action and he eventually forgot his original goal.

By the time she got back to Haltmann he probably didn't even know what a susie was since the robo was draining his memories. He could have thought the idea was too absurd or was just too busy running his giant alien corporation that was taking over entire planets

The only reason he hired Susie is because somewhere in his heart he did recognize her even if his mind didn't. If Susie had tried at all she could've gotten him to remember her, and he eventually does but only when he's about to die.

Well again Susie wasn't even aware of Star Dream's brain probing business and the worst case scenario of her own father just not caring as much about her as a machine was probably a lot easier to believe for a Kirby character being sent to a death zone at a young age. Who knows maybe even Star Dream pulled a Wall-E and tried to keep him as far as way from the question as possible since it would have known his true intentions the whole time

I wish they would find some way to tell a meaningful plot that didn’t involve spoonfeeding information through boss pause screens.

Dark Matter is an entity so alien to the rest of Dreamland that its attempts at befriending it just end up looking like possession, corruption, and absorption. Every inhabitant of Dreamland wants Dark Matter sealed away, even Dark Matter wants Dark Matter sealed away because Gooey is its one success at making friends without assimilating something but it only accomplished this on accident by separating a part of its being into an individual, albeit retarded, consciousness.
Why is Dark Matter so alien to the rest of Dreamland? Well... eyeballs. It is the waking mind. It is the natural antithesis to DREAMS. Dark Matter assimilating all of dreamland would open everybody's eyes and end the dream. That's why it is the villain.
Tell me, what is the only other villain that wasn't just actually Dark Matter in one way or another or just someone being a jerk until Kirby slapped them into friendship? Nightmare. A literal Nightmare. Who covers any possible eyes in mirrored shades. Because a Nightmare doesn't want you to wake up, but also doesn't want you to have sweet dreams.
Kirby is simply your dreaming Id, responsible for the substantiation of everything else.

how did shimomura and sakurai get away with this

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...but hey! That's just a theory! A GAME theory! Thanks for watching.

>the only
Queen sectonia.
Dark mind.
Dark meta knight.

And even if she did, Kirby has nothing to swallow.


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Is she daydreaming about kirby or something?? Doesn't she know he's taken by Ribbon?

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I really prefered the non-cannon story that the Susie in game was an imperfect clone of the original after she had died, creating a personality that was so ditatched from her former self that Haltman distanced himself more and more until she cracked and wanted to take everything for herself.
At least compared to the plotline that was presented in an interview afterwards.

Very nice. The author did seem to be taken away with Adeleine. Ever since her first appearance in DDDnPPP she's been treated as the new main character. Adeleine is a nostalgic kind of character. She reminds you o better times in two different ways now. She's a character intrinsically linked to the feeling of childhood. When the world was interesting and anyone could be a friend. Somewhat of a Pollyanna. But she's also nostalgic of when it was a different time of video games, with more innosence and creativity, and she sort of encapsulares that.

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>Queen sectonia.
Dark Matter made her do it. Dark Matter eyeballs on her flower units.
>Dark mind.
Dark Matter, mirror edition.
>Dark meta knight.
Not a final boss and slapped into friendship.
Dark Matter. His red eyes are actually just the red iris of the giant Dark Matter eyeball inside his skull mask.
Slapped into friendship.

>Dark Matter made her do it. Dark Matter eyeballs on her flower units.
Actually she was corrupted by the Dimension Mirror, so if anything it was Dark Mind.
>Not a final boss and slapped into friendship.
The Dream Friends might be either non-canon or brainwashed by Friend Magic. Dark Meta Knight is still evil and attacks Dedede on sight in Triple Deluxe.
See above.

School Adeleine is cute
School Kirby is nightmare fuel

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She was literally just working,she doesn't even know about her past and haltman doesn't know about her being his daughter

Interesting in the Kirby battle Royale game she's working with dedede in the space stuff so again she's literally just working,she isn't evil or that shit

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>She was literally just working,she doesn't even know about her past
Did you even play the game?

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